40+MPH SPEED DEMON | Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #5

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I love the narration.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BeFrozen ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ah, gotta love Ambiguous Amphibian. Much less known than he should be.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/redxlaser15 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Still slower than an elder beak thing.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/fallingupstairsdown ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

this youtuber always drags me back to kenshi whenever I think Im free

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CampingColorado ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just watched this last night lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/WIN-SOME-GAME ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My current character has achieved 56mph with masterwork scout legs and 98 athletics and Ive been looking for more athletics bonuses lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/th3renegade ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Y remenber when Beep ran 51 mhp

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Rod-IA ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 18 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

discovered kenshi thanks to him

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Romulus-sensei ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 20 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hajime mashita my friends the ancient philosopher lao zoo once said the best man is like water water is good it benefits all things and does not compete with them it dwells in lowly places today in kenshi we're learning the way of the eternal dao to get ready take out your notebooks because you just might learn a ninja lesson the way to tranquility is through self-mastery the way to squint is south in squin there's a weapon salesman in his stock are heavy weapons on my back is a fragment axe welcome back to kenshi today we're getting our [ __ ] pushed in our character torsolo a portmanteau of torso and solo get it we'll train in the art of ninja discipline and what better way to train this virtue than through goat fighting to master goats is to master oneself to master oneself is to be in the zen to bleed from the head is dangerous and may have lasting medical side effects including but not limited to embarrassment while you fed your appetites in worldly pleasures i toiled and like a phoenix i rose out of the ashes and in my weakness i grew strong and i became a warrior i collected myself literally and rose from the ashes and in my feeble state i learned to trust the way of the eternal dao for the way of the eternal dao is like a cup it is bottomless and it has no end i am full and i contain nations but down the way to strength can lead to arrogance the five colors cause one's eyes to be blind the five tones cause one's ear to be deaf and getting punched in the face five times might f up your day but that won't stop me from taking all the stuff off your body and selling it at a bar nearby like a raccoon i steal things and like a turtle i carry a lot on my back currently i have 13 chunks of iron no but really this is training torsolo's strength and soon he'll be able to knock people out with one hit from his heavy weapon a future which i greatly anticipate so in training myself in strength i'm ridding myself of mine fluctuations and in going south to the swamp i'll be ridding the world of the red saber leader my first target and a quest for well a lot of things mainly among them power though my ways are stooped in righteousness my goals are ignoble and jesus he's actually uh i mean he's gonna get his [ __ ] pushed in for a while while he's still training heavy weapons but he's gonna get really strong and he has more attack slots so he can hit a lot of enemies and have i lost this one already yeah we're gonna take a lot of punches this time and geez the dust bandits really have taken over this area i'm running into like three groups of dust bandits at once they should probably just kidnap me nonetheless i'm content to learn the ways of the eternal dao a bit longer and get knocked out by a bunch of unique individuals they can't take what i've already lost and i've lost everything so i'm just gonna start repairing myself yeah this playthrough has been rough to me i've been trying to decide which weapon class i actually want this character to do a lot of you guys had recommended using heavy weapons and since i've never actually trained anyone i think i'm gonna go through with it we just need to get him dexterous enough so that he can do a couple swings at a time that and hopefully his blocking skill can rise until then it's still a stat grind but i think we're ready to take on maybe a couple of the bosses soon torsolo's limbs are pretty much maxed out here he's got specialist klr series limbs i don't think anyone's really after his limbs so there's no danger of losing them in combat and okay that's normal walk through me and then stare at me while i sleep now while i'm not one to belabor stats we do have 42 strength 71 tough really the 71 toughness is is is the decent one here strength could come a long way especially with heavy weapons like we're using but the melee attack and defense are coming along athletics couldn't be much better and this character has among all that uh some stealth skill so i think it's time that we go confront greater