FOUND JEWELRY HOARDER STORAGE UNIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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I've got two big boxes here filled with jewelry who's ready to find some gold and silver this girl your boxes hamburger dill pickle chips you sure that's what's inside on March 14 2020 we bought the most epic units we've ever seen in our lives paid eighteen hundred dollars for one seventeen hundred for another and come to find out more treasure than we could have ever imagined was inside we've got two boxes filled with jewelry now we've taken a peek at this before but we've never actually taken a deep dive look so here's the deal George you get a box I get a box let's see who can find more gold more silver more diamonds more precious gems you on I'll take the little guy [Music] here we go I picked the little box because I'm the little one in the relationship huge personality oh okay no now I know during our auctions people love buying our jewelry Lots so is it worth looking at we would have to take a serious look at this and find out what its value is before auction it off because of the unit it came from I don't see can anybody identify that G H maybe GM what do you think I do know that some costume jewelery is worth big money but we like to bulk it and so much alright next one is the beauty mark it sounds sterling so she might have a point do you think it's in there - L - L I'm it's mark sterling so I'm gonna say the whole back is silver yeah alright George gets one point she found the first piece of silver that says sterling silver whoa right there alright she's got a huge piece of silver we could pop the mirror out we could smelt that down and that's March something was that marked looks like I guess know something alright so looking for any markers on the outside looking for any markers on the inside of the band don't see anything there so pulling in a probe what's that that is 14k alright two points one thing a silver one thing a gold Jeremy you think you can beat me that was a little too close so close I lost some hair I'm gonna try and beat you you're just gonna move my box out of the way like it's nothing size matters that's the winning box yeah I agree this is the winning box look at this it's got a tote come on you got one piece of silver one piece of gold and I have I remember this yes look at this this now I don't know the gem but this is definitely sterling silver so that piece is silver for sure and it's awesome what a beautiful decorative piece I don't believe that one's marked though so we can't officially we can't officially give me a point on that because it's not officially marked but that's definitely silver you you do this enough and you know the markings what about the gems and the stones that we find in the jeweler does that count yeah that comes too so really I should have a ton of points right now because that's pretty awesome and you add this with that which again I think this is probably Native American both pieces okay but neither of them are actually marked so here is another gem she's a beaut she is a beaut and I can guarantee you that silver not whether I can oh I see it right in there there it is it's it's worn off right in there sterling silver so I officially I officially have one point so that one is marked for sure this looks like a black onyx with something in there and is it marked I see something in the band I see something too I see it right there not gonna be able to pick it up are you I can't tell that one's questionable but this one look at that opal sparkle that is incredible okay you don't put opal just in anything obviously but but this piece isn't marked either I mean I really think they had some early pieces that weren't marked so we're gonna say that one's in a questionable pile I still have one point this is definitely a pearl right mm-hmm oh yeah it's really gritty that are my teeth are horribly dirty and it oh yeah right there 10k nice 10k right there all right so I've got you've got two points I've got two points look at that one opal and pearls opals and pearls okay now beautiful beautiful artistic piece and I'm telling ya I can't find it probably is worn off the actual sterling silver stamp I mean you see how worn this is it's not even a circle anymore so stretched I mean really I should get some points for all of these beautiful gems but this yeah I guarantee best real sterling silver I can tell just by looking at it even if it's not marked you get to a point where you're like yeah yeah that's what it is and a lot of times on pieces like this it'll be marked in the earring backing or it'll be tiny stamped right on the edge of something potentially even on the stud if it's old enough so I can't officially take a point for that either I got one more Giovanni on so right now it's 2 2 2 right - 2 - look at that brooch and that brooch is a brooch is hurtin on that fuzz all right let's get it out of there let's get it out of the fuzz and I think it's potentially plated but not I don't see it marked anywhere to you I thought I saw marking on the back of the stem underneath the leaves am I seeing things you're seeing things all right tie game two two two although I should get a ton of points for all those opals and pearls Jeremy shoved it out of the way like it was nothing this thing's legit heavy this has to be silver I mean look at it it just screamed silver oh it says aluminum but maybe that's just this part that's aluminum where you see aluminum aluminum maybe just this hinge part is aluminum and then the rest is silver you don't see any markings oh no he's the random here sweet that's got to be worth something I don't see any other markings all right let's move on to the next still tie game 2-2 to officially Mako number maple no more costume jewelry beach costume jewelry cold very beachy cool but it doesn't get you any points the Mako box could actually be worth money believe it or not I'm almost positive all of