BOSS RUSH | Kenshi - The TORSO SOLO Experience #7

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Nonnie welcome back to another kenchi video today we face a number of new plateaus over the last few videos we raised enough money about two hundred thousand cats to upgrade our armor to master work items and our character tour solo who was once just a torso without limbs is now running along in full armor at 43 miles per hour it's amazing we used this exploit to gain tons of money we also encountered an army of man hunting killers the beak things that roam these lands but we turned adversity into profit and we can steal all of the eggs of the beak things as I'm going to do right now and there's one left right here I bet our character could actually survival out of this fight let's see how he does against beak things he's hitting for 182 with his long sword his fun he'll just run into the middle of combat against these guys but when he swings he's actually gonna get hit for a second this is probably the one disadvantage of running a single characters that he just spent so much goddamn time blocking only to get a hit and probably get hit in a second yeah there he goes he goes back into block mode and just just mayhem but it is cool and his armor prevents him from taking very strong hits he doesn't take a lot of damage I just don't know if he'll ever be able to get in a hit anymore at all he's got the whole family here I mean I can't blame them I stole all of their eggs let's see how long he could survive this anyway he's got melee defence 72% at 48 let's just set him to block and see how long he can survive this this is amazing I've never seen this of course he is starting to weaken as they hit his stomach but I think he survived hundreds of --neck --neck flails from these monsters and not a single oh well he's actually on block mode alright tor solo yeah he actually got a hit in on one and another but I will run him away now out of fear though I'm confident he would do fine there I just don't want to chance it anyway the whole point of this ridiculous exercise was to get a crossbow I need it for the next exploit I'm going to complete these eggs are amazing we can sell them for a profit of 4,200 cats each and bring us up to 21,000 again next I'm going to do something unorthodox we return to the hub we buy a weak crossbow along with all the bolts we'll need next we can return to our home squeeee in I've bought a house here and I can rest we'll also need at least a medium backpack we can reclaim our falling son everything we need for the journey ahead and we'll need a lot because we're going to cat lung so it's a long ways but it's gonna be a little journey and so our pilgrimage begins first through the swamps whether by land or by sea and proceeds into drier climes one day we pass through a forest of cacti the Sun rises and our pilgrimage goes on one day wasteland the next day a lagoon of course I am lying we're actually running at three times speed 43 miles per hour just all over the map but I'm content to speed through these areas because they're terrifying there's acid rain and ashes falling from the sky everywhere we need more mild climes and so passing through all kinds of [ __ ] that would probably want to kill me we come to perhaps the most deadly threat we arrive at what is for many the ultimate battleground and whatever chases us we never ever stop of the world of Ken she is amazing it's absolutely beautiful ultimately there is one item I want in the entire world yep just uh just run through that flesh patrol and I would fight any foe for this item it's the one thing that keeps me going across the entire world in pursuit of one thing I've never been here it's even more amazing than I dreamed it could be the threats her dire sure it's probably the craziest place in the game but ultimately what matters most is speed of which I have a lot and no matter how great the foe I can always just outrun them it's a long way through but ultimately cat LAN should be somewhere out here none of them have a head except for cat lon none of these ones are cat long yep not cat locknut cat lon not cat lon not Catlin not cat lon not cat long up up the stairs and up we go here we go everybody everybody all together let's go maybe one of you is cat LAN let's just separate him out come on somebody here has gotta be cat lon there we go is he he's not even leading the pack not a single cat LAN among them damn it is in here if we want to fight cat LAN we need to make cat LAN wanna fight us so we need to kind of lure him out here and good good just okay good you hit me once that's all right I guess we just wanted kite him attack him again good keep kiting him bring him out I had to throw them all traitors along with the humans treason come on out with your thralls and he should he's pretty man he's so depressed he's such an emo kid run mad cat lon you ain't nothing good good we got him to come out good stoop kids afraid