A Beginner's Guide To Rust W/ 35+ Tips and Tricks | 2021 Rust Beginner Guide

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rust is a brutal game it's difficult to learn and difficult to master and with the recent steam winter sale the amount of new nakeds on the beaches has increased so as a rust player with over 1200 hours i've taken it upon myself to create this video guide containing tips and general information that i wish i had known when i first started playing if you have played rest for a bit be sure to still watch the video since there can be something that you didn't know and if you do happen to learn something please consider dropping a like since it really helps me out anyway some of the tips are short some are long but hey the size of the tip doesn't matter i've separated them into four different categories and you can find the time stamps for each in the description below as well as on the screen now now let's get on with the guide [Music] this is often referred to as the first and only actual rule in rust never trust anyone unless you have nothing to lose and are just starting on the server people will most likely try to exploit you for their own personal gain keep in mind that of course there are some players that are to be trusted however they are a very small minority one of the best tips i got when i first started was to not be afraid to use the items that i get there's no point of having loot if it's just sitting in your base collecting dust you'll never get better with it if you leave it in a box if you lose it that's okay now you know what to do and what not to do when you're first starting off everything's a learning experience rust is a game that's full of people waiting for the right chance to get some gear that being said always be careful of players trying to profit from your wins once you finish a fight try to loot and get out of the area quickly there are most likely grubs lurking in the bushes waiting to kill you with all of your hard-earned flu the most important things to loot are weapons followed by meds and or gear sets oh my god once you've played rust for a while and been to some monuments take some time to learn your favorite monuments learn their layouts loot spawn locations think of loot routes and wait to escape if you're in a fight my favorite monuments are dome train yard and launch site but you can like other ones and while some monuments have better loot than others it's completely personal preference green cards are the first card you'll need in order to do the card puzzles at monuments the most common and contested places to obtain a green card are oximes gas stations and the abandoned supermarkets but not many people know that you can actually loot green cards from the abandoned cabins and the lighthouse for abandoned cabins once you reach the cabin swamp head to the larger two-story house then head up the ladder and it will be on the desk in front of you for the lighthouse once you walk up the main stairs enter the door and turn right you'll find one brown box and on the desk in the corner you'll find the green card ladders and rust don't work like ladders in most other games it's understandable if most new players try to just walk up and down the ladder but that's actually not the most efficient way of traveling up and down what you need to do is first jump on the ladder as you can see by normally holding w and shift we go at this speed and then if we want to go down we look down and w and shift again and we go down at that speed however there's a much faster way of going up and down once you jump on press w and shift again but this time just spam space as you can see your character kind of jumps up the ladder making it go much faster and the same thing works down so you go down w and shift and then press space you can even hold it a bit and you're done the dome is an excellent monument for beginners to loot with up to six brown boxes and four green crates however there are some tricky jumps that you will have to conquer after you reach the second level of the dome you will notice that the catwalk just stops you'll have to jump the gap i recommend getting a running start and jumping at the last possible moment and while rust doesn't keep the momentum from your running it helps with timing additionally if you go out and back you can crouch up this pipe and reach the top throughout the rust island there are monuments scattered all over and every monument has a different amount of radiation that radiation therefore prevents players with inadequate radiation protection from entering the monument with most monuments requiring 11 radiation protection some require more so if you want to venture into a monument be sure to have at least 11 wrap protection in rust there are two types of wipes map wipes and forced wipes also known as vp wipes map wipes on most servers happen every week and they allow all players to have the opportunity to start fresh the only things that are kept are the blueprints which means if you research something in a past wipe you won't have to research it again forced wipes on the other hand happen on every server on the first thursday of every month since this is when facepunch releases their mandatory content updates forced wipes completely wipe all server maps and blueprints on all servers if you find yourself with a high amount of radiation poisoning you can actually remove it by drinking water each drink removes about five radiation if your finger hurts from spamming right-click when looting try holding h and mousing over the loop this will remove the need for right-clicking at each item as a new ross player the biggest and highest populated service may not be the best options for you to join try looking for servers with a low population in those servers you can have the chance to get to know the game a bit and still encounter a little bit of pvp official servers are also known as vanilla since they have no