7 Terrible Hiding Places You Somehow Got Away With

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everyone loves a game of hide-and-seek in fact I'm so good at it once my friends didn't find me for three days and then I found them all hanging out and laughing they've completely forgotten we were playing Joker's but sometimes in games are hiding places are spectacularly unsophisticated and yet we're forced to squeeze into them time and time again to reach our goal or save our hides that's despite the fact that these are categorically the worst hiding places in the whole world seriously why wouldn't the first place you look be the wriggling person-sized box here are some of the most conspicuous hiding spots in games we can't believe your enemies didn't think to look along the way beware spoilers for the following to be a skilled assassin you must be as difficult to find as a needle in a haystack aye that's not quite what I meant but okay a staple in the Assassin's Creed series is the ability to use a hay cart as a convenient hiding place to avoid the local guards who are all trying to chop off your kneecaps from the market towns of Jerusalem to the dark streets of Victorian London these piles of hay or sometimes leaves offer sanctuary to any nearby assassins in need of a quick getaway despite the fact that if you saw a man-sized pile of this stuff in real life you'd be pretty suspicious right or at least you'd be tempted to dive in yourself which would be pretty awkward for both you and the concealed assassin oh there's already someone in this hey don't worry I'll bail the fact that you can just leap into a stack of droid foliage to avoid detection isn't the least ridiculous thing about this series mainstay consider for instance how they're all placed right underneath tall landmarks to break your fall as if that's something the human spine can handle [Music] or the way that guards refuse to learn about this commonly used hiding place with most of them wandering right past and only occasionally having a poke if they happen to be one of the few guards issued with a long stick since most guards have no idea of the dangers lurking within these grassy death traps they helpfully stand next to them facing the other way until an assassin rustles over and drags them in to meet their demise I mean come on they must have heard them get in there hey and why can't they all have their big pointy sticks to check for assassins you guys need to unionize and I know form some kind of Brotherhood wait [Music] mr. bugs now I'm not saying that the Guard soldiers another military personnel that you encounter in the Metal Gear series are stupid but actually looking at the script for the rest of this section that is exactly what I'm saying this isn't even a script it's just the words stupid written or big stupidity is the only thing that would explain why a cardboard box is such a fantastically effective hiding place sure you could forgive it if you were hiding in a cardboard box surrounded by other cardboard boxes but when it's a cardboard box on its own in the middle of nowhere you'd think that'd be the sort of thing that would arouse suspicion and that's why you're not a guard in a Metal Gear game because that is just a ok on this military base even if the box is moving when you're not looking at it like a Doctor Who villain it would assure your case of snakes seeing exactly how much you can get away with with these idiots Metal Gear Solid 5 the phantom pain up the box ante by letting you use boxes that have images printed on them instead of blowing your cover immediately because look at this it's like the standees you get at the cinema these military geniuses will instead salute a cardboard box with a soldier printed on it and fall in love with a box that has a picture of a sexy lady on it Jesus Christ guys I might not actually fault and recover any of these guys back to my base you can keep them [Music] now look you can't expect too much from the bad guys in zelda one of them is literally just a skull on fire but even the least sophisticated of Ganon's minions should feel ashamed not to have seen through links hiding place in the Wind Waker in this game our big eyed hero breaks into the ominous forsaken fortress a precision op that begins like every great infiltration with you being fired towards the target out of a catapult [Music] to be fair that's how they do it in the SAS says so in this SAS manual which I bought off eBay and I'm now realizing is written entirely in crayon that said stowing link in a barrel for the catapult bit was inspired as identical casks can be found littering every surface inside the forsaken fortress and it's these that link hides inside when he's stealth in his way to glory now to be fair we don't know what the operators of these searchlights were told to specifically look for so maybe something that wasn't there just ten seconds ago just wasn't mentioned in the briefing notes but we can't imagine what excuse these moblins will give to Ganon for not detecting the linked barrel creeping unsubtle e passed their patrols I mean come on guess in the forsaken fortress benefits package doesn't include free eye tests good dental though just look at those pearly whites four guards in the perpetually dicey Empire of the Isles situational awareness is critical so they should be checking around themselves at all times including up in stealth assassins series dishonored however not only can you avoid the guards eyes by standing directly behind them and taking them out with a chokehold but you can also avoid them by being ever so slightly above them at all times which is an easy task if you use one of the many traversal void powers such as call votes blink ability and Emily's far reach yes by sticking to the rooftops and the occasional lamppost you can keep out of the sight of guards on ground level who refuse to look too far up presumably in case they catch the sight of the stars and are forced to rethink their life choices or maybe in case their backs give out for real not being able to look directly up is a health warning sign and there are a lot of plagues going around right now I mean instead of