to leave his stoop we got to keep him here there he is right there make sure that he doesn't back off at all good come on keep him interested he's right there good come on you won't be getting away so easily you promised you that now we can go over to the southwest here or southeast and bring Catlin with us there he is among them we need to make sure he doesn't go back so notice he can't get D aggro'd here we go come on stupid kids afraid to leave his Stoops do kids afraid to leave his stoop and run back up the hill run back up the hill come on come on cat lung where is he where your also individual and unique crap did I lose him no there he is he was among them okay back up the hill good good there he is he's right there okay good he's still interested come bring him on the hunt now we need to separate out all of the other 100 or so failed the secret of Kent cheese after all that everything can be cheesed and so I think it's only fair for the cheesiest boss to receive the cheesiest treatment he's very good at blocking though he's extremely good at blocking just to keep running away whenever he swings and could go in again he's extremely good at blocking Jesus okay we got another hit in on him no I hope he doesn't get back because he is inching ever so slightly closer back to the back the Ashland dome and another hit we're gonna be here a while I wonder if I should just take off my armor to raise my dexterity you know let's give it a shot let's just take off all of the armor because I my defence does not matter alright torresola your leg may be wounded you may have practically no chance of hitting this guy but I have the power of spam and running away good we got him with one now his armor is really powerful but as we get hits on him he should get easier to hit because technically like it's weakening all of his other stats as he gets hit and his ability to defend himself should go down I think the real question is can we get him before he gets back to the Ashland stones waiting for him to put away his item no no no he's faster than may go back go back good hit him again hit him dude hit him you could do it come on just never give him an opportunity to retaliate at all that is the key good and it seems like we're hitting some of them vital areas here it should slow him down combat wise good we got another one if we do these consecutively then good he's getting weaker nothing okay ten but for right now he's just like I just desperately want this guy's Seward nothing would make me happier we're doing this entirely for the sword you know we get another ten okay stomach set to just one more to the stomach Jesus unless he is like a harder harder point to knock out at go yes come on do it before he gets pecked to the throne he's really close now and we go oh yeah Jesus okay Luke give me that all that [ __ ] I gave this [ __ ] is mine this is this is the best weapon in the game we're gonna just throw this one down on the ground and give me his armor and his pants Jesus Christ and just grab him grab him oh my god no the thralls still are there jeez if you know me there we go there's my armor all right screw these bolts these were pretty much useless to us for that entire fight just drop all of that on the ground none of that please there is a way to fight him like that I just don't think we're good enough in ranged I should have thought that through more you know I'm gonna put him down I'm gonna put him down he's dead so let's grab all of our other [ __ ] read my samurai helmet okay and we are out of here with his body and we are leaving this place now as you may know I'm a massive fan of spam shy stirring and basically finding any exploits that I can use so the whole purpose of this was to get his blade which is the best in the game and now that we have the blade the best heavy weapon in the entire game we can go about on our journey to conquering the world oh it's perfect it's perfect actually his armor isn't quite as good as mine his armor is really good but it's yeah I think my armor is actually better than his I mean at least in terms of cost money's not everything but I don't worry if you like the Ashland's I'll come back here someday to actually fight more of the enemies but our characters not nearly strong enough yet we just needed to use that X okay here we go they're more skeleton legions I guess they're all coming out there's probably like a civil war now that he's dead or something but there's a lot of strange bad enemies out here that I'd like to fight but we need his sword if we want to fight them so ironically we have to kill the final boss before we go back and fight any of the others we're still not really strong enough to work with Catlins blade we need 80 strength but we're not too far off from that and I could see us getting there pretty soon [ __ ] I think I left my other blade back there but whatever we can just use this while it's unwieldy for us and work our way up to 80 strength well