7 Easiest Ways to Screw Yourself Over in Dark Souls

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[Music] dark souls is a notoriously hard game why well partly because it's filled with terrifying enemies who are determined to ruin your day by smashing your hero into a fine paste or defeating you irl by making you jump so hard you smash your controller into the ceiling hi is that penny's plasterers you have done it again however the sorry truth is that all the tourist demons in the world can't screw over a dark souls player as thoroughly or as miserably as a dark souls player can screw over themselves in a game where you can't so much as take two steps without your only save file getting overwritten it's all too easy to play yourself sometimes so disastrously it can ruin a whole play through so sharpen your zveyhunter and prepare to cry here are the easiest ways to screw yourself over in dark souls not everyone in dark souls is actively out to kill you some characters want to help you or are stuck in a barrel thank you so it would be a rum do to accidentally aggravate an otherwise friendly npc a rum do indeed not just because it's mean but because several are absolutely crucial to you making progress and if you should jab them hard with a sword because let's face it a lot of them look like evil skeletons they tend to not be cool about it oh hello oh did i just do something mistaking an npc for an enemy is just one way to foul up your game along with for instance popping your controller down on the sofa and the shoulder buttons get pressed in by accident oops by the lords you damn fool enough of you feel the wrath of the gods or you're so excited to have just upgraded your weapon you just have to give it a test swing forgetting andre the chill blacksmith is right there and turns out once ag road he's a lot less chill blacksmith and a lot more bare knuckle prize fighter which we'll be honest is not the fighting style we expected from a professional sword and axe maker we'd say it speaks to a lack of confidence in his craftsmanship if we didn't think he would drop kick our lungs out andre is one of the worst npcs to accidentally make aggressive because it means you can never again stop by for his crucial armor upgrade and repair services along with this clown you meet early on in firelink shrine who once po'd will really make life painful for new players by murdering them then murdering them immediately again when they respawn five feet away in an uncharacteristically generous move though dark souls gives you a way to make friends with npcs you have wronged when you've upset someone just seek out a fellow called oswald who in return for a staggering number of souls will reset any aggroed characters so long as they're still alive it is only human to connect [Laughter] in a very much characteristic move though dark souls makes oswald look more like an enemy than perhaps any other npc in the game and places him at the bottom of a ladder exactly where he'll startle you into attacking him and though leave with me no joy i shall accept that in here at which point it's basically time to delete your save and start again all right andre and oswald you win this play through [Music] dark souls bonfires are iconic so iconic that they end up in a million other games as easter eggs when you've been chopping your way through the lordran locals for a while there's a real sense of relief when you finally reach another bonfire but what if we were to tell you that there are some bonfires that you should absolutely not rest at until you have unlocked fast travel with the lord vessel yeah that's right welcome to dark souls anxiety club we meet on tuesdays sometimes you know if we're not too anxious two such bonfires can be found in the bottom of ash lake you reach this sand bank after fighting your way through the unremitting misery that is the great hollow i'm gonna level with you it's not that great it's a huge hollowed-out tree full of killer mushrooms dark souls idea of precision platforming and bad times aka cursed spewing basilisks more on these bastards later after getting through all that you'll see the bonfire and immediately want to rest at it but boy oh boy you should not do that why because there is only one route out of ash lake back the way you came and bonfires don't just recharge your estus but they also respawn every single enemy you killed on the way down yes you'd have to fight your way through that bloody tree all over again only this time anakin they'll have the high ground and don't even think about going into the dark caves of the tomb of the giants without fast travel either you can't even finish this area without the lord vessel but when you realize this you're already in too deep and again there's only one way out of this hellhole back the way you came with all the monsters respawned when something this severe happens as always the dark souls community is there to lend a hand although sparrow thought for the 124 000 players who presumably found themselves stuck at the bottom of this pit of despair a bit like when i was trapped in the ball pit of despair at the last dark souls anxiety club summer party where was my youtube guide i was in there for three days in dark souls your weapon is your best friend perhaps your only friend as seemingly everyone you meet is either trying to shove you down a hole or is a creepy disembodied voice give me warmth give me soft so it only makes sense that you treat your weapon of choice with the utmost care and that means guiding it lovingly along the complex path of weapon ascension upgrades which provided you've invested the time in gathering enough titanite and seeking out