7 Final Bosses You Got to Play As

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they say that before you judge someone you should walk a mile in their shoes then when you do judge them you're a mile away and you have their shoes the perfect crime the same is true for video game bosses can we really say they're evil without having tried on their shoes I mean yes obviously because of all the evil stuff they do but we still want to try on their shoes because look how stylish they are thankfully there are several video games that allow you to take their big bad boss for a playable spin here are seven times we took them up on that offer enjoy and boys spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Vader we were ambushed upon arrival but I have the situation well in I have no interest in your failures command here on a mission of my own if you swung the disk for the force unleashed into your xbox 360 before you checked the boxart you might have been surprised and delighted to think you were playing the Darth Vader rampage sim we've all been waiting for the game started with you playing as d-v himself hunting for a lone Jedi on Kashyyyk going absolutely ham on wookies with your lightsaber and occasionally using your mighty force powers to launch your own stormtroopers into orbit make this game EA you cowards then it transpires the whole first level is just a sneaky prologue and you're actually here to meet the infant version of the real game protagonist who is it turns out right there on the boxart if only you'd looked so men your brief taste of the unstoppable Darth Vader experience was just the setup for Vader adopting this sad orphan who he orphaned [Music] that teased up the rest of the game in which the sad orphan has become the secret apprentice of Darth Vader who Vader codenamed Starkiller after rejecting alternative names moon smasher and space Sasson for being too subtle over the next several hours you work through star killers gradual realization that maybe being a Sith intern isn't for him after all finally you arrived at a climactic final boss fight with your wheezy mentor and then if you're playing like us you fully commit to D railing the entire Star Wars Canon by killing Darth Vader a few years before he could meet Luke Skywalker and tell him he was his dad [Music] you think that's bad for continuity you should see the Force Unleashed 2 DLC where you kill Han Solo in fact here it is [Music] now if you're just signed for your son's body you can take him home no this isn't my son this thing's a monster a murmur yes well I suppose that runs in the family ah Silent Hill - one of the finest horror games ever made thanks to its deeply unsettling atmosphere Frank handling of themes of loss and guilt and of course the iconic pursuer villain Pyramid Head rightfully acknowledged as one of the greatest video game boogie men of all time oh okay apparently we're talking about Silent Hill downpour not Silent Hill - how was that one oh well while it might not be the best game in the series Silent Hill downpour is still a Silent Hill game and tells the story of Murphy Pendleton Pendleton is a convict who escapes a prison transport crash into the town of Silent Hill which as is probably explicitly stated in its tourist information pamphlets by now starts to mold itself to his troubled psyche the game even features a relentless pursuer boogeyman character of its own called the boogeyman but he's different see because instead of a pyramid for a head he has a gas mask and instead of a big knife he has a big hammer [Applause] look you come up with something better the point is the boogeyman is a formidable presence throughout Silent Hill downpour and like Pyramid Head before him represents a facet of the protagonist which plays into the game's finale first you must face the game's penultimate boss known as the wheelman a kind of giant emaciated horror corpse melded with life support machines and then you are presented with cyan Hill downpours true final boss the boogey man but there's a twist the boogey man is now being controlled by you as you pursue an may woman who has been hounding Pendleton throughout the game convinced that he is responsible for her father's death so you have to monster your way through this prison fighting off waves of grunts and absorbing gunfire for man roaring incoherently the whole time like a non-fire bear while it is fun to smash up a bunch of stuff with a big hammer how you choose to act in this finale determines the game's ending with the bad endings being linked to killing Anne and the good ones coming from sparing her or if you prefer you can go for the surprise ending where Pendleton tunnels out of prison and then everyone throws him a surprise party hey at least this one's got Pyramid Head in it [Music] [Music] Bowser and Mario have fought countless times over the years and it never ends well whether that's because Bowser insists on standing on a retractable bridge no matter how many times he falls into lava or because Bowser keeps throwing his enemies the only things that can damage him no matter how many times Mario then launches them into his Bowser face Bowser is kind of dumb is what I'm saying that's as true as ever in the most recent Mario game Mario Odyssey for the Nintendo switch in which Mario has the incredible new power of being able to possess living things with the use for sentient magic hat Nintendo tells us that Mario's hosts are fine afterwards but look at that frog it's mind is shattered anyway in mario odyssey bowser is back on his BS which here stands for Bowser stuff and more specifically means kidnapping princess peach and trying to force her to marry him [Music] Mario turns up to stop things which is good I guess although he does it wearing a wedding suit of his own which I mean that's pretty presumptuous Mario and I think that ring is a bit big for her Bowser and why are all these