6 Choices We Regretted Immediately

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it's not at all uncommon for a game to offer you a difficult choice like when you turn to the light side or the dark side at the end or what color will you make your horses hair in breath of the wild yes nice but sometimes a choice will come along but for whatever reason you absolutely get terribly wrong and end up regretting both strongly and immediately maybe you were overtired or just a little grouchy or just not paying attention hey we've all made choices in games that on reflection weren't the right one and the outside Xbox and outside extra teams are no exception up first is Andy from outside Xbox or Andy what's he done well crops aren't doing so well I'm thinking it might be something in the water the pump station is pretty rundown you could go take a look around the place see if you find anything strange going on all right so I'm gonna talk about a decision in Fallout New Vegas possibly better than fallout three definitely better than fallout 4 who knows if it's better than 4 out of 5 5 star I'm getting distracted anyway my character in for LaHood's there's a particular bolt in Fallout New Vegas bolt 34 so you're out exploring the wasteland having a good time and you come across some sharecropper farms they're like oh you're that incredibly charismatic computer hacker slash locksmith actually all our crops are dying and there's widespread famine I think there's something something wrong can you investigate and you get to volt 34 and you find out that this vault is leaking radiation into the surrounding area which is getting into the water table killing all the crops it's a bad situation so if you play fallout you know that the vaults were all part of an elaborate psychological experiments by volt tech to see what would happen if you did awful things to people when they were locked up and couldn't escape and the answer is that they went crazy usually I don't know how that's helping science but it's not entirely sure what the original experiment was involve at the upshot of it is now volt 34 is just radiation central there are feral ghouls everywhere you can't walk around without just taking a load of Braddock's and rad away everyone is a feral ghoul now except for a group of people who are managed to lock themselves away in a isolated part of the vault America and you find these little logs from them on the computers like are me and my family were locked away in a part of the vault and we're safe but we can't get out the only way to get out is if you were to reroute the computer to us we could let ourselves out on the flip side you can also shut down the reactor core of the vault which will disable the computer entirely but stop the radiation leaking into the surrounding area and save the farms you've got to make a decision do you shut down the reactor and doom the people who are trapped in the vault or do you free the people who are in the vault but leave the reactor pumping out radiation in the surrounding area and getting in everyone's crops and it's really hard decision and I didn't know which way to go and in the end I decided to go with the shutting down the reactor to make sure that the crops were okay and the people living around here would have food so I figured like the people who were in the vault were they'd been there for a long time that was sort of their life and they digested - and they may be make made peace with it now and the people are out there we're all like oh we're all dying and you know we're already living in a radioactive wasteland now we're living in a radioactive wasteland with no food little food in the vault they you know they signed up for living in a vault first so then you know you shut it down and you get like a little thing with it like no we're trapped here forever and you are I still diced I mean I say I say I regret the decision I do regret the decision because I feel bad for those people trapped in the vault but I still don't know what the correct solution is in that situation usually in Fallout when you make a decision you're given karma points so you get like good karma or bad karma depending on whether the decision is good or bad the end of this quest you do it and there's no karma at all you don't get positive karma you don't get negative karma regardless of how you choose so the game is like yep yeah yeah the game was like interesting so sorry people have bought 30 for a lot of the games that I like tend to have moral choices in them kind of like he owned up with a good ending and a bad ending and most the time I'm like I am gunning for the good ending but when I first got my hands on pray I found that it gave me a moral choice that made me go oh because for those of you who haven't played pray it's very heavily inspired by Bioshock and in Bioshock you had the moral choice there of the little sisters and it was whether you harvest them completely like Luke did the heartless heartless man or you can save them which gives you slightly less Adam but then you get the good ending but praised version of this instead of having adorable little children you have fully grown adult convicts the first person that you come across is this guy called Aaron Ingram and he's in this big thing and he's like Haley let me out I'm stuck in here and you're like okay who you yeah I don't know who you are and the computer in front of it is here is all of his information reading through basically it has all the information of like the bad stuff involves like child trafficking which is like what that's evil but then he's like no I was just trying to get the kids out of a bad situation exactly because you can free him or and this is the first thing that I tried you couldn't feed him to mimics and this happens and it immediately loaded my previous so bad it could have been I don't know but I think that's that's the problem as you're like delving down into the story of pray means that you realize that you know they've been doing all these they've been saying a whole load of stuff to justify all these horrible things and horrible experiments because one of the things as well he's like look look I've got the code to that armory that's right there if you let me out I'll give you the code on my ear alright he does give you the code and then you can go in and you can get a load of weapons mr. Igoe the one person who showed me any real con it was very clever and made you think made you kind of go