dangers and really just get our [ __ ] pushed in today by stronger enemies stronger more frequent bouts with um ass kicking will eventually lead us to enlightenment for in the midst of chaos there's always opportunity in the midst of the swamp there is a town and if we swim through the water with iron in our backpack we hopefully won't drown but if we stay in long enough eventually we will swim faster and eventually we should come to the hideout deep in the swamp deep deep in the swamp if you should find a gate hit it if you're challenged to a battle fight it and this is actually one of torsola's mortgage oh you have more people there now we could win this should be easy for us we're better at 1v1s and i think we can beat this sheck warrior because he seems to be preoccupied with this gate great practice for tor solo for i am a coward and i get all of my wisdom from fortune cookies we can loot this guy and take all of his [ __ ] some of this actually isn't that bad we could use his armor which is far superior to mine and his unfortunately we can't use his boots though because i don't have feet come on i think we're fighting the uh these are the red bandits right oh no we're fighting bugs too those bugs are pretty deadly yeah the red sabers the red sabers are a real danger here but it seems like there's a lot of factions we can face off against each other and they've defeated this blood spider and everyone's so distracted by the door that this actually seems like a fairly decent place to farm against these enemies we might be able to take out their entire clan because they're so focused on an impossible door and in this way cheese the system my god the heavy weapons class really is strong uh i don't want to get knocked out around these guys but most enemies will just leave you in kenshi and they can't really chop off any more limbs but we don't want to get too beat up yeah let's see if we can limit the number of enemies that's better do a little first dating here and run and now there are ways to cheese heavy weapon combat because you have such great range like this and run and like this and run in a second and get okay run yeah we gotta limit these numbers otherwise we're screwed we probably play them off of the water here too right me versus five red red sabers i don't know who wins that who wins that fight usually probably them let's try it out though let's even get a lucky hit come on if you could just destroy all of their stomachs hit one butt ooh two down at once now that's what i'm talking about three enemies at once two enemies at once you gotta keep running though so that they all bunch up and i gotta keep running because it's always a 1v10 whenever i fight against anyone all right it's time to go for good now there's a lot of swamp villages around here we can run to and i'm very weak and my body's still frail there's a small village here to the north in the swamp we can sleep in the beds and uh we can't i lied them never wrong i just lie actually for sale 16 000 cats might not be a bad place to get all in good time for tonight we sleep in shark and this has been bothering me i've been re-importing my save but i actually can't seem to get the building menu to work so just a limitation of the mod i guess but yeah i need to pay for beds all the time they're not that expensive so it's not really a major problem true ninjas sleep with their eyes open time for round two at the swamped lab we're already level 21 on heavy weapons and rising i see a potential future in this for us the blood spiders here are half lyfian and if i stay with them i'll be half eaten i did not know that these things were this strong they are really strong and i'm also running out of weakened character i'm carrying stone with me so that i get stronger in combat and just in general as i run our real goal should be to leave the hideout red bandit in hand so we'll put down our iron stack it in an oddly perfect pile and then to the hideout open sesame now if you fight one of them you fight all of them for the red bandit he's easily the strongest he looks buff and he's asleep in the back the red saber red saber boss we need to deal with the infidels oh and here he comes on his own let's see if we can lure him out we will just bring him far away can i fight you alone could come further from your home and all of the people who would defend you i really just want your 10 000 cats bounty and that seems far away enough to me good no friends for you we might be able to 1v1 him we're actually fairly strong but he's also quite strong and it's just like a baseball yep i think we can 1v1 this guy he does look strong but my limbs are robotic and zen torsolo's actually not even taking any hits he's not taking a single hit he might uh he might shut him out of this combat he's wrenching in pain now the red saber boss is going to fall to my heavy weapon oh yeah he does hit hard twice really the main thing we're lacking in his strength but that can be gotten by carrying around the red saber boss so if we manage to slay his thick ass in combat we will uh we'll get a lot stronger from that and we did his armor's decent but not good enough and he's not good enough either but all of his items are worth probably as much as his bounty too so we can pick him up grab our stack of iron and run away while you sought booty i trained myself in the way of the blade now i am coming for that booty swigety swoogaty i can't believe that none of the red sabers actually defended this guy we just got him like a one-off thing he hardly even managed to hurt me too i can't believe i've never seen these