7 Infuriating Songs We Wish We Could Get Out of Our Heads

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Ok, I haven't given this a thought in years but when the Tetris B theme played I somehow immediately recalled the Looney Tunes Alert game. It is quiet similar.

Also, they need to somehow sing the Kaepora Gaebora theme at their next DnD session.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/John-Piece πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The Slaughtering Grounds music is easily my choice for most irritating music in a video game. The song itself is not bad, but it's meant to be a backing track for rap and whatnot, but it repeats incessantly, over and over, while you play the worst game ever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EaterOfCleanSocks πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
video game music can be a source of great joy an emotional accompaniment to your adventures that stays with you for years to come in an ideal world days because some music in games is so damn catchy is to be positively infuriating nightmarish musical ear worms the burrowed deep into your brain and lay eggs eggs that hatch into a song you will walk around humming for the rest of your life we can all think of music like that and the outside extra and outside Xbox teams are no different here then a seven infuriating bits of game music let's stop it I've been playing a game recently which is the legend of zelda links awakening on the switch and i know if you played it originally on the gameboy I don't why I'm asking you if I'll reply but if you did you might remember the animal village music when you go to the village that's made up of animals you can talk and run shops and a chefs and sounds weird it went like this it was normal gamer music it's quite annoying they don't get me wrong it's quite annoying but you know normal but then in the new Zelda they're like how we need to update all the songs with real instruments now so they've got like this beautiful orchestral version of this Elda theme and it's been played on little like panpipes and when I first heard it I was like I was almost tearing up cuz it so beautiful it was such a modern reimagining of a classic theme from my childhood and then I got some animal village and I realized they've made the animal village song but they'd changed all the instruments to be dog noises and cat sounds so this is how it sounds now aggressive cat screeching yeah it's it's a bit flat as well I mean it's shrill it's he I mean I'm spending as little time in animal village as possible but it's still like a catchy tune because it's you know den dan den dan den it's got a nice rhythm and it's got the thing that all the sort of incidental music from not all of it but like a lot of the stuff by the shop music and the music from when you go and talk on the telephone to the weird old guy it's got a slightly like sinister edge to it it's in the sort of like minor key it just feels a bit like threatening in a way there's like an aggressive threatening song with like shrill cat sounds thrown in for no reason I mean you don't really have to spend a lot of time in animal village which is good because I'm not because that music is so annoying and yet catchy I find myself humming it and doing to myself in like the supermarket true we're like a dying cat cursing you out what have I done so yeah that's it that would be my stat my first suggestion is the animal village theme why did he make it with cat and dog sounds alright I don't think there are even any cats and dogs in animal village just like rabbits and that's why it's bad it's like a slider course now it makes sense [Music] the swashbuckler spectacular song from Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney tool Destiny's Phoenix our music is so good and actually there's a lot to like about this theme tune or so I thought for the first hundred times it's just on the wrong side of it infuriating I think it's just there's something about it's just very very bright and chipper which means that when you were like boiling the kettle or like making your toast and it's just going did it editor in you it's just it's just a bit much you'll first hear this song in an anime cutscene at the beginning of the episode this is going to be hard to give context for Phoenix Wright has to solve a case where a killer whale has been falsely accused of murder [Music] the Orca performs in a show a pirate revue called the swashbuckler spectacular along with a human performer [Music] and they sing a song there and it goes like this you might think well no having this stuck in your head is very annoying because the words are just not quite for the meter like there's just some there's an uncanny oddness to them like we swim through storms and we're hazel because it's just odd you don't also we pirates don't swim through storms and waves Grande treasure what does that even mean doesn't mean anything and when you hear this song for the first time these things don't bother you but the song is so catchy that Ivor overanalyzed everything about it you see this cutscene and then you get to hear this song loads more because there's a kind of like instrumental version this plays while you're like going around the game you know talking to the characters and stuff it's the kind of consistent theme for the thing I've had a weird journey with this bit of music is when I used to be one of my favorite bits of Ace Attorney music something changes when you listen to it too much and yeah it's just it's in my head at some point most days the upside I suppose of this existing is that it's in the case that as my favorite moments in the Ace Attorney series ever which is the bit where the killer whale kisses Felix right with his tongue [Music] anyway I ship it [Applause] [Music] fine 47 has some of the best music in video games there is the amazing battle music not as I'm you knows and he's not even played the game have you exactly that's how good the music is and he listens to it in his real life and he doesn't even but he's never even played the game does like emotion so well there's the kind of like mournful music that plays whenever you're sort of approaching a kind of bleak or area where the planet is in jeopardy and things like that but you know nobody's perfect and um there is one absolute clangor in there which is the music from the golden sorcerer