is it you know can we just throw someone's life away because they've either made some mistakes or possibly been set up so that they could be experimented on I imagine if that was me in that situation and I'd done something that the government didn't like and like but it wasn't anything bad and then yes but then you're always even after I let him out I was like I own you but yeah I think it was a really interesting twist on the moral choice thing because you know some people might think yeah so didn't feed him fit to the mimics he shouldn't have been a bad man but is everyone redeemable that's the question and would you be redeemable for having murdered him so prey makes you think [Laughter] all this time that's all I get from you how can you not see what this means to the krogan this space can't be destroyed I won't allow it the decision I most regret in video gaming took place in Mass Effect 1 on virmire a planet that looks a bit like something from the Halo offcuts bin and what you're probably gonna think is that it's the decision whether to kill Kayden or Ashley absolutely isn't I killed Kayden because that's the correct answer don't regret that at all he was so boring no the decision I made was to try and sort of make peace and fence it during the conversation with Rex who is a Krogan when you land on Vermeil you're chasing after Saren he's found time to cure the genophage which is this sort of artificially created disease thing designed to control the krogan and make them sterile basically so they can't reproduce because they're sort of like war mongering space frog things they're fools you eat them so genophage quite bad really actually so when Rex discovers there's a cure for it on virmire he's rather keen that you don't destroy the Cure and leave it to be buried forever our people are dying this cure can save them you're kind of representing the these sort of ordered galaxies or whatever and so you're sort of in a position where you're you don't really want to make that call although really honestly probably genophage is quite bad isn't it we are not on the stake is he going to be a problem but what happened was huh I decided to try and be diplomatic cuz I've been kind of going around doing space diplomacy in most situations you could kind of talk people down hey so I'm there trying to talk Rex around without like necessarily agreeing either way and then actually who is your sort of second-in-command shoots Rex in the back of the head I've got to do this my way I don't think so friend and I was like oh wow I really should have wrapped that one up a little bit earlier so yeah Rex gets absolutely like domed by Ashley you know afterwards I was like what the hell Ashley why the hell did you do that I was still talking to it I'm sorry sir I couldn't take the risk that he might injure you or worse and she's like well I thought you might kill you and you know can't have him killing you and I'm like yes that's true but also please don't shoot people from our team well that's true that's true yes the thing about Ashley also a bit of a space racist she's not keen on aliens at all yeah the thing that made it a bit more awkward this whole situation was I think we were kind of somewhat dating as well at the time my shepherd and and Ashley I think it did a little bit yes yeah I think really a bad date yes yeah I feel like I learned there commander should be able to make a a firm decision either way rather than just sort of being wishy-washy cuz it eventually someone's gonna take the call for you and and in this case taking the call was shooting him Ned and then later in the third game you don't to kind of cure the genophage anyway we're at least you have the option to you and so I did it in Rex's name I felt really really bad about it Rex I'm terribly sorry you big adorable face frog just walk right out of here and leave him it's easy you'll never forgive yourself Selena save Batman then get out of here so in Batman Arkham City you play as Catwoman some of the time as you might want remember and there's a bit where you're breaking into if I remember this correctly it's the confiscated goods vault and you know you Catwoman you're a cat burglar that's your whole deal so you bust in and then you're about to leave when over the radio it's like a repeat man is down Oh Oh Batman was down at the steel mill and some rubble landed on him and you're like okay thanks for the update sounds good I'll see you later and and then you are given like this this supposed moral choice and you at Arkham games you don't usually do that what's going on here and it's like leave Arkham City okay good right or it's like there's another way and it's like back into Arkham City better go help Batman Selena Kyle she genuinely says he'll be fine he's Batman isn't he or something like that it's not like he'll die it's Batman right so he's got like two bits of like oh I don't know 4-inch concrete like bat perched on his did I mention they were very good abs it wouldn't stop Batman and Selena Cole knows it and she's she's gotten the things so this is a roundabout way of saying that I made the decision and I made the call to stay in character as Catwoman and just f off out of Arkham City BAM game over screw him the thing I regret about it it felt like the game was like gotcha cuz you walk out and you make air screw and then Oracle's on and she's like everyone's dead my dad's dead Jim Gordon's dead the Wayne mansion is on fire and the butler what's his name he's dead - she says I imagine so I regretted that because it felt like I fell for it I I was set up to fail and I took the bait and I I failed hard because I made that canonically proper decision but arguably be an unethical one [Applause] one of us I get basically everything wrong in game so make wrong choices all the time but that's why savestates are so amazing but there's one game that doesn't let you reload and old save Dark Souls and I did something in Dark Souls that I strongly regretted I killed a boss slash character called crossbreed Priscilla crossbreed Priscilla is one of the few bosses in the games who you don't have to fight when you meet her in this world which is called the painted world of ariamis snowy and it looks quite nice and you meet in in a nice little enclaves read Priscilla she explains to you right off the bat that you don't have to kill her if you want you can like walk off a plank at the end and like exit the world and all will be well if there has been escaped