7 Boss Fights You Dreaded the Most

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we don't have to tell you how a boss fight goes you enter a large open space meet the monster that's cruising for a heroic bruising then proceed to kick butt as only a protagonist can but for a few games that isn't enough some are determined to build up some boss fight anticipation much earlier in the game going to extreme and theatrical lengths to sow the seeds of fear so that by the time you actually face that boss you're nothing but a broken mess here there now the boss fights that games made you dread the most for West boilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want weapons on him at all times he'll be time enough for you later speaking the rogue's gallery of Batman's villains is more intimidating than a public speaking engagement for a crowd of hungry velociraptors but in Batman Arkham Asylum in which you're basically trapped on an island with what seems like every villain ever there was one villain we dreaded facing more than any other thanks to some shenanigans on the part of the game itself while transporting the Joker into the asylum we got our first glimpse of a certain other inmate that inmate being Killer Croc aka Waylon Jones the man with a thankfully rare genetic condition that turned him into a reptilian giant can you smell the excitement in the air must have been one of the guards Arkham's architects clearly didn't plan for having to accommodate a 10-foot iguana inside their facility as croc has to curl into a ball to fit inside their elevators making the reveal of his full stature as he clamber out all the more menacing oh wow he just keeps going doesn't he blimey but it's not just his size or as many many many teeth that make him intimidating before croc even sees you he knows you're there and he has his sights or more accurately his nostrils set on you Batman fortunately for you Crocs shock collar keeps him from ending the hunt then and there but his threat to and I quote eat your bones sits with you for the rest of the game so your first thoughts after all the inmates escape our I wonder where croc will eventually find me and swallow my skeleton and if you manage to suppress those fears the game is only too happy to unsuppressed them again for you oh that made us jump have our skin which would definitely make our bones easier to eat he even makes extremely short work of the Scarecrow by this point you've had your nerves completely shredded by Crocs nonsense so when you finally have to deal with croc eenie zoned lair you're more tense than a festival camping-ground not surprising then that Batman's strategy in this fight is avoiding croc like an Exeter party only interacting with croc by throwing batarangs whenever he pops up out of his sewage filled waters by the end of it we were legging it the hell out of there as fast as Bruce's muscular legs could carry him hoping to never see that horrible lizard face ever again yeah suck it croc are you gonna eat my bones now you wouldn't think a game like Dark Souls would need to go out of its way to make you fear its boss encounters not when each one is famously hard and the intro cutscene at the start of the game is already the most dread inducing 216 seconds in human history yeah that should keep me on edge for the next 11 12 years or so Cheers Dark Souls but there is one very special encounter that the game goes out of its way to hype up and that's the battle against seats the scaleless the butt-naked dragon which is not his official title but frankly we wouldn't put it past Dark Souls need we remind you that this is a game where you fight something called ceaseless discharge you'll meet the fearsome see face-to-face deep within his archives having walked through one of the game's fog doors that always sick NAL's an incoming bad time and sure enough there is with a health bar the size of Madagascar and no clear path forward forcing you to hide and try to figure out what to do next [Music] fortunately you don't have to think about it too long unfortunately that's because what to do next is have your HP sliced up by seats unstoppable waves of ice spikes if this is your first time playing Dark Souls you'll quite rightly be freaking out right about now little knowing that in fact there's literally no way out of this encounter and CC is going to kill you no matter what you do in the only mandatory player death in the game oh and there goes my zero deaths run did that did that sound believable why would the game force you into this no-win battle presumably to give you a taste of seats immense power and boy does it work because having been on the business end of his HP wrecking ice magic you're going to spend the considerable amount of time before your next meeting with C's dreading every moment as such when you do eventually get within stabbing range of Seif expect any and all bravado you once had to evaporate especially once those ice spikes you've been thinking about non-stop coming to play on the upside by now you've had an opportunity to study seats move so it should be child's play to anticipate his attacks dodge at the right time and master your fear to prove that you are the true God ah spare me Lord seeth I'll give you names when it comes to norse mythology we hear outside extra are pretty much experts you've got the all-father Odin god of mischief Loki and got a thunder Thor who is friends with Tony Stark unlike the other two who more like acquaintances but he'll blaze sinuous sacrifice represents a much darker chapter for the Avengers as it's got fewer funny raccoons and many more