those are real okay that's cool so those counter they don't I actually think that's part of oh no it's not part of I thought it was part of the actual Japan so if you look in between the pearls if there's tightly knotted areas that's another good signifier that they're real don't see any markings on that class they only want to have more pearls than that as mr. krabs his daughter Pearl yeah he's alone my job show with my son don't see any markings on the clasps that one says Japan see the marking that says Japan no got too much in the background yeah now we see it the only marking I found on this one is Japan so yeah yeah all right so that's all Japan that doesn't count for anything you got another box yeah that's pretty blue box wait what's the label this is February amethyst February amethyst that's not an amethyst it's a pocket watch in there or maybe jewels by trophy but this isn't it Safari and right here Tafari it does so that matches okay maybe it does go in there and there's the marking that says Jeff Ari what's the base metal say they're stainless steel any silver on that don't see any markings still tie game to to to wait George just scored another point she didn't see it but mikeen broken eyes did silver sterling mm-hmm three two two Georges winnin you do with my box please you mean your vows yeah the little one your boss Jesus did I stutter Oh Higbee's look at that old Higbee's okay and we've got I don't know if that's big lighter I used to rock here Brett's like that all the time oh yeah you think I could pull the look off yes let's see no mohawk Mohawk all right here we go em us must jewelers only that look at that that is pretty whatever it is it's pretty oh look we got a hidden Lobster underneath no it's a Scorpio okay so universal all right so usually its marked and that pendant is marked although I can't read it all right and these aren't marked either although they are really cool so there's good potential good potential there's some gold there on the clasp but we're not gonna be able to read it without a microphone barb yeah they knew what you meant without a magnifying glass and we don't have the magnifying glass up here right now oh come on come on costume jewelry costume Julie okay so beaded costume jewelry Orange these pieces could be silver here the clasp and that isn't but that potentially could be and not seeing anything marked right now we'd be looking for sterling sterling silver 925 actually there is a marking right there can you read that one I can see it I can't read it either without the magnifying glass I mean the microphone the microphone so officially you're still winning three two one and look there's a piece that matches the beaded pieces and I don't think there's anything on there jumping out going gold or silver it's definitely costume jewelry and definitely something somebody would be interested in I got one more box Saks Fifth Avenue where's that bright is holding on for dear life how much air up there we just found a new home for the Brett you can put it in here can't believe that that wouldn't hurt I think you're just given up all right I'm gonna turn this box I'm gonna keep it in the chair and turn it this way so Jeremy can stop throwing it let's go with just two weeks ago she lost big time for the first time in history so pretty Oh more jewelry line but this could be good this could be bakelite could be ivory we just don't know and we don't have the expertise to figure it out right here right now on that class this is really pretty but I don't see a marking this looks like it could be the end of a necklace but the necklace chain broke he holds the whole world in his hands he's got the whole really pretty piece no markings there found another random piece of hair no markings on this end either and more costume jewelry all right that's all costume jewelry what do you think's in this one this one this box is labeled sex with Avenue that's got to be a good sign my last one was on a good sign I'm Barret you know what that Barret would look good these are called something else I don't know what they're called but that's pretty this is pre all costume all right that's all costume this is definitely costume what do you think's in that one another six Fifth Avenue ooh definitely not costume this looks like silver what is this oh it's a UH brush what does that say what is that marking sterling it's a sterling right there all right you're up for two two now I saw him working right away sterling five two two nine two five huge gorgeous piece look at that thing like Astec silver mother-of-pearl in there and then the last piece is ooh there I found it this was right there sterling so six to two sterling six to two what's the other side look like rose this jewelry hoarder had some amazing stuff let's see what we got in here all right and jewelry hoarder is an understatement we got in here this definitely has got to be sterling except look at this the brooch broke off and then they they've fixed it like that so there's the front of it absolutely beautiful whatever the stone is which I don't know what the stone is this is silver this is absolutely silver Bob Lee Jimmy right this thing big time oh you know what it might be marked silver underneath of it okay no don't see anything there all right it is silver but I can't officially take a point for it because it's not marked but it is it's definitely silver no point though okay not silver costumed well honey bands giant whatever it is okay we've got all things that came out this crazy thing no that actually oh you know what I smell mmm I smell old lady I'm about to sneeze I think I might be allergic must be you your birthday's coming up gonna be big three eight all right so that by the way her birthday's this week almost almost may 10th Mother's Day Mother's Day okay that's costume jewelry costume jewelry come on we need gold that does not look like gold though we can already tell this isn't gold this doesn't even look plated cool