7 Times Music in Games Blew Our Minds

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video game music can have a lasting impact on anyone who listens to it like they're dead they're dead okay that's yeah that's enough money really only really needed one note so it's no surprise that those who play games will be able to reel off examples of game music that really hit home for them worming its way into their hearts and onto regular playlist rotation and the same goes for the outside extra and outside Xbox teams here then of the bits of game music that blew our minds don't really need to get this under control surprise surprise I'm here with an assassin's Creed reason I'm a big fan of Assassin's Creed and there's basically one piece of music that if you play it to a fan everyone just goes oh that is Ezio's family it is a good life we lead rather the best they never change and may it never change us [Music] now Ezio's family it's very simple there's a lovely simple piece of music and there's a particular kind of riff from it that is used throughout the entire series since it came in assassin's creed ii Ezio's family is basically a very sad piece because he loses his entire family spoiler warning for the beginning very beginning of assassin's creed - you've not gone yet you and your collaborators are hereby sentenced today you are a traitor Alberto and one of them you may take our lives this day but we will have yours in return I swear we will he's one of them it's a very haunting song and it's uh I just I really love anything that's kind of like vocal and a little bit operatic and zipcode can we can we get that opening bit play just play for got a little bit of electronic stuff in the future mm-hmm from the Animus cuz you're in the Animus that's probably why I also like it it just builds up builds up and builds up you often hear in kind of very solemn moments in the game if I hear it sometimes I'm kind of abit like cuz the sad things that happen it's such a moving story just like and the fact that I spent three games with Ezio like people who played that series we spent a lot of time with this lovely Italian man who lost everything but then built up another family in the assassins the actual Ezio family theme is used again again again and one particularly lovely version of it is from Assassin's Creed syndicate which I believe Luke has queued up for me [Music] it was an interesting thing cuz like syndicate was fairly different from the original games and the the series had grown but like the music always harked back to that key game of Assassin's Creed 2 that really like kind of set the standard for the series and linked them all together as like the Creed the Assassin's Brotherhood the London one was particularly because they had a lot of strings to get that Victorian era kind of sound to it and I'm a sucker for strings and it's plays such a huge role in the series that it's even been used in Assassin's Creed origins one of the later ones so there was this amazing kind of Egyptian sounding music but with Ezio theme and I remember when they first played the like the trailer at e3 and everyone's like since your theme in the chat because I was watching it online everyone just loves it so much in the same way and it's nice and it makes you feel emotional and reminds me of just very happy times when I just locked myself away in my room for ages and collected lots of feathers [Music] [Laughter] first off I just want to say that the premise of this video is unfair because I love all video game music I've got about 90 tracks so what include so many I wanna clean streets rage 2 soundtrack just all the final stratify so great Mortal Kombat 3 the subway but in the end which is one single one ok well I've chosen the theme to use people to brutal deluxe [Music] which was a sports game games for the amiga they didn't really do story back then they would have a premise of the game which is like robot works in a restaurant for example and the entire story would be picture of the robot in a restaurant and the text would appear on screen I'd say the year is 2100 robots work in restaurants do that now people to is about a violent sports called speed ball in the first game you played speed ball but it was forced underground because was too violent but now it's come back up from the underground that's the story as people - and this is all explained to you on a scrolling text thing and this music plays underneath and if we could just hear a little snippets [Music] it's just big like brassy stabs and like electronic little runs that you wouldn't be able to do on an actual instrument they're the sort of thing where you get like a sequencer you just drag the mouse that and you and then you go right it's in the game and it just it really runs me of those amiga games which were some of the first games I ever played when I was like a tiny child I haven't even got into like sci-fi or anything properly then so this was like my first exposure to a bunch of different so I fight ropes and everything just seemed to have just limitless possibilities and everything seems so alien and cool to me as a tiny child and this music was the sort of sound track to that I think speedball two's theme really exemplifies a lot of the music from games of that period and also it sort of tied in with popular music at the time like the prodigy they're sort of early stuff it was very much along the same lines and yeah it's just really evocative of a time and place when gaming seemed