7 Transforming Bosses Who Made Us Regret Our Cockiness

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they say the pride comes before a fall that pride can also come after a fall if it was a particularly cool fall that didn't actually hurt I told you I meant to do it anyway a place where pride definitely can come before a fall it in games like when you encounter a boss who looks easy and unintimidating who then transforms into something you would have sooner not picked a fight with consider these seven bosses who did exactly that enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games I told you Jane I was doing a backflip and I decided to invent a new kind of backflip where you only go half way it's the heart I call it the half flip yeah the ND half maybe everyone's gonna be doing it soon and you'll be like oh it's fine I told you supposed to be at this angle I am proud of what you weight out you want YouTube everyone will be doing the half flip in six months time it's gonna be the new thing it's gonna be the new floss ah oh she's so young yeah how's our guest sleep in poor thing oh I say let him be okay here for a few days leastwise till we get him into town Zoe go get some fresh clothes from the laundry room okay in Resident Evil 7 you find yourself at the mercy of the Baker family a group of folks who are ironically extremely bad at baking judging by the state of the rest of their cooking tentacley each of the bakers is a nasty piece of work in their own way but it might have comforted you to know ahead of time that the final boss isn't the Baker matriarch Marguerite who is part woman part beehive nor is it wayward son Lucas who has a thing for cruel and unusual pranks and it's not even patriarch Jack Baker who is usually either on fire or brandishing a chainsaw instead the final enemy you'll be facing is Evelyn Evelyn you remember is the insensible old woman you find parked in a wheelchair at various points around the Baker family plantation given that by the end of Resident Evil 7 you're armed with enough pistols shotguns and flamethrowers to reenact the finale of a Tarantino movie you'd be forgiven for thinking this battle with an ammo ball old lady is gonna be a pretty one-sided affair I mean you could probably just tip that wheelchair off a balcony and be done with it Oh set it rolling down the hill towards the Bayou let the Gator sort it out that's horrible I had to eat tentacles but that kind of overconfidence would prove to be your undoing because it turns out the neither here has another form that's right a small child nice yeah I'm sticking with a gator plan or I would do if Evelyn didn't have a third and final form which is a giant horrifying mold monster ripped straight from a janitor's Nightmares [Applause] you might be wondering how you're even supposed to go about fighting this thing when it's pissed off impervious to regular weapons and the size of a Pizza Hut but you are forgetting that this is a Resident Evil game and as such someone will be along any second to throw you the exact weapon you need to defeat it playtime's ah there we go still warning next time resident evil geez what are you doing in there Oh God look someone has to watch this object at all times we're a deviant my super place we've never showed up can you help me of all the kitchen appliances the fridge is our favorite that's where the food lives so imagine our surprise and dismay to discover deep inside the Federal Bureau of control in remedies control a fridge that had turned to evil we always thought the kettle would be the one to turn the fridge in question is what is known in control as an altered item and it needs someone to constantly be looking at it or else it will deviate a term which here we can assume means something extremely bad of course with us in charge of things now is the new director of the FPC we're not going to stand for any evil fridges terrorizing our self so full of a kind of confidence that only comes from having a magic gun and the power to psychically hurl chunks of masonry we head over to give this fridge a stern talking-to and then if that doesn't work a hail of gunfire it's a tough management cell but productivities never been higher anyway the first sign that this fridge might be more trouble than it initially appears is the fact that once you've got the door to its containment cell unlocked the guy posted inside to keep an eye on it is turned almost immediately into a red smear that probably won't be attending the company picnic this year booked a wage touching the fridge at this point transports us to the astral plane where it becomes quickly apparent that the fridge was in fact host to an interdimensional creature called the former and the former is a kind of spider legs searchlight monster that can fire exploding balls out of its face to be honest that would explain why the milk keeps going off this is a much much tougher boss fight than we were anticipating when it first became clear we were going to have to have a fight with a fridge and who knows what kind of horrifying monstrosity is the other appliances