7 "Stealth" Takedowns That Were the Least Stealthy Thing to Ever Happen

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there's a common take down in games that's a spectacular misnomer the so called stealth takedown because there's nothing quiet or under the radar about the way that some games have you dispatching your foes seriously I don't care how good you are at crouch walking don't try and tell me that this is a moment of unparalleled silent assassination inspired by our sister channel outside Xbox who recently took a look at non-lethal takedowns that despite the name definitely sent your victim to the morgue here are the stealth takedowns that were anything but when it comes to stealth the simplest takedown to the best reducing the chances of you being seen or heard by anyone especially a target however someone who didn't get the memo is parkour obsessed Marcus Holloway who can't help but take down his enemies with a little bit of flair his main tool of the trade is the Thunder ball no not the 1965 James Bond film but a heavy ball on a bungee like cord which Marcus uses to batter and gerak his foes to the ground using moves so elaborate he must have watched at least 12 hours of YouTube tutorials to get them down wait all of this for the hipster cred of taking down the man with what is essentially a glorified version of popular nineties kids toy the yo-yo boy your other moves throwing pogs down people's wind pipes or incapacitating them with a snap band actually there was a girl in my year she did it and then like really pinched still no stealth takedown is quite so loud or ridiculous as Marcus's ability to remote-control cars into people via one of his many gadgets [Applause] [Music] we're honestly surprised he manages to get away with it so often as there must be some programming genius who could trace it back to him and whilst everyone else is screaming and calling the police someone must notice the one calm looking guy putting his phone away and sauntering off I mean you'd think they'd see it on the CCTV or something when you hear the word stealth nobody thinks of hatchets as this word association test will prove turtlenecks science pistols hatchets crouch walking mics preferences aside nobody can argue that the hatchet a single handed bladed tool for smashing up wood is the perfect tool for quietly disposing of an enemy in a way that doesn't attract attention a lot of things you can do and a hatchet and a Nazi and yet at the very start of Wolfenstein 2 the new Colossus that's exactly what fighter of fascism Billy Blas kovitch chooses to quietly dispatch his foes to be fair to Billy while the hatchet isn't terribly discreet that's not really this guy's whole deal bear in mind the hatchet is part of an arsenal that also includes the laser Gewehr which does this sort of thing so this is why they tell you not to point them at people's eyes makes sense on the other hand though Billy does incredibly get away with stealth kills using the hatchet that totally defy sense consider moves like this one which once again the game literally describes as a quote silent takedown now I don't know how much noise it should make when you sly someone's knees off with a single swing and I hope to never learn but come on surely this kind of racket would alert the people lying in wait just next door seriously whatever these Nazis are wearing it obviously provides extremely good air insulation to not alert all of them immediately to this the noisiest silent takedown in history still I suppose Billy should be proud of having invented the most disgusting hatchet job ever I mean apart from my profile in Time magazine [Music] [Music] anyone who knows Batman will know that his greatest weapon against criminals is fear and a cave full of military hardware one way to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies is to take them out one by one without being seen being but a shadow in their darkest nightmares which is a pretty big ask from someone who punches them so hard that it makes a boom louder than DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince fine which is a pretty big ask from someone who punches them so hard that it makes a boom louder than the song boom clap by English singer-songwriter Charli XCX released in 2014 from her second studio album better good the Arkham series gave players a wide range of stealthy takedowns that we surprised everyone didn't hear from miles away in asylum it introduced the much-loved inverted takedown which led Batman loom above his victims on goggles before doing this you okay there Batman I'll talk about anything in Arkham City we were offered another from above apparently silent takedown the reverse ledge takedown where Batman would hang down before doing this sure you don't talk parents no however not one to be beaten by its predecessors when it comes to ridiculously unsteady stealth moves Arkham Knight brought a whole host of ways to stealthily deal with the bad guys of Gotham the Korra takedown had bats grab an enemy with his grapple and drag them loudly across the room then of course there are the environmental takedowns with bats using windows and walls to eliminate his foes with the dual elements of surprise and smashed up construction materials just saying I'm here if you need me or we could go on pretending this is a healthy outlet for your childhood trauma in hitman as implied by the title you play a hitman whose job it is to discreetly dispose of his targets leaving little to no sign that he was ever there mic playing as the highly trained agent 47 you're awarded points based on your stealth and you lose points should anybody's you leave behind be found Mike to avoid this you can stealthily take out your targets before stuffing them inconspicuously into one of the many containers to be found around the levels however there is a more conspicuous way for you to deal with them and that's by knocking them out before feeding them alive into a wood chipper that's noisier than a space shuttle launch not to move recommended in the ica handbook but it's