7 Times Realism Was Too Realistic: Commenter Edition

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realism in games is all well and good right up until someone dies of dysentery that was the thesis of one of our recent videos and a lot of you concurred submitting your own experiences in video games in which your greatest enemy was some dragons or zombies but cold hard realism here are your suggestions for the times you could have used a little less reality enjoy and watch out for spoilers ahead for the following games and also dysentery boil your water people [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] our story begins in the middle of last Tuesday we're a hopeless young freeloader called Sam is sipping a fancy cup of coffee with a name nobody can pronounce in most video games you take control of another person that being said it's usually just stuff like walking or shooting or opening doors you in charge off unless they're really drunk I [Music] sure hope he finds Lenny soon not so in the game manual Samuel which really means it when it asks you to take control of main character Samuel has come in to page Stubbs points out literally the majority of manual Samuel you have to a control Samuels breathing B move individual limbs C complete simple tasks in manual Samuel you play as the eponymous Sam a spoiled rich kid who is killed by a truck and goes to hell where he's offered a deal by the Grim Reaper you'll have to survive 24 hours with a handicap I'd choose under my supervision bro well sure death what's it gonna be I can't tell a lie I must only do good deeds I must go around making amends to everyone I've wronged I so this year be the deal embarrass all your body functions be manual so you kinda have to do stuff on purpose oh oh well that one in a different direction to what I was expecting you see the human body is a clever thing and does a lot of its basic functions automatically like breeding at different rates depending on your oxygen needs and automatically blinking about 15 times per minute without you even noticing although now I've mentioned it I am noticing and oh god I'm gonna have to manually blink for the next 10 minutes thanks a lot me so in one sense it's not super realistic that you have to do all this stuff manually what is realistic is how much of a gigantic hassle it would be trying to keep track of your breathing and blinking while at the same time trying to keep your spine straight and your legs moving independently of each other you begin late for work Sam does something that resembles walking toward the bathroom gonna do a kickflip yeah and that's not to mention the difficulty of doing simple tasks like peeing Sam tries to take a leak walking down stairs Sam walks down the stairs with Sam decides to hurl himself down the stairs all making breakfast without flinging boiling hot coffee in your own eyes Sam hurls coffee into his eyes for reasons unknown to be fair I struggle without some mornings blink oh god I'm still doing it blink can we move on to the next thing I've got some stuff to talk with me blink well skis is on just a vessel for preserving dinosaur DNA when they get trapped in amber they also have downsides like when they bite you and give you an unpleasant disease this element of epidemiological realism was embraced by far cry 2 which really cranked up the realism over the original game usually in ways that we didn't conveniently kill you like the weapons that would Jam realistically realistic map holding and realistic catastrophic weapon failures it's not that realistic I've died way more times in Far Cry 2 than I have in real life commentary arrow recognizes that there's one realistic feature above all in Far Cry 2 that is a serious pain in the circulatory system what about Far Cry 2 you had a pretty mixed bag of realism with map holding and navigation weapon jams and failures and malaria just malaria yes within minutes of stepping off the plane into the Central African nation in which Far Cry 2 is set you're immediately bitten by a mosquito and contract serious disease malaria which suggests you're extremely unlucky either that or some prankster swapped your insect repellent for delicious steak sauce having malaria is as you might imagine a bit of an impediment to being a mercenary fail to take your anti-malarials and you'll be struck with debilitating symptoms these include headaches weakness and the screen going a bit yellow around the edges here are your keys you don't look so good you take [Music] that all this realism stressful I'm not surprised they made the third far cry game a relaxing tropical beach holiday oh come on [Applause] the Oregon Trail was a historic 2,000 mile long wagon route that connected the Missouri River to Oregon the reason that modern-day Oregon is completely deserted is that every single person who attempted the trail died of dysentery or at least they did according to the Oregon Trail educational video game which was ruthlessly faithful in its depiction of the historical dangers facing the early westward pioneers as noted by commenters Elora and Kahn who say how could you forget the earliest survival simulator Oregon Trail PS use caution when googling what dysentery is look I'm perfectly capable of googling medical terms without habits oh god it was on image search he was on image search to be fair to the Oregon Trail the real-life Oregon Trail was a treacherous journey and many settlers did die of diseases that are easily preventable nowadays but the Oregon Trail video game is so hyper committed to historical realism that you can't go five feet without someone breaking their leg contracted typhoid breaking their other leg and then dying a tie for you and good luck if you want to try across a river good luck because some of you are definitely gonna drown [Music] there's realism Oregon Trail and then there's what's going on here which is painting a picture of a past in which everyone who tried to travel west immediately broke all their limbs jackknifing their wagon into a river of typhoid sale I guess it was educational and we all learned a lot by myself for example learn to never google image search dysentery [Music] I had to figure a way out of this any second now and Stuckey would be knocking on the door with his acts like Nicholson in the shining Alan Wake takes place in the town of bright Falls which as it happens is one of the gloomiest spookiest places we've ever encountered must be one of those ironic names like the Great Depression in fact light is pretty much your only defense against the horrifying enemies called the taken who have infested the town there's just one problem with that as coming to the real w8 Zulu points out honorable mention for Alan Wake the flashlight you used constantly had to replace its energizer branded batteries yes as the real WH Zulu identifies these batteries last about as long as my career as an international boxer just at the least opportune moment the lights go out and you get accosted by a ghoul or the referee as he insisted on being called even if you don't run out of power altogether there's the extra stress of having to manually replace the batteries every 30 seconds or so during a heated firefight this all seems like a bad advert for energizer batteries still stockpile enough of the batteries and use your flashlight