the real cat LAN in the flesh will just pass back on our way over to school in back through the wastes oh [ __ ] I'm being burned alive that ain't good okay let's uh repair and here we'll just arrive in the dead of night at the home of the shacks where also happens to be my home I think I'm worthy of calling myself a Scheck now that I now that I wield what's basically the sword from Berserker you know the Dragon Slayer which is just like this gigantic hunk of metal yeah I'm pretty much just gonna go through with this thing despite the fact that it's really unwieldy I'd feel bad getting rid of his armor and I want to save it as a trophy so I'm just gonna leave that in here turns out all the range stuff was useless for us we'll switch back to our old backpack we don't need this one anymore grab our other items we now have Catlin he's dead he has nothing left on him honestly this part of the game is new to me can we turn him in even though these did I guess they don't care I'm just gonna leave catalana in my bed then goodbye cat lon someday I'll reactivate you and then you can be happy and then you'll be happy imagine a happy cat lung yeah well not in my universe maybe someday throw down my own sleeping bag sleep next to and that's not weird at all now that might have seemed like a lot but what I'm actually gonna do next is even stranger now to give you an idea of why I wanted this weapon let's just look at some of its rediculous statistics 1.0 blood loss to blunt damage 2.64 cutting damage there's nothing like that okay well we get to max strength we're gonna be hitting everybody out in one hit with this thing it weighs 40 kilograms it weighs 40 kilograms and that's cutting damage can you imagine in real life what that would be like like picture yourself going to the gym if you don't use kilograms that's 88 pounds okay this is his sword it weighs 88 pounds a ridiculously unwieldy weapon sometimes used by skeletons I mean that's that's the normal description what's told about this model is there was at some point in present there was at some point in history a legendary master Smith of whom nothing is known except his or her name from the blade inscriptions cross the blades never rust or need sharpening and are said to be unbreakable there only a handful is the reason why it's unbreakable is because it's probably about it's probably about a foot thick if it's that heavy this thing is insanely heavy so just to appreciate that right now currently my character is only 6% encumbered and he's carrying an 88 pound sword on his back along with all of this iron that's how strong torso low now is and he can still run around everywhere at 46 miles per hour with all of that on his back that's how powerful he is I know kenchi standards are kind of ridiculous but it's it's funny nonetheless ok the ultimate test now let's see if he can fight goats I know the blades gonna be unwieldy but let's just see how he gets his that I bet you will get his ass kicked come on torso low he hit for 182 he's not gonna be swinging fast enough though yeah he's not gonna be blocking right should have trouble blocking ok but he is one hitting people and that's oh my god Jesus Christ look at that damage 177 what is the good the goats left arm is gone now now I know goats are overpowered because they have like they can't really lose limbs but if we take this on some people there's gonna be limbs flying after one swing this guy is extremely powerful that's the may - falling Sun it's I think it's the best weapon in the game this thing is so powerful I don't know anything else this strong okay I'm gonna stop having Leia nerdgasm over the sword if that's like a dork level 10 sword it's good it is good the main battle is gonna be dexterity from here we just have to have them swinging faster assuming we get the strength up in time though to be fair there is one other exploit we could use that I'm thinking of I'm going to sell the CPU in the AI core who even has that much money okay only one group of people that are gonna have that much money just need a body to carry around and oK we've got some dust bandits here I'll just take one of these dust bandits with me thank you thank you I'll just be picking him up and taking him with me now anywhere we go we'll want to carry something around with okay we're getting attacked we're still running at 14 miles per hour I do you don't you do not want to [ __ ] with me I'm carrying a 90 pound sword and a guy on my back and I'm still running at 14 miles an hour oh that's still a four-minute mile yeah go away you don't want to [ __ ] with all right they're picking a fight day long day Wow even with all of this [ __ ] on me with one hand I'm holding it with one hand I'm still one shotting people oh man he's one shouting everybody that's good that is good how dare you do that this is truly a one-shot item Wow my life truly is torture until you have this item oh hi hungry bandits let's uh let's see how we do