things before look at their nose hands this is one of the strangest sights to behold but one very befitting to catchy goodbye nose elephant people they're mushroom turtlemen and let's make sure that the red bandit uh or the red saber boss does not uh die we actually don't want him to die otherwise i don't think we can turn him in once again to squint i think i'll also just take his hat i'm just going to wear his hat from now on it's far better than my hat and his armored rag skirt far better than mine i'm practically wearing all his clothes now imagine his surprise when he wakes up at this point i might as well just take the full set and impersonate him and we can use this all to acquire new heavy weapons newer and stronger heavy weapons and let's see what we can get for him from the shack boss and that should be ten thousand cats take this man now we'll go to the store and sell all his stuff check retainer here i come we'll sell all his stuff back or all of our old stuff and then i'm selling my katana i don't need it anymore and i don't know what else to buy so i'm just gonna go for the most expensive sword this fragment axe will do and now i should have the best one in the shop i think this one's about twice as strong as my last one that was almost stupidly easy to get the red bandit or red saber whatever he is he's red and the hub is red because i killed some of the residents um that was slightly morbid actually i don't even know why i took some of this stuff it's martial arts clothing but he should have been martial arts too the red bandit later a big reason i took it is just because it's more valuable but i guess i should look at the stats more whatever we'll try it out and if it feels right i'll just take it the main thing is the fragment acts which counts or i have another idea and it starts at dust king tower but it starts with these slavers even before that i wonder if we can actually fight these guys now now that we've taken out the red bandits or the red saber uh yeah we're gonna need to do we need to fight the ninjas for this let's take these guys out of town we can always outrun them so that shouldn't be a danger we just might need to spam them a lot here though one hit run one hit yeah crap come on one hit and oh not a good idea and you see in attacking one of them and then running we can always avoid damage [ __ ] nope that is wrong yeah we might be screwed oh well we need more strength here what happens if i just take off all my clothes how does this work he looks like a bionicle and i think we have to run just not really my fight fortunately they never seek revenge yeah i think that these clothes actually make him a lot worse in combat although they give him some protection i'm gonna sell them probably but in the meantime we can start to whittle away at the dust king go through the gate and challenge him once more do we actually send a chance against these guys when it's night well at night fight him at night i'm a little concerned about him with uh the blocking potential of some of these weapons though let's see can you at least get a hidden torso it almost seemed like they would always get in hits with martial arts i could see a lot of potential for this guy in mass combat though you could probably kill somebody in one blow when you get good he's not taking damage into 1v1 good 79 and they're slowly as long as they all just slowly come out to fight we'll be oh no i know why did i say that all right goodbye i got one of you don't forget about me just slowly attract them out of the compound one by one oh no they're on the cross post never mind i'll come back later and it's time to buy our new leg well when we actually have the money which we don't never mind hmm what are these here broken model 30. these guys are oh [ __ ] i've seen these guys before they're really strong we should probably get out of here they're too strong for us now in fact drop everything and run and after all that grinding i'm still not quite as strong as i want to be so this means more ninja virtue patience discipline i'll keep training strength until i can take out enemies in one blow sneak up on me eh i will defeat you now good i actually beat a blocking enemy that took a long time to do it is kind of nice to see his progression in these subtle moves of combat there we go another oh yeah he needs more blockings he really just needs the dodging skill dodging and defense he's still not that good at it you got to develop such good toughness before you can even get some of these other skills just so that you have a chance to even use them oh we took off that guy's arm in one blow jeez where did it even go i think the other guy went into the iron deposit i personally i would give up though i mean if somebody cut off my arm i would i'd probably lose focus okay pretty one-sided battle no pun intended and more money i can't believe that he's actually still uh oh his leg too man at least one last leg in the hands of evil yes i did take your leg because you surprised me i wasn't expecting you all right back to work one less arm and one less leg and also a life for 6 300 seconds in the hands of evil uh actually he's just yeah he's gonna die i can use him for good now by picking him up i will slay the demons we can make him better at combat by holding people he'll get way stronger now yeah he's going up in stats way faster now all right just give me all his [ __ ] no okay well if you wanted to fight that he'd be my guest again time to make the sale i look at how the bar man is now he's never giving up on his trade you know he's just but look at him he needs