7 Games That Deserve Your Undying Respect but Should Never Be Played Again

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there are games that deserve our reverence legendary titles that broke new ground move the medium forward and justify fall back tattoos of their central characters nobody ever wants to see it but the sad fact is not all the games but we're described as among the greatest of all time are still fun to play for various reasons these classics of the genre just don't quite jell with what we expect from a game nowadays so that even though they're rightfully famous today they feel about as fun to play as a game of spin the bottle that's a skunk's birthday party with a hat tip to nutmeg shadow on Twitter for inspiring this list here are the games that deserve your undying respect but probably should never be played again [Music] [Music] goldeneye for the Nintendo 64 let you experience the life of sexy superspy James Bond after he got his head caught in an industrial cubing machine and as such the game was rightly hailed as an instant classic setting the template for how first person shooters should be that is full of exciting gunplay varied environments frantic multiplayer and Shawn beans in fact so iconic and beloved is Goldeneye that you might be tempted to revisit it's blocky charms but the sad fact is that today gaming swathes sacred cow is Nayan unplayable and it's not the chunky graphics or the iffy framerate it's at the n64 controller is an unknowable artifact of eldritch evil that Nintendo originally found buried inside a foul-smelling meteorite probably at the time of course II bizarre geometry and baffling prong placement were just something we got used to including the way that tilting left and right on the n64 only control stick spun J's bond round on the spot while strafing sideways was handled by the distant left and right C buttons [Music] to anyone used to the dual stick controls that have been standard for nearly 20 years now trying to make sense of Goldeneye is utterly baffling with returning players most likely to end up spinning on the spot firing blindly at bonds foes Oh smash our n64 controller is except for the fact that according to the manual here would you say breaking the seal is to some of the old gods hungry from the abyss and the end of light really a really a way that when the new Galvan gets hard to read after that the legacy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater can be seen in the number of sequels it spawned the imitators it begat and the number of snapped ankles when we all briefly tried skateboarding in real life it still bothers me on cold days in fact the very first game in the series released for the PlayStation in 1999 was less a sports game than a movement this anarchic trick based title pumped an underground sport and subculture directly into gamers heads all soundtrack to a rebellion inducing hip hop and punk soundtrack guaranteed too angry up the blood of any youthful player those tunes are all copyrighted of course so we can't play you them that you can watch as I listened man the box for society puts us in a just illusions man but there was one thing missing namely the ability to link tricks together with manuals this was a technique that debuted in Tony Hawk's - where you balance your board on two wheels between moves to keep the score count rising higher than ever before that simple gameplay tweak revolutionized how the skating sin was played forever but as a result Tony Hawk's one now feels weirdly incomplete which is sad because Neversoft has said that time constraints were the only reason they couldn't put manuals in the first game probably under pressure from the man I guess for the suits feeding the machine is just a little bit more important than art oh man who remembers Goldfinger [Music] if you are playing a Pokemon game and Pikachu look like this you'd think maybe your dog had been chewing on the cartridge that or developing knockoff Pokemon games he's a smart dog but in fact he could just be playing the very first Pokemon games ever made Pokemon Red and Blue released to the Western world in 1998 for the Game Boy handheld to say this pixely RPG started a trend would be a huge understatement as it was the point of origin for the second best-selling game series of all time and the entire 60 billion dollar Pokemon franchise no Pokemon game since has ever strayed far from the top-down turn-based cashing and collecting gameplay established in red and blue there's just one problem with the first pokemon games as viewed through modern eyes all the pokemon look weird reason being red and blue came out before the Pokemon anime which was released off the back of the game success but let's set the canonical look going forward for every individual monster including in later games like the red and blue semi remake pokemon yellow those looks were often significantly different to how those pokes appear in red and blue [Music] and just as well frankly because while the game is a stone-cold classic who now wants to play a Pokemon game where omastar looks like his leading an aerobics class gastly looks like a spray can staying with eyes executors head sir 80% of his body mass geodude's face has gone inside out and Snorlax looks like like like an online dating profile you're at a block is what [Music] Virtua racing is a game that demands respect which is why I'm speaking in this hushed and reverential turn be two things hmm and the reason this early 90s arcade racer which was later ported to home consoles does deserve your respect is because it was arguably the game that truly popularized the use of 3d polygonal graphics as opposed to the 2d sprites that were usual at the time [Music] thing is you probably don't need me to tell you that this game was rolling out some raw graphical tech because today Virtua racing looks less like a game and more like a copy of Microsoft Paint that's struggling to become sentient you admittedly it doesn't look quite as horrendous as even earlier polygon games like winning run or 1989's hard driving but like all early 3d games Virtua driver simply hasn't aged as well as its low-five contemporaries for instance today would you rather play this game or it's sprite based arcade rival outrun [Music] would you rather settle in for a retro round of Virtua Fighter another of Sega's polygonal eye bleeders or the less advanced but still gorgeous street fighter - nevertheless without Virtua racing games may not have started on the polygonal path they're still on today and that now yields spectacular effects in conclusion Virtua