rare embers to give to blacksmiths lets you add exotic and powerful buffs to your armaments that's a rare ember you have there one ember in particular will pique the interest of any player and that's the one that gives the biggest boost to your weapon's base damage the delightfully refined crystal ember found in the duke's archives where it's been put for safekeeping by its maker seath the scaleless who must have had a devil of a time getting it in this little chest with his huge dragon hands you might think that the crystal path is a fine future for your beloved weapon then let's get to upgrading i mean who doesn't love crystal so clear so champagne classy it's the diamond of minerals but whether out of curiosity or simply by mistake turning your favorite weapon into a crystal weapon is one of the worst ways you can play yourself in the whole game because while ferociously strong crystal weapons quickly break and worse yet they cannot be repaired turning the beloved bit of pointy metal that you've shepherded through the whole game into the equivalent of a smashed champagne flute but less dangerous also you didn't get to drink any champagne the only chance if you crystallized your favorite weapon is to upgrade it which briefly recovers durability but this can only be done five times and requires pumping even more spectacularly rare materials into what is regrettably now a lost cause don't get yourself killed time to find a new weapon several tons of titanite and completely reprogram your muscle memory seems crystal isn't the diamond of minerals after all more like a cheap man-made imitation diamond zirconia socony me oh zucconi you when you're escaping the undead asylum at the start of the game the route is very simple follow the trail of glowing messages on the floor get smushed by a giant demon and then get kidnapped by a giant fuck-off crow i mean it's dark souls simple however when you get to firelink shrine you no longer just have one single nightmarish route to be funneled down like the haunted mansion at disneyland suddenly got actually haunted once in lordran you have multiple nightmarish routes to choose from and oh boy there's a wrong choice to make if you go left be prepared for the worst start to your game ever and possibly the fastest end to it too waiting for you in this graveyard are some of the meanest and toughest skeletons you will ever meet oh come on how is it not shattering into bits i'm whacking it with a great big sword i once broke a bone falling out of bed but these skellies refuse to stay down reassembling like some horrible bony voltron and making your day immeasurably worse no matter how many times you think you've finally got them they'll just get you [Music] you might be able to fight your way past them but oh wait there's more no literally there's more and if you get any further be prepared to be killed by this absolute unit and all his friends perhaps you're one of the very many new dark souls players who having been told the game was hard spent absolutely ages getting your blood hacked out by these skellies not realizing this is a road you're only meant to travel much later in the game upon realizing your grave mistake pun absolutely intended you have two options either try a different route or give up and try a different game let's try going further left down these stairs instead and see where they lead ooh the new londo ruins looks neat wait what the heck is that oh god why can't i hit it oh ghosts right well time to ghost dark souls thus began the age of men the age of dark however lord gwyn trembled at the dark clinging to his age of fire and in dire fear of humans and the dark lord who would one day be born amongst them covenants are guilds in dark souls that grant you special armor abilities and so on if you can find and impress the person or medieval cat who runs said covenant i am very glad and now without one of us but not all covenants are that easy to join notably the dark wraith covenant operated by satanic sock puppet kath this is joining the dark raids is a popular choice among players who like to pvp that thing where instead of fighting skeletons and monsters you fight real people in dark souls you can do this by popping down an invitation to duel using a red sign soapstone but you only get to actually fight when another player accepts the invite meaning you could be left waiting with nothing to do but see how many hollow corpses you can flip over a railing swish those really into pvp will want the option of the red eye orb an item that lets you invade other players an unlimited number of times without an invitation and as carth gives you this item as part of your covenant rewards along with other cool magics and armor invasion-loving players will want very much to be in his covenant the process of joining the darkraits is extremely detailed and involved and comes quite late in the game as unless you kill an npc early to steal his stuff you need the lord vessel to get to the abyss where he lives and you'll need to have collected items in the right order and snub the advances of other characters like fellow sock puppet frampt i shall slumber until i am awakened again after jumping through all those hoops players might be shocked to find they only get one single chance to say yes to cart's invitation and guess what the dialogue defaults to no hope you went skipping through the dialogue let's just say karth has a low tolerance for being told no enough of this and farewell to you i shall return to the abyss and await the true lord of men sadly if karth takes his ball home here there is absolutely no way back and that's it for you and the dark rates and perhaps your pvp