7 Times a Game Was So Meta It Freaked You Out

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you don't need us to tell you that games are ridiculous not when we could show you my nose she was a talker for the most part though games are willfully ignorant of the bizarre rules conventions and cliches that shape them but not always because occasionally games display freaky flashes of self-awareness like a terminator catching sight of itself in a mirror for a moment before cheerfully going back to crushing human skulls underfoot here are the times that games were more better than Deadpool reading a Deadpool comic the West spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops point and click games don't just let you do whatever you want or else there would be a bit in Broken Sword where you break a sword over the head of that one goat in my dreams I kill him every night these weird rules are necessary of course because otherwise these games wouldn't work and wouldn't force you to think about how to combine items chat with characters or solve puzzles in order to progress which are all fundamental to the genre and Seleucus arts a 1993 witty classic salmon max hit the road popcorn mittens because I think he'd make a fine pair of them ho ho very wry Sam and/or max I can never remember which is which all right because he's got maximum long ears moving on max this doesn't mean these games are afraid to point out their own weird conventions in hit the road hero sam and max find themselves exploring the mansion of animal imprisonment enthusiast Conroy bumpass an extremely fancy pad that plays host to enormous egotistical portraits of its owner as well as technical marvels like this cleaning robot which in a nod to LucasArts linked to george lucas has a tiny princess lair inside dan was gratuitous oh but to control the robot sam and max need its instruction manual which can be found to top this monster truck bed prompting this bit of dangerously self-aware dialogue that pokes fun at the contrived nature of the whole point and click genre it looks like an official macro heart maintenance droid manual if I had the slightest inclination a strain myself I could probably reach it however I'm sure I can track this out into a longer get more satisfying experience whoa dangerously meta concepts there max hope Sam didn't hear max what Matt what max that smacks of what I'm sorry about him [Music] everyone knows that the music in your entertainment is a good clue as to what's about to happen like this chirpy music for instance that tells me everything is gonna be a-okay trust music folks but no fictional narrative would work properly if the characters themselves knew this trick right otherwise nobody would ever keep moving towards the source of the creepy music that plays while they walk towards a spooky door that rule is oh so callously discarded in banjo-tooie for the n64 again throughout which the dynamic bird and bear duo must do battle several times against low-poly body Kongo who gets visibly worse for wear after each encounter like here in the second time you meet him [Music] I'm go buddy we can fight later how about we get some ice on that eye you may think that after that you'd seen the last of Congo or you would if kazooie didn't make this self aware observation about the ambience upon entering this circular room oh come on cuz every life isn't that predictable oh yes it is that predictable still I'm sure this music is nothing to worry about you can equip powers when prepping for battle so try out different configurations however you'll have to take into account a power pieces size and shape huh cool looks like oh that dr. Mario is about to pay off creating a good tutorial which quickly helps players get the basics is a fine art there are many different approaches with some trying to be minimalistic and immersive sticking just to button problems but others alike Kid Icarus Uprising going for an all-out tutorial complete with spoken instructions from pit and the goddess of light lady palutena I'll help you get prepared for the battles ahead pit thanks I'm honored to be at your service lady palutena whoa she's the leader of an army and she's giving you one on one to ition nice one now you better be good and not ask any awkward questions pit but before we get started there's something I've been meaning to ask you and what's that who is this Icarus character this game is named after can I meet him look kid she's a busy woman don't spend the whole time complaining while on the ground your job is to seek out the bottom can't you just fly me over to the boss sewer if you don't mind your wings on fire I might Wow lady P does not hold back if you were hoping for a fully world immersing experience then best look away both characters fully reference the buttons and stylus controls with Pitt describing how he will interact with the buttons as if he's the player yes press it over no wait Pitt is the one pressing the button over and over again so Pitt is playing himself that means that we're that what it also makes little nods to previous games in the series our goal is to stop medusa and the underworld army well geez she was a huge pain 25 years ago as well as nods to pits appearances in other titles that moon feels so familiar I think they used it in that one series super bash sisters you mean super smash brothers I don't think it was that it's definitely that fYI Nintendo I would totally buy super bash sisters but where they really go over the edge is when talking about pits limited stamina linking it not to energy levels but game design you'll get winded if you run for too long so mind your stamina because I can't just run past all the enemies darn you'd family's gameplay oh yeah yeah yeah balanced gameplay that that's what happens to me when I try and run for a bus come by the place in about half an hour and I'll have it ready for you all right I'm gonna run by home and grab my web-shooters what do you do when you're tired of jumping I mean apart from lying down or ideally not having jumped in the first place jumping is hard the video game world answers with two words double jump this mainstay of the medium can be found across decades and genres from platformers to fighting game and always involves a second jump in which your character pushes off of thin air to get a little extra height which sadly is impossible we check every few months just in case how many was that trust mouthy superhero spider-man to be flippant about this long-running gaming tradition