against them or are you after me too okay oh yeah I remember we didn't get off on the right foot didn't okay good let's see what happens with these these folks know we should gain strength even faster if I'm them it might just be with martial arts but if he's got somebody on his back and it might just be martial arts but still he's really over encumbered yeah he's the underdog right here how do you block this swing how do you block that there we go arms oh my god we gave her the Naruto run okay you go you go then I'm gonna deal with these hungry bandits and see what they uh hi hi how are you see how we do oh yeah wowsers good nice Wow it's like cutting through butter it's like cutting through butter he's still he's not very dexterous and when he goes against so many enemies like as we saw with the beak things before he still gets stuck but he doesn't he just needs to touch them with the blade for it to think of what it will be like when he actually gets stronger and more dexterous and we don't have on this thick armor was he actually it's a decent dodge skill then we're gonna be we're really gonna be cooking okay let's speed it up see how he does lock block well look for oh my god I've never had not even one punch man became this powerful he never used weapons all right you know the leader got a couple good hits on me but this was like an army of hungry bandits too and I just so load all of them I didn't even really take half my help okay and that was a total disadvantage it feels so good to be doing good for the world how many was that one two three four five six seven ain't that it's gonna be like 30 hungry bandits oh so you've come back you've come back to fight the master Oh goodbye your Naruto running days are over oh wait this is the same one well it looks like her well reading on the wiki I don't really know if there's anything I can do with these items yeah it seems like Catelyn doesn't have much a story attached yeah I mean maybe I'm wrong I could be an idiot here but I'm just gonna sell him if I f it up well it was fun for the ride again we'll go to the prosthetics trader and will you will you buy my stuff he has only 25 thousand cats that's we're gonna clean them out like that there might not be any trader who can afford to pay for this thing or actually I have another idea well if nothing else we'll make sure that we get some stealth legs masterwork yeah sell this velvet buy this get the other stealth leg and actually his industrial lifter arms are not master work so I won't buy them right now I feel weird about it but it's just not gonna be the same you know I don't want to go get the specialist ones and then have to come back the next location I'm visiting is a little out of the way I have one boss who's pretty manageable that I think we'll be able to take out we're really not strong enough for Catalan and it was it was very cheesy that we got him but it's going to make whatever comes next very fun I'm going to call it boss rush mode now we can take some skimmer meat to eat to grab out the rest of that and prevent them from getting back up build a campfire cook it eat it I'm pretty confident now that her character could do anything skeleton with a frag mood actually you know what I'm not [ __ ] with you you actually he still could get hurt but against normal level opponents he's I think he'll do quite well I want to save my strength through the boss fight though or maybe okay I love it when skimmers are probably my favourite enemy to watch like fly up in the air so here we go here goes nothing mom take him out and he got I don't hit him for you didn't put like a hundred and fifty that's not bad he's getting hit for force there he goes yes good come on get it oh he's not getting very I put down that heavy backpack for a minute yes that's seriously screwing you up right here I can tell good a three-hit he's still having trouble against fast enemies but I think once he can actually swing this thing with decent proficiency he's gonna be unstoppable nope alright maybe I'm just [ __ ] all right run away run away let the holy nation deal with it well that was embarrassing still for skimmers is not something I would think other characters would survive I'm an optimist this has to work out come on I gave up so much just to get this one sword and there resides sand ninja oni he's like the first of the mid-tier bosses I'd say we definitely aren't strong enough to go against the later ones yet but we should be able to take on someone like oh yeah here we go show me in the cactus den well just wait till he's not malnourished he actually his stats were suffering a lot because he hadn't eaten in a while but he just cooked all that meat you still got a heavy load but this should start to help build up his strength I think there go it's not so horrible now is fighting skimmers oh Jesus it's end enjoy owning they're easing out there let's take out his henchmen first my store solo versus the same ninja the