7 Times You Died Right at the Start, RIP You: Commenter Edition

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in a recent video we examined some games that murder your player character faster than you can say tell my wife I wish I hadn't died then we asked if you had any good examples and it turns out you really did seriously it's getting easier to think of games that don't kill you straight out of the gate just for funsies here then are your suggestions for games that offer you almost immediately along the way beware spoilers for the following games all those by seeing the list you'll know that someone dies early on in the game Oh spoiler paradox when we begin a game we are like newborn children getting to grips with our environment at the very first time and you know what you shouldn't put in front of newborn children a werewolf yet commenter Gore Thor 42 knows a game that does exactly that noting no mention of blood-borne I happen to know you die immediately in that game due to the fact I never made it past the dying immediately part yes in 2015's blood-borne you meet your end at the hands of a hellish where beast in the first level but things actually go off the rails even earlier at the beginning of the game you find yourself lying on a table undergoing a medical procedure administered by a grungy looking bloke with no eyes admittedly not a good sign something tells me these freaky skeleton children haven't properly scrubbed in but forget hygiene you have bigger problems just around the corner is your first foe a werewolf and here's you with no weapons there's really only one way this can go on the upside death in blood-borne is just the beginning having been chewed up by that werewolf you're free to enter the hunters dream where you get the tools you need to go back and pistol that werewolf right in his big werewolf face nice tactic personally I'd have hid in a chimney until there wasn't a full moon anymore then climbed down and brought some clothes to the unlike and throat aggressor who by now is naked and probably feeling pretty embarrassed but I don't think that's how blood-borne wants to be played interestingly it is technically possible though very hard to kill the werewolf with your fists and avoid this early death but you would miss out on the game's important lesson which is that the game hates you and wants you to be eaten by werewolves dying early is one thing but when a game makes the demise of your carries are especially brutal that's entirely another yeah that's exactly what transpires in our next entry as keenly recalled by commented David do who says what about call of duty black ops three frankly it's a wonder anyone's alive at the start of the third black ops installment set in 2065 amid climate change catastrophe and the advent of human squashing robot technologies still mustn't grumble a these futuristic Wars won't fight themselves and so off we pop to a hostage rescue mission in Ethiopia match confirmed moving to secure two minutes two minutes things go a bit sideways though quite literally when you swerve off the road miss your flight out of the war zone and get your arms snapped horribly off by a robot if you don't want to see exactly that happening look away now [Music] I told he we shouldn't have removed Johnny fives mercy circuits crazily being mechanically D Lim doesn't actually kill you and after some cybernetic surgery and the installation of a trippy neural interface you're free to spend the rest of the game getting revenge for your smashed arms you've got a new bit of hardware inside your head it's called a direct neural interface or DNI I've got one too that's how I'm able to communicate with you but here's where things get kind of interesting take a close look at the tiny fast-moving text on the game's loading screen and you'll find a mission report which states that after you were fitted with the neural interface complications arose and you were pronounced dead shortly thereafter which suggests that the whole rest of the game was some sort of deathbed technologically induced fever dream you know the kind that none of us can be entirely sure that we're not in right now amazing how well the body held up better than I've seen I'm just glad it's not moving must have been born under a lucky star this one some of you were surprised at me for missing an opportunity to talk about my favorite game ever such as grace l who said no Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning I'm ashamed especially at you Ellen I know you like that game you're right I do like Kingdoms of Amalur reckoning and I suppose it can fit into this list nicely although it does take dying at the beginning of a game to a whole new level see when the game begins you're already a corpse no pre death gameplay no cutscene of you before you were resting in peace nope you're just a dead body on a cart being pushed along by a couple of gnomes discussing you don't matter what it is Dave's dead it's hell even when you design your character you're basically designing a death mask for a body that's just been experimented on that's pretty dark the only time your character moves is when it slides down a chute into darkness well that's it for you next time it's not until they come back to life in a pile of corpses that they actually do anything and that thing is freaking out about being covered in dead bodies before climbing down the corpse pile thinking you in it and trying not to vomit the bottom just let it out girl God knows what's been sitting in your stomach the past few days see your reveal to be the Fate las' one someone who can save the world due to not being tied to fate because they already met theirs and now you can decide to be whoever you want to be and change it at a moment's notice with kingdom of a mullahs brilliant fate card system but I was always going to be a sneaky bow wielding mage he has returned to Mordor shadow have fallen over decades candor stand in its path remember Frodo's first challenges in Lord of the Rings can he help Bilbo throw a great party can you keep the ring secret and safe will he make it to the Prancing Pony before the end of happy hour well not everyone's middle-earth escapades have such charming beginnings