then I just have to finish stitching up a hole on the butt and then I'll give it back to you I can explain the hole in the butt by the way please don't in 2005 ultimate spider-man when Peter Parker's being walked through the web slinging moves at his disposal he has this to say about the revered double jump jump and then jump again sure it breaks the laws of physics but so do most things I do way to ruin it spider-man wanna speak to Parker know about Newton's third law of motion anyway I'll trust our own data continue the research there are some formulas that work extremely well in games things that come up so often that dealing with them often become second nature one of these is the boss battle not only is it a regular occurrence but they tend to follow the same pattern the boss is a whole lot bigger than you you must avoid them by running around to find their weakness and strike them multiple times to take them out so when boss bashing Spyro comes across a giant woolly mammoth in Spyro a hero's tale he thinks he's got the whole thing sussed out I've beaten bigger baddies than you right we've seen this all before but don't forget that pride comes before a fall so don't be too complacent Spyro all I have to do is run around a few times while I figure out your weakness then I just fainted three times what did I say what did I say still spyro is not the only one who has to pay for his smugness as sparks the Dragonfly is sucked up and well this happens I mean that's not where the stuff goes when you breathe in through your nose but fine upon his embarrasing exit Sparks runs off for the help of Hunter the cheetah who is only too happy to go meta in knowing that Spyro is safe relax buddy Spyros still alive I know because if he weren't we'd be going back to a previous save right no you don't rock hunter you don't rock your face just gives me nightmares [Music] things with dialogue choices don't typically show you your options in full sentences which makes it hard to guess what's going to happen next oh hey Andy [Music] nice t-shirt idiot your grandma buy that for you this tendency to accidentally mislead players every now and again is a frustrating aspect of almost any RPG but one game takes it a step further imagining how annoying those poorly described dialogue choices would be for the characters themselves that game is Super Paper Mario which at one point sees you playing as Princess Peach out to save her friend tippy from the clutches of a nerd chameleon called Frances sure Frances Falls immediately in love with Princess Peach ie you the player but unable to talk to her normally fires up a bizarre in-game dating sim of his own creation in order to force his affections on the unwilling peach like the big scaly creep he is the game swapping genre on you like this is already pretty meta and players can expect their heads to get thoroughly messed with as they watch Frances navigating his own mini game refusing to take no for an answer [Music] [Applause] his cursor even hovers ominously over an option marked smooch for a moment before he thinks better of it [Music] good decision Frances unlike literally every other decision you've made so far including that fanny pack not a good look towards the end of this excruciating chat Frances proposes marriage [Music] in the most clear miss reading of a situation since I bought my niece 12 monkeys on DVD for Christmas I thought Curious George but like 12 times as fun anyway if you're watching Uncle Joe and aunt Beth do call as the player you're given three responses to Francis's terrible marriage proposal first to say yes second to say let's take it slow or third to ask how much she earns which is frankly beside the point so the obvious pick you'd think is the second option as it's the strongest dismissal on offer but as his RPG tradition peaches response doesn't quite chime with the tone of that choice as she makes very clear in a weirdly self-aware moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you tell impeach in a supremely meta bit of gameplay that ends when you destroyed Francis's graphics card sure [Music] with you besides us the talisman of victory the day if Eden draws nigh your bright face obscures your darker mass Gordon Freeman is such an iconic character for someone who doesn't utter a single word and a few words aren't you but his worthlessness helps us jump into his place and become the hero without a voice it's easier for us to step into his shoes and really be in his skin no that last bit about skin didn't sound creepy you some creepy shut up however valve can't resist a chance to be clever so not only do they acknowledge Gordon's silence throughout the series but they also recognize the whole idea that he isn't the one in control of his actions this weird situation in which we are playing a hero who isn't actually us but an actual character is called out when we bump into this guy far-distant okay when you say it like that it really does sound creepy something secrets tears us both we shall not name it yeah please don't name it because if you say Jana I'm really gonna freak out right now like if I were to suddenly reference a viewer by name like you Bertram yeah but he's really freaked out right now no further compromised show so there were some of the times in games that were a little bit better they're being clever they knew what they were doing they're just pointing out hey you're playing a video game don't forget that but can you think of any other example first know in the comments down below we know that there are loads so get suggesting but if you enjoyed this video why not like this video and also you should go and check out these other videos here there's Xbox outside Xbox playing dayz on the Xbox oMG and then also another list from us regarding times where you weren't being much of a Chatty Cathy they pointed it out to you and also if you really enjoyed the video why not subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,713,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam and max hit the road, sam and max, sam, max, gameplay, broken sword, half life 2, half life 2 gameplay, banjo tooie, banjo kazooie, n64, boss, boss fights, resident evil, music, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, ultimate spider-man, kid icarus, kid icarus uprising, pit, smash bros, spyro a heroes tail, spyro, super paper mario, princess peach, funny
Id: eAIiEwd5by8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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