7 Filthiest Names in Videogames that Will Always Make Us Giggle

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video games are a sacred and serious business and the very last thing you want while enjoying one is for the game to make you think about bums well sometimes things even Ruder than bums if you can imagine such a thing for shame and yet the world of Home interactive entertainment is Rife positively Rife with accidentally filthily named things that will send your mind straight to the gutter did it not occur to them that the name they chosen for this aspect of the game or character in the game or even Hardware upon which the game is played was pure smut and now we're complicit because we're giggling for shame these are the seven filthiest names in games that we were appalled to find hilarious lies of PE is a very serious game or as serious a game as its possible to be while still featuring Pinocchio as its main character in this gritty reimagining of Carlo kodes fairy tale Pinocchio is a puppet tasked by his creator jepetto with the wholesale Slaughter of his own kind in a brutally challenging tonally dark dark souls inspired Gauntlet of mechanical murder chilling stuff and being an action RPG there's plenty to upgrade to unlock more allies and attributes for Pinocchio from his Weaponry to his mechanical arm to a skill tree within the device that powers him and the name of that device the P organ oh well never mind there was still a good few hours there where I was able to take this game seriously to be fair there's a great deal of terminology thrown around in this game so perhaps having named the other systems that power Pinocchio things like Ergo Legion Fable the only names left were ones that sound inescapably hilariously like rude bits of anatomy P organs are the source of your powers as lies of P progresses and a substance called quartz is acquired you can expect to see young Pinocchio power up his P organ at regular intervals a a process that will ruin the game's otherwise serious Vibe every time the subject um comes up the good news is that quartz is fairly rare so it's not too often you'll have to try and maintain composure through watching Pinocchio sit down in a comfortable chair and activate his P organ you won't be able to avoid it entirely though because mentions of the organ are everywhere like the last resort item described as a special device that releases all of the P organs I'm sorry the P organs I mean I hope you're happy lies of [Music] P the Sonic the Hedgehog series definitely started off with a pattern when it came to characters and their names a HED Hedgehog that can go at Super Sonic speeds Sonic the Hedgehog an Aida with big Knuckles Knuckles the Akida a fox with two tails Tails the fox but over the years the roster of Sonic characters ballooned and with that the naming convention somewhat slipped with some names being more egregious than others in 2002 an adorable beige rabbit made her first appearance in Sonic Advance 2 with long ears that flopped around as she jumped and trailed behind her when she rolled around one might think that a perfect name would be ears the rabbit or Flop the rabbit but of course Sega knew better and came up with a much more memorable name Cream the Rabbit now to keep YouTube from demonetizing us and in case any children have walked into the room while you've been watching this because they heard the word Sonic the Hedgehog we won't explain why this could be construed as rude because you already know cream but it's it's really saying something that the least disturbing image that comes to one's mind upon hearing this sweet little Bunny's name is the idea of this floppy eared sweetheart being fed into a Neutra [Music] bullet cream does have a pet Chow called cheese and so together their names make cream cheese and cream's mother is called vanilla which makes vanilla cream but on her own the name is just a bit weird sure the food angle is understandable in this context but maybe be something like cake would have been cuter and less well [Music] sus no wait now cake the rabbit sounds like a euphemism too oh God on thear on the carad car ahead St ahead car clear on the right why is it that nobody takes my hobby of sim racing seriously how long do you have ouch perhaps it's because hyperrealistic simulation games are often hilariously tedious or perhaps it's because everyone who comes around and sees my force feedback wheel and load cell brake pedal gets immediately distracted by the fact that both have the word thrustmaster printed across them in large letters I'll say this much I don't think it helps anyone who is into games will doubtless have encountered thrust Master the American peripheral manufacturer that is one of the top names in Sim Hardware in fact you may have been aware of thrust Master for long enough that the fact the company has a name as hilarious as thrustmaster has stopped being something you notice but I'll promise you this those not immersed in the hobby will continue to find fresh hilarity in every product bearing this extremely rude sounding name regardless of thrust Master's reputation for producing highend Sim Hardware like wheels pedals or flight controllers modeled on the Hands-On throttle and stick system or for short hot ass oh for God's sake they returned as monsters the first of the dark [Music] SP they became a blight upon the lands Unstoppable and relentless if you dilute something good with something bad one could say it has become tainted so if you're a game developer looking to name the corruption spreading through the realm in which your game is set you could take inspiration from this and use it in its noun form such is the case with BioWare and their fantasy series Dragon Age if one wants to avoid becoming a member of the zombie-like dark spawn horde one must avoid coming into contact with the taint come on BioWare you must have known you can't tell me that you didn't know there's no way that the Grey Warden voice actors read out these lines without everyone in the recording studio absolutely losing it so it was that the first gry wardens drank of dark spawn blood and mastered their taint