people just standing around watching this happen may a Pauline want to sleep this whole thing is a disaster once again Bowser gives you the very thing you need to defeat him a top hat equipped with punching arms but more significantly that leaves Bowser with a bare head and you know what happens to things with bare heads around here show him Mario in order to help him and peach escape the collapsing building Mario possesses Bowser and we get to take a journey through the subconscious of this terrible lizard a dismal tour through a sunken place of past failures and humiliations at the hands of Mario it's then that we actually get to take control of Bowser now sporting a fetching new moustache and a full range of extremely impressive moves including the ability to smash through solid rock with his powerful claws and breathe deadly fire now that we've been in control of Bowser I've got to ask how have you not killed Mario yet my dude you're literally shattering concrete blocks with your bare hands why are you bothering with the weird helicopters and punching hats punch him with your actual hands still maybe this experience taught Bowser something and he'll finally learnt nope oh well at least we know that Mario okay does this game even have a hero oh it's peach of course technically the final boss of Metal Gear Solid is liquid snake a whiny British accent its snake bone with a mullet and a super Punja buffets despite not being high-res enough to have any discernible features in our opinion however the true final boss of Metal Gear Solid is Metal Gear Rex the rail gun equipped nuke launching mobile battle platform that liquid snake uses to beat the hell out of you during the game's final encounter despite obviously being a terrifying weapon of mass destruction that could theoretically end all life on earth as we know it Metal Gear Rex is also totally badass so you can imagine our disappointment when it was only liquid who got to pilot Rex in the game he isn't appreciating it properly he's probably in there drinking tea and getting biscuit crumbs everywhere all that changed however in Metal Gear Solid 4 guns of the Patriots were you as Old Snake finally get to take charge of Metal Gear Rex after Otacon manages to bring it back online for you at the end of the game to later to Konya nerd let's wreck stuff up as predicted when we fought against it in Metal Gear Solid Metal Gear Rex is awesome armed with anti-tank missiles a Gatling gun and the ability to just barrel through things smashing them to pieces Rex is so awesome in fact that one of the final bosses of this game is Metal Gear RAY a mech specifically designed to destroy Metal Gear Rex being piloted by Ocelot only actually it's liquid snake again because he has possessed Ocelot and Luke is Metal Gear just go with it Rey is a formidable foe but Rex has a laser as well sick anyway long story short you managed to beat the Mac designed specifically to destroy the Mac you're in because and I hope you're paying attention liquid this is how you do it properly liquid you're not looking this is why liquid is the worst weakened by the one rings power at last frodo claims it for himself and the very foundations of middle-earth are shaken the Dark Lord desperately hopes for his very body to be restored the Rings conquest is a game of two halves much like football or monopoly when I lose it monopoly and rip the board in half the first half of Lord of the Rings conquest is a campaign in which you play as the good guys more or less reliving the events of The Lord of the Rings films but with Gandalf doing way more force lightning [Applause] now we must survive this night the second half of Lord of the Rings conquest is like toki and fan fiction written by an emo Sauron Stan who always wanted to see Kim Lee get owned by a Balrog that is to say you played this campaign as the bad guys in an alternate universe where Frodo is mucked up his mission to destroy the One Ring and the forces of evil are going hog-wild ransacking the elvish libraries of Rivendell and smashing fair amitabh it's in the ruins of Ostia mostly you play as a rank-and-file soldier from a selection of classes but occasionally you do get to play a more memorable character like a witch king or a this guy all that's needed to complete this grim power trip is a shot at playing as the Dark Lord Himself that's right it's the big man the ring Wrangler the fantasy Darth Vader aka Sauron perhaps at last the Dark Lord Himself shall come forth to gloat in his triumph it's here in the later chapters of the rise of Sauron campaign where you finally get to hot swap out your generic foot soldier and step into sauron's armored boots we can all agree Sauron is the final force of all tolki infection being the most powerful evil entity in middle-earth unless we're going to get into the silmarilian which we won't because we can also all agree life is too short Sauron is actually not the most enjoyable hero character in Lord of the Rings conquest on account of being strong but slow like a big spiky Frankenstein but if you do fancy smashing Legolas flat with a giant mace the games got you covered and if you came here primarily to bash old man Gandalf to bits in the burning wreckage of the Shire well you too will not go away disappointed looks like we're gonna have to start calling him the Wizard of was because he's dead now mr. Weaver's Brook I know you have more of the rippers letters I told you to stay away from me stop publishing his letters you've turned an unknown miss Trent into a legend and that's exactly what he wants in Assassin's Creed syndicate the Frey twins Jacob and Evie encountered their fair share of notable historical figures from the Victorian era hanging out with Karl Marx messing up Dickens his manuscripts and of course murdering Charles Darwin's scientific rivals anyone else got a problem with the theory of natural selection yeah that's