gathering for whiskey and cigars every night perhaps you should go and see one of the last doctors left alive even if you stick to ground level they aren't much better as crouching behind corners or in bins also seems to keep you easily out of harm's way but honestly why hide in a dumpster when you can be on the rooftops of dunwall away from the rats in the walls of light breathing in the sea and the fresh smell of burning whale oil war admittedly you're not involved should the smell cause you to fumble and make a racket the guards will eventually think to look up shooting and chucking things in your direction basically you're good as long as you avoid people on balconies and recreating the step in time musical number from Mary Poppins oh and just want to go through some of these steps because some of the Chorus Line sweeps have been saying no no no lutely we're not doing that anymore it's too noisy a tour attract too much attention survival horror games generally create tension by giving you three bullets and a sharp stick and wishing you good luck so it was a big relief that the evil within gave you the option of hiding from your enemies especially since the concept of hiding seemed to be completely alien to the zombies in the game unlike in say Friday the 13th we're hiding in a closet is a surefire way to get murdered in a closet climbing into a wardrobe or under a bed and the evil within means you'll be left alone from now until the end of time this is all while the confused monster outside the Wardrobe tries to piece together the sequence of events that started with you running into an exit less room with a wardrobe in it and then vanishing into thin air like the world's thickest Jonathan Creek eventually they'll conclude that Sebastian probably evaporated like steam and will never return at which point you can sneak up behind them and stab them in the brain although that might not actually do the trick save that brains got to be a pretty small target let's try and stay calm it's gonna be okay we're in control Joker's planned it all for a big guy Batman's adapt and are they all sneak in routine I mean with shoulders this bra do you think it would be tough enough just entering a room without knocking over a side table and yet the world's greatest detective has no trouble sneaking up on the thugs of Gotham without making a peep of course Batman relies heavily on technology to help with this silent bone snapping the grapnel gun for instance allows him to swing quietly around the rafters without alerting his foes while futuristic detective vision lets the Dark Knight keep track of his enemies from afar even behind walls or through floors but these are mere toys compared with Batman's most frequently used gadget an ordinary commercial air duct I mean we say ordinary but there's nothing that's usual about the ventilation systems that Batman depends upon to stealth around his enemies for one thing they tend to be wide enough to fit the world's broadest shoulders with a little wiggle room to spare and despite the fact that they're only designed to transport air even the one suspended in walls are apparently strong enough to bear the weight of a bodybuilder carrying an additional 100 pounds of military-grade hardware if only they'd made the walls and gates of Arkham Asylum out of this stuff maybe Gotham wouldn't need a man dressed as a bat clambering round the vents everything to that Gotham City planning what's even stranger than Batman's magic fence is the fact that none of the bruisers hunting you think to peek inside despite the fact that Batman is basically always cranking around inside them before hopping out for what Bruce Wayne's lawyers would insist is a technically non-lethal takedown [Music] seriously dude how did you not hear that coming and Batman's been using the vent pants trick for years now maybe don't stand right next to that grating if you don't want your limbs shattered don't freak out you can handle this ah too late but at least let the other criminals know for next time eh maybe pop a note in the goon whatsapp chat Batman using the vents fYI I broke my bones sad emoji agent 47 is a highly trained killer who can assume any number of disguises I mean I could be agent 47 right now and you never know oh yeah still not all of forty-sevens disguises are perfect with certain people able to see through them when they recognize him as someone definitely not on the staff list can you believe this prick as he figures get spotted in the wrong place and everything goes to hell in a handbasket meaning you have to ditch that outfit sharpish or scarper one disguise that agent 47 will never be spotted in however is the Wardrobe of his victims no literally like in the wardrobe unbelievably unless someone spots you going in security in the area will simply not think to check a hiding spot that would perfectly fit a fully grown assassin and all his guns and is famously the first hiding place anyone would pick in a hurry okay what is that [Music] and that's not to mention the assassin sized wooden crates lying around several places where your targets reside it's the perfect hiding spot not only for you but also for any dead or unconscious bodies you happen to produce on your mission letting you stash the bloody evidence of your crimes safely out of the way cementing your reputation as the deadliest assassin in that you're also going to kill the cleaner the next day when they find the mess and die a shot no come on this there's two videos that's it well done and I could use help people to subscribe come on Luke
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,593,835
Rating: 4.9158907 out of 5
Keywords: assassin's creed, Assassin's creed hay bale, assassin's creed origins, metal gear, metal gear solid, metal gear 2, metal gear box, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, legend of zelda, windwaker, zelda wind waker, zelda barrel, link barrel, Dishonored 1, Dishonored 2, dishonored rooftop, the evil within, the evil within 2, batman arkham, batman arkham asylum, hitman
Id: cGtte8Duf_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2017
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