those who survived the joining become immune to the taint you are called upon to submit yourself to the taint do you think this is funny BioWare because it is funniest of all though is that BioWare weren't even the first game to use the taint as a name for a terrible corruption with rpg2 worlds giving the substance necromancers used to cast their magic the exact same name and yes this led to just as many silly lines I need a single shoot of taint now sounds like you need a bedet I will say that most Demon Souls players could use a laugh this this famously inscrutable relentlessly Bleak RPG mostly involves slogging your way through castles and caves full of Moaning Undead or being overwhelmed and murdered by skeletons which might be faintly amusing the first time it happens but trust me it gets old we defy you however not to let out at least a little snort at one item in the game the one that developer from software and its localization team couldn't see any problem with calling sticky white stuff I'm going to need that name to be quite a lot more specific please you can't blame Demon Souls players for the boundless hilarity this unfortunately named item has produced they have to find their fun where they can after all no the blame lies with the developers as evidenced by the fact that when Demon Souls got remade in 2020 by a studio called blueo the infamous sticky white stuff was renamed to the marginally less filthy sticky white slime a clear sign they knew they probably should have thought a little bit harder when naming this substance which adds a magic buff when you rub it on your weapon for those curious about where to get this extremely rude sounding substance you can find the sticky white stuff right here in the smithing grounds just under where these enemies are getting their rocks off over the ledge the Rocks off of the ledge I mean to let me explain let me begin with what I'm guessing are a few of the main questions on your mind first the system why did you make it so different and by the way how much will it cost and when can I get it oh yeah and what's the backstory about that name if you're bringing out a brand new games console you want it to sound exciting and cool like Playstation Xbox Mega Drive but Nintendo have often been a little more literal when it comes to their consoles the Nintendo 64 for 64-bit games the Nintendo DS for their dual screen handheld hel and the Nintendo switch for a console that switches between a portable device and a doome [Music] console so there were concerns in some corners of the world when Nintendo announced the Wii that we will give you more fun for less money and you'll be playing Wei in the fourth quarter of 2006 Nintendo's thinking around the name was to emphasize the fact that their new console was designed for group play we from the Nintendo means just what it sounds like we so they started with the idea of We spelled w but to go one further because marketing was full of overthinkers in the naughties they changed the E to two I why because it signified two people standing together and because they looked vaguely like the wi's nunchuck controllers how do we continue this strategy with Wii problem is in most of Britain and some other parts of the world we with two e doesn't mean togetherness for example in Scotland it usually means small and in England it usually means urinate in a prime example of why localization is important Nintendo accidentally named their exciting new console after a bodily function and while we're not going to specify a launch number this morning you'll be playing 27 different Wii games tomorrow on the show floor although millions of Brits looked past the name and helped the Wii become the UK's fastest selling console a title it holds To This Day cue many Giggles in game stores around the globe as millions of people went in saying I need a Wii and Shop assistants replied with sorry our toilet is for staff use only we imagine wait that's we with one [Music] e in 1991 lots of video game in's biggest franchises didn't exist yet it was a time of wild creativity as developers experimented with form and genre as the nent Home console boom took off you could make your game anything and you could call your main character anything because hardly any of the good names had been taken yet what I'm saying is there's absolutely no reason at all that this monkey had to be called Spanky why do you have to be holding a banana the name Spanky brings several different things to mind all of them rude and is an absolutely inexplicable name to give a chimp whose pastimes are entirely innocent mostly bouncing bubbles on his head and collecting keys and not doing anything even remotely erotic although I never did finish the game I don't know what happens at the end the manual for Spanky's Quest explains that a spell was cast on Spanky's napsack causing all of its fruits to roll out which explains why Spanky has to battle an evil Army of fruits but doesn't explain why his name is pure filth you could have called this monkey Lara Croft there was nothing stopping you all those awful things they made us say for this video you know we have you know we we have to share this information with you as trained journalists you know it's not on us that's on the games industry with the silly names and can you think of any more do put them in the comments below and we'll definitely make another video on it even even though we're disgusted I mean yes yes we are disgusted we're totally dis disgusted um but yeah if you enjoyed this video uh give us a like subscribe go one further if you want to and join our patreon where we definitely don't talk about rude things in the Discord and the funny things in games that we find um and uh if you want to watch more completely highbrow content from us uh we have some wonderful V videos for you to watch here um in the meantime I just grow up game developers stop it
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 279,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, video games, gaming
Id: JfbMqzmyEhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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