which is a sort of giant saucer shaped amusement park it's a bit like sort of fans final fantasy Vegas this place you can visit you know if you want to go and play there's kind of arcade games and there's Chaka bow racing and things like that as various activities within this area there's a kind of battle arena and things like that but you do have to go there at some point and that means that you'll hear the theme music from the Golden saucer which is this awful circus music thing [Music] Samet some so so basically the composer of the Final Fantasy music Nobuo Uematsu has clearly used his powers for evil yeah because what he's done is created awful music that is also dreadfully catchy and and will immediately embed itself in your head with all its awful yeah circusy sort of fun fairy jollity and obviously as you're sort of wandering around the golden saw so trying to get stuff done potentially save the planet this awful musics playing and I can only assume it was chosen by the proprietor of the golden sorcerer a chap called do who shows up wearing I mean the resolutions not good enough to tell but I'm pretty sure those a leopard print pants after you've been after you've been like fully indoctrinated with the sound of that ringing and bouncing around your head he sends you to prison where you presumably have to do a thirty-year stretch with just that song in your head I can't think of a worse punishment yes maybe that's what he was going for but yeah I hate that song as well so it's the area of the game where you go on a romantic date with whichever character you've most flirted with and I can't think of anything that would kill the moon more than trying to shout a romantic conversation over that music hey how you doing you do you do you come here often yeah I don't I really don't know why I chose this place you know there's a beautiful beach resort called the Costa del Sol we could have gone there oh my god oh just end it I'm thinking about the music and also this video my music is from the ocarina of time but Ellen all the music in that is amazing you're shouting at me down the screen well how many times if you got to listen to that bloody owl yes my my choice is Kapoor and Gomorrah we pointed out sounds like Shakira Shakira but let's let's have a listen shall we [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] it just changed it over there but the thing is that bit never gets in your head it's that first two loops that go round and round and round it's out time as well like there's two things about it that really just like the first bit is yeah it's out of time I'll I'll do a nice light as if I'm a conductor I'll count in time in four [Music] well no no no we must cease [Music] the only thing is well with that is it when you're singing in your head as I do [Music] which makes me feel like I'm like drunk or something like you know it's the sort of like dirge that some drunkard would be singing in the corner rubber bar so yeah the other thing as well is it accompanies characters in games and that's a bloody owl who comes and tells you what's happening when I first played the ocarina of time I was like yeah I know how to play video games I'm an adult woman a normal adult woman and I can press all the right buttons and everything just about to go into Hyrule Field and listen to the best bit of music in the game this blooming out comes out so I'm sitting there like infuriating pressing the buttons to be like yeah let's get skip okay okay shut up out there's this thing right the end where he goes did you get all that and default option is no so you just go back and this is the whole thing again is I up start up again it's annoying character doesn't keep time there's only one bit that gets stuck in your head and you get the possibility of accidentally having to do it all over again and it's really annoying I'm what the other annoying thing is I found amazing remixes of it on YouTube because I'm one of those people who lessons to 90% of my music at the moment is remixes of game tunes and I found someone did an amazing remix of it so it's got the possibility of sounding so so good but instead it says [Music] kills my vibe man just know you wanna learn how to drive huh it's harder than you think it is if you think you can handle it try this rap alright the next game I want to talk about is the classic rhythm action game parappa the rapper who remembers that whoo yeah so this is a game about a rapping dog and he just goes about his daily dog life doing normal things by learning karate from an onion good meeting to go to the toilets while a reggae frog very strange game very odd but the thing about parappa the rapper even though is a rhythm action game like a lot of the music in it wasn't brilliant like it was fun to play but one of the levels is parappa ghost to take his driving test and his driving instructor is a sort of moose woman and you just sort of drive around and it plays the song for this level is sort of really jaunty upbeat piano tune that is just infuriating the cheery and plinky plinky and i'm gonna play some of it now [Music] we're here sitting I want you to show you you can get [Music] so that's for effort step on gas they'll be like three button presses step on the brakes he keeps not very rapid bang anyway so one of the reasons it's so bad and annoying is the bids literally a driving test so all of the lyrics are like step on the gas step on the brakes check your mirrors use fur gear and it's so it's dull for a start it doesn't really go anywhere it's just infuriating the catchy and ear wormy but the if you start to do badly at it the song will switch into a minor key to indicate that you're not doing very well then it becomes kind of sinister so it's switched into minor key and also started adding duck noises for some reason so it could be that you're not doing particularly well at this and it's switched into a minor key and added a load of random quacks and fart sounds which is I mean it's not helping if you're trying to get better I don't think that a driving test is a particularly fun or interesting topic for a song for start dogs can't rap it's unrealistic yeah catchy annoying bad and the minor key version with the duck quacks is even worse and yet still this stand on the piano it's so jaunty and you can't help but have it stuck in your head for days afterwards as bad the karate rap is better with the