like really exciting like he could do anything at all and speedball was the sports game in which he could punch the other players unconscious if they got in your way and I was like whoa that's not in other sports this is kids games a good have you ever considered the games might be good go from the start with the big weird a little bit early a bit at start [Music] it's a bright brass that's the best of the Amigo adlib soundcard whatever it was to do just taking it somewhere else I think I just like music that has stabs in it like big brass tabs because yes bring up Mortal Kombat 3 subway yeah I think I just like industrial music this stabs this is coming to the realization I just really like music thanks thanks for watching bit music I want to talk about now is the Hyrule Field theme from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess [Music] now Twilight Princess is not my favorite Zelda game but the Hyrule Field theme is probably the best thing in the game it plays whenever you are riding around Hyrule Field which is the big open world in the game which originally came out for the GameCube but did get an HD re-release quite soon into the game you'll hear this and you will hear it a lot because you'll spend a lot of time riding around the field so it has to be good and it is and I'll tell you for why it begins in a straightforward enough manner you get music that evokes the feeling of riding around a field then sort of happy tune it's got this nice sort of like horse clip-clopping rhythm attack it's not that one though Andy it's a really pleasant bit of music it's textbook it's it's workman like and you know it sort of lulls you into a senses I'm happily you're going to Hyrule Field and then out of nowhere it just busts into this unbelievable 15 or so seconds of music that is utterly mind-blowing it's it's absolutely amazing I'll play it to everyone in the room okay here we go [Music] what see to know the down run is what's amazing ah it's it it's making bits of my head and heart go all electric it's just listening to it's it's so beautiful I love it so much for me it evokes everything about the whole Zelda series you know it's got that it's got that sort of driving rhythm it's got that very direct very strong melody with a sweet harmony to it as well and it just brings to mind link there and he's on his horse and focused it's very sword and just it's for me it's what my favorite game series is all about just that 15 seconds of music so yeah I listen to it over and over and over again quite often the Zelda music gets orchestrated like for big live shows or anything and if you're ever listening to that track down the Twilight Princess Hyrule Field mix or the theme because man like people doing the orchestrations they they know when they've got a good thing going and some of them just do like really crazy things with that focused 15 seconds of pure musical brilliance it was quite nice when I was doing their research for this and just like finding the music and listening to listening to it whenever I went down to the comments for all of these videos everyone was timecode linking to that bit of music like everyone this is what you're here for like who else is here for this bit of music which is really really nice because you know I've always always loved it in always treasured that those few seconds so it's really nice to know that everyone else just gets it man it wouldn't it wouldn't work as well I think it I think it's brevity is its part the reason why it's why it's so sweet yeah it does sort of leave you wanting more like there's room for that melody to go to somewhere else yet I'm sure and again like if you listen to some of the like orchestral live versions of that track it does but yeah for me I like the original just just just a burst bolt from the blue hits you right in the heart and then it gone love it guess what type of game my favorite songs from it's a driving game yes my favorite gene is splash wave from outrun [Music] now there's some debate about which is the best outrun track to play for the original outrun on the one hand you have splash wave on the other hand you have all idiots who think it's magical sound shower and they're all completely wrong first wave is greatest one it's quite funny because nowadays you listen to it and say wow this sounds so 18th but it's because outrun came out in the 80s it's a super 80s like authentic video game bit of chip tune the entire process of playing outrun and listening to music is awesome because what happens is at the start you've tuned a little you get a little radio they can you get to tune the dial to which of the songs you want so you get a bit of choice even in the arcade game about which team you want obviously you choose flash wave because you're a correct excellent human being and the great thing about splash wave is it's got exactly the right amount of build up to it you're kind of accelerating through one of I think what was at the time one of the fastest racing games out there so the sensation of speed in the original outrun it is great but obvious you have that kind of slow build-up and the song mirrors that that sort of slow build-up so it starts with this sort of like really understated kind of building and then the song kicks in as you hit the sort of straight where you fly past the beach and stuff and it's just perfectly time [Music] magical sound shower on the other hand bad song has what it's a bad song yes to separate the intro goes on too long and it has