sand ninja are pretty tough it's that guys range take him out yeah take out all the range guys first now our armor is gonna nice I've played with a lot of armor in a while but it does let you take a hit ok good he's one shotting people good he's gotta strip them of all their gear he's not nearly fast enough though to fight these guys let's get in the hit it's crazy good okay just loot everything up for everybody they have a good gear I can't take it with me though I could probably take someone can I take now I'm screwed here please take everything off of him and throw it on the ground do not shoot me and he's got a good number of henchmen in here yeah we should let's see come on take out one two oh [ __ ] more range I tell the range guys he's got on him but all they're dealing is like one or two with each hit they really can't get through this armor it's some of the best armor in the game hit both of them good it's a long fight against him nah don't use that weapon will hold it on us but don't use it there we go even if he doesn't get frequent swings they do one shot people I hope [ __ ] look he's a porcupine geez I love a character like this who could take a hit it just takes out all the power behind range combat great throw all their [ __ ] on the ground and let's run up the sand ninja Oni just repair weird no sign of Santa Joni is he out at a meeting that him is that him no that's not even him I'll gladly take out that same ninja there's more people back here too oh that's oh they're totally beating the [ __ ] out of sand ninja Oney can I take all of these now this is the samurai scout all right they beat the [ __ ] out of sand ninja Oney for me thank you thank you I really needed that I'm gonna have his blades take all the rest of his stuff and his okay equipment all right you're coming with me my buddy my pal and we're actually gonna head to stoat for this bounty the united cities but it's headed closer to my goal and blood Raiders I've never even fought these guys before I think we might just be able to outrun them even with sand ninja Tony are back though yep there's no stopping us put this guy down yeah okay put him down we actually have to fight here it's blood Raiders we should one-shot them or to shot them though and cool nice I thought against armoured opponents it would take okay that guy took one too it'll take two probably - yeah two shot one shot clock - oh there goes a leg after the real prize oh [ __ ] wait I picked up the wrong guy oh wait no this is sand ninja joaneen I don't have time for you let's let's go back to stone you can chase me back to the city and I'll gladly take your bounty you can just keep hitting me that's okay damn you know this is starting to get to be a pain let's just fight about one hit that's kind of a shame I was hoping that would take more you know what your blades are better than his okay I'll be right back for you just stay right there how am I gonna be able to remember this spot did a pretty good bounty on his head as well yeah that's a shame yeah he'll be gone well we got his blades again a single skimmer I think this shouldn't be beyond us it has a lot of health but we have a lot of armor good once we can move around in this armor two will be even better off I don't love the United cities but I need money alright and their bounty will be twenty thousand cats I guess last but not least let's do the thing I've been waiting for we're heading to the Leviathan coast here's another send in Jay joaneen or maybe is this the same guy we just fought could be his left leg is not looking too good how do we do against him and are we gonna see anything go good block and we take a lot of hits we have no dodge skill whatsoever and there we go we've got a loot of our bounty of six thousand nine hundred is it different one entirely Hey I'm turning you into I need money all right we got a reward for this guy and let's head back toward my original goal and it is a warzone out here Jesus the desert is crowded it fights going on in every single spot fighting skimmers well how we make such short work of them and take like no damage now okay come on go torso launch this one he didn't launch it they got another group of these things I feel like I'm invulnerable now like he's just so I shouldn't have said that can you fight them instead help me help me up there we go much better I could fight one I can't find ten yet they're just too fast like all war out here is this the the outlaw farmers samurai conscripts and know this holy nation Wow nice all-out war in the fields we could join in this fight I'm not picking aside yet though I guess the holy nations already probably against me oh this isn't exactly what I came out here for though I'll gladly fight you both today holy paladin's eventually we'll make them our targets cuz they pretty much hate me regardless and the paladin's are pretty tough yeah they're well armored yeah I'm runnin well we're passing through a lot of wars out