are hiding I've got my eye on you buddy [Music] there's a reason that the Joker is Batman's most iconic arch-nemesis he and the Dark Knight are two sides of the same coin their anarchy and chaos versus discipline and order the Joker isn't a physically imposing figure but the psychological threat he poses to Batman is incalculable he surrendered almost without a fight I don't like it he's also just got some really really solid jokes joke's on you classic with that in mind the Joker works best as a villain when he keeps Batman at arm's length because if Batman gets close enough he will use those arms to punch Joker in the face by the end of Batman Arkham Asylum having spent the whole game chasing Joker and trying to get close enough to take him down you'll be anticipating a well-earned one-sided beatdown nicely done bats you deserve a prize after all up to this point we've had to fight Bane zazz Killer Croc and about 300 powerlifting inmates how much trouble are we gonna have squaring off against a failed stand-up comedian who weighs 90 pounds wet quite a lot it turns out because just before things kick off Joker injects himself with Titan formula that's the experimental chemical based on these stuff that makes Bane massive and which transforms Joker from a spindly weakling into a Resident Evil boss with a mohawk it seems to me that the world's greatest detective would deduce that having a fistfight with a giant Mohawk monster made of insanity steroids was a bad idea and come back later in the batwing to shoot everyone with machine guns but I guess we're in it now [Music] at least that's Joker defeated forever two more games and a prequel [Music] now I'm not much of a fighter but even I reckon I could take a flower in a fight most flowers maybe not one of those really big sunflowers situations like that you just throw your wallet and run so once it became clear that the main villain of undertale was a flower the imaginative you named flower I for one equally awaited our inevitable confrontation I mean I know I'm just a weird-looking kid armed with the power of French air but even so that's gonna be a pretty one-sided fight just boot him in the petals kick is stamen right off stamp on his middle bit I'm all out of flower Anatomy your first sign that things maybe aren't going to go the way you expected is when you try to save the game and your precious save gets a raise and then someone smashes a hole in the screen and oh hey here's flower although he seems bigger than usual and was he always manically vibrating like that and oh good he's eating a bunch of human souls even better it was flowery who erased your savegame and he's going to save over it with your death so you can endlessly repeat it and man this is some real nightmare fuel not gonna lie that's not even the worst of it because here comes flower in his new form Photoshop flowey who is a shuddering crawling hairy monstrosity with a horrible gnashing beak tentacles paws way too many eyes human teeth a TV I know how it is I too got overexcited when I first learned how to use Photoshop flowey then subjects you to a bullet held nightmare of vines flamethrowers machine guns and lasers that if we're honest had we known about prior to the fight we might have negotiated our surrender oh hey and he is reloading our death over and over so we can endlessly repeat it say what you will about flowey but he's a flower of his word you've got to respect that I like those sunflowers did you feel it or that's which bound us was stay loose it's not that simple it's very simple you either deceived me or not Detlef is the main antagonist from blood and wine which is an expansion for The Witcher 3 and two things that are really hard to get out of a white t-shirt it turns out that Detlef has been on a brutal murderous spree across Boclair earning him the name the beast of Eau Claire I saw a hate popping eyes bulging the tongue blue and popped out next to it I hacked rocking up on the water man I hope none of his victims were wearing a white t-shirt when you finally catch up with the Beast of Boclair however he's far less threatening than the sort of monsters Geralt is accustomed to killing instead of a 30-foot tall troll or something Detlef is a well-dressed well-spoken gentleman he's the sort of guy who's less likely to do you direct physical harm and more the sort who would embezzle money from your pension plan or something you wonder what a monster might have to say to you it might want to apologize my word what mighty monster wish to apologize to a Witcher for killing there were times there is no choice when loved ones are at risk and require protection so with you being go out these supernaturally powerful Witcher you're likely to feel pretty cocky at this point but it turns out that that laughs is a so-called higher vampire and although higher vampires sounds like a new stone a horror comedy coming this fall in the world of The Witcher these are the nastiest most powerful vamps around and a manicurists nightmare you're not getting shots there's not enough shellac in the whole world horrifying yes but you