7 Times You Made the Game Unwinnable With Your Nonsense

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self-sabotage yes the least cool type of sabotage but we all know what it's like when your inner saboteur wrecks your chances of success whether it's with negative self-talk or just doing something pointlessly stupid in a video game sometimes both do it no do it right [Applause] well that was stupid this is why no one will ever love you damn me anyway that's our best explanation for all the times we went out of our way to do something silly stupid or experimentally self-destructive that then turned out to make the game unwinnable consider these seven times your inner saboteur got the better of you and rendered the game you're playing unwinnable that's our defense and we're sticking with it your words are as empty as your soul mankind ill needs a savior such as you what is a man a miserable little pile of secrets but enough talk how about you the master vampire hunter richter belmont calls on many fearsome weapons in his crusade against the forces of darkness there's the legendary vampire killer whip then there's the mighty boomerang cross [Music] but there's no weapon like no weapon which is to say the raw power of richter's own two feet as they glide across the castle floor into the flanks and faces of his enemies in richter's potent slide kick attack and that's to say nothing of his magical jump slide attack i mean i assume it's magical you tell me how he launches himself like that anyhow the slide attack is also a fun and fast way to get around the place as rick to belmont not to mention a great way of polishing the hardwood floors and if you're determined to dick around in dracula's castle the sliding kick is your key to getting to where the game didn't want you to go because at the entrance to the castle you can slide your way right out the front gate just before it closes on you great you might think from the other side of the door where you certainly weren't supposed to be i've escaped the confines of castle dracula now to go explore rural transylvania [Applause] except you'll find there is no rural transylvania just a lot of moody sky and eventually you're fired back into a cutscene whisking you back to the castle entrance [Music] now you'll find you're stuck permanently out of bounds trapped behind the door with no way back into dracula's castle where the rest of the game is supposed to be taking place right now think of all those poor skeletons waiting for you and how disappointed they'll be for the rest of eternity because you failed to show up nice one richter clearly the slide attack is just too much power in the wrong hands or feet [Music] back in the 1980s comedy scream queen elvira was pretty big and i'm not just talking about the extra 8 inches added by that hairdo she introduced horror b movies on a long-running tv show appeared in commercials and starred in two movies as elvira mistress of the dark more importantly there are also two elvira games released for amiga and atari st in the late 80s and early 90s although they were less about light-hearted innuendo-laced horror comedy and more about repeatedly dying in increasingly grisly ways [Music] a little bit of moisturizer i'll clear that up i'm sure to its credit there were a wide variety of ways to meet a sticky end in 1992's elvira to the jaws of cerberus including giant insect venom vampire attack and uh whatever the hell is going on here [Music] you thought the guy from silent hill was a freudian nightmare but while there were plenty of ways to get killed there was only one way to render the game completely unwinnable and you had to be pretty willfully silly to make it happen when you were presented with a tank full of piranhas you had the option to stick your hand in to grab the key at the bottom with predictable results most people would learn from that experience but if you're being particularly contrary you could try again with the other hand with identical results what were you hoping they were full up from the first hand you fed them as the game then points out in a deadpan message you can no longer use any items or pick anything up anymore because you have no hands left making this game about picking up and using items completely irretrievably unwinnable well done idiot round of applause too soon yeah now my champion rest well this night for tomorrow you sail for the kingdom of daggerfall [Music] when the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall first came out the open world fantasy rpg was hailed for its revolutionary realism 1996 everybody these astonishing new levels of realism must have been what distracted you from your all-important main questline when you the emperor's champion were dispatched to the kingdom of daggerfall excuse the gloom but none may know of this meeting after being briefly trapped in a tutorial dungeon you emerged into the heretofore unimagined graphical fidelity of the open world where you were approached by a courier who says they were told to give this letter to someone fitting your description i'd say that's not a very secure postal system you got there daggerfall but then i am the only red-eyed lizard man around here so fair play [Music] the letter you're handed is from one lady brisienna magnuson a secret imperial agent in the court of daggerfall who summons you to a meeting in a tavern she says she will stay at said tavern for a month to await you and that after that she will no longer be available and that she will expect you as soon as possible a responsible adventurer would voyage quickly to the tavern in question but you entranced by the open world realism wandered off the critical path never mind that the emperor's agent is waiting for you off you went doing literally anything but your most important quest after all the supposed deadline of one month is probably just a bit of flavor not actually a deadline right wrong very wrong if you disregard the letter's instructions and muck about past your deadline lady magnuson gets fed up waiting for you and f's off so when you do finally turn up to the tavern she's gone forever as promised never to return and you're stuck with a broken main questline and an unwinnable game i'd say this was harsh but the woman did wait around for you for an entire month that's a long time i don't care how realistic it is up in here the hyperdrive is badly damaged we must replace the t14 hyperdrive generator you know how violent video games make a point of either not having children in them or making the children in them unkillable hold her right there lady you know which game did not do that star wars episode 1 the phantom menace nope in the 1999 movie tying game of the film child murder is thoroughly an option as you stride around the far-flung desert planet of tatooine as noble jedi master qui-gon jinn as is killing more or less any innocent bystander excuse me can you help me save my son seems out of character to me but it has been a while since i saw the movie who are you gonna murder next mister this guy maybe it was in the extended edition in any case you have a surprising amount of freedom to role play a non-canonical dark side qui-gon jinn who went around tatooine laser-swording everyone in the face instead of discreetly sourcing some replacement parts for his broken hyperdrive i'm looking for a t14 hyperdrive generator the only problem is aside from the stain on your conscience from laser sorting everyone in the face is that when you come to meet anakin skywalker word has gotten around that you're a very bad person and he says he won't help a murderer like you i won't help a murderer like you this is an issue because without