7 Times You Died Right at the Start, RIP You

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most games like to gently lead you into the flow of things let you find your feet in a new virtual world other games enjoy pulling the rug out from under you by killing off you the hero right at the start of things often horribly consider these times you canonically died in the first oh say 10 minutes of a game and had to deal with that whole business ripu oh and uh Beware spoilers for The Following games obviously that's like right in the beginning [Music] [Applause] [Music] hold on the Call of Duty series is Infamous for offing playable characters to teach us that any conflict can be viewed from many sides as multiple brush Strokes in a narrative portrait that when you step back reveal the true horrors of war or so that developers can add in cool nuclear explosions and helicopter crashes without having to figure out how characters like the doomed Sergeant Paul Jackson could possibly have survived but you'll forgive us though for thinking that Dan Wolf Lyle the first playable character in Call of Duty infinite Warfare might have made it more than 10 minutes after all he survives falling from space onto a frozen moon of Jupiter and doesn't accidentally scared into this icy ravine keep moving and isn't out faced by this C12 drone tank oh wolf is there anything you can't survive well let's have a look at his medical records okay uh allergies Jon Snow wearing a goldfish Bowl yeah not a quarter of an hour into the game wolf meets a dire end at the hands of Kit Harrington faced Martian Admiral Salem Koch who has you summarily killed by his Goons go dad we'll always have Jupiter by defeating Aries Kratos the once Marvel Warrior became the new God of War however Kratos soon found himself alone on Olympus shunned by his fellow Gods Kratos is a man of action well to be more accurate he's a man of a single action which is murdering everyone who gets in his way well at least he does what he knows best however in God of War 2 Kratos still isn't quite getting along with the gods due to how he's still smashing the world to bits in the name of Sparta he won't even listen to Athena who made him the god of war and gave him his cool new blades do not turn your back on me I owe you nothing Rude the gods don't waste any time knocking Kratos down a peg or two though as a big eagle immediately zaps you down to size and sets the Colossus of roads on you at least Zeus has your back though offering you the sword of Olympus the only catch is that you have to drain all of your Godly Powers into it to make it work and you'll lose them if you let go I'll be fine as long as you don't boast about how great you are before getting squished by a giant metal hand do you see gods of Olympus I need Kratos yup you go through a whole load of fights platforming and puzzles just for Kratos who balls it up in a cut scene and be stabbed to death with the sword of Olympus by Zeus who was the eagle all along fortunately Titan Gaia saves Kratos from permadeath meaning he just has to regain all his powers from scratch damn it Kratos you and your big mouth and you had to go and anger the gods and now I've got to go re-unlock all of your skills and like Carl you're so annoying you just have to but honestly I'm totally fine with it it's fine hey why did you run it gets old giving counsel to the new ones don't take it personal running through walls making things appear you look like you've been here a while you must know how this place works then yeah works this place isn't hard to understand the title of Murdered Soul Suspect is your first clue that you're not going to be not murdered but the immediacy and strangeness with which the game offs you might catch you off guard you are Ronan O'Connor rookie cop in Salem with a bad attitude a 20 a day habit and a strong waistcoat game as the story starts you're hot on the heels of the lethal and boringly named Bell killer you're under arrest seriously the Salem slasher the masked murderizer those are just off the top of my head Salem newspapers call me O'Connor does get his Bell rung mind when his mysterious Nemesis shoves him out an attic window onto the tarmac below then plunged into an out of Body Experience O'Connor can see his broken body hasn't quite kicked the bucket q1 of Gaming's weirdest sequences as you align your spirit limbs with their physical equivalents in a bid to climb back inside your own body he's doing it all wrong this is how you climb inside your own body then the Bell killer finishes the job filling ronan's mostly dead body with bullets [Music] [Applause] so ronan's given up the ghost but his ghost Won't Give Up see he doesn't get to move on until he finishes up his police work and closes the case on the Bell killer from Beyond the Grave which isn't going to be easy given that he can't even open a filing cabinet as far as I understand it police work is 90 filing cabinets [Music] when I think of dragons and hearts I think of that 90s film where Sean Connery voiced Draco the friendly dragon never it's a stone cold classic that was until I played 2012 RPG Dragon's Dogma which pulls the rug from under you twice in its prologue first it turns out this handsome night you start playing as isn't the main character at all quickly skipping forward in time to a peaceful looking Beach where you can create your own proper character I always love a bit of character customization hair a bit darker cheekbones up slightly heart inside rib cage yeah that's the stuff so when this Dragon shows up you're ready to take your newly created hero for a spin come on you big scaly rap scallion I've played Skyrim I know how this goes you act all scary for a bit fly off and then we meet again at the end of the game now fiend I have you uh [Music] [Music] oh you've eaten my heart touche now