still might be thinking this that face creep will be unmanageable opponent well-prepared to choke on your hubris because when you face that up again at the end of the game he transforms once more this time into what looks like the chest burster from alien as reimagined for a slayer album cover [Music] at least Geralt wearing dark colors smart guy how soft is the essence of life we Alchemist have the ability to convert it into power we can live forever your as Arjuna belongs to me remember that bits in resident evil for where you free a dog from a trap and then later on it comes back and helps you in a boss fight hey it's that dark haunting ground for the ps2 is basically that but an entire game you play as Fiona or a young woman who wakes up after a car accident to find herself imprisoned in a spooky old castle wait a minute being in the car with soon enough you are joined by the aforementioned dog a white German Shepherd called Hughie and you must team up to escape the castle avoiding and occasionally fighting various twisted and menacing enemies along the way the final boss of the game however is an old old man called Lorenzo who you thought was helping you but who actually turns out to be the villain of the piece also he wants to kill you so he can become immortal also I'm not sure he ever learned how to laugh properly no it's more like okay getting colder still Lorenzo is extremely old and as such when it comes time to actually fight him all he's able to do is crawl towards you having long ago lost the use of his legs but don't let that stop you crushing him in an industrial rock crusher better safe than sorry that was a pretty easy final boss you might be thinking if you haven't watched any of the previous five entries in this video if you have watched those you can probably guess what's coming next that's right it's Lorenzo and he's back only now he's young and basically invincible and has magic punches and can teleport also he kicks the dog and we definitely didn't sign up for that what we did sign up for was pushing old men into rock crushers we were very clear on the subject anyway if you and Huey persevere you can lure Lorenzo into the lava pit in the middle of the room now he's dead for sure you might be thinking and you'd be right except for the brief time he comes back as a non-fire skeleton this skeleton Lorenzo can kill you with a single hit if he touches you which as escalating a situation goes is pretty much checkmate what did we do to deserve this I mean apart from pushing an old man into a rock crusher yeah I was probably that wasn't it no it's more like haha never mind when we think of vicars we think of church garden parties being bored at Sunday school and tea and cake in the vicarage parlor so you can imagine our sense of relief as we approached vicar Amelia in blood-borne after the harrowing time we'd had reaching the grand Cathedral surely she'll offer us a cup of tea and a baked well slice we thought stupidly because vicar Amelia looks anything but dangerous when you find her knelt in quiet prayer she's probably the least terrifying thing you've seen in the game so far and I'm sure there's nothing suspicious at all about this large boss bite-sized room she's waiting in approach vicar mediator perhaps ask for directions to the nearest exit from this accursed Hell City though and she'll transform Coralie into a sort of rusev and monstery Afghan hound in beast form Emilia is a hairy nightmare leaping around the Cathedral and chlorine you too bloody ribbons which never happened at any of the vicarage garden parties I went to I'm beginning to think we're not going to get that baked well slice feels good it's the good feeling of the half flip for more information on the half lip you can visit the website I'm gonna make soon that I'll let you know when I've got a URL but in there yeah the gymnastics Association website and they'll tell you how to how to do it we do is just half the back limb it's it's pretty pretty self-explanatory anyway I'm here to tell you about more videos here's one it's about the ways the games explain the way their video game mechanics with cool in universe explorations and down here as a video from outside extra about bosses you killed from inside out so we imagine that horrible sounds like anyway see you like next time and enjoyed half flips but don't actually I should probably say don't actually do this
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 3,571,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy farrant, jane douglas, 7 things, list, top 7, top 10, best, worst, funny, mike channell, bosses, boss, transforming, final form, eveline, resident evil 7, old lady, girl, final boss, baker, fridge, control, former, fridge duty, the joker, arkham asylum, titan, photoshop flowey, flowey, undertale, pacifist, neutral, dettlaff, detlaff, witcher 3, blood and wine, vampire, transformation, lorenzo, haunting ground, vicar amelia, bloodborne, resident evil 7 eveline, eveline old
Id: 7v-KIxHOhrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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