7 Villains Who Cheated You Out of a Boss Fight

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the only good thing about evil villains is that at the end of the game you at least usually get to smack them in their villainous faces also they often have good hair but what happens when games don't give us the satisfaction of battling the shadowy figures who've been making our lives so miserable throughout the game a lot of pent-up frustration is what how am I supposed to go about my life knowing that Harry Flynn the smarmy smile invideo games remains canonically unpunched by uncharted hero nathan drake with a hat tip to apex dan zero on twitter for inspiring this list here are the villains and games you never got to have a boss fight with for where spoilers for the following oh - hi Laura would you like one he has the word Sadako was another they kill with you yeah you know the whole don't automatically trust strangers thing that you were taught when you were a kid well after that don't automatically trust disembodied voices who tell you to go kill giant monsters but that is what wander does in Shadow of the Colossus in order to bring back his presume to love mono from the dead instead of just letting things lie literally he picks up a magical sword and strikes a deal with multi-voiced entity doorman and so off he trots on his horsey aggro to slay the sixteen colossi who honestly were just fine being left alone thanks [Music] and when they're all dead he and mano live happily ever after well just kidding it's actually really sad instead wander gets gradually overcome by some strange force and then when the dude who put cursed mano to death Lord Iman finally shows up and shoves a sword in him to stop him wander is consumed by doorman turns out the actual big bad was doorman not the colossi and maybe it wasn't a good thing the wander was being filled with a load of black tendrils after everyone he defeated because those were fragments of doorman don't trust disembodied voices and be careful of dark tendrils absorbing into your soul a lot to remember what you might expect next is a battle to fight for wonder soul I mean this entity tricked you into killing innocent monsters and did not explain the small print I mean sure they said the price might be heavy but I thought that just meant for me I didn't realize that meant releasing a dark presence into the world burn instead you stay consumed playing as doorman infused wander for a bit before getting defeated by Lord Iman who kicked off this whole mess in the first place a dude you also never get to punch [Music] this leaves wander reborn as a small child with horns mano brought back to life apparently completely unfazed and the possibility of Dorman's two voices male and female having consumed each of them so Dorman possesses you and you don't get to kick them in their stupid horde head as payback well at least we know that a guru isn't dead anymore [Music] this guy Barry you know who he is you got me let's grill oh I think you mean me in conkers bad fur day you meet a lot of colorful characters ah the great mighty oh and I am going to throw my at you and smelly don't forget smelly however a more regal character and I realize conker has set the bar quite low is the Panther King even if he is prone to most uncanny temper tantrums hey you know what they say it's no point crying over spilt milk [Music] okay I'll shut up Panther Kings main concern in life is sorting out his wonky table so that he can sit his most beloved beverage on it without it spilling and so he tasks his top scientist with finding a solution and it turns out the solution is using a small brightly colored mammal good some conkers girlfriend berry gets kidnapped well and every one of their mums seems to be on the hunt for red squirrels look I tell you I'm not a squirrel get your hands off me I'm an elephant totally bought it when you finally come face-to-face with Panther king you expect an epic showdown especially after he orders Barry to be killed sorry doll fish business yes business a deal my way Barry but before you can punch him in this fuzzy face for murdering the least annoying character in the whole game something happens [Music] [Applause] well that was unexpected and possibly copyright infringing yes turns out this was the professor's plan all along using the alien to kill the Panther King and then try to kill you man first nobody lets me fight the boss and then a xenomorph gets loose this is just like when I worked in retail what come on [Music] there is brilliant mate yeah it's an unfortunate fact that the British accent can often sound condescending and sarcastic even when that's not the intention oh well done no I meant it I really did and knowing this fact you might make the same mistake as back whiffed adventurer Nathan Drake in uncharted 2 among thieves when he decides to give roguish Brits Harry Flynn the benefit of the doubt go in through the sewer loving it so far that puts us in the courtyard from there we scale up the wall run across the rooftops and just drop down into the exhibit hall Bob's your uncle inevitably though Flynn almost immediately double-crosses Nate at the conclusion of the heist they're planning deliberately getting him arrested in a betrayal almost as slimy as his pomade rich haircut want to give the guards a decent head start and so begins a globe-trotting adventure to get back at bad guy Flynn