nice to see agent 47 branching out but this is nothing compared to one way you can take out resins a done in Marrakech clear the room of potential witnesses and you can stealthily take out seitan with propaganda or more accurately the large printing press making all the propaganda posters not only do you get away with what is actually an extremely noisy assassination but if no one is in the room when you push him it amazingly counts as an accident stop the presses we got a scoop the remains of the general ER of the printing apparatus Deus Ex protagonist Adam Jensen may not look like the most inconspicuous killer around I mean unless he's taking down a target attorney Oh from The Matrix cosplay convention but in fact this mechanically augmented cyber warrior knows all about being sneaky and is more than capable of taking down members of the shadowy organization that left him nearly dead at the start of the game for instance he uses his high-tech x-ray augmentations to keep track of enemies or deploys the glass shield cloaking system to sneak up on them which is impressive because if I had a robot body literally all I would do all day is punch through walls not like that crafty Adam Jensen what why is everybody looking at me it's probably because alongside all these sneaky powers Adam has an altogether louder technique for creeping through the game undetected namely the one where he smashes down a wall to get at the person on the other side and callously snaps their neck what's more outrageous is that Jenson gets away with it despite the fact that this cacophonous takedown would surely surely have everyone in the place running in his direction if not bring the whole building down around his five foot wide shoulders if I hear of a load-bearing wall Jensen I know you can access the building's regulation Act from those augmented eyes you think you could count on a ghost to be sneaky I mean it's kind of their whole deal but not Kelly brim or this long-haired elf is as proud and arrogant as he is long dead having in the Canon of the games forged the one ring for Sauron dooming middle-earth too many centuries of bitter magical war a gigantic error that you'd think would make him a bit humble but not old Brimble pants Kella brim Bors haughty attitude carries through to stealth in shadow of war for instance note the careful attention tallien your human protagonist whose body keller brim bore has merged with gives to creeping quietly across Mordor skulking up on his targets making less noise than a hobbit wrapped in cotton wool with a plan to interrogate his orcish enemies to learn the whereabouts of their bosses but having snuck silently up to an orc it's time for that interrogation to happen at which point quelle heure brim boss Springs out of your body and starts screaming at them in his elvish tongue a piece disturbing occurrence that would definitely give the game away you'd think leads the search for the Palantir and if nearby orcs didn't notice that they'd certainly noticed the next bit yep amazingly nearby orcs don't tend to mind but if you are concerned why not unlock these stealth dominate move our chairs will be more than just our weapons there will be our eyes which has stealth in the name but sees you walking up two packs of orcs Bold As Brass and shining a glowing beam of light in one of their faces but again none of the nearby Orcs Express even the faintest interest in this extremely cheeky stealth move which of course caliper Emboar is only too pleased with ready our army consumes that Lord I take it back I prefer the screaming elvish screaming Elvis Elvis Lara Croft hasn't always been a fan of the quiet approach [Music] yeah Lara could you just you know be careful of all the priceless historical architecture around you yeah however in the recent reboot especially in rise of the Tomb Raider we were encouraged to take Lara the stealthy route being offered more XP for stealth kills such as bow and arrow headshots and to deploy stealth takedowns at the drop of a hat well the top of the hut into some freezing cold ice water as the light fades from the wearer's eyes most of these are fairly stealthy and offer Lara a nice quiet route around or through her enemies but there's one that in no way qualifies as a discreet maneuver if you should find a guard foolish enough to be guarding near a gas canister and you shoot an arrow at it you'll find it to be a slightly louder kill whoa blimey Lara however if no one sees you shoot the arrow the game considers it a stealth takedown as if everyone in the level assumes that giant fireballs are one of those freaky things that just happen like spontaneous human combustion or when the family car drove itself into a ditch that one time when I was 14 so those are some of the stealth takedowns and games that were not so quiet I mean some of them were so loud how did nobody here I for one would never be fooled by that kind of clumsy so-called silent stealth takedown I am much no senses like anyway if you enjoyed this video then there's OLN hi hey it's Aaron what a surprise I was just about to show the guys these videos she's gone it's busy what she liked and if you enjoyed this and why not subscribe and hey ring that Bell so you can get loads more videos from us whenever we upload the new own in the future you will be told thanks for watching guys goodbye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,932,447
Rating: 4.7553515 out of 5
Keywords: WATCH DOGS 2, watch_dogs 2, wolfenstein 2, thunder ball, batman, batman arkham asylum, batman arkham city, batman arkham knight, hitman, Wolfenstein: The New Colossus, hatchet, inverted takedown, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Middle Earth: Shadow of War, Stealth Dominate, shadow of war, Rise of the Tomb Raider, luke westaway, ellen rose, andy farrant, outsidexbox, outside xtra, outside xbox, funny, games, gameplay, wolfenstein 2 gameplay, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: 9BsBjfA7sHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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