almost like two separate intros by the time you books are the bit where the song actually kicks in you're pretty much out of the first stage you already passed the beach you've already crashed into a truck clipped your Ferrari probably add a terrible insurance payout it's the wrong song where a splash wave is absolutely fantastic and for me it really evokes that kind of top-down convertible Pacific Coast Highway like driving through Malibu all that kind of stuff which I've been fortunate enough to do myself not in a Ferrari unfortunately I'm not that loaded but yes it's it's really kind of summery and evocative of that kind of 1980s California Beach sort of vibe so they remade splash wave for outrun too as well and again the it's almost like they designed the track so that the point where you're going to first throw the car into its glorious sort of power slide which is what I want to is all about that's when the song kind of kicks in there you go John Phil well they went guitars originally there were things that sounded a little bit like guitar but actually chip cheese oh yeah there you go now play magical sound shower because I want to sell this once and for all and II don't still going right okay but Tom Cruise is still mixing your cocktail and yeah the cheese did look listen it's not you [Music] no second intro second intro now you're in the song magical sound shower is the wrong out run song proven because because you've already completed the game and now it seems that the theme in this video is it's like mainly kind of epic music that we feel very nostalgic about and one particular game series that I'm very nostalgic about is the fable series which I jumped in on fable 2 now the main theme is written by one of my favorite composers of all time Danny Elfman battlefield and journey into it's very hard live by your wits or rule by sheer strength Beetlejuice people juice people just but the the piece of music that evokes the most nostalgia in me is actually a piece that comes from the original game as well and it's the temple of light theme and also used in the main menu now there are two versions there's one that's kind of played more directly on a harp and then there's one that's got more of a kind of echoey ghosty haunted sound and that's the one that they used in the menu theme on fable two it was like show this lovely Albion scene and then you press a and zoë Wanamaker goes and so our story begins and so it's it's a game that I've played a lot I've got a lot of characters saved in it because I wanted to see what happens when you're good when you're evil in a neutral and I just love that game world like fable - yeah yeah I'm still upset about Lionhead that particular music was that very calm gentle relaxing piece that you kind of knew that you were okay it was often used as well when you went through a demon door so you go into like these amazing places that were like absolutely beautiful and you know you had your family homestead in the one near oak field and stuff like that this real sense of like humming I can only imagine what it must have felt like for people who played the first game first and then came back so that's real like oh I'm back in the fable world but yeah it just evokes very nice comforting memories again of me just like sitting in my own little world running around Albion as this hero that I'd created with my lil dog Malone lilo dog cool Dave like I slightly wibbly-wobbly yeah it's that slight distortion it's like you're not really in reality and that that's what I really liked about the fable games is that unlike nearly every single other RPG that I had played around then and have played since which are like in a very heavily based upon tolkien-esque fantasy worlds which I love love but fable 2 had that kind of fairytale fantasy to it which I think isn't found that much in gaming it was just like this very kind of more mystical and more like like a fable so it that you know in its the it ran through that entire game like beautifully and just really lovely storybook feel that made it you know the fable series and my favorite in that series able to has a lot of good memories for me of by kind of distracting me when I was unemployed me feel like I was dings I think so yeah halo as a series has the most John Williams tear theme in video gaming don't at me unless you're John Williams in which case love your work but in the realm of video games I I contend that halo has the most God Tyr John Williams style epic unselfconsciously bombastic hummable like repeatable theme that said halo 2 of the very very many Halo theme iteration then there are so very many halo 2 has one called the Mjolnir mix and it is an absolute banger [Music] it is great for getting yourself psyched up for meetings important appointments life events you know I listen to it this morning I listen to it when I'm at the gym when I'm running and I want to feel like I'm a Master Chief it starts as you might imagine your iconic classic memorable halo theme and then it's like there's a an electric guitarist on the horizon very distant and he's running at you sprinting at you shredding his guitar you're getting closer and closer as the song progresses and then there's drums out the wazoo drums for days [Music] [Applause] [Music] and at the same time it's the halo theme and it's really loud if you're playing it right imagine it's halo - you're in the metropolis level early in the game whatever and there's a big old scarab and you've got a rocket launcher