brooch and probably has a lot of value but not even plated this that's pretty piece very pretty but it's not March we've got more costume jewelry here and again if we don't look up costume jewelry some costume jewelry is gonna be well worth more than gold and silver that's not helping me I'm still behind George has six oh I see you marking and I only have two points what is that right there see if we can get it to focus I can't I can't just English what it says well we can all agree it says something it sure does look like a 14k to me all right there it is what's it look like 14k I think I should get a point sure all right I got by default I got a point look at this monster thing right here I don't know if that's Tigers are what I of the tiger all right there is maybe it goes like this yeah definitely not silver not silver this is piece of costume jewelry is well not silver cool very very cool like neat engineering but not silver all right so it's still it's still six to three and I don't think I'm getting anywhere with these beads although if these beads were old big light that would be worth quite a bit there I've got this little tomato rose garden thing maybe cranberries could be grapes this is I don't know what that is but made in floral something England made in England doesn't say gold or silver just a floral police made in England could be worth a lot but doesn't count in regards to what we're doing I just found the key to the city the key to something all right so this piece no markings cool brooch nice leaf some of you ladies right now are like I want that oh there's the other clip on earring right there okay little heart bracelet that doesn't even look plated okay this thingamajiggy I don't know what that is but it's in there and then this looks like potentially copper might even be brass smells a little brassy you know what I mean there's the there's the stamp right in there can you see it we hold it this way so you can see it no see it alright so that's how it looks that's that's the artistic interpretation what else do we have in here we got a thing that keeps jumping down alright costume jewelry bracelet yeah this is a little piece of brass crazy piece of brass there Wonder Woman Wonder Woman bracelet and some beads could be one of those copper bracelets that help with arthritis well I can tell you this jewelry box is gonna help me win this competition still six to three you're winning are you diggity digging we're finding the box in a box let's do the bomb come on time diggity dig diggity dig y'all Mickey Mouse let's see the backing is sterling this definitely looks like silver the chain does that would be stainless steel so that is not a point and that chain is not a point either that's definitely not sterling I remember don't cop on me man this is very pretty this is so pretty but I don't see any markings so that doesn't count not even that pretty dumb next box these oh yeah the old watches the old watch is one of them's abhava so flip that one over if I remember correctly you've got Bulova does it say gold anywhere I don't see any marking either that or I'm blind what's the other watch this one is a something with the G it does say that it's made in the USA I do see that do you know points-- found the marking on this watch I think it's group pronounce your when it says 10 k GF GF standing for gold-filled gold-filled it's not much all right that's fine 7 2 3 nothing nothing Percy thing little purse and here we go little snot rag I could get some golden boogies in there digging for gold nope not even the boogies nothing nothing not even books a bunch of vintage air not even boobies alright Kaufman's right there hey don't call on me man alright this has gotta be something here oh this is for your eyeglasses this would go around your eyeglasses but it does not look gold it does not look real to me it's just decorative spectacles something and we've got oh look at that does that almost say hails the Heil Heil ebro's the hey libros okay bring on the silver now here we go that one's empty okay let's see what we can find as far silver in here it's got to be marked to the count [Music] stainless read it national I don't see anything there now some of this is worth a ton I don't see any stamping there that's why they kept it look at this old I think would be copper or brass piece Vegas see anything stamped there silver plated that counts you got gold filled I get silver plated seven to four and this pretty sure I can't see now because of the light in my eyes but I'm pretty sure something's right there what does that say sterling yeah it's just for jabbing a girlfriend who's being moody you just like right now I'm here hey whatever works so 7 to 5 what's that one say that says something brothers all right there's brothers Rogers now that's not gonna work you know what this is for right you got a girlfriend who loves the spoon you just say here's the my spoon okay and this one's a Rogers Brothers as well original Rogers nothing marked sterling so it's still 7 2 5 nothing I don't see any markings there oh look at that is that mmm good that's the Campbell Soup dude that is worth something look at this mother-of-pearl and a shell that's way too cool definitely not gold or silver probably worth something cool and on 7 to 5 1914 22 okay I don't see any markings and old company plate all right I'm gonna take three of these bags and set up the boxes you're going with bags bags oh I see something good already maybe maybe you were looking at me no look how cool that is let's see I don't see any markings but let me look on the chain looks like a stick does it have that a sticky and feel could be Egyptian for all I know don't see any markings I don't know not sure this could be costume jewelry it could be gold or silver not sure all right let's move on to the next what does that say limited edition that can't be good no I have no idea it could be original bakelite which would make it pretty valuable but I