health care man it would be so cool to play as the seven ninja swordsman i'm getting flashbacks to zabuza with this headband ah another customer oh a lot of customers now we have a lot of stuff on our back so uh you know i'll put down my backpack for a little while my my backpack okay and let's see how this slaughter get either i'm going to get slaughter or it's going to be horrible for them yeah now we could run away and micromanage this fight which we might have to do but i think that the arc of his swing should uh give us enough coverage of the enemy plus these guys are pretty weak and they might make for good targets nah okay we gotta run back attack all he needs dexterity he's just not hitting fast enough too much blocking that's better yeah but he doesn't get this full swing okay we're running back to town i need the ninja guard it's very unwieldy but once we do get good with them hold on to your hat okay guards help me out shouldn't be a big fight should be pretty one-sided we just need that dexterity 41 right now but it's going up and jesus nice this is what we're looking for ultimately and we also want it to be one hit and they're done because he shouldn't have to hit people like five or six times ah this is perfect a field of squirming enemies perfect perfection perfection soon he'll be like one punch man ah i love this training now if we wanted to raise our dexterity we'd attack with lighter weapons but we already have enough katana training that i don't think that'll be so necessary later in time we'll work on it but the main one here is strength and hello dust bandit bowman okay a bowman without a bow i guess he's just a man man he's not even a man he's a shack what is he he died without knowing let me get back my backpack oh here's my backpack oh there we go my backpack was getting away there we go thank you buddy there goes an arm oh no my bad little leg there it goes oh there goes some goats i'll take pity on you today now we're almost at optimal encumbrance we need that to train strength and now we're ready for optimal strength training time to take some laps we'll be slower but we're gaining strength at a faster clip now it's gonna be a lot of running but it's gonna be worth it because we'll be hitting with way stronger hits on our uh heavy weapon and i'm hoping to get to about 60 by the time we're done it's going to be a lot of laps but you got to stay in safe zones so actually we'll head back to the hub we don't want to go out in the wilds too much i'm going to stay someplace where you can run for help we're getting 43 strength and 33 athletics as we go athletics isn't really the concern here so strength can just go on its own i'm pretty much just going to be running back and forth like for a whole day it's pretty boring but you got to do it if you want to get good with heavy weapons unlike in real life you can do all of your strength training in a single day in kenshi which is one reason why i love it i'm literally just going to click back and forth throughout the hub for a day this will be a snailish process but by the end we should be super strong we're at 47 to start and it's about the end of the day i'll let you know in 24 hours when i'm done 12 hours gone by and i'm halfway to strength level 50 from 49 i'm extremely bored and i'm chewing gum for fun to train my own jaw strength in real life 14 hours for three levels you might also notice that as i'm training my strength xp actually goes down and that's because as i'm getting stronger it takes a load off of my character or he gets better at bearing the load and then he gets better at running or he can you know reallocate that toward running fast so our athletics gain rate is going up and our strength rate is going down is you know we need to find heavier stuff to carry eventually we're nearing the end of about 24 hours we're about halfway or a third of the way to level 52 from 51 on strength not really as productive as i thought it would be so maybe i'll spend another 12 hours or so just getting to strength level 52. it's going to be a long time until our character gets really strong with this but those later levels are the hardest to gain and i think you could do it just by wielding a strong weapon after this we could go out into the wild and search for enemies running with stone but also just getting ready for a fight i think the real win here is going to be by getting more heavy weapon strength or more heavy weapons levels and we finally got level 52. i'm going to start taking laps around the hub to see if we can find enemies uh because i think that the heavy weapons is gonna be the biggest payoff here and generator cores these are actually i think heavier than yeah these are about twice as heavy as raw iron so it's gonna be worth it to pick up one of these things i'll sell the iron uh i'd rather steal them but generator cores are ultimately going to get us stronger faster so anything that increases the xp gain rate like training road runner jesus there goes some goats only two defenseless goats mine and let's see how he fares against the goats he's going it's goat on goat good he can take them out in one hit now or two hits that goat is he's just a goat that's all he is he's a goat and good your things shall be mine ah a group of garu passing an opportunity go i say fight them fight the oh yeah animals aren't such a great uh not always such a great pick no back you know let's go back they just really cut deep oh um all right you know what just use it for toughness training damn it that's fine i'll just die i deserve it anyway you were right about me ooh if