here I think I'm gonna let bust him in the outlaw farmers stay around for a while longer cuz they do they are the source of a lot of mayhem out here I could probably you know gear something like that to make myself stronger yeah there we go there's the outlaw farmers I mean they're pretty much just like a nuisance right now so fine to let them stay around now we're at the northern coast home to many cannibal we will fight some of these I I need revenge on them for my Iver series didn't go so well I can't wait to one-shot them there we go mmm good blaze but they have no armor well they have strong they are really strong though I gotta say he's ok good a one shot he just needs a good arc somewhere in there and keep blocking his melee defense has gone up a lot but he needs to fight a lot of enemies with weak weapons good another teller there goes a limb just I just had to get a shout of this action there he goes yeah oh [ __ ] he still has a traitor's backpack I didn't even notice live by the blade die by the blade there he goes alright a nice job nice job and that's just about it on what was what was that that went way for what lost track of where that went ah the coast it's like the end of Shawshank Redemption here we arrive but the ending will be very different cannibal hunters I mean like they hunt cannibal I'm with you I'm with you let's hunt these cannibals let's stop this injustice you hunt cannibals yeah I got a cannibal problem it's sticking care of I want revenge yeah he's gonna charge me never mind it's kind of cool though that you can hire mercenaries I haven't done that yet I play one of the more peaceful areas in Kanchi despite the fact that there's so much dangerous stuff around ok here we go - I a nice big bunch of cannibals hit one see how he does okay big group big group I bet he I bet he could solo him oh he's getting like three and four at once he is getting his [ __ ] pushed in a bit he's gonna need to be careful here a hungry bandits came along right on time okay that was actually we were we were close to losing that fight I still think he did well and whatever he lost out on he took out in limbs okay you got a oh [ __ ] fifty seconds I'm conscious I think the hungry bandits might win this though there's just a lot of them and I took a ton look what I did to the cannibals like all these peoples look at all the leg that's gonna be a normal thing in combat now wounded okay heal yourself up is actually far closer than I expected but he's conquered again look at the cannibals they're a whole new tribe of people now they've changed their ways oh [ __ ] they still want me okay okay fight me well they did not take me that was weird I guess they lost interest great and just some ninja right when I needed them flotsam ninjas whatever those are I'm going a bit right here yeah just rest pressed up right next to all of these cannibals unconscious for only a few more seconds [ __ ] now make it now make it now make it oh here comes a Jesus solo River Raptor actually I need you for your meat thank you that is oh I forgot that he has only yellow meat oh the cannibal Plains why do hungry bandits it's why do they go to the cannibal Plains that's just asking for it man so little ways further up here this is the spot what are they what are they even shrieking the shrieking bandits I have fun with the cannibals goodbye oh you're gonna have fun with me okay well that's a lot of booty a these people mean business oh they have no armor whatsoever Jesus they hit me for a lot they strike hard I guess at least they mean what they say you know there's gonna be good blocking practice blocking and toughness if we don't get killed which we didn't that one is like what do i what do I do she's Naruto running you can't no wait look at her oh man alright goodbye goodbye have another nap how the nap is just a cure for everything in this game you sleep it off getting stabbed in the stomach whatever was your wound you could nap it off ah there's one a Leviathan this is why I was holy [ __ ] look at all the garu the nice part about fighting leviathans is they can't really chase you no matter how slow you are and encumbered here we go these things are just mountains of hit points do you tread with caution don't get bit part is this gonna be a lot of training at just getting in hits we just don't want to get hit good hit for 190 and wow we mitigated a hundred and twenty-eight damage from that let's see how this goes come on keep it up this is like runescape level who the scape level grinding right here 13 damage again and he's hitting him for 179 if this is this is basically runescape now 178 we might actually take him down in fair combat with this we never miss we never miss he sometimes has trouble hitting us because of the size of the hitbox like if enemies get oversized in this game they get a lot of okay there we get that was at 28 hit Jesus I was a little scary oh [ __ ] and he can he can in fact [ __ ] us but it's