what I thought this parade of notable Victorians led to many wondering if we'd see an appearance from one of the most notable Victorian figures the serial killer Jack the Ripper in the game after all it's a game about stabbing people in Victorian London and that was kind of his whole deal maybe the Frey twins could even be the ones who put a stop to his murderous rampage patience Evie a gentle sound of opportunity passing us by the only problem was that Assassin's Creed syndicate was set 20 years earlier than the Ripper murders which kind of shot that whole idea down I mean yes it's a game about sci-fi memory machines featuring magic aliens but we've got to draw a line of time-travel guys come on piece of even destinated and took the lab with it the magic lump of hyperbolic metal and shocked all that changed however with the addition of the Jack the Ripper DLC which revisited the twins 20 years after the events of syndicate in the story that begins with Jacob being attacked by the Ripper and follows Evie's attempts to track him down you think Jacob is dead I dare not believe it but if he is you may be the only person who can stop the Ripper now this all culminates in a final boss battle underneath Lambeth Asylum where Evie has to use the rippers own tactics against him before finally defeating him screaming that he won't make her a monster while she stabs him over and over again not make a monster on me which is cool what is considerably weirder however is that prior to this point the DLC has forced you to play as the Ripper several times No I will hunt you down the Ripper here depicted as a kind of 19th century Rorschach from Watchmen uses fear we're told as one of his main tools which translates to you almost immediately being asked to brutally stabbed someone to death in a crowd in front of dozens of horrified witnesses eventually this thing really goes on for a while there we go we also learn that Jack the Ripper would spike people to the floor and use his powerful lungs to unleash a fierce scream which I mean where were you when this was happening people who get mad about the historical accuracy of diversity in battlefield games the point of these Ripper sections is to give us an insight into the rippers mind and show how similar the techniques used by him and Evie are but that still doesn't make it any less weird that the game is encouraging you to stamp around Whitechapel brutalizing civilians with a bag on your head it's nice that he put the top hat on top of the bag though I guess dress for the job you want not the job you have Jack you're sick Marvel vs. Capcom 3 pits the toughest fighters from a load of Capcom fighting games against the combined forces of Marvel's strongest and bravest superheroes also hawkeye's their take it up with Yuri of shield rejected your application that be in the main story the games Arcade Mode the final boss is Galactus a cosmic entity who literally eats planets who is decided he's having earth for supper this is hands-down one of the most intimidating boss fights in fighting game history even with you controlling a team of three heroes with superpowers especially if one of them is Hawkeye and those superpowers are being good at archery sweater god hawkeye the fight takes place in space with Galactus filling half the screen in your instruction on starting is to save the earth so no pressure then while it obviously is possible to beat Galactus it certainly doesn't feel like it as you bonk harmlessly against his chest plate while he looks extremely not bothered sometimes he'll get annoyed and flick you with his finger like he's dismissing a pesky flies which is embarrassing but certainly better than the punches or actual death lasers lose to him and you get this charming cut scene in which he smashes the planet flat and then eats both the Marvel and Capcom worlds because oh yeah there are actually two worlds at stake here so you can double that death toll you're responsible for Hawkeye the good news is that while Galactus is a cosmically powerful intergalactic being you can enjoy that power for yourself in the updated re-release version of the game Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 that version of the game added a new offline single-player mode called Galactus mode in which you get to Don the big weird helmet of the purple planet eater and see exactly what it feels like to squash Ironman flat with the palm of your hand or pick up Captain America and smoosh in between your gigantic palms good it turns out can see why people get into this super villainy business yeah okay Hawkeye thanks so much for watching this video about the final bosses that you got to play as in video games if you've got any other suggestions please do put them in the comments below and if you want more like this from outside Xbox then why not watch this video on screen right now which is about the weirdest ways that you've leveled up in video games or if you want something completely different why not check out outside extra one of their live streams on this one they were doing Animal Crossing personality quizzes to see which villages they are so check that out as well thank you for watching and we will see you next time [Music]
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,318,131
Rating: 4.9182734 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, 7 things, funny, funny moments, list, top ten, top five, top 10, top 5, countdown, villains, bad guys, antagonist, easter egg, secret, bosses, playable, play as, selectable, bonus, metal gear rex, bogeyman, silent hill downpour, metal gear solid, jack the ripper, assassin's creed syndicate, dlc, galactus, ultimate, mode, marvel, capcom, mario, odyssey, bowser, sauron, lord of the rings, conquest, darth vader, star wars, the force unleashed, prologue, intro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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