7 Stupidest Ways Humanity Got Destroyed

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there's never a good way for humanity to be wiped out unless it's some kind of kitten supernova or something but the world of games really pushes the limit when it comes to how Humanity meets its demise with some of the dumbest and least dignified Armageddon's ever imagined can this really be how it ends is the apocalypse really this stupid was that giant termite always beneath the earth's crust here are the weirdest ways that humanity got destroyed a special thanks and a hat tip to commenter dogs rule NWO 8 for suggesting it and the first entry beware spoilers along the way for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's the end the end and yet you do not pray Joel what God can help us now [Music] little tip for anyone out there who's not good at math when things get complicated just make this face until someone else gets the answer 21.5 yeah I got the same you'll need that face for the ludicrously complex world ending event in medieval fantasy Drakengard a ps2 game with five possible endings the weirdest of which becomes a canonical event in the timelines of two other games 2010's near and the more recent Nier automata still with us great dragon girls weirdest ending dubbed ending e sees the game's antagonist the giant also known as the queen beast teleported from the world of Drakengard to Tokyo in 2003 [Applause] sounds like a bad time for Humanity but never fear because also transported to Japan are you the hero and your pet dragon Angelus on hand to defeat the queen beast in the only way that true evil can ever really be brought to heel through rhythm-action gameplay with evil vanquished you and your dragon partner enjoy a hero's conclusion to your epic tale at which point you are blown up by fighter jets sure but it turns out that's pretty much the ending you deserve because if you dig into the lore of near and near automata it turns out the destruction of this intradermal manikin kicks off the end of humanity when its corpse dissolves into deadly particles that trigger white chlorination syndrome which sounds like something you contract after drinking too much swimming pool water but actually forces you into the servitude of a God from another dimension unless you'd rather be turned into salt really flash-forward to the worlds of near and near automata and the virus brought into our dimension has totally ravaged humanity to the point where only robots and super sophisticated androids remain presumably because they're the only ones smart enough to wrap their heads around this most ludicrous of apocalypse ease now I get it the salt dragons 2003 [Music] he knows what drives me what I believe that being a good soldier comes down to one thing - one single question what are you prepared to sacrifice the most embarrassing way for humanity to be destroyed on your watch must be the way where you were even given a premonition of that happening so that you could prevent it when the greatest combat machine fails what do we do then what do I do that's the scenario for nano suited Crysis 3 protagonist prophet he was given not only a premonition of the total destruction of earth by the powerful alien Seth I saw a glimpse of what's coming and there was nothing left of me to stop it but also plenty of time and technology to prevent it what with his premonition being literally during the opening credits and him being wrapped in more high-end military hardware than Ironman piloting a Jaeger but that still doesn't save humanity from destruction if when you wind up in space later in the game you float on over to the satellite based energy weapon hack it like you're supposed to and then instead of using it to blow up the alien warship that's warping through a wormhole to end all human life you just sort of hang out and waste time idly pointing the weapon in the general direction of the warship but failing to actually lock onto it and fire as if your mind has wandered off during this climactic action sequence Dilli day for long enough and crisis 3 has no choice but to call your bluff and that the alien warship blasts the earth surface with its death ray bringing about the extinction of humanity like I say pretty embarrassing for you floating up here in space [Music] or I mean it would be if there were any humans left to judge you and there aren't in space no one can hear you cringe amid the turmoil the first humans emerged the council foretold that these week but cunning creatures would someday be integral to the balance thus a third kingdom was named the kingdom of man if the forces of heaven and hell insist on destroying the planet in a fiery war you'd at least want them to get the date right but there's no such luck for the citizens of Earth in Darksiders at the beginning of which a holy war erupts during what is an otherwise pretty chill day for human civilization until meteors start falling from the sky and making all the taxis go all in the air before you can say Beelzebub demons are running wild in the street brawling with the forces of heaven who show a most unsane t disregard for the poor humans caught in the crossfire I won't teach you that in Sunday School humanity being slaughtered in a war between heaven and hell is one thing but the real kicker comes in a little later in the game when it's revealed two protagonists wore one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that the end of days was set off too early with none of the other horsemen anywhere to be seen war gets the blame for triggering Armageddon prematurely but it's quite clear to anyone with half a brain that Humanity is the real victim here having been wiped out in a fiery conflict way ahead of schedule I mean Darksiders came out in 2010 the forces of hell could have at least waited until we made the emoji movie they suspended understand [Music] there are three simple rules to successful time travel don't kill your granddad hoverboards don't work on water and don't let a giant space termite burrow into the earth if only the occupants of the fantasy version of Earth in Chrono Trigger had paid closer attention to these rules things might have turned out a lot less on fire to be fair to chrono and his squad of time hopping adventurous though they have no way of knowing at the start of the game that the whole planet is living on borrowed time thanks to a giant spiky termite called la voz which collided with the earth in the year 65 million BC [Music] which a trick is an ice age and B means all those t-rex's were no help at all and we gave you pride of place in our museums that's only the start of La Voz is weird world ending mischief however this giant