i'm not carrying a rounded bot okay never mind just leave me leave me my ego didn't handle that well nor did my backpack let's put my backpack over here and i'll sleep right here good night backpack it's kind of morbid it's like a stuffed animal with a dead guy i think there's a worse name for that i think it's murder definitely definitely murder oh well it was just part of my ninja way it's been almost two full days and we're now reaching strength level 54. probably one of the longer traits to uh train over time especially considering you don't really have that much dexterity when you do it you hardly ever get an opportunity to swing your blade in combat and when you're training strength you're really encumbered too it kind of makes everything harder you need to be able to take a hit before you can deal a hit with your stats i'm not giving up though i need revenge my ego is at stake here so many animals i've died to the hands of them fight me and kenny uh can he can he must whoo nice he'll take a lot of hits from them but at the same time he's dealing out a lot now too it's just that these wild animals have a lot of health there goes one and i bet he could win this might be able to but they might take out his legs as well that's too down i think we can take out a pack of garu now that's progress they're actually not that terrible one of the stronger wild animals you know discounting the really strong stuff he's not even hitting them at the best angle right here either good and we've taken out the whole family nice great we'll just oh not a great time for hungry bandits to come along dude come on no that's like the definition of a scavenger all right face me if you dare i think we're gonna lose this one at least i'm gaining the strength though you know and he's getting it a lot faster from each blow it seems like yeah there we go combat's ultimately gonna be one of the best ways to train this i'm at negative seven on my right leg but i still haven't fallen i've fallen and i can't get up he's starting to solo hungry bandits nice good for you torsolo there we go it won't be long now it won't be long at all and they left my backpack all right let's go chase him down i know where they're going oh no they're not going to the hub damn it whatever they might get away with this but that won't be the last of me walk as you dare all of their arms are broken okay all right we could f up their day now another day and i've spotted my next target come on backpack let's go get em it's just you and me against the world and hungry bandits we don't want violence are you the no they're not the ones from yesterday but you're identical i'm fighting you anyway there we go okay we are starting to solo them hits are giving us a lot more strength experience and this is how we'll level up i may have a crippled leg but at least i can strike five of you at once there we go he still might get his [ __ ] pushed in a couple more times but there we go he can get up and take out the whole group yes he's so low to bandit group ah perfect perfect this there's no justice in the world now where is their leader there is another group of hungry bandits the best early game enemy really it must be the best it must be the best i think we could solo these guys maybe even with a guy on my back you know let's put down the guy though so that we can get the uh we need the heavy weapons training more than anything else ooh yeah he could solo him he is not going to get out of this without winning uh the legend of tor solo actually how is he doing in combat he's uh he's got down two three less than a third of his health off i think he'll win as long as they don't hit his right leg that right leg is the weak point we got to replace it with a klr and is he it's when he gets cornered that he gets into trouble but i want to see if he can do combat without me micromanaging it good we got like six or seven i lost count again go for it and there you could micromanage this and maybe it'd go better but where's the fun in that i just like to see it as a spectacle right here we go yeah that's gonna be a close one but that's kind of what i predicted here oh man they can still block it oh close but he'll get up and he'll be able to win and he can also gain strength uh toughness experience like this great that was a big boost towards 75. they're all gone limping we can bandage up go back there and fight them off yeah they're all lipping 100 which ones should be easy well i'm also limping but not as much as ooh okay let's keep getting up with enemies nearby it's a great way to gain toughness and close but no cigar he needs a couple more hits i'm not gonna go in with the chest we're nearly soloing them i think that's enough for now we're almost where i want to be it's really once he can like solo dust bandits and slavers that will be ready for the next challenge good but that one these two it was a whole group he can solo them he just needs to take a break in the middle come on backpack let's go home for my next trick i'll be going back to the dust king i still don't know if he's strong enough but i at least want to use them for training the only place where i know i can find npcs who are going to want to fight me there's really just not that many wandering around i wish that there were more hungry bandits so let's put down the iron i don't think i'm gonna be able to fight these encumbered on my perfect stack wow it really goes high in a generator core on top okay let's try it out come out come out fiend oh yeah take out the range guys first they are way too strong for us and i still don't think we can