resource multipliers similarly if you go to the community and modded tab you can find servers with multipliers such as 2x 3x 5x and 10x if you don't have the time to farm and play on a vanilla server i recommend trying a modded server if you find an item in game that you think is useful be sure to research it in the research table so that you can craft it just keep in mind that blueprints are server specific and will not stay with you on different servers once you find a nice place to build on the map you'll have to get there placing sleeping bags down will essentially give you checkpoints along the way that way if you die you can always respawn at your last sleeping bag the bow is your best friend it will be your first arranged weapon you ever hold in rust take some time to get accustomed to it and its characteristics similarly there are four different aero types in rust and each has its own traits wooden arrows are your basic arrows high velocity arrows do a bit less damage than wooden arrows but travel faster fire arrows do the most damage out of the floor but travel much slower finally there are the bone arrows which have a larger arrow hitbox but do less damage and go a bit shorter than the wooden arrows i recommend these if you're having a hard time hitting your bow shots an annoying part of rust is dying close to your base and still having a sleeping bag cool down timer that's why i recommend placing about three to four bags close to the outside of your base that way if you die and have a bag timer you can always use one of the other bags while still being in early game rest it's important to have a weapon for long and close range since fights can vary in distance that's why i recommend using a crossbow as your long range and a revolver or a nail gun as your close range once you hit a crossbow shot try to push while your enemy is healing if they peak you finish them off with your secondary while you're running through the forests of rust be sure to collect mushrooms as they can be eaten instantly and give three instant health that health could save you in a fight additionally if you eat mushrooms and use meds at the same time you can boost your healing abilities not many players know this but if you're on low health you can actually drink water to heal up to about half hp this can be helpful if you're low on meds and can't afford to use them just like any first person shooter positioning is insanely important in rust try to avoid large open areas as you can be an easy target additionally try to maintain your position on the high ground finally avoid line of sight from bases with shooting floors since they can roof camp you and you can't do much if you're out in the open and getting shot at zigzagging will help you dodge those pesky projectiles just move your mouse like this while sprinting you should be able to dodge some shots the rust protection levels are divided into three categories the head the torso and the legs usually you want to protect your head since there's a two times damage multiplier someone hits it followed by the torso and finally the legs crouching makes your footsteps completely quiet and rust but if you combo crouching with sprinting and crouching and uncrouching you can actually move a lot faster while still being completely quiet every base that you build should have a proper door block air lock this is to prevent other players from just strolling into your base even if you leave your doors open to build the simplest airlock place down a triangle foundation with two doorways and a wall then make the outer door swing inward and the inner door swing outward [Music] rust has a base decaying system meaning that your base will slowly decay if you do not have upkeep in it in order to do so farm a thousand wood and place down a tool cupboard in a corner of your base the tool cupboard should be the most important thing in your abode so protect it well be sure to place a lock on it to prevent other players from accessing it far too many times have i walked into the bases of beginners because they hadn't locked their doors don't let that happen to you just hold you while looking at the lock and click tool you're most vulnerable when you're farming whenever you're mining nodes or trees players can hear that way before you can hear their footsteps moving while farming will prevent an enemy from getting a clear head shot on you additionally if you're farming with the team have only one person farm while the other watches if you're having trouble farming components on the road and in monuments you can sail out to sea and hit up the junk piles they spawn brown boxes component barrels oil barrels and toolboxes and are an excellent way to get scrap without being contested well i hope you guys learned something and found this video helpful if you did please be sure to drop a like and if you want to see more subscribing wouldn't hurt either if you have any questions you can drop them down in the comments below or you can check out my twitch over at twitch.tv malamisi and i can answer them for you live anyway that's been it from me there'll be another rust video a bit later in about a week so stay tuned for that other than that have a wonderful day and don't get [ __ ] roof camped
Channel: Mamameesee
Views: 234,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, guide, tips and tricks, tips, tricks, beginner, tutorial, pvp tips, general tips, farming tips, 2021, get better at rust, improve at rust fast, quick, beginer, instructions, rust beginner guide, console, pc, ps5, get guns rust, how to, get started, easy, may 2021, Guides, How, to, Get, Guns, Fast, Weapon, Gun, Revolver, Semi, AK, Monuments, SAR, xbox, how to play rust, tips for beginners 2021, rust how to get started, rust starter guide, how do i play rust, rust info, rust tips and tricks 2021
Id: 2HqdH_A2N3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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