Martin O'Donnell legendary Bungie composer of halos stuff and we didn't get to the bit with the choral lady wailing but it really adds some things like women lisa gerrard and the gladiator soundtrack it's that kind of wordless choral way [Music] that's pretty heavy this arm is pretty heavy the way leash ready Electric epic orchestral choral it's just it's just everything it's so extra it's so sort of unselfconsciously cheesy leave epic and that's the good times and it plays I think also the in the end credits of halo 2 and that's that's a really good place to stick your excellent game music I think when everyone's sitting back and thinking about what they've just done hello its me and back again yeah I just do cuz administrative privileges and because I couldn't let this video slide out of you without somebody mentioning the sweet music of the video game undertale undertale is a remarkable feat of programming for many reasons but one of the main ones is that the creator of the game topi fox also composed this unbelievable array of music it's also brilliantly done and I think this comes together best of all in the track undertale from undertale i guess its self-titled or something it's probably one of the most chill I know that like when I mentioned undersell a lot of people who played the game will have been expecting me to say megalovania unbelievably good we could go on that's incredibly good but actually I think on balance although that music always gets me pumped I think the I think the track undertale is the one that really gets me in the game it plays at the point where you are in the king's house at the point where you reach this house you start getting like characters popping up and explaining backstory to you it's interesting because it's it's the enemies that you've been fighting or you know passively helping so far in the game but now they're just popping up with no fight option just with like dialogue that's explaining the backstory of how things came to be this bad it really really builds amazingly it starts with this very very just like like just a little simple melody that goes like duh duh duh I almost feel like it could be music from life is strange which is another series I love like it's got that sort of like slightly folksy slightly indie thing it does sound to me a little bit apart from the rest of the soundtrack you just add a little bit of how it sounds at the beginning and by the end it's more or less the same but it's just built and built and built so much [Music] I really really think it's lovely it does this it does this little thing with that little musical tune or it goes duh duh duh duh duh [Music] and it keeps going back to that last note the when you're listening to it you wanted to do something else like it in your in your brain you want to hear it go to like a different note and it denies you that satisfaction for for minutes and minutes and minutes through the song so I think what you wanted to do is go like duh-duh-duh yeah that's right but it but like it won't it goes lower than you expect that's right every single time and so it's got this slight slight sort of weird frustration as you're listening to it yes yes that's right like it doesn't quite finish right but yeah it does finally give you what you've been waiting for this point anger wait for it [Music] oh that's the stuff man and you know like it's it's it's what the best video game music does which is to achieve a real like emotional punch with with a very very limited amount of sound and that's what great video game music is for doing for decades I didn't make that connection but yeah it's got that yeah and that's similar sort of sense of like a story like resolved like gosh it also has this really sweet bridge where everything just stops for a second and it goes like this now just having heard that now listen to the first bit of music you hear in Ocarina of Time yeah yeah yeah that exactly there are a few points in undertale where it goes what I would consider full Zelda so anyway yeah it's it's a masterful bit of music I think in in a soundtrack that is full of wonderful hummable catchy tunes so yeah undertale for a month tail so there were some of the pieces a video game music that we really really loved and it was honestly extremely difficult for us all to choose them because there's so much good video game music so I kind of just went with the ones that make me cry a bit so hot ones bring back you know lovely memories for you or just absolute bangers that you really want us into all the time let us know in the comments down below and we will see you next time but before then you should click on one of these videos here are the video game films that we really like and over on outside Xbox there are the video game moments that made us go nah know don't want it and also if you really really really liked video subscribe and click the bell the bell that's important link leaving
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,199,786
Rating: 4.8911242 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, Undertale, Undertale gameplay, Undertale music, Undertale ost, ost, Undertale soundtrack, megalovania, assassin's creed, ezio theme, ezios family, speedball 2, halo 2 gameplay, halo theme, outrun, splash wave, fable 2, temple of light theme, Twilight Princess music, hyrule field music, Zelda music, fable 2 menu music
Id: 793NcKBtX24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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