fiery bug burrows deep into the planet and waits patiently to erupt on an unsuspecting human race which it does in the year 1999 as our heroes discover when they travel to the future and watch a video record of that exact event geez talk about a millennium bug am i right well they don't try making that joke around the survivors who scraper living in LA versus mutant infested wreckage who are mostly just concerned with acquiring food for humorless chumps everyone's obsessed with food I told you guys no thanks I just had a big lunch [Music] we all do stuff that's bad for us like how sometimes you can't help prodding a bruise or summoning a demon to end all life that sort of thing little does anyone suspect that such a demonic summoning could occur at the start of PlayStation 2 RPG Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne let alone that it could destroy all life as we know it nevertheless the supernatural clues are all there for those paying attention for instance a recent fire in a park between two cults has left several people dead one of those cults believes in and is trying to bring about a prophecy of doom and this spooky hospital vending machine gives you a drink that wasn't even on the menu chilling and chilled oh also in that hospital he meet Lucifer himself in child form still though spooky vending machine what arcane magic is within you aspartame heading up to the roof of that hospital you're invited by cultist Yuko to witness the summoning of the end of the world which will lay waste to everyone outside the hospital you're in in an unholy rebirth that they're calling the conception you as for the conception itself the game's hero can only watch on as the surrounding landscape is consumed by a wave of devastation before folding in on itself like that bit from inception but if Leo DiCaprio was off to one side going crazy on a church organ [Music] the only upside to all this is that you're on the side of the Hellions in the immediate wake of the conception lucifer turns you into a demon kicking off a lengthy games worth of supernatural adventures which we will absolutely get to the second we finished performing an exorcism on this train oh I drank it guys so busy where are we with earthly concerns we failed to notice the heavens and by the time we did the world burned until named ash what's the point of being an advanced civilization if you can still be wiped out by something as silly as sunshine and you'd be hard pushed to find a civilization more advanced than the precursors also known as the first civilization or and we think this one is a little much Homo sapiens divine us in the world of Assassin's Creed this proud race walked the earth long before humans and in fact created our humble little species to use a slave labor the charmers the precursors were blessed with extremely long life incredible intelligence a triple helix DNA structure and six senses instead of our paltry five that sixth sense if you're counting was knowledge which seems a bit strong considering what happens next embroiled in a war with rebellious humans the precursors didn't notice the Sun building up to a coronal mass ejection which is a science he term for when the Sun spits some of itself out and everything nearby goes on fire which is exactly what struck the precursor civilization Oh what do you not have any genes that code for sunscreen somewhere in that third helix smog precursors with earth ravaged by fire fewer than 10,000 humans survived and far fewer precursors meaning the entire civilization was lost and the remnants of Homo sapiens left to their own devices no longer under the yoke of the precursors and their tremendous lack of foresight I mean what kind of advanced species could foresee an oncoming environmental disaster and not take action nuts as say three for kicks off things seem to be going pretty well for the third street thinks they're a huge global brand they recently foiled a terrorist attack and their bottles been elected President of the United States where they're busy solving world hunger and punching political opponents in the junk Oh me to retort yep things are going pretty darn great right up until aliens suddenly invade and start blowing everything up which voice said to put a crimp in your day I'll swing by after the good news is that the aliens just want to enslave humanity rather than destroy the planet good is a relative term here the bad news is that now everyone's living in this Stepford Wives style 50s simulation where you can't swear or drive dangerously and for some reason you have to walk like this that's what a glorious day the boss being the boss of course they try to escape but a foiled by the alien rulers in Yaak who warns them that if they try that again he'll destroy the earth I need to place you in your new home try to run again and I'll destroy your pitiful planet yeah but that's what video game antagonists always say and they never really mean it so I'm sure a little more light escaping will be fine Oh Hey Wow Wow I mean to be fair you did tell you that would happen yes it turns out that actually zinyak wasn't messing around and now 7 billion people are dead as a result of history's biggest I told you so you should have just punched him in the junk that always works well that was a mistake should not have drunk that haunted beverage but it doesn't matter because you know the world might end in one of the many ways that we have just described but if there are any others that you can think of as well you should let us know in the comments down below warn us before it happens so we can like step up bunkers and everything and everything can we call Shelby great and what we can do while we're you know hiding from the apocalypse is we can watch these videos here and in the mean time as well before the bunkers ready you should subscribe because then we will notify you when it is ready and also about like other videos and stuff that we make [Music]
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,463,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drakengard, nier, nier series, Crysis 3, Darksiders, Darksiders intro, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Trigger Termite, Lavos, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Assassin's creed 2, assassin's creed revelations, assassin's creed brotherhood, assassin's creed 3, assassin's creed precursors, Saints Row 4, saints row 4 end of the world, doomsday, end of the world, times the world ended, outside xtra, jane douglas, ellen rose, luke westaway, outsidextra, outsidexbox outside xbox, andy farrant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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