literally have no idea try pulling the pin up this pin that pin oh there it goes it's like a door hinge sterling marked anywhere I don't see any markings again I could be blind that piece is probably worth more whatever it is as costume jewelry than it would be if it were sterling or gold oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember this the coin purse yeah and it is marks Durling right it's Silver's it is an old-school coin purse those are the coins that were actually in it so that's an 81 and 94 94 all right what if this was silver with that I've counted yeah you would have gotten two points but you're doing fine already you got eight two five any day with the comeback I went big big because size matters except that's not gonna do anything for us and does that spoon say anything that one says all right that one's not gonna get us anything what can I get for this piece of cardboard it may be valuable one day I would hold on to it all right nothing in there what about that 25th anniversary Burton Ohio could be worth something one day all right doesn't count we do have I can't see does that say anything right here right here I have one sterling so you are at eight right and I was at five yeah or was I at six was I at five or six I'm pretty sure I might have been at six I'm at six right now that counts that's sterling okay no oh I found the marking on this little guy it's a sterling right there oh now that's seven okay yeah yeah we're tied we're tied those weeds look good on you we're tied eight to eight hey we're tied okay she said we're tied so we're tied not sure what that one says that one says sterling yeah pulling ahead now it's nine to eight and I got all these crazy look at all of that I don't know what that is that could be vintage bakelite - could be I don't know it's crazy somebody somebody would love it this thing's probably worth more than any of the gold there's another piece I don't think any of that is gonna be sterling it's just costume jewelry there's another one oh that one yeah red bleeds so if you feel like wearing red one night I always heard if you see red you're dead that's part of safety classes look at this must be old wood yeah but it feels like wood big mess big mess I wanted big money I got a big mess okay so so this is a giant piece of craziness that oh okay I see once you get it all untangled oh that looks great on you too and then afterwards wait what's a good night how is that a movie quote yeah I just made it up is what the Hales movie so after you get this all untangled this does a little hanging a dangly thing fancy that's crazy isn't it but I don't know how to untangle it okay and oh my goodness look at that is it an old perfume case it's open it up could be an old compact I'm trying to open it it's not opening do you know how to open them you push it in there you push it in and on the top pops up oh it's an old compact and the last one we found had a hidden compartment what does that say that says wizard wizard boy that sure does look like silver yeah it does that was a number something 0.25 9.25 it's silver BAM it's faded it's faded but it's a point and based on your point system since you've been calculating I'm ahead now ten to eight ten to eight all right ten to eight and you know what I think these are don't even say it usually we find these on the nightstand okay so they look cool now we're good we're good okay you have to use all five senses when you're in storage unit why are you so crazy all right I can tell it's definitely not silver it needs to be untangled we're not going to untangle it right now here is there's some more wooden beads crocheted foot and more costume jewelry none of which is gonna get me any kind of points but because I'm ahead now ten to eight three of the smaller boxes and hopefully find some gold rings rings I saw y'all rings Yvonne I think you're gonna find a ring got a nice brooch some of these are worth some money but I don't see any markings but it's Yvonne does Yvonne sell gold and silver not much here's two more brooches that one's really pretty with the stone in the center I don't see any markings that it's gold but then again I could be blind still a pretty piece does that count for something since it's so pretty I'll tell you what we'll make it ten to nine just because no me having tons sterling right there and now it's ten to ten it's tied again the museum Co I'm pretty sure it's probably gonna be silver sterling it says sterling silver yep there goes sterling sterling flip it over so there's a press-on earring there's the other earring and then here's the matching brooch that goes with it boom how many points is that three pieces find 13 to 10 say two because these are a pair of earrings I'll give you three I'm beating you anyway 13 to 10 this next grab and - are we winning or ain't playing no more I am NOT playing anymore this is for the win okay this thing I have no idea what it but I just had a good idea of what to do with it it's a butt pincher alright it is I doubt that it's sterling silver okay here we go I'm going for the win I am going for the win come on big money big money big money there sterling sterling right there so thirteen Rogers 13 - 11 now the rest don't say sterling okay this one will silver where Stratford silver counts 13 to 12 get this little thing going on cute little coin purse nothing in it nope whoa right there do you see that sterling 13 to 13 come on gold come on gold what does that say hmm try reading it that way sterling Oh 14 to 13 and what's that say sterling 15 to 13 that's really cool and I have no idea what this thing says it's really cool it says one-fourth real at the bottom one-fourth real real of what it's probably a 1/4 something as I say 1899 yeah right up here 1899 mm-hmm I bet you they used a coin and they made a measuring but it's a coin for a measuring you think that's like a old-school measuring I think I think it's old coins made into a measuring cup and old coins had