onion [Music] when Ellen and Luke came up to me as they say often do and asked me to come up with the most annoying game music that I couldn't get out of my head it had to be and could only be the tetris theme song because that's been in my dang head since I don't know early 90s and hasn't has a left a sense in fact my day-to-day is a constant background hum of the tetris theme music as rendered by an original Gameboy I just live with it now it's just like just like white noise like a distant fan or radio static see what makes it 1000% more annoying though is when you invent the lyrics which is just [Music] song that really just gives it an extra an extra free son of utterly infuriating catchiness that you will never ever ever get rid of and there now you're welcome to it too so enjoy welcome to my hell it's so Kay it's so catchy I know it's based on Russian folk music there's a piece of some Russian folksy folk music that that contains that tune and more and I know the tetris music isn't just that musical phrase but I remember Luke once discussed what makes a catchy song with me and part of it is the way a song doesn't like properly ends so your brain never goes and now we're done now we've finished playing that back to you in you know mentally and Tetris that kind of musical phrase and Tetris just does that where you get to the end of it and you like may as well just hum it all over again Tetris song derp derp derp derp derp derp and and so it goes on forever and ever in an infinite loop it infinitely loops so very perfectly that it can just go on and on maybe a proper version of it not rendered by an original Gameboy we'll we'll finally finally resolved that music in my head no oh yes I have play it for me [Music] too fussy too fussy can't beat the classic I'm sorry my love hate relationship with the original is that that is some nonsense and you've got to have the spare elegance of a gameboy too fussy well I know that's why I mean that there is more music in Tetris but I honest-to-god couldn't even begin to hum it because all I can think about is that one musical phrase [Music] that is a weak b-side alright let's hear the other one [Music] very refined like a harpsichord that's too good too good for a falling-block puzzle game to be the original when I go to my grave [Music] as they lower me into the crematorium device hey friends magic carp jump is a bad mobile game but I have played for approximately 45 to 50 minutes in my whole life however the piece of title music from Magikarp jump is without a doubt the most annoying most catchy bit of video game music ever to have been created . it hits you like a freight train as soon as you hear it you know that you'll never unhear it the loop is extremely short I think you can get you get throughout an entire rotation of the magic up jump theme in about 30 seconds so yeah it's it really doesn't take long to hit all of the different bits of this tune all of which are very very very very help setting Lee distressingly infuriatingly catchy it's just such a big bold melody I guess intent intent intent Dylan Tennant didn't it and didn't do it and then you know like you could just be boring but it does have a little bit of like-- melodic interest when it goes into then and then and yeah i i honestly it's remarkable I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've played barely any magical jump in my life but I immediately afterwards could could hear that song whenever I wanted Magikarp jump has basically no redeeming features it's very very hard to play unless you like put in real money by microtransactions you make your Magikarp jump there's no real skill involved some Magikarp just jump it's not even doesn't even look that great and occasionally one of your Magikarp is killed by a Pidgey or a pidgeotto or a Pidgey or one of the port of the pigeon one of the pigeon pokemons will occasionally just kill your Magikarp I can't imagine how it could be catchy er I can't imagine how it could be more laser targeted just like burning itself like a laser into your memory light into the deepest bit of your memory like it erases deep parts of your subconscious immediately like it just goes in and it burns over like remembering like how to walk or something that all like the power for capacity for language when aliens show up the spaceships will be playing like Magikarp jump magic I've jumped problem somehow powers faster than light travel it's just it's some weird magic man and yeah I I hate it but it's sort of I just I hate it I hate it um if the first time we actually talked about this before on outside exterior talk about show of the weekend and that was after I'd just played magic up jump for a little bit was talking about having played it and I think at the time I said like oh there is one redeeming feature to the game now listen to this music is one one good thing about the game right and that is that it has this music here you just listen to it what a sweet naive boy when I look at that footage I don't recognize them Terry staring back in me something changed that day be careful what you wish for and don't don't play Magikarp jump you weren't going to anyway and don't have watched this entry because you don't need because you will have Manta you will that music is now a part of your life it's like the ring video yeah wouldn't that be wonderful if uh if if if it was no longer in my head because I've made this video and I'd passed it on I suspect that's not the case I said it's more like a virus if I ever find a cure [Laughter] [Music] that's there forever there you go enjoy that at least it's not Magikarp jump away [Laughter] well what ones get into your head go get out and I'm gonna stop there just keep looping round so often happens in games because of looping music new games her but let us know in the comments below and if you want to see some music that we loved click here and if you want to see some video game bits that made us rage quit bits that just made us go nope not playing that any more over on outside Xbox and subscribe bye there's a dead
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 612,416
Rating: 4.9458938 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, funny videos, games, gameplay, music, soundtrack, theme, ost, ff7, zelda soundtrack
Id: 6NWhYFNH_oo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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