terrifying deer head monsters this is because protagonist Sarah has gone to the underworld to try and rescue the soul of her dead lover Dylan from hella the goddess of death and as we'll find out shortly being king terrifying upon trying to cross the bridge to reach the heart of the underworld you're greeted by its ruler and spoilers Cate Blanchett doesn't look anything like she did in Ragnarok guess they couldn't afford the likeness rights instead you're met with this thing yes anyway same when cinema manages to collect herself and her sword it turns out this isn't even the boss fight just the game's way of saying watch your back because there's hella to come in fact your reunion with hella isn't until right at the end of the game which means you've plenty of time to mull over quite how nude and terrifying that giant bald woman was oh yes there she is again so begins the inevitable boss fight you've spent the bulk of this game dreading Captain America's not coming is he I thought you would appreciate this century I'm only crusing enjoy what is undoubtedly my favorites to wear there's only one thing that the doom Marine fears and that's that people online will get bored of making memes where he's best friends with Isabelle from Animal Crossing but it starts the legions of hell are concerned the silent hero of the doom series is seemingly immune to getting scared because we imagine you have to be pretty much fearless to sprint up to something with this many rows of teeth and do this to it nevertheless while that do marine may be able to tear apart the denizens of Hell with a resting heart rate you the player are not immune to fear and that's absolutely something doom eternal plays with in the doom hunter base level of the game's campaign it was not easy to fight an opponent but I think you would be impressed how well by showing you as you storm your way through the level horrifying glimpses of the beast you'll eventually be going up against as you butcher your way through Dhoom Hunter Bass expect to be regularly and cinematically interrupted by such delights as a half-demon being exhumed for the sinister purpose of boss transformation but for watching unnerved as hell machines craft very serious-looking bits of boss machinery these grisly tableaus peppered as they are throughout the level create a palpable sense of dread undercutting any potential feelings of badassery that may arise from your wholesale demon slaughter knowing that before long you're going to have to do battle with a creature that looks like the monster from david cronenberg's the fly but if instead of a Jeff Goldblum and a fly in the teleporter it was a scent or in a hovercraft after nearly an hour of this you'll be more familiar with the particulars of the doom hunters Anatomy than you are your own seriously in all these years I've never thought to check what the backs of my knees look like but I can't stop thinking about how this hand is literally two chainsaws rotating in parallel which would not be ideal for sawing logs but I guess that's probably not what the doom hunter is planning on sawing the battle when it does come it's all the harder for having been built up quite so much and the doom hunter is hard as nails anyway requiring you to both smash up its heavily shielded torso [Applause] and rocket boosters at which point it will simply fly after you like a bats quite literally out of hell master your fear however and the doom hunter can be killed at which point the game invites you to jump down this hole where oh right now you have to fight two of them great luckily there is a foolproof strategy I've devised for this boss encounter as soon as the fight begins pause the game then power down your console and play Animal Crossing instead Oh Isabelle you'll never hurt me you may have heard the phrase two heads are better than one but evil within two antagonists Stefano Valentini took that idea and ran with it all the way into your future nightmares hero of the game Sebastian Castellanos is confronted by many horrors but one of the first and certainly one of the most memorable is a mirror scare so effective but to this day I only checked my reflection in puddles and a shiny saucepan lid in your first run-in with the giggling Guardian or in our first run-in as shown in this livestream footage there's nothing you can do but oh wait what you have to do ah yes thanks P and in what direction the creatures appearance is so horrifying that you never want to see it again much less have to fight it but this is a survival horror game so you just know it's coming somewhere down the line for now though all you can do is leg it shutting doors on her trying not to get buzz sawed in half and continuing to what was it again passed me okay maybe try talking to a printing turnaround talk to a reason you do manage to escape but when you reach the Union City Hall later in the game you find it's time for the boss fight you've been dreading all along this time you actually have to face this monstrous amalgamation of murder victims one on one he said what we were all thinking suddenly it's up to you to be a competent player and stop her from turning you into human Jam which is pretty difficult to do when you're quietly stopping before the fight has even started now let us raise the curtain on our main event yeah say the words air Buster to someone who's played Final Fantasy seven and watch in horror as they experience a panicky flashback to a difficult boss fight mind you that's better than saying it to someone who hasn't played Final Fantasy 7 they'll probably assume you're trying to sell them scented bathroom