into this world plumbed down from the plank and hurry home if they'll seek and desires shall be requite it not so I haven't been offered this choice of like what do you want dude you want to like do a fight or not fight just yeah I just waded in with my big sword because it really felt like the thing to do I suppose and so she's going invisible and I'm whaling on her with the sword I guess I didn't really think about it but I started to think about it the first time I died she said something in her dialogue it was this [Music] and that should have been my first sign that that maybe that like there was a little bit more to this situation then then I had assumed because it was a slightly odd thing to say I remember thinking that at the time but also being like hey committed now let's go for it and after a few times a few tries I killed her and when she dies she says something that's really sad she says and I was like her a weird thing to say I was expecting more of it so anyway I collected my bunch of souls and I was on my way and then it wasn't till later that I decided to like Google the law and that's when I really started to feel really really bad cause turns out that cross-breed Priscilla is an outcast she was sort of abandoned by her parents that is sort of a mystery people theorized about who her parents are in the law of the game there are some theories that heard one of her parents is set the scaleless who is this horrible dragon who's really into like creepy science experiments and she's definitely half dragon I think if one's agreed on that what you do know is that the painted world a very miss that you're storming through is a place for outcasts and it's a place for misfits and people who don't fit in and it's kind of a refuge for people who don't feel like they're welcome anywhere else it's not causing anyone any trouble and I sort in I felt bad yeah and the more I read the worse I felt to be honest it should have struck me as more unusual because it's quite far into the game that you all sort of offered the choice whether or not to it so like kill her anyway it turns out that she's kind of like a fan favorite and people really liked like her character and so I wish I hadn't killed her and if I could I would go back but you can't because everything that happens in Dark Souls has this weird sort of permanence my whole duck Dark Souls playthrough was like a litany of errors like when I completed the game we did it on a live stream and I accidentally got the bad ending because I walked too far off the stage so maybe we should just call the whole thing non-canon crossbreed priscilla saws yeah well sure for sorry she knows that she's she's up on the lingo [Music] okay surprise bonus segment it's me again it's Jane hi in a new studio new outfit because I remembered the thing I really regret and not just sarcastically regret like that Batman number something I genuinely felt bad and regretful about doing in a video game so let's talk about a night in the woods and not in the woods you're supposed to you know talk to everyone you rediscover your you know relationship with your parents having come back from college reconnect with people and yeah just do not make time for the people in your life that you love like much like in the real world well I had been really reconnecting with my mom yeah see each other eye to eye and she was like come visit me at the church for I volunteer one day we'll catch up why not so I went off and had my lovely day out in the town of whatever it was called poke to my friends dust around mooched about jumped on some rooftops and completely forgot to go and visit my mother which I guess his decision if you look at it one way anyway I didn't go and see her and the next time I spoke to her in our kitchen we had a massive blazing row [Music] you know one of those roles where it's not really about what it's about it's about something much more important but no one's really saying it one of those kind of roles if I just if I just come to visit you would this be different and I don't think it would have been different because that's not the way a night in the woods works I think it was just one of those precious moments one of those rare opportunities in life you have to be with the people you love and you squander it and then the next time you see them it's just it's gone you've moved on to the next thing and the next thing is about how you're a disappointment and you you're not living your life right it has a daughter and are we still talking about an eye in the woods I don't know but it was the only game that ever made me think I should really call my mother right now and more often generally so in terms of regrets and I don't have that many about video games because I'm you know full power through to the end make the hard decisions do what you have to do renegade Shepard if when necessary that was a decision in the use of sense of the word that I regretted [Music] so there are some decisions that we kind of went oh maybe we should've done something else or girl can't believe they made us choose that can't believe record I didn't know that you got any Adam if you spared the Little Sisters yeah no that just anyway if you have any experiences similar to us pop them in the comments down below which one of us do you most relate to let us know that as well did you have the same one is it you are you really in sync with us that much I'd be scared if so but if you would like to see more from us and more on like how we felt about video games and how they affected us in maybe you can watch the heartbreak that we are still not over and if you agreed with Jane that you know Batman can handle himself maybe check out this video about all the times that he's totally totally killed that person it wasn't it wasn't that person is totally dead and also you should subscribe if you enjoyed but thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 2,986,302
Rating: 4.8562307 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, mass effect 2, night in the woods gameplay, gameplay, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, prey gameplay, ps4, xbox one, switch, dark souls gameplay, priscilla, dark souls, ds1, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, fallout new vegas, fallout new vegas gameplay, wrex, arkham city catwoman, catwoman missions, reaction
Id: qNaaDG611Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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