and his sinister paymaster lazarevich who were searching for the lost city of shamballa but just when it seems Nate's might be getting close to smacking Flynn in his Osos macca buffets this happens now you just don't know when to quit do you what no witty remark nothing clever to say uh uh how about if you like clever then why don't you look in a mirror on opposite day okay we'll work on that by this point you'll be absolutely desperate for Nate to give the villainous cleaner kicking in time-honored video game tradition but just when you find your way into a big round room that would be perfect for a boss fight Flynn rocks up in a cutscene having been beaten up off-camera by his old boss lazarevich and serves up this final insult parting gift from the Tsarevich pitty took the pin you're gonna be okay we're gonna get you out of here ah a grenading okay okay we never got to fight Flynn but there's nothing to stop me restarting the game and then punching Flynn back when Nate had the chance you son of a [ __ ] I tried now instructional solution this evening hunt Allah when you come across Serizawa kazuhiko he's not really the friendliest of do's so here a second ago told in you at khon kaen I can't get it done either okay that might be a bit of an understatement see this detective of the Asarco prefectural police knows a lot about you recognizing Kazuma Kiryu through his excellent taxi driver disguise of Taichi Suzuki probably because an old pal of his was shouting it from the rooftops earlier still it later turns out that you're not the only one who's been using a secret identity as Detective Serizawa kazuhiko turns out to be Tsubasa Kurosawa the seventh chairman of the only Alliance and he's a man with a plan most of the problems you end up dealing with in the game are because this guy has been trying to overthrow both the only Alliance and the Tojo clan thus taking over the two largest yakuza organizations in the country so you would expect that this guy is the big bad we've been working our way towards yes this is the guy we have to fight in an epic boss battle instead he forces you to fight other people on pain of the death of the adorable singing idol Haruka adoptive daughter of Kazuma Kiryu I saw sliver Souness alumnos as a studio marriage there oh my goodness can we please punch this guy well unfortunately no even after taking out his hit man it's his mate Dejima who dis arms him in a cutscene and then it turns out that Kurosawa is dying of lung cancer so obviously it would be a bit distasteful to challenge him to a punch-up and the whole mess was about him trying to give power over to his ungrateful son Masato Aizawa sure I'm not so neat I know we are gonna of course to cut a time on don t know they were in this Oh what at least tell us we get to punch the son ah feel a bit better now you were a tool an agent with a singular purpose and despite our differences you were relatively successful but like the rest of the relics in this place your time is when it comes to who you want to punch in the face you'd think that the person who brought you back to life would be pretty low on the list but the elusive man leader of Cerberus who saved Commander Shepard from perma death at the start of Mass Effect 2 turns out to be well a bit of an ass don't try my patience the technology from that base could have secured human dominance in the galaxy against the Reapers and beyond see his ultimate goal was to control the Reapers you know the weird space entities that like to destroy the universe every time he gets too advanced yeah now that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all every time shepard finds a bit of Reaper technology he could use there he appears in hologram form of course so no one can get at him so convinced of his ability to control the Reapers the illusive man becomes indoctrinated even allowing himself to have Reaper derived nanotechnology implanted into himself because nothing says this is a good idea like fitting yourself with modifications that are made by the very people out to destroy you with this he controls ships motor functions forcing them to shoot the also incapacitated Alliance officer David Anderson in these stomachs just to show off all he can do look at the power [Music] you know what would be even more impressive and less psychotic making them juggle even more impressive no one gets killed especially if they do that over the hand thing but the worst thing is that if you're going for the Paragon ending you can't have your revenge instead you finally get through to him and upon realizing that he screwed up he shoots himself I should try Shepard only if you played as a renegade which is a reminder involves being a total jerk to everyone you meet throughout the whole game do you get some measure of revenge which isn't a big old boss fight but instead chefs shooting him in the stomach in a cutscene you're the one they look Shepard you got to learn that you can't just solve all your problems by shooting at them door okay fair enough [Music] [Music] yoshi is no stranger to injustice consider how it must feel to carry baby mario around on your back only for adult mario to propel you to your death just to save his own skin absolutely brutal but that's not even the greatest injustice that poor yoshi has had to endure in his time what's far worse is having to watch flying villain kamek eluding the beatdown he so sorely