spray or something [Music] in Final Fantasy 7 released in 1997 the air Buster is a fearsome enemy encountered during your second big mission to blow up a reactor run by the sinister Shinra and like most video game bosses appears from nowhere gives you a tough battle and then lives on in your memories and in your memories is exactly where the air Buster could have stayed if not for the Final Fantasy 7 remake for the ps4 which brings this inflatable NER do well back now with a graphical overhaul that makes it look like something that Dyson vacuum company would build to fight Godzilla and this time there's an added sinister twist now it's made abundantly clear to you as soon as you rock up to the reactor that if you want to get out of this floor oh let tech hole alive you'll have to go through the air Buster this metal Menace is teased by none other than Shinra military boss Heidegger who revels in gloating Lee showing off the corporation's most deadly toy in a live broadcast even if his message is slightly undercut by this clown let's call him Craig blundering onto set [Music] okay quake is like a thousand percent fired you may have gleaned that the air Buster isn't yet in its most deadly state but that's cold comfort to cloud and cohorts as they battle through the reactor getting grim omens of the enemy being assembled to fight them it's ready sir component outbound for BA the next stretch of the game is spent trying to weaken the air buster even a little by diverting its hardware prior to the big fight which you would think would boost your confidence but in fact just gives you a whole lot of time to contemplate components like big bomber shells and what they will do to your ragtag party of eco warriors probably bomb them we're guessing in a big way we call them bb's ones enough to blow you to hell and back when the battle does finally arrived the air Buster is every bit as dangerous as you were led to believe raining down laser beams and rocket-powered fists with a relentless fury this multistage boss fight goes on for ages and will push your powers of sustained concentration to the limit but we're confident the air Buster brawl wouldn't be nearly so panic-inducing if it hadn't been for all that build-up beforehand [Music] dammit our Buster we let you get in our heads just so long as Godzilla doesn't make the same mistake it's this foundation that will continue to build a brighter future for all of us [Music] there are only two things that are certain in this world death and taxes and that in resident evil 3 the Nemesis is always exactly where you want to be oh wait that was three things this Stars hunting buy people buy a weapon first makes his appearance in jail Valentine's home without an invite oh come on at least use the door rude but as much as Jill politely asks nemesis to leave by shooting bullets into its stupid trash bag looking face this doesn't make much of a difference and all you can do is run as fast as you can oh yeah door that'll hold it from this point on the Nemesis becomes a persistent source of threatened stress for you the player it's super strong super tentacley and seems to have taken against the walls of Raccoon City and you just know the resident evil 3 will expect you to fight it one-on-one but how in the hell are you gonna hurt something that spent 75 percent of its time on fire being hit with rockets or having cars driven into it with no lasting effects the sense of dread generated by your near constant fleeing is such that when you eventually do you have to face nemesis one-on-one you'll spend the first couple of minutes fleeing it in small circles purely out of habit look Jill I'm glad you're feeling confident because that makes precisely one of us if you were hoping for a single standoff you're plumb out of luck all Johnny no lips keeps coming back for more and none of these confrontations are any less intimidating just because the unkillable bioweapon now looks like a big dog doesn't make it not terrifying I think it's the lack of skin if anything it feels even more hopeless each time because seriously will this thing ever die and oh my god it's the size of a small bungalow now just so you know I should bloody well hope so cuz I am NOT fighting this thing again and you know what I'm not even risking it I'm gone I'm gone I'm fine no I'm bye-bye so those were seven boss fights that games decided to make you really really dread with some interesting shenanigans little cutscenes little glimpses of the boss being assembled the horrible stuff tasks nasty vibes nasty vibes for these boss fights can you think of any other games that pull the same kind of tricks make you really dread the upcoming encounter if so pop them in the comments and hey on screen now you're looking at some footage of show of the week live and show of the weekend as well which are two community shows that we do every week here on outside extra an outside Xbox they're really fun and if you enjoyed this list video then I am supremely confident that you will like those videos as well so why not check them out ok thank you so much for watching like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,434,712
Rating: 4.9100041 out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidexbox, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, dark souls, hela, doom hunter, arkham asylum, seath the scaleless, seath, gameplay, resident evil 3 remake, airbuster, ff7 remake, evil within 2, guardian, boss fight, boss, doom eternal, doom 2, funny
Id: z86yvAKdX2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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