anakin's cooperation there's no way to make any more progress in the game and so for you this is where it all ends with you and annie stuck on tatooine i won't help a murderer like you anakin never wins the pod race never leaves his mother never trains as a jedi and never becomes dark lord of the sith darth vader with all his very bad deeds such as murdering children the very idea all of which you have now prevented so i guess you could say you're the galaxy's greatest hero are you trying to rob me if you do you'll find that i'm quite dangerous the galaxy's greatest hero i'm interested in chartering a ship great not many people want to charter a glass bottom boat around here pretty soon i'm off to fat island to try my luck there but let's talk turkey first my fee is six thousand pieces of eight don't you think six thousand pieces of eight is a bit high no i don't figuring out the solution to puzzles is hard and often it can be easier to just brute force it for example i could solve today's wordle or i could smash my phone on the ground so i can't solve today's wordle just call me the wordlemaster you may be tempted by this brute force solution in classic lucasarts point-and-click adventure monkey island 2 when you get to the point in the game where you need to raise 6 000 pieces of eight in order to charter a ship the way you're supposed to do this is in typical adventure game fashion extremely convoluted involving you entering a spitting contest devising underhanded ways of performance enhancing your saliva winning a solid gold trophy and then pawning that for the cash however if you can't be bothered to go to all that effort you can instead polish a guy's wooden leg thousands of times this pirate with a peg leg will give you one piece of eight every time you use some wood polish to give his prosthetic a quick buff thanks here's a piece of eight for your trouble doing this thousands of times plus a little trickery with the pawnshop owner will give you the six thousand you need without having to go through the whole spitting contest letting you skip that portion of the game okay i'll pay you the six thousand pieces of eight you've charted yourself a ship my name's kate capsize i'll be your captain it will take you hours but hey it didn't require any independent thought so a win in my book the downside to this is that if you don't go through the spitting contest questline you never get these special drinks you need to thicken up your spit and later in the game you find yourself tied up and needing to use said drinks to repeat your gold medal-winning loogy hocking performance to escape [Music] hey watch it with a spit without the special drinks you're stuck here forever and the game is unwinnable or you just accept this as your head cannon ending monkey island master hey whose phone is this oh yes mine sorry is it wordle again yeah it had no vowels in it i'm not doing that [Music] wow james bond is typically a fan of gadgetry with his laser beam watches his x-ray glasses and his uh exploding toothpaste really do you want to get that mixed up with your aqua fresh you'd imagine then that 007 would be somewhat sympathetic towards technology and that he'd never go around willfully smashing computers like some sort of neo-luddite just for the sake of causing some chaos it's just sensible mission protocol as well because there are multiple ways to scupper yourself in 1997's goldeneye and almost all of them involve blowing up really very important computers for example there's a computer that you have to destroy in the level surface 2. but won't retired any poor agent who destroys the console in the exact same location in the level surface one let me tell you [Music] instead in surface 1 you were supposed to deactivate it which is a different thing from destroying it apparently that does explain why i go through laptops so quickly in the level control meanwhile if you destroy the computer in the elevator hall your companion natalia will drag you for being an idiot and refuse to help you which is annoying yes but still considerably less annoying than when she runs directly through your gunfire at least in these two situations the game has the common decency to tell you've failed your objective not so in the second level of the game facility where you can carelessly blow up this computer used to remotely open a vital door the game never tells you the mission is now impossible to complete so you're doomed to wander this level forever deep behind enemy lines with no means of escape congratulations you're boned james bond all right then feel like making yourself useful take a look around the mall bring anything we can use for the barricade back here on delay come on pronto dead rising is a zombie game set in a shopping mall because either capcom had really good lawyers or george romero had really bad ones at the start of the game you playing as photojournalist frank west fly in via helicopter telling the pilot to come back for you in 72 hours don't forget to come back for me as long as you're not dead fred it's frank frank west what usually follows is three days of zombie smashing fun as you sprint around the mall changing into stupid outfits and stoving zombies heads in with a variety of scavenged weaponry yeah and along the way you'll realize that maybe man is the real monster because it sure does seem like a lot of people were just waiting for the zombie apocalypse to become evil clowns [Music] [Music] follow your dreams i guess but if you're a contrarian player who'd rather tell the game to eff off than do what you're supposed to you can instead choose to see if you can mess with the game's timing system see dead rising has an internal clock that tracks the events in the mall and if you're to solve the case that is at the heart of the game story you need to do certain things at certain times or risk losing the truth forever when the game first starts the zombies are safely contained outside the mall and there are plenty of survivors packing the entrance lobby usually what happens here is you wander over to the other side of this room a lady runs out of the door trying to get her dog and then the zombies get in kicking off the game's events but what if we just stayed in this room and didn't go anywhere then the zombies would never get in and we'd be safe right well no you will eventually need to leave this room even if it's just to get back up to the helicopter and once you go over about seven in-game hours of hanging around in this lobby the case file option in your menu which is to say the game's actual story becomes greyed out and inaccessible to you because you missed all the important events by trying to be clever you can still do side missions and run around bashing zombies but now the game is totally unwinnable because you are enjoying hanging around in the relaxing lobby too much madonna sweetie has anyone seen my darling madonna relaxing compared to zombies everywhere i mean it's relative congratulations you made it to the end of this video without rendering unwatchable leave that to us if you'd like to watch if you'd like to watch another video there's one by us up here and one by our sister channel down here outside extra thank you so much for watching and if you would like to support us uh do consider checking out the ux supporters club at patreon.com forward slash ox club bye my bits were watchable just
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,086,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, phantom menace, star wars, episode 1, episode i, phantom menace game
Id: vEQFs6w3_pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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