7 Ways We Died That Were Our Own Dumb Fault

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the conflict at the heart of most video games is between the game trying to kill the player and the player trying to stop that from happening but then sometimes we make things a lot easier for the game by being stupid careless or both stupid and careless double-whammy just consider these ways we've died in video games where we had no one to blame but ourselves enjoy and watch out for minor spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't take death in Dark Souls 2 personally it's sort of the point of the game this is an exceptionally challenging game and trial by fatal error is how you're supposed to learn so there's at least a little bit of dignity in having your brave knight in shiny plate armor compact it into a small tin of corned beef or gobbled up by a deceptively toothy treasure chest or even getting cluttered by the traps in sen's fortress I've no idea whose sin is but if I ever catch up with them they're in big trouble moderately-sized trouble the problem is that even in this game about frequent painful death there's a way of dying that is deeply embarrassing and that is accidentally falling off a cliff like a total klutz there's really no way to style that one out is there at least the game takes rare pity on you in this situation and places your collection of Souls near to where you fell off rather than at the bottom of an abyss where you left your smashed up corpse who says Dark Souls never does anything for you oh yeah literally everyone who's ever played Dark Souls my name is Morin I've been watching you you're the most interesting person in this place I've got a booth over here in the shadows why don't you come sit with me to paraphrase Taylor Swift we knew morons was trouble when she walked in it's a shame on us now in Mass Effect 2 more enthuse the daughter of a sorry just a car Samara she's what's known as an odd odd yak she a sort of space vampire who kills their partner via an exploded nervous system when they meld minds which you'll remember is the asari version of sexy times like neve she died because her nervous system overloaded with an ecstasy so great and she couldn't handle it hmm sure that sounds good but I would miss season 9 a game of Thrones still morons can be very persuasive and she claims there's a chance that a legendary intergalactic lothario like Commander Shepard might just be able to survive the mind meld but you're different I sensed it when we first met you have the Prothean cipher in your head you died and came back there's no one like you I'm sure you say that to all the boys and girls and space jellyfish the risks are very carefully explained but in a fabulous moment of renegade arrogance Shepard can decide that the fate of all sentient life in the universe is worth the gamble so he can get his rocks off critical mission failure ya know I'm sure the characters in Mass Effect 3 can just handle that whole game themselves probably better off considering distributed it was the same books pages being turned so just what I was doing just reading books so not for moral anyway just finish the last one just know the hardest looking Machiavelli do not know what all the fuss was about I'm just it perfectly the test books he spent the first five chapters of portal to trusting Wheatley who is a cheery personality core with a West country accent after all he's the one trying to help you escape from aperture laboratories and though he might not be the smartest personality core his heart seems to be in the right place he's the one that busts you out of the extended relaxation room he gets you to a handheld portal device and he's the one who patiently waits while you learn the game's controls okay what you're doing there is jumping you just you just jot but at the end of chapter 5 when Wheatley connects himself to glados's body and becomes instantly corrupted by a taste of power you want to get out of the habit of believing everything he says especially the bit about him not being a [ __ ] later you discover a giant seemingly bottomless pit and Wheatley ax shows you that there's some pretty great stuff down there if you'll only jump down and take a look after all it's your natural parents and their default body seems suspicious no die sweetly all right hold up a pony farm now that is worth the slight risk that he might not be being completely honest with us ponies ah right well let me show you get 30g for the pit-boss achievement for your trouble although that is just a permanent mark on your record that proves how gullible you are dammit look I don't know who you are but you don't belong here the super mutants have overrun our brothers at the galaxy news radio building and we're headed there to back them up you can tag along if you want but keep your head down and try not to do anything stupid nuclear explosions are more or less the cause of everyone in Fallout 3's problems so you would have thought they'd have wanted to steer clear of creating more of them yet that's not something that occurred to the creator of The Fatman launcher a handheld catapult that launches a miniaturized nuclear warhead at your unlucky enemies come for the murder