solo it but i think we'll get a good ways through and probably screw them up good yeah we're getting better hits in now as long as you get some decent wide arc swings he needs like two or three more nah that's not it nah that's not gonna work okay we gotta run wow he's way less prepared than i thought but maybe we could draw one out and uh good a couple of them are gonna pursue me is that the dust king too no that's not the dust king far from it okay uh good i will f up your day and you're one of the range guys too so that's even better we got to get rid of all the ones with ranged weapons to stand a chance here i still remember one punch man fared pretty poorly here and he was way over trained for this fight good good let's steal his thing and train our dexterity could have come out one by one this is a much fairer fight for me he's blocking way better he's getting blocks in he just needs to hit multiple enemies at a time maybe they can line themselves up if they come in greater numbers that's more like it those kinds of swings those wide arcing swings are gonna lead us to bloodshed better better i think he can win this yeah you can totally win it nudify these ones good or neuter them and they don't actually pick up their own gear so we'll just make them all nude i like how their clothes just kind of float in the air when they're gone deep down they're just like the rest of us these dust bandits because for one thing everyone in kenshi wears the same underwear that's what we all have in common okay dust king how strong are you now uh you've got how many guys one two three f i guess four left probably if we leave him with just these few guys they'll probably give up surrender good now i'm just fighting nude people and i got screwed up that wasn't great but hey i'll survive i've got a good ko point so i don't have to fear death as much plus that trained my toughness i love it in kenshi as long as you don't die even if you just get game over you know it's never the end it may seem really grindy right now but we will eventually hit a point in our training where like we can just run around the world and everything that we encounter will be able to fight i think one punch man probably got to that point after about 100 days it is definitely a long time but once you hit it it's kind of fun and then it actually becomes boring but there are certain enemies like you can't fight an entire city alone not unless if you're really good sell back their armor and weapons use it to buy meat once we've rested up we'll go right back to the uh back to the tower get ready for round two i am more powerful because i know how to put back on my clothes which kind of leads me to thinking could i do it all through stealth back for round two he just stands out front well he's not alone anymore he does have boots he does have boots right round two begins now the goal isn't really to fight off the dust king yet we just want to get rid of his uh ranged allies it still looks like he's got too many guys for me to fight at once combined arms are much stronger here no pun intended and also get him off of those walls we don't want to get hit by these crossbowmen let's run back we're getting a lot of green keep keep running up to them and then running away draw them away from their lair and he's actually worth quite a lot i think he's worth 25 000 dude this looks like a decent spot nice yes he can fight them here he can hit multiple at once and okay i just keep going in at these rocks for him he downed him he really isn't as strong as i thought he was but this is a significantly advantageous spot we have space to move around and they don't nice we got the dust king i can't believe that we won it this fast nice ah he's getting back up eyes [ __ ] ass and it looks like we got lucky against him too taking out all that stomach right away all that booty he has some big ass thighs jesus good now he's worth a lot and all of his stuff is worth a lot too i think i'll grab pretty much everything his samurai leg plates are actually good for us we'll try them out and see how they do in combat it'll grab all the rest of his stuff too to sell it and then we'll grab him give me you heal myself up and we'll take him back to squint let's just make sure that he doesn't die on the way he's like i'm go i want to go home i want to go home he's always one of my favorite npcs because he's just so humorously buff though he's uh he actually could die here we will want to first aid him before we bring him back yeah i think he's fine pick him up you're with me and we're going back to squint ah justice the sweet smell yeah 100 guardian 25 000 cats are mine oh 35 000 wow even better than my wildest dreams it led me to believe with this i start life in new country an open family business let's sell uh more or less all of his stuff i'm content to go naked and now for the real prize while i love the stealth leg i've been craving some sort of symmetry here so i'm taking off my pants my samurai leggings and i'm going to black desert city there i'll buy the one the only the right leg of exodia oh yeah and we'll also get a specialist scout left leg that way we can run at full speed and then switch over to our other legs for combat you can actually give yourself multiple legs and you can just keep switching out limbs in theory and you can go really fast and just do this all the time just don't get your backpack stolen or you won't go at all anymore i could now run at 44 miles per hour and two scout legs and owing to this fact now running this is my one time speed 44 miles an hour um i can do something extra