silver in it oh and that's what the 1/4 is for 16 all right and if I can't win I will slice my dice my way to the finish line what do you think what does that say right there do you see what that says sterling sterling 16 am I at 16 now okay well I think I'm at 16 we could just say we can say 17 if you want to so I my guess is these were from the days of I like Ike the politician I don't see any markings on the Ike's I might be completely wrong I've been known to be wrong once or twice well that's gotta be sterling cuz do you have the matching BAM right there you suit that says you see what that says sterling do I get two points because it says it twice yes I think I'm at I'm at like 18 now that was wise to give me two points without my hand well you want to know why he gave me two points why because I feel bad that Christian and patients tied you up duct-tape you to the wall and left you stranded yeah and you know how I got out the mice actually chewed the tape the mice chewed the tape off of me to where I fell and I drug myself home it was crazy it's crazy okay we've got this stuff here that's all shoosh yeah that's not that's not gonna be any points though this here this feels like real that probably is real well it's just we'll just leave it at that it's probably real and we can just leave it at that I think that is exactly what you think it is saber-toothed tiger okay here we go my last bit to get over it for the wind of course George has one more box or she's got the rest of her box I don't think that has any silver HMK nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing so I think I'm at what 19 I think I'm at nineteen thirteen nineteen I don't know what that is but this definitely doesn't count broken slinky that would be my guess broken slinky oh no that's old licorice all right Tiffany and Co that says Tiffany and Cyril just I can't even talk right now sterling turn around we can't see anything and you got 14 points now 14 points a little cat I don't see any markings on it but it's cute for all the cat lovers up you've already got your one cuteness point this one it's abbreviated what's it say stir all right you now have 15 19 to 15 no but the pouch would sell on eBay easily and so at the box all right thanks for the Avenue 19 to 15 I'm actually witness more costume jewelry I feel like every sex with Avenue box I found have let me down with costume jewelry maybe I'll find diamonds there's a price tag of $3 in here that's not gonna get you three bucks or a point don't see any markings on that this might be do you think that's real pearl nope I think it's beads and costume jewelry yeah I know right more beads costume jewelry definitely costume jewelry I don't see any markings right here going for another grab I see yes I'm down to five more boxes and these were at the bottom of the box but check this one out it says made in Italy silver oh man you got 16 point what is it now 16 19 to 16 we're just saying 19 to 16 you bury these are matching brooches and but I don't see definitely not silver no not gonna be a marking on that if there wasn't marking to be fake oh no oh no no no nothing why what are you looking at this says Swiss what's the other side look like how pretty that is it's got a pretty pink gem in there this black onyx some-something engraved just not sure what it says I think I need glasses I can't see up close anymore help someone hope getting blind Oh that matches with this no sure does see that I don't this is something Pitino I don't know can't see and then this guy it looks like it opens it's a little compact it's some type of pendant so I guess you could put whatever you want in there here's another fancy brooch don't see any markings there oh look a little apple dink this is a pendant don't see any markings on this this just looks like a bead oh look I found opal three little opal stones this looks like gold but I don't see any marking can I get a point cuz it definitely looks and feels like gold nope no point no you already had your cute point oh look more opal stones wonder if those went together don't see I don't see any markings indicating that it's gold and then these are clip-on earrings I doubt that these are silver and BAM sterling so 17 you got 17 now holy cow that piece is huge huge 17 to 19 down to these last four boxes my box is empty well that's all the stuff we already looking two more pieces she needs to to tie three to win no probably not ain't gonna work what is that same 14k that does say 14k eighteen eighteen to nineteen that this looks like costume jewelry so that doesn't count this is definitely silver there's a fifty dollar price tag on it fifty dollars don't see any markings but does that count cause it's got fifty dollars so that means it's worth something I'm sure it is where something everything's worth something to somebody but nope no point don't see any markings on this guy there definitely is silver though it's just not marked silver this one has a price tag it says sterling on it did you find the marking nine two five one two five what's the front look like rose rose has its thorn she tied it up people she tied it up with the the rose right there I don't see any markings on this one who is that you know who that looks like hmm me either there's this pendant there's marking back here but I don't see anything that indicates that it's silver and then this last piece this mother-of-pearl so she'll so its 1919 I know how we could break this time I've got silver I wear silver every day I got silver here here and here I bought you that silver I should get a point for it but it's on my finger you gifted it to me so therefore the point is mine [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 425,659
Rating: 4.720088 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: b-y6NMkDPEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 4sec (3124 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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