not really a problem getting away you said to make sure no like cannibals that are running around nearby oh that was a cannibal we could somehow involve the tech hunters in on this it is profitable if we get it to work there we go yeah geez I can't imagine the terror Jesus is chasing me it's chasing me holy cow but it gives up so fast it gives up so fast we could nap and then fight it again and that's with such a heavy inventory too what if we really tried at it there is a lot of wildlife here I'll say this look at out what his stats have gone up now he's 69 strength 78 toughness has gone up a lot dexterity 50 that could use some work perception who cares katanas we don't care again heavy weapons 50 melee attack 56 in melee defence 56 those have gone up a lot since the beginning so now that he's getting more experienced weapons and hopefully once he actually gets some decent skills sorted we won't have all these negative stat penalties look at how many were going with right now like he's even is final four leviathans are actually gonna be pretty safe to train against they do regenerate HP pretty fast so I don't know if I'll actually be able to take one out totally yet but let's give it an honest try by putting down some of these things it will take on a baby one two baby leviathans fighting baby lava you got to start somewhere alright let's fight the baby Leviathan what if the whole family is gonna try to attack if the family attacks me I'm running for it let's just leader way yep the family wants to attack me it's the mother defending the child holy [ __ ] I've never done Leviathan training before but it is epic look at how many of them there are up they want to they want to pick a fight with me now yeah you know what three leviathans I'm in count me in baby I'm putting down my bags putting down my CPU core putting down all this other [ __ ] just give this an honest try see what it's like there he goes now off to fight it just it's the size difference is bananas okay let's see how much damage he's actually taking and dealing 196 that's not really that much more so I guess the strength and the encumber meant didn't affect that much but can any of them even hit his hitbox or is this just totally safe he could get totally screwed in here though yeah what did it one at a time one at a time I don't think that's gonna happen let's just grab our stuff and get out of here cuz they're a little bit faster than I've expected and we're running actually they got a big chunk out of his leg can't imagine how you'd survive that but he did he did in fact survive it I think we're just gonna run back now that was uh that was enough for one day we've trained against a lot of enemies we significantly upgraded our our combat power he still needs better combat gear and he needs a full set of stats and he definitely needs a lot more speed in combat which we'll get with strength and dexterity but I think we'll save that for next time plus he could earn a lot more money and maybe we'll even try to break Logan out of jail where is he now he's uh let's go check in on him he's been mining just work is everybody's at 87 laboring I don't know if he can go up much more though he's been stuck here at four he's been getting put in jail we got a free this guy he's here at port south over all the way on this Shore yeah we don't want to go dead cat butts camel cannibals live there well then I think I'm just gonna you know run it through the wilds here that's pretty much fine now tour solo is a goddamn unit you could do anything I'm gonna be like you remember how many beak that how many beak thing hits this guy is survived oh [ __ ] actually you might be in danger now [ __ ] they put everything down and just fight oh [ __ ] oh I'm gonna face them all off against somebody else here this but you should always do with big things just get him fight the other people did cannibals and skinned freakin bandits spike them goodbye oh one of you wants to fight me still or we're not in any remote danger and for the first time since the beginning I feel pretty much unstoppable kind of like one punch man now but he needed a partner this guy's genuinely a solo player and I think we'll leave it there anyway thanks for joining me as always my name is ambiguous amphibian I hope you enjoy always I'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 744,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi mods, kenshi torso, kenshi torso start, kenshi torso man, kenshi torso mod, kenshi solo, kenshi game, kenshi no limbs, kenshi torso experience, kenshi the torso experience, kenshi modded, kenshi lets play, kenshi letsplay, kenshi 2020, kenshi 2020 gameplay, kenshi pc, kenshi japanese, kenshi exodia, kenshi the torso experience 2, kenshi fast, kenshi speed, kenshi money, kenshi torso mod ep 7, kenshi leviathan, kenshi leviathan hunting
Id: Ut3JNPrYaYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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