deserves in whimsical 2d adventure super mario brothers 2 Yoshi's Island but hey it is whimsical maybe Chemex crimes on all that serious I mean all he's done is steal a baby specifically chemic brazenly abduct the newborn luigi and in the process lets baby mario plummet thousands of feet only spared from death because he's lucky enough to smash onto poor Yoshi's head Yoshii sets off to rescue Luigi and along the way gets tied up in all sorts of surreal boss fights made exponentially harder by the magic of creepy flying jerk hammock including a battle against a possessed plant pot and a brawl inside the belly of a frog which ends with baby Mario and the long-suffering Yoshi expelled from the animals lower end [Music] oh god I hope that's not baby Mario's first memory after this string of indignities you'd certainly hope that the adventure would end with child even kamek stamped on three times and never seen again put a dream on because when the final confrontation comes it's against baby Bowser who kamek is also stolen and transforms into Godzilla proportions with his wicked magic put the smackdown on baby Bowser and it's finally time for comic to face Yoshi's own brand of sticky tongue justice oh so you'd think because the game ends astoundingly with chemic cheesing it into the sky [Music] what the heck well don't worry Yoshi or get him back in the next game Yoshi's Island es over ten years later Yoshi I'm not telling you how to do your job but throw some damn eggs maybe he stole the baby I think it's time to show you who's the real boss come on out the livers hint who's that must you always be so exasperatingly dear child Kingdom Hearts is a series which features a lot of Disney worlds and therefore a lot of Disney Villains for you to do battle with and at the center of them all is Sleeping Beauty antagonists Maleficent proud recipient of best haunt award five decades running in the first game she is the ringleader of a bunch of Disney big bads intent on capturing princesses from their different wilds to open the path to Kingdom Hearts 1 by 1 you Keyblade your way through them bumping into Maleficent along the way such as when she knocked out of this situation real hard wait a second are you Maleficent when you finally reach Maleficent you battle her not only in sorceress form but also as a dragon [Music] it's a pretty hefty fight and takes a long time to get to so when you defeat her you're fairly chuffed with yourself having just defeated you know a great big bloody dragon and after that you carry on in your adventure safe in the knowledge that she has gone forever and she won't be a problem at all in Kingdom Hearts 2 [Music] Maleficent [Music] [Laughter] I'm sorry what yep annoyingly just like life maleficent finds a way and she spends kingdom hearts to wandering from world to world building an army of heartless and reviving her old friends that you'd work tirelessly to defeat in the first game i feel like a million bugs i really owe you one for this maleficent indeed you do okay come on hah okay you might think we hit a win the Keyblade in the first game so surely we get to again in Kingdom Hearts 2 well no when Maleficent makes her move and tries to take over Disney Castle you don't fight Maleficent at all instead going back in time to be up her helper Pete and don't expect a big boss battle near the end like the first game instead in her desire to find a new base of operations after losing holo Bastian to the goody two-shoes gang Maleficent protects Sora Donald and Goofy so they can defeat other big bad xemnas of the shady organization 13 so she can try to Nick his castle afterwards in other words you're denied a single Keyblade battle opportunity with a longtime antagonist because she's too focused on owning a nice castle girl you're a Disney villain not the National Trust although I would forgive the lack of a fight if you've got a good gift shop you can always you know after my pencil collection free Klee bye dear I'd rather run sorry those are some of the evil villains in games that at the end we didn't even get to have like a big boss fight with I mean what the hell Uncharted we were right there in a big was even a circular 1/8 room Harry Flynn and yet no boss fight it's very let's but no I know oh oh you're the big bag oh right oh cause it's the end of the video now it makes sense all right well okay I will yeah darn it's happened here as well even in my real life the curse follows if you enjoyed this video then why not check out some of the videos we've done this one up here is about difficult first bosses who deserve a promotion and listen our news from our sister channel outside Xbox it is about heroes who live long enough to see themselves become the villain and you enjoyed this then why not subscribe thank you for watching guys right
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,158,788
Rating: 4.8985624 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, shadow of the colossus, shadow of the colossus gameplay, ps4, dormin, conkers bad fur day, yakuza 5 ending, ending, yakuza 5 gameplay, kurosawa, boss fight, boss battles, all boss, illusive man mass effect, mass effect gameplay, yoshis island gameplay, kamek, maleficent, kingdom hearts 2 gameplay, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: WEtnlgykU-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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