High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 7

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in got us 50 quarters 10 apiece oh well they got in there oh it's like about five towers oh nice [Music] pretty good got bitcoin in there [Music] a whole bunch of dollar bills too well that didn't last long that was all 50 every quarters let's go check it out see what we won be right back nice we got 1190 already wow i've already made our buying money back doubled it already i probably got about a hundred quarters also let's get to it make some big money that butt coin's about to go oh there's a big old push oh wow nice we got that bitcoin [Music] oh 50 bill just fell oh i think 500 just fell out of there i don't know we'll check it out here in a minute it's doing amazing all right that's the last ever quarters though gee golly that did good all right be right back and clean that out nice we got 550 right there so i was wrong there wasn't there wasn't a 500 chip to fill but we got that shiny bitcoin oh yeah nice [Music] quarters we got 150 200 quarters now doing real good it's amazing still got a whole bunch of money on there we can win [Music] oh yeah [Music] wow oh there's another 500 right there a couple of they're going over here too [Music] nice [Music] we got about a hundred quarters left [Music] all right dropping quarters everywhere darn it let's get them in there get some big pushes hope we make a lot of money all right that's the last of them right there oh i got a big old tower that medium tower right there still standing standing proud all right let's check it out see what we got oh yeah got another 220 bucks sweet i got about 250 300 quarters also oh wow a tire fell oh there's quite a quite a few 500 chips in there that make some good money off that oh yeah real good [Music] wow [Music] all right that's the last ever quarters right there oh that was a nice push all right let's check it out see what we got oh yeah another two thousand dollars right there it's nice it's doing real good we got about 300 quarters also since we can't get a bunch of this over here a bunch of this over here before that great big old tire falls [Music] nice oh yeah real good oh wow that was the last several quarters though gee guy that was that was a lot a big old tower let's check it out see what we got oh yeah at 2230 bucks right there it's doing real good still got about 250 quarters all right let's get to it [Music] gonna try to get some of them double stacks knocked down up there got a whole bunch stacked up up here oh nice [Music] oh yeah wow [Music] doing amazing got about 100 quarters left let's get them in there oh nice get some good pushes [Music] make some big money [Music] come on baby that's the last of them right there [Music] oh yeah that's a nice little push all right let's check it out see what we got wow check that out 6520 bucks right there oh my gosh still got about 300 quarters let's get to it oh the house making all kinds of quarters off of us today see it all sliding out that thing right there [Music] oh wow we're still winning now definitely a risky game i got pretty lucky got a good start [Music] all right about about 20 quarters left let's get them in there all right see what we get come on ah nothing all right let's check it out be right back nice end up with another 3 460 right there that's amazing we lost quite a bit of quarters though we got about 200 quarters so let's uh try to drop them in there real carefully see if we can't get some quarters back make as much of that money as i can i don't want to run out of quarters [Music] doing amazing now oh butterfingers [Music] all right we've got about 20 quarters left that's half of them there's the other half oh all right well let's check it out see what we got oh yeah check that out 920 bucks it's still paying out paying out good we got about 300 quarters also so it's that's being careful got us quite a few quarters back let's keep at it oh yeah i think we need some big pushes again [Music] get a whole bunch of quarters in there i guess we can't get some big pushes here in a minute just drop them in there come on baby oh yeah that's doing amazing i got a little bit left about about 100 or so let's get them in that's about 50 of them there's the rest of them come on baby all right let's check it out see what we got that's the last of our quarters all right all right we got 1 630 right there oh yeah we lost a little bit of quarters though we're down to about 200 there's a whole bunch of them up there on that shelf there we can get we're going to keep with the big pushes for now come on baby i got about 50 quarters left there it is oh a big push come on oh all right let's check it out see what we got right around got 230 bucks we lost a bunch of quarters though we're down to about 150. oh nice the tire fell over well take time to slow her down a little bit get some quarters back [Music] don't worry i don't go that slow oh yeah that'd be a good push nice [Music] another good push oh yeah [Music] yeah whole thing swift that way nice that's the last of them out there [Music] let's check it out see what we got all right around we got 670 dollars oh yeah hot potato and we got about 300 quarters nice see if we can't clear it all off of there dropping quarters left and right things are ten dollars a piece just tossing them all around everywhere it's doing amazing i got about 100 left [Music] got about 20 left now all right that's the last of them right there [Music] all right let's check it out see what we got oh yeah we got 1 110 right there baby nice so we got about 300 quarters maybe 350. oh butterfingers oh yeah so got about 200 quarters left nice [Music] so much down there it's overflowing in the loop all right that was the last recorder's elves be right back all right robert got 650 dollars i think it's all in tens but there might be okay there's a couple hundreds in there anyways it's a bunch we got about 300 quarters again [Music] i dropped a whole bunch of quarters there [Music] all right here's the last of them whoops a couple too many i think [Music] ah it'll sort itself out here in a second [Music] it always does [Music] yeah i'm gonna grab some more quarters real quick here's what was down in the loop chute oh my god 70 bucks about 150 quarters got a whole bunch of them stuck up there right up here i can't hold my hands i got a bunch of quarters in it i'm not stick my index finger out there and point for you something about up here got a whole gallon of quarters up there [Music] probably i'll stay on that left side a little bit what do you think yeah let's stay on the left side [Music] that's the last recorder zone grab something real quick that's what we got right there it's oh about 210 dollars doing good unfortunately our quarters ain't doing so hot though got about 100 quarters left [Music] i need to slow her down get some quarters back [Music] so oh probably about 20 quarters