extremely sparingly and you can feel that little bit less anxious about battery capacity when you Touche [Music] what's the best part about going to Disneyland if you answered saving up for months in order to be able to afford the exorbitant cost of going there then boy oh boy do we have the video game for you man game being Kingdom Hearts 2 as suggested by commented Block Cooper who says how about in Kingdom Hearts 2 when at the beginning of the game you have to do about an hour's worth of part-time jobs in order to get enough money to buy a train ticket just to have it promptly stolen from you by a guy in a black trenchcoat like Disneyland Kingdom Hearts 2 is full with elaborate themed worlds with levels based around the Lion King Mulan and Pirates of the Caribbean and lets you meet such beloved Disney characters as Jack Skellington the genie from Aladdin and Orlando Bloom I guess those pirates kidnap Miss Swan and took her to their ship now they sail and I'll never be able to find her however if you want to actually get to all the fun Disney stuff you need to get through the game's prologue in which you're required to get a series of boring part-time jobs in order to earn enough money to be able to buy a train ticket to go to the interesting part of the game these jobs include such classic odd jobs as pushing a cart up a hill delivering post down a hill and fighting bees with a stick honestly whatever they're paying you kid it's not enough clearly a game in which you travel between different Disney worlds with a talking duck on a magical train isn't super committed to realism which is why it's so weird that the game decides to be painstakingly realistic in forcing you to work a bunch of menial jobs and save up so you can afford your train ticket why not just have Mickey Mouse show up out of nowhere and buy the ticket for you with some of his wristwatch money what do you mean that's basically what ends up happening [Music] you gotta board the train and leave town the Train knows the way here so what exactly was the points of all that Disney oh I get it you're trying to teach me that money is meaningless so that when I get to the theme parks I'm okay with paying $6 for a churro 1 2 you teller and I want to prepare you for the real world we want to show you what life is really like desert bus is the first in our line of what we like to call Vera simulators games stupefyingly like reality the experience of riding the bus is hit and miss at the best of times even if it's not late and you get a seat you always run the risk of sitting next to someone who's watching videos without headphones yet imagine how much worse it could be if you were also on the desert bus of the legendary mini game desert bus in that case you'd spend 8 real-time hours aboard and likely on air-conditioned bus pulling through the baking Nevada desert and at the end of all that you're in Las Vegas throwing some spiders and you've got purgatory for Jane simulator 2018 there's a bus was part of a collection of minigames devised by celebrity stage magicians Penn & Teller which was just a kind of thing that happened in the 90s the collection was never released but did become famous or at least notorious for its novelty minigames like the brutally realistic driving simulator desert bus as suggested for this video by commenting necklace innocent hmm there's a bus where if you break something three hours in you have to be towed in real time for three hours back to the start yep along with realistically simulating an eight hour journey from Tucson Arizona to Vegas desert bus was designed so it's clapped out public transport would pull to the right like a defective shopping trolley so if you fail to constantly correct its course this hell bus would come up her own stall and be towed all the way back to Tucson like can't you tell me to Las Vegas even the tow truck driver doesn't want to go to Las Vegas [Music] my god who the hell am I [Music] 2008 rubbish alone in the dark reboot caste was a younger grungy er version of the original games Victorian detective Edward combin and sets its stall out early with an intro sequence that is completely incomprehensible what if he doesn't show us the path what if he tries to screw us that's not an option he'll do exactly what we want are you listening Paddington there's ways to torture a man that go far beyond the frail limits of flesh and bone is this a gritty reboot of Paddington Bear concentrating on what the hell is going on is made even more difficult by the fact that you have to manually blink every few seconds not just during the initial cutscene but during the entire first-person escape sequence that follows as commenter petrel recalls what about the reboot of alone in the dark where you have to manually blink using a dedicated button in order to see properly edward begins the game apparently recovering from an exorcism according to the wiki i just read to try and make sense of all this that must be the explanation for why he's also suffering the worst case of demonic dry eye we've ever seen either that or he just fell asleep with this contact in whereas in manual samuel manually controlling automatic bodily functions is the point of the game this is an otherwise normal survival horror game that is added blinking for a dash of extra immersion so you spend the start of the game staggering around a collapsing building menaced by supernatural horrors with hero edward frantically blinking like he just rubbed his eyes after chopping some chili peppers hang on maybe edward is trying to communicate with us blink twice if you'd rather be starring in a better game let's hope so work who said you would talk up to now I've been going easy there it is thank you so much for watching this list of times that videogame realism was like Gary Busey just too real I hope you enjoyed all those entries if you didn't like any of them particularly there none of that's on us cuz they were all suggestions from commenters so I had to clean what no it's fine guess again the comments and tell the people the original comment is handy that's a loophole a legal loophole that's anyway yes sorry videos here's a good one it's if you've played Red Dead Redemption - and you finished it and you want to talk about the story come here and join me and Luke in talking about those key story moments it's big spoiler don't click on me if you haven't finished it but if you have dude you'll enjoy the story discussion it down here there's a video from outside extra which about what happens when you go back to an old save and it's very confusing definitely recommend that one
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,343,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 things, outsidexbox, list, countdown, top 10, top 5, 5 things, 10 things, funny, funny moments, realism, realistic, manual samuel, far cry 2, malaria, weapon, jam, jamming, jammed, oregon trail, dysentery, diseases, alan wake, torch, flashlight, energizer, batteries, kingdom hearts 2, munny, working, jobs, desert bus, penn and teller, smoke and mirrors, las vegas, tucson, alone in the dark, 2008, edward carnby, blinking, blink, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channnell
Id: zUQxmf6Kn0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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