cool now several of you guys mentioned beak things speak things are some of the fastest enemies in the game and when you can run as fast as i can you can actually outrun them so we're gonna start kiting around beak things and face no consequences for it whatsoever i may not be strong but i'm very very fast and just for reference how fast does he run with klr series legs so he runs 44 miles per hour with scout legs and 25 miles per hour with klr legs klr legs are better for combat but for the other time being we can use these scout legs now let's go abuse the hivers for a while god the difference is night and day i i cannot believe this i've never had anyone this fast and he's still not at his peak speed yet he could probably end up running 50 miles an hour jesus christ it can't even load this fast that is bananas no well who does that who does that how is this real how is this real it's almost unplayable with a character this fast look at that it's bananas all right let's go find some beak things just go around and around maybe in there that looks like a likely beak thing nest another high village let's just take it out to the coast i've never even been here before i'm not afraid of anything at road runner speed though high village bad people could join me in the fight i don't even need a bed anymore i could just start running like switch to light speed i'm like the millennium falcon christ's sake jesus we've made it to the coast i know that dangerous stuff is on the coast but i'm pretty sure i'm faster than it is dangerous and what is this a nest of something ah there they are the big things okay so here is their nest where are the eh oh oh my gosh that's a lot of eggs i never realized there are so many eggs around okay come with me all right uh oh two nests and i should be faster than them all now they whoo it's like a horse race there they go and we gotta be careful here don't get hit at all uh how fast are we still 44 miles an hour okay there's a baby one guarding the nest uh let's just draw them out bring them all in on me okay come on come come oh [ __ ] come here come here they're good i feel like a sheep dog but for giraffes be careful be careful they still are really fast it's it's not a big speed differential but it's enough but that could eff up my day okay you know what i have a new idea we're going to take the beak things to the village we just need to kite them a lot now where is the nearest hiver village we'll head this way and come good come here with me now could everyone come along actually here they come and didn't do it didn't do it didn't do it didn't do it come on just one guarding get rid of him and run okay run run away tore solo just barely made it out and oh come on they keep leaving a baby one there guarding the eggs that's like that kid who would never get off the base when you're playing tag as a kid you know like just dude get a life or something it would make me so angry okay i think we got all of them off of the nest let's just run back super fast here okay now one time speed grab that egg oh my god it's huge just screw this screw the armor i don't even need the armor it's not that valuable okay the beak thing eggs there's another one oh [ __ ] we got hit we got hit we got hit run run and bathing in acid bathing in acid is not so much fun okay [ __ ] why did i do this why did i do this why did i do this why did i do this i guess you could do it with swimming as well just not quite the same all right you know what give me one big thing egg i'm out of here i'm out of here go to the hyper village run escape with your life baby oh i got i got three when did i get fortune has smiled down upon me on this day that was not a good spot for a hive thing oh jesus why would you run in the water man oh we made it to the village anyway repair repair heal oh they came with me anyway oh [ __ ] oh good that's what i wanted i'm going inside i'm very tired of all this i need a store all right well you buy my uh big thing eggs i just sicked one against your village good and now we just made 12 000. perfect so many high villages now that was kind of far away i'd like to continue the search for a great beak thing nests it's also just a terrible spot to have it right on the coast so there's got to be better positioning and i'm pretty sure we could get a lot of different limbs for different situations maybe like a master of disguise oh and i just totally realized that i don't even have we could still get even faster i realized that it's masterwork and specialist legs i could go for all masterwork i didn't even see that i mean we're still we're still pretty good as we are but yeah there is still room for growth wow that is bananas we're still not even at our power peak yet in terms of limits you know and you can also use one bed rental to get all of your legs healed up too now that i think of it so yeah we fixed up all of our legs all of my legs i used to not have any legs now i have four let's go back to the high uh nest so you can grab the last of the eggs oh another one right there wow they crop up suddenly and then disappear there it is the beak thing nest they sleep i wonder if i could sneak in let's try i will regret this i bet um what happened to them all right uh let's just grab the eggs this could go poorly oh yeah they're awake don't sneak run now they are good swimmers keep that in mind as we run about let's also lure them back to this village as some of you suggested and cause confusion lots of confusion definitely oh no don't give up don't ever give up on love i may be smaller than you but i'm also faster than you good