stay for the free nuclear suntan The Fatman launcher is one of the most powerful weapons at your disposal in fallout 3 and can be enormous ly useful that is if you survived the first time music which is not guaranteed let me tell you it's likely your first contact with the fat man launcher in fallout 3 will be during a confrontation where you and a bunch of brotherhood of steel soldiers are being chased around in a confined space play terrifying super mutant baya moss this is not the best scenario for performing the extensive safety checks that I assume you're supposed to do before you launch a nuclear warheads safety checks such as are you at minimum safe distance boy those Mayo must close fast don't they still at least you saved on cremation costs for your own funerals very considerate of you the joy of the Grand Theft Auto games is that they take place in a world like ours but crucially free of the tedious mundane stuff like consequences morality and rules do you want to steal a helicopter and land it on the top of the tallest building downtown be our guest you want to do donuts on the beach you're the boss [Music] you want to dive from the roof of your house into a swimming pool knock yourself out I did not mean literally the only problem with all this unfettered chaotic freedom is that some rules are there to protect us and even hard-bitten career criminals would do well to take heed of them these include simple road safety rules like look both ways before you cross the road that is a pretty embarrassing way for your criminal empire to have been brought down what are all the other chromeboxes gonna say although GTA traffic accidents are more likely to involve you driving into a tree while trying to flee the police it's entirely possible to kondeh least a pout into the road totally unaware of oncoming traffic trust us we have experience here good start we went out heroically in a hail of gunfire while bailing out of our attack chopper all right cool oh man I just got hit by truck Oh God on a car and I'm sandwiched between a truck Amica Oh oh my god when decorating the lobby of your office you want to scheme that's both eye catching and tells visitors a little something about what it is you do there that's why the lobby of the outside Xbox office has an animatronic mic that periodically explodes there it goes again in hitman absolution the lobby of Dexter industries is designed along similar lines the folks at this South Dakotan arms manufacturer have decorated their Lobby with some of the tools of their trade including land mines and what appears to be an old atomic bomb of course that's probably just a replica right what kind of idiots would have an actual live atomic bomb hanging precariously in their Lobby that is a completely different situation don't you judge me in fact I'm so confident this thing is a fake that I'm going to just get out the old silver boiler and start shooting at it if I'm wrong and this thing goes off obliterating the town I owe you a coke see harmless [Music] ah hey at least you took out Lynch from Kane and Lynch so every mushroom cloud silver lining [Music] it's amazing what those boffins down at mi6 R&D come up with to help secret agent James Bond complete his missions there was that jetpack the underwater car oh that boom box that launch rockets okay maybe not that last one one of the most useful of their inventions however is the proximity mine has seen in Goldeneye on the n64 these humble looking deck frisbees really took the effort out of blowing up your enemies leaving you free to concentrate on more important spying business like downing eight vodka martinis or hitting on people with unlikely rune names all you needed to do was find a place you thought the bad guys were going to be toss down a few proximity mines and then you could just forget about them sometimes that was the problem see a lot of the corridors in Goldeneye kinda looked similar and when you're playing a frantic multiplayer game where you do a lot of panicky running around and shooting it's easy to forget where you've come from where you've been you can probably see where this is going so that's where I left them they're always in the last place you look [Music] so those were some of the dumbest ways we've died of video games that were 100% our fault but we want to hear from you what are some of the ways that you've died in video games that you feel embarrassed about now let us know in the comments below and before you go you can check out some more videos from us up here and some videos from outside extra down here either them will be better than dying in a stupid way so good check them out Thanks
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,007,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, top 10, top 7, 7 things, top 5, best, worst, funny, funny moments, mass effect 2 morinth kills shepard, mass effect 2 morinth romance, hitman absolution, hitman absolution atomic bomb, hitman absolution nuke, dark souls, fallout 3 fatman, fallout 3 mini nuke, portal 2 pit boss, portal 2 bottomless pit, goldeneye proximity mines, goldeneye mines, fail
Id: _8cZRE1lcC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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