racing is a game we should all admire just preferably from a really long distance few characters are as famous athletic or as famously athletic as Lara Croft a woman with the upper-body strength of approximately five gorillas at six gorillas so glad we devised this gorilla strength index to date Lara has starred in no fewer than 12 major games and countless spin-offs all of which feature most Crofts own personal brand of badass pistol firing get up and go [Music] sadly the very first game released for the PlayStation in 1996 has not aged well despite the fact that it totally pioneered 3d adventure games on account of how there previously hadn't been anything quite like it the makers of the game were basically getting how that kind of game should be that's the problem with pioneering just ask the pioneers oh wait you can't because they all died of dysentery history back then developer core design made some reasonable assumptions about how Lara should move that won't make any sense to gamers now there's no independent camera control so looking around requires manually moving Laura's head the trigger button is now universally the controls for firing weapons make Lara sidestep jumping near a Ledge isn't enough to grab hold of it and the left and right buttons make Lara inch around on the spot like she's still uncomfortably wet from the last underwater section which by the way were also terrible these dramatic changes in how a 3d game works mean that for anyone playing Tomb Raider 1 today trying to move Lara to the end of the level is about as easy as winning a soapbox derby in a stolen shopping cart whose wheels have automatically locked up because you took it out of the store carpark but if you want to pay hardware store prices for the materials to build your own soap box derby racer then be my guest sorry what are we talking about [Music] [Music] today's video games have let us get used to little conveniences like regenerating health or auto-saves or the way that stealing a vehicle is always on the y button familiarity but few conveniences are as ubiquitous as an in-game map to find your way around and that's exactly what anyone who plays 1986's Metroid for the NES will have to do without this is frustrating for a few reasons not least because Metroid in which you control bounty hunter Samus around on the planet zebus involves exploring dozens and dozens of near identical rooms and you will get lost faster than an iPhone charging cable oh speaking of which does anyone have one I can borrow No add to this the fact that every time you start the game you start with a measly thirty health and Metroid is a game that for most will be simply too frustrating to revisit which is a shame because Metroid impacts was huge the reveal at the end that alien stomping space badass Samus is a woman gave us gaming's first high profile female protagonist [Music] [Applause] [Music] while the game structure whereby new items would open fresh pathways through previously explored areas turned up in dozens of other games most famously the 90s Castlevania series and look if you are desperate to play Metroid it was given a makeover in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance adding modern gaming conveniences like a clear story better graphics and yes a map it's lucky things are better now [Music] to grasp quite how venerable GTA 3 is now you have to remember that it came out before the first Xbox a day before the very first iPod and a whole year before those really fast hand dryers so it's not surprising the grand theft auto 3 looks a little long in the tooth when viewed through modern eyes the environment seemed quite bland the controls can be fiddly and there are hardly any people in sight which is a problem for a game whose main selling point was wiping out an entire towns worth of citizens in an unhinged crime spree don't be enough it's not these things that make gta3 feel kind of flat when you go back to it today it's the protagonist I want to say Chris Claude's Claude of course Lord although gta3 established the template for every major Grand Theft Auto game since and indeed broke new ground for all video games with it's spectacular open-world it's central character feels weirdly out of place to anyone familiar with the series today I'll mess this up maybe to be more work for you now get a D chord is totally mute throughout and as a result much of the game lacks the snappy dialogue and sass for which the series is famous wait hear me while I go in to talk to Luigi just one year later Rockstar would release GTA Vice City with its memorable and fully voiced hero tommy vercetti look sunny we were set up the deal was an ambush Harry and Lee are dead better be kidding me Tommy tell me you still got the money no Sonny I don't have the money and since then every GTA game has been a story entirely built around its heroes bringing us some of gaming's most iconic characters along the way one of whom even meets Claude in an easy to forget cameo I'd you want to fight for me ah no no I could take me just jealous and a coward now let's race oh and I bet that's not the last we'll see of old Clyde what I said Clive so those are some of the games that deserved to be honored that's the greatest of all time and put on a pedestal and we build statues and temples and we fall down in praise but we don't necessarily actually have to play them again maybe they're best enjoyed from a distance they live on in the memory HD Rose tinted glasses that's that's the thing but can you think of any other examples if you can then please drop them in the comments and if you want to watch some more videos then boy do we have a lot up here if you're on a nostalgia tear here is a video from us about heroes who went 3d too soon and down here is video from outside Xbox is about things that we can't wait to do in Red Dead Redemption 2 which is going to be rad and if you did enjoy this then hey why not click the subscribe or that's right here waiting for you click [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,269,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, jane douglas, mike channell, andy farrant, retro, best games, of all time, goat, goldeneye gameplay, n64, goldeneye 64, tony hawks music, soundtrack, tony hawks gameplay, pokemon, pokemon red and blue, pokemon gameplay, charmander, tomb raider 1 gameplay, metroid gameplay, metroid nes, street fighter, virtua racing, gta gameplay, gta 5 gameplay, gta 3, cutscenes, funny videos, list
Id: p_DCaqBLT7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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