okay i'll just drop them off here and go back over there okay there we go they're taking out the hivers i'll lure back the others or they're at least dealing with the problem for me unfortunately they slow down in the river here we go let's just lure in the last few oh there's like 10 or 15 that's i've never seen this many before this would be really dangerous if you were alone i am alone but you know what i mean okay here we go come on hivers uh i hope you're alive for a little while and then i'll run out the back door wouldn't they realize that i'm hostile yeah okay good there's no i don't want them coming after me i'll just go in the house where they can't fit would you call it a house okay let's see who wins um i certainly don't want to leave uh i think the beak things will win though so i'm just gonna jump ship while it's still safe and run and go back to their nest the goal isn't the mayhem the goal is stealing i told you there would be a lot of stealing in this playthrough didn't i look at how many eggs there are too there's one there's another there's another isn't there like an evil scientist in jurassic park who does this like exactly what i'm doing right now and he represents all of like the global warming in the world and yeah that's me wow one more that's a nice haul run back god he is just that fast it's kind of a cool shot watch him go watch him go he's got four giant bird eggs buy my stuff i think i'll make about 16 000 from that now we have 37k jesus like one more trip wouldn't hurt probably another four eggs there there's another there's another hive or another nest there's so many of these nests that was this bit yeah this is definitely big things right there just south of here and wow they're really spread out here look at them all liquid gold that's like free money go go and go and run run you are pretty strong though we can still grab one more run back and then fourth and here we go there's one you got to spot them before they don't really stick out good got it and get out of there the funny part is that after all of that they will cause problems for other people you know and falsely accuse them of stealing their eggs they're just creatures of pure hate sail sales sell i know you have 53 000 cats i'm getting all masterwork i i don't care these legs are overpowered whoever thought that the most useless skill i mean it's useful for early game running would be so lucrative i can't believe it i've never been able to make so much money so quickly in this game he is so goddamn fast i can't believe this i never thought i would totally reinvent an entire character i'm going at normal speed right now i thought this was fast motion that's how fast he is think he gets more he gets more buff as he gets the uh athletic straight too he's getting in better shape as well jesus though jesus one time speed two time speed three times speed it just goes to show ai will eventually replace us all and take our jobs no human can do that look look at that he even changed his mind halfway up the mountain sorry who was that chasing me a second ago ah never mind we have better ways of making money now now full masterwork limbs we can sell our specialist one buy the masterwork and buy a masterwork scout specialist leg that didn't make any sense masterwork scout leg get on the ground oh okay they're removing me from the store like he's too good get him out of here i'm burning i'm burning like anakin put that on what is the total speed 46 miles an hour yeah we could probably top out at 50. 50 miles an hour that's bananas and they don't actually have a klr masterwork right arm in stock but i don't think we'll be doing combat again for a while until we get rich now if you'll excuse me i've got a few laps to run between here and the hub i'm going to max out my athletic skill and then use that to get a hundred thousand cats at that point we'll be able to get all the best equipment in the game and make ourselves into pretty much the ultimate fighter so many steps to getting here but we're pretty much ready to create the world's most powerful versatile character i just wish that we could get him a robot chest ultimately that's why skeletons are the only true chads of this game well i hope you enjoyed this slideshow presentation because i can't enjoy playing the game anymore this is a true speed of how quickly i load in i'm pretty sad i don't want to be this fast anymore i just want my game to load and i think we'll call it there for a day i'll give you one last look at stats because i think that the stats grind is one of the more satisfying parts of this game i've come a long way thanks in particular to greg for this comment on beak things i know a lot of you guys mentioned it was the one that i found when i searched beak and nest in the comments so if you have any other ways to cheese the game that are really i don't know me me that's pretty me that's pretty much the reason why i'm playing kenshi anyway find ways to exploit and break the game for fun i hope you enjoyed i hope you got some ninja wisdom out of this and i hope you enjoyed as always my name is ambiguous amphibian and i'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 539,726
Rating: 4.954658 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi modded, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc, kenshi ninja, kenshi japanese, kenshi exodia, kenshi the torso experience 2, kenshi torso mod ep 5, kenshi 5, kenshi fast, kenshi speed, kenshi beak thing eggs
Id: PGC3temDoWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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