surely Death By Heart gobbling in your very first battle should be game over but of course this isn't actually the end of the story in devouring your delicious aortas that Dragon actually made you sort of immortal so you return as an Arisen and can go RPG questing to your hearts get it content just with very poor circulation it's basically Skyrim with pins and needles foreign day saving the universe all you want to do is put your feet up but like an on-duty cop tempting Fate by announcing their fast approaching retirement ridiculously well-named team leader Commander Shepard carries on with the Normandy crew in Mass Effect 2 only to be attacked by an unknown ship with a very large laser beam Shepard remains calm encouraging the crew to escape in pods before they get blown to Pieces whilst going off to look for jocular pilot Joker walking through burning corridors and open space to reach him and in a final action that shows even a renegade ship is a good ship Shepard saves Joker by shoving him in the last available pod it's so brave Shep is blasted out into nearby space and we watch on helplessly as they realize their suit is breached die in the vacuum of space and fall into a nearby planet [Music] but it was the start of the game and we're going to go and like stop the Reapers but thanks to Future space Tech and video game law Shep is brought back to life by cerberus's Lazarus Project during the process we see exactly what death in space and plummeting to a planet's surface can do to a human body still now we get to go through the class enhancement procedure and get a shiny new Normandy totally worth the horrific experience of dying alone in space totally worth it I didn't care if I was in heaven or hell all I wanted sometimes if this list teaches us anything it's not to take a game at face value for instance at the opening of 90s PlayStation Dungeon Crawler blood Omen Legacy of Kane we are introduced to a world where horrible vampires are butchering the Guardians of the pillars nine totems that are linked to the health of the world oh that vampire is gonna pay I assume let's get crucifixing accept your playable character Kane is more interested in trying to get served to drink and this elitist jerk isn't shy of dropping a title into conversation if it helps get him suzzled a mug of air for a weary traveler from distant corehagen I can reward you well for I am of noble blood I Stay open for no man in these dark times then your first playable action as Kane is to stagger outside onto the waiting Blades of Assassins who Buzz around you like Hornets who've learned to use swords I.E the Ultimate Weapon ease this is a bit steep I've only been playing two minutes get off you Rascals don't you know I'm of noble birth when my father hears about this he's going to oh hang on no no no no no no in the afterlife Kane agrees to become a vampire if it means getting revenge on his assassins kicking off a lengthy dungeon crawling Adventure where you kill everything only pausing to restore your health by draining the blood from an innocent human oh so the whole vampire Revenge thing is on hold [Music] here take this what's this this is who you have to kill painkillers are amazing things particularly if you have to pass a kidney stone however drop off the S and you have a 2004 first person shooter with a very irresponsible protagonist you see in painkiller even before you have the chance to pick up the controller and do anything Daniel Garner and his wife Catherine decide to take a little Drive in Reigns so heavy that it looks like if you stepped out into it you would literally drown but Dan isn't bothered about the driving conditions and instead he decides to drive really really fast and get easily distracted by how beautiful his wife is dude eyes on the road he ignores the advice you inevitably Shout at the screen causing him to crash into an oncoming vehicle killing Dan and his wife instantly what did I say Dan this one's on you maybe that's why Catherine ends up in heaven in the afterlife whilst Dan or you end up in purgatory years later smooth-haired Angel Samuel offers Dan purification so he can move up to heaven and join his wife all Dan has to do is destroy four of Lucifer's Generals in order to prevent a Heavenly War these four are generals and Lucifer's Army they're extremely powerful and well guarded by their minion hordes just killed Lucifer's heavily guarded generals that's that's cool that's fine no no Dan why why Dan why Dan why at least Dan is looking better than all the skeletal fiends in the graveyard who were all wearing full suits of armor for some reason maybe it's so damn keeps focused on shiny armored things instead of getting distracted by a pretty lady again see Dan this is why I should have been in control of you from the start is that a little kitty Hello Kitty how's it going so those are some games where you die within pretty much the first 10 minutes of the game let us know any others in the comments below thanks for getting to this point hopefully you've got to this point because you didn't die if you did it's not our fault it better not be anyway go check out some other videos here as well hopefully you'll be alive by the end of these and don't forget to check out our friends over outside xbox.com like comment subscribe and stay alive bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 2,268,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God of war 2, Murdered Soul suspect, call of duty infinite warfare, dragons dogma, game deaths, quickest deaths, Painkiller, Legacy of Kain, Mass Effect 2, Commander Shepard, Outside Xtra, Outside Xbox, OutsideXbox, Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Mike Channell, Funny, List, gaming
Id: ToJv9GO5FGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2016
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