something Brady Snider chimed in to remind us of saying come on guys you forgot Middle Earth shadow of Mordor shadow of Mordor tells the tale of talion just a regular guy who as we see in a flashback like sword practice with his son and using his stealth abilities to sneak up on his wife to deliver a kiss and anniversary flowers here her life is pretty sweet here on the Black Gate of Mordor well that doesn't sound promising it isn't and we soon find out why all the happy times were in flashback as orcs stormed the fortifications and kill your loving family before your very eyes no surprises you're next on the chopping block you're not quite gone though you soon find out your destiny is to endure sharing a body with Culebra more the elf who has the dubious honor of being the one who forged the rings of power as Calabrian ball puts it you're not banished from death just a drift between the worlds of light and dark I've been banished from death owner waits I've been banished from Center Parcs don't ask what is it about rock-hard action-rpgs and killing you off in the first few minutes for instance commented guitar assassin says what about demon souls you're supposed to die during the tutorial boss and even if you do manage to beat the boss you die in a cutscene anyway guitar assassin is right 2009's demon souls has the temerity to bump you off at the end of the tutorial the part of the game when he could surely expect a little leniency things start out bleak in a world embraced by horrible fog it's up to you to wade in and see what can be done about all the rascally demons around these days in dark times it's important to be thankful for small mercies for instance you have a pulse a really great pulse it's got a rythm and I can dance through it you won't be dancing for long mind even though nothing in Demon's Souls opening salvo is likely to induce too many nightmares and air a night here an hour a night there as he progress through these elegant stone corridors get out of it you until that is you meet the Vanguard your first boss encounter with a demon who's defining characteristics are a health bar that stretches all the way to the Sun and an axe the size of Northampton he's gonna kill you now cool cool dad so soon and I feel like we never got a chance to really get to know the real Vanguard dying sees your soul trapped in the Nexus which serves as your hub world for your spirit harvesting adventures to come as with blood-borne it's actually possible to beat that first boss if you've got the skill but avoiding the early death is a no-no in the next area you'll be immediately punched to death by a dragon alright alright I'll die just stop dragging me geez daddy was sleeping for such a long time and Ellen I missed you some of the early deaths on this list are an inconvenience some are shocking but none are so downright harrowing as the next entry on our list as observed by make Dickens who wrote how about Bioshock 2 I was definitely not expecting that well Meg that's probably because you have a heart not like the folks at 2k who clearly thinks starting a game with a traumatic loss is a great lark you are subject Delta the big daddy who's psychologically bonded with Elinor a little sister who loves dancing playtime and harvesting the atom substance from corpses now you watch Little Miss or you'll spoil your dinner dinner is more Adam but we drink it at the table needless to say Eleanor crawls out of a filthy hole in the wall and into our hearts so when she finds herself in dire straits Delta ie you leaps into action kidnap Eleanor would you have some of my drill arms but the tables inevitably turn as mean psychiatrist Sophia lamb tells Delta and now under the influence of mind-controlling plasmids to shoot himself and wouldn't you know it Delta cannot help but oblige as Eleanor looks on in horror so that's you know fun the only consolation is that Eleanor has you brought back to life years later using Little Sisters to harvest your genetic data reunited and you managed to skip some of those difficult teenage years good you're looking for a cylinder about half a meter long if you ever find yourself investigating something weird or on a bizarre adventure it might be worth checking that you're not in some kind of prologue for someone else's story characters who seem like protagonists can sometimes get surprised murdered just to keep us on our toes just ask Tristan Walden who comments spoilers for Dead Space 3 we get a new protagonist and then BAM killed by your own general like eight minutes into the game first surely that's not the fate awaiting Tim a sweet young trooper searching this ice planet for a cryptic object called the Codex things quickly get violent when grosse Necromorphs start popping up but hero Tim is not afraid he bravely dispatches his foes grabs the object he's questing for and boldly repels down an icy cliff is anyone else dozen to really liked him Color Me emotionally invested let's see what happens next fine young soldiers every one of them general Mahad sir more general I smell a promotion you love the earth son your mom and dad yeah yes of course good glad to hear that maybe Tim's getting posted back to earth for a victory parade Oh guess we're not playing as Tim then oh well why is it Clark's good too I guess so there were some of your suggestions for games that off you in the first like five minutes of the game I mean come on give us a chance anyway why don't you give these videos a chance i am adamant that you like them make sure to LIKE and subscribe Mike told me to say it [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,345,539
Rating: 4.9533563 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, bloodborne gameplay, bloodborne werewolf, call of duty, black ops 3, codblops 3, black ops conspiracy, kingdoms of amalur, shadow of mordor, shadow of mordor gameplay, call of duty gameplay, shadow of mordor intro, demon souls, demons souls gameplay, demons souls first boss, bioshock 2 gameplay, bioshock 2 eleanor, dead space 3, dead space 3 gameplay, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, andy farrant
Id: lqC93r-Kbhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2016
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