or 100 completion career oh well at least we're getting pretty good at this new sport nothing but net [Music] thank you i'm anastasia of history now i can continue my duty as a keeper out of all the bonfires and dark souls firelink shrine holds a special place in every player's heart it's the first place you're dropped off by our big bird friend and there's usually plenty of folks from lordran hanging about so you can always get the latest gossip i'm not up for chatting leave me alone is this because we tried to kill you because oswald should have passed on our apologies it's also one of the few fires in lordran looked after by a fire keeper so not only do we automatically get a delicious ten estus when we rest us but we can give a fire keeper's soul to fire keeper anastasia of astora to reinforce our estus flasks so we can heal even more with each gulp [Music] any chance you could reinforce this one too anastasia it leaked orange juice all over my bag however a key point in the game firelink shrine is now just well link shrine as the fire is fizzled out why because the fire keeper has been killed and her soul snatched away by her killer this jerk that keeper has so to get her soul back and re-light the bonfire you have to get all the way to anor londo invade the killer's world and fight night letrek the guilty oh and two helpers uh hey uh only we're allowed to summon mates in chia once you defeat him you'll get the fire keeper's soul back hooray but if you don't immediately head back to firelink shrine to restore it you risk making a fatal error both for anastasia and for your playthrough see in the meantime you might chat to another fire keeper say the golden darkmoon knightess or the leggy daughter of chaos and say oh yes let's reinforce my estus flask again forgetting that the soul in your possession is in fact anastasia's use her soul which by the way looks absolutely identical in your inventory to any other fire keeper soul and you can never bring her back never re-light firelink shrine and never rest there again partly because of the fire bay now and partly because of the relentless guilt from putting anastasia in your estus bottle we'll remember you always ew it's all sticky yeah you take it anyone got any hand gel everyone knows that dark souls likes to punish mistakes whether it's punishing you the player for mistiming a dodge because you haven't yet properly memorized an enemy's attack patterns or punishing this warthog for thinking hey 99 of my body is armor-plated i'm sure that's a high enough amount of armor plating one punishment however it is broadly agreed is too harsh and that's the punishment for getting cursed a status effect that can ruin your game in a matter of moments curse is an outrageous status ailment that enemies like these fog spewing frog bastards can inflict and whose buildup is shown in the centre of the screen in purple by the world's smallest and least reliable progress bar why even have a progress bar if that's how you're going to treat it why dark souls why the ease with which it's possible to stumble into being cursed makes this ailment one of the fastest ways to screw yourself over in the whole game because curse build up doesn't just kill you and very possibly your frame rate it halves your hp once you come back to life well that doesn't look good in a game where even a full health bar offers barely enough health to scrape by the seriousness of being turned into a crystalline lump and having your hp cut in half cannot be underestimated this sadistic status ailment can be easily cured if you have a purging stone but these rare items can be sourced in only a few spots around lordran so unless you had the experience and foresight to bag yourself a purging stone ahead of time just in case you ever get cursed you will now need to battle your way to this magical item with only half your health bar to get you there if you ask us the brutal puppet masters at fromsoftware realise that the curse status was too horrible even for dark souls and we offer three proofs one a few months after the game was released curse was patched so that it no longer stacked which previously could have left players trapped with an eighth of their hp two when you get cursed the game gives you an unusually helpful on-screen text almost as if they knew what they'd done was too cruel and three in subsequent games getting cursed is nowhere near so bad for instance in dark souls 3 while curse is fatal there's no cost to your total hp after death at all still for all that maybe there's something to be said for the classic dark souls 1 experience sure it sucks to get cursed but it just makes it all the sweeter when you get that cure and can finally sprint back out there with a full health bar ready to take on anything the game has oh what well so those are some of the easiest ways that you can screw yourself over in dark souls can you think of any more let us know in the comments down below if you enjoyed this video please do give us a like and hey if you haven't already subscribed already why not hit the subscriber which is back ah it's amazing look luke look how glorious it is and these these videos over here you should watch those as well but oh my goodness fall down in praise of it praise the orb spare russell
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 632,690
Rating: 4.8557487 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, dark souls, dark souls gameplay, ds1, dark souls 3, curse, andre, boss fight, boss, npc, souls, soulsborne, oswald, dark souls help, guide, funny, ps4, ps5, xbox, switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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