left get him in there all right oh yeah check it out 170 right there about about 200 quarters [Music] old butterfingers i need to stay on that left side though there's a whole bunch of quarters on that right side though this thing's just all stuck in there though might be losing our quarters forcing them out the little sides right here keep at it though we're gonna run out of quarters and we'll clear everything off there one or the other that was lots of recorders though that wasn't bad we didn't make a whole bunch of money or nothing we made 30 bucks we got 250 quarters probably i gotta find a way to get i just have to break up over here though [Music] maybe just have to put a whole bunch in there hope for the best [Music] grab some more quarters ran out goodness gracious just grabbing some quarters real quick about 200 or so we just need some big pushes shouldn't be much longer now yeah he's got a great big power right there to fall down we'll be doing good [Music] i've been grabbing quarters by the way i'm down in the loop loop shoot there's there's another 10 bucks i pulled out there come on baby [Music] all right well i'm gonna tallied all up that part we got just right there we'll be right back all right around got 250 bucks slowing down a little bit we're getting there i got about 300 quarters also [Music] made some big pushes [Music] stuck in there pretty good i tell you what oh butterfingers well we got about 200 quarters left just need that thing to budge a little bit come on come on give her a little push all right that's last several quarters check it out see what we got not bad 120 bucks and we still got about 300 quarters maybe we might actually have a few more than that 350. i'm not 100 sure i don't count i'm just kind of guesstimate i'd be here all day if i counted all the quarters also i've been handling these quarters a long time i got a pretty good idea about how many i got see right right there i consider that 100 i can barely hold it let's hear that about 100 quarters [Music] i could be off a few pretty darn close all right that's last of them right [Music] there oh wow we only made ten dollars 10 bucks at 10 bucks uh we got a whole gallon of quarters at 300 or so trying my hardest get that stuff to budge that's the last of them right there i don't know if that i'm assuming it just fell out there it was on the ground but it's 20 bucks lost a bunch of quarters though we're down about 200 i'm trying to ah big pushes though get some of that stuff broken up i think it's working oh yeah there's like 30 bucks i think nice i've last several quarters though there here's what i'm digging through all this i normally do it off camera but i'm going to do it on camera this time just to give you a little example of what i got to deal with it's pretty good feeling really digging through all this seeing all that moony check that out that's nice i didn't count it but it's got to be about i don't know about 380 420 bucks somewhere in that area we'll count it all at the end i don't want to spend any more time i didn't want to bore you uh we had about 200 quarters also oh yeah it's starting to go it's still got 500 chip right there nice that's probably a good thousand dollars in there more starting to go that's the last ever quarters though nice actually i think we're going to count it all off screen at the end [Music] we're getting close though i almost threw ten dollars in there look at that old clumsy me got in a hurry had ten dollars in my hand i don't think they'd fit in there they might that's last of them though we have some more oh wow they're good what's that 100 160 bucks it's still paying off got a little over a hundred quarters maybe 120. [Music] oh yeah i've got that 500 chip there's still about 500 bucks on there though we ran out of quarters down here collecting now the old loot chute check that out what's that 600 and what is that 20 30 40 50 60 70. yeah 80 bucks nice a little a little over a hundred quarters very slower down just just a little bit we got a big old stack up there knocked down before we end up running out of quarters oh yeah that was the last of it i'm gonna grab some more quarters oh yeah i got about a hundred there's still more in there but get us back for a second a couple pushes oh yeah nice nice hundred and ten dollars right there [Music] doing amazing [Music] another 100 bucks i've been grabbing from the loop suit by the way i'm trying to trick that behind him i just know there's not a whole lot in there uh it's not a big i don't have to sort it out too much there's 30 in that one [Music] got another twenty dollars is there 320 bucks on there still i guess we can't get it well i got quarters all over the place [Music] all right i got those things with the golf course suck up all those balls that's what they need over here let's go around suck up all the quarters on the ground there's just handfuls of quarters everywhere pretty clumsy having a good time though [Music] 320 left come on it's getting closer not too fast but it is getting there [Music] oh it's getting pretty darn close there's nice 300 right there sweet 20 to go i think we can do it check that out yeah it's in there somewhere 300 that's almost our whole buy-in right there it's doing amazing had a really good time too let's get that last twenty dollars y'all enjoy what you're saying don't forget to hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed make it a lot easier to find my videos you happen to be watching this on facebook by the way this is actually on youtube search coin pusher that's my username on youtube [Music] i got another channel called coin pusher junior on on youtube also [Music] play a character named bob he's goofball a good time doing it though oh it's getting so close come on baby i thought that was going to be it come on let's get that last 40 dollars oh so close right there on the edge come on baby [Music] what's up [Music] we're running out of quarters quick though we've got something to fill on the floor it's probably 200 on the floor okay i'm not gonna spend all day at it but i grabbed about 100 of them [Music] that's like a thousand dollars just sitting on the ground oh we got it got that last 20 bucks nice let's check it out all right look at that 20 baby sweet not bad for a 500 buying i'm gonna tall it all up for you we'll be right back [Music] oh yeah check that out fifteen thousand thirty dollars it's just falling out everywhere darn it darn it we gotta we got a bitcoin also nice shiny bitcoin anyhow y'all enjoy what you're saying me a favor hit that like button subscribe if you haven't subscribed and we'll see you on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 193,464
Rating: 4.8193474 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: 6oGCq6l77rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 6sec (2406 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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