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hey guys my name is Eddie again welcome back somewhat of a sea skyline experimental video where today we're gonna try and make a ton of cash money moolah by trying to create the infinite Tollbooth loop yes guys we're gonna try and make a little tow boof roundabout of some sorts and try and use the lane management system to try and get him to kind of spiral around around this roundabout as many times as we possibly can to keep him all over in certain lanes to try and make us so much as much cash for Ebola as we could possibly get so this can be quite an interesting experiment how much money can we make literally building anything you'll be a nice little sweet way to grow another sweet cash money moolah without having to build a little silly we'll see what happens so if you guys enjoyed this I want to see more City skylines experimental videos then please one make sure you smash that like button down below so make sure you subscribe and free let me read a copy section down below and guys more shall come so here we go then we've got this nice big open blip-blip littler bits of land and I'm now gonna buy all the tiles from one side of the map to the other so we can create a nice crew road so we can create it so the vehicles can pretty much start you know drive in tune from and that pretty much then sets us all up is that all of it there that about older is more to buy so I think you've wrought is water by why can't I get to that one Ryan have to buy this one to make a camera angle zoom out so damn foolish so damn foolish boys right that should now be all of it yes yes yes right swimming okay you know what I actually buy these ones real quick so go a little bit more space to work if I'm not gonna use all that space but it's there nonetheless and then what we're gonna do then we can extend the current highway that comes free single lane road loving to jazzy about it so get all the way to the other side of the map which there we go straight out and before you know it we should then start to see vehicle was passing through the region like normal oh do we have issue ever here like it's not no no no okay we're all good okay so just like normal when you see in any game the vehicle was passing through on the highway system any minute now boom daggers a vehicle there goes some more and they're just passing through like normal now what we want to do is we want to make sure that we charge these people now I'm not learning and pass through my region for free don't you think this is who do you think I am I need cash money Munnar four days right now because of this so what we're gonna do them and we're setting up over here we'll get the the big four-lane highway system that we have and we'll do this well actually we'll start this side and I'll bring it straight across to here then I'll do one up here going back the opposite way and we'll replace in the middle some toll booths so this is the biggest the widest one right now how many lanes does this half and me get it kind of going straight it has one two three four five six seven eight lanes okay actually quite a lot that's actually quite a lot isn't it so do that real quick now it's more lanes than than what we can currently have right now but we can kind of create something really nice that will kind of set things up so is this going the right direction I where I just realize that two by two isn't it I don't want that one I want this one there we go there we go I just realized what was going down then for a second that's been kidding and something doesn't seem quite right I'll just do this to here real quick and then do this to here right just bear with me a second guys bear with me this is gonna be a very very rough version of it before we create our proper version if that makes sense so we'll get the road coming in it's actually quite difficult to do because it's all highway roads but again bear with me boys bear with me right to there and then what we do is delete all that back and they kind of go through our little loop now never very much happens and there's quite a few lanes so I need you lose Lane management to kind of make them go through one loop then change it's a second lane to go through again it's quite a complex and complicated system but this is again like I said this is version one and it's what I kind of get the principle of it up just to make sure it does work because if it doesn't then this would be quite embarrassing boys we're doing all this for nothing and we'll get wind turbines set up there get a wind turbine set up there for power and that would slowly start generating us money it needs sewage as well oh my goodness me guys it is a lot of lot of utilities to get up and running doesn't it I'll have to kind of create a generic road there real quick that's the wrong type of road Sonny AK come on boy sorry I'm a saw it out and I bet you this will then need garbage disposal ah shocking absolutely shocking but that's all set up anyway for a system to try and make us some sweet cash money moolah now if we go to look at that in terms of where's my toll booths in go towards here you can see the money now starting to come in two hundred and twenty twenty to thirty dollars coming in it's a simple little setup nice and easy now we're gonna pause and we're then gonna delete everything that we just did well to a certain extent the leads are there deletes are there there we go and now this is where we go in to work our magic so delete you again to meet you delete you delete you now there is eight lanes and I'm going to try and utilize those eight lanes as best as I can right now so how it's gonna work is we get our Highway and we're gonna have to create two individual loops gumming around because there's eight lanes I have a four lane road and I want to try and utilize that as best as possible so come off there on that one and we come off here and we have two anarchy this there on that one that's the eight lanes pretty much all set up now I've got a try mimic this on both sides here as best as I can there it doesn't really it's just a rough design we're gonna be doing with this there we go so I've got them all set up then what I do is a I do a fourteen natural not fourteen wood with a ten by ten on the outskirt one and there were seven by seven on the in one so where's this here that's that gonna be a thirteen or maybe should go a little bit more forward by will go up by free there we go and that it will be a nine by nine ish I mean it's give or take a few studs or whatever just to kind of get that up to there and then we do the same kind of system over here and then I'll have two as time goes on as we kind of get it all set up we have to kind of play around with it so thirteen like so it can come at by another free and then do our 13 by 13 no 7x7 there we go I'm not gonna play around with no more and then we need to hook this up like this it's gonna get so complicated but it should it should be worth it in the end so that looks really complex doesn't it it seemed like a huge mess Sameach what are you doing how is this even going to work well it's only gonna work by one row so we kind of haven't come in both ways we've got to have them come in one way in general so back to the highway road and we'll use it by kind of creating a little slip row that joins there so I'll just have that go up to there and then at the very end here we'll have a road that kind of comes out and it goes on knowing connects up to there so how it will work is that is all down to Lane management so if I set this all up straight you got it so as soon as you join you're locked in to that outer Lane you get it right log into the outer Lane and by sent them all straight should set them all up as well again lock them into the outer Lane and then when you get to here if I do straight again you can see they all go perfect so again like a lane which goes through here this goes straight into the ones it needs to go to do those straight as well it does look a little bit complex because they all connect over and what that byte just me it's all straight and there's only gonna be one area where we then switch them over to the next Lane and that is where we joined them on in the first place so a last straightness that we have to do and I'll be one section where we convert them over to different name and then I'll explain exactly how it all then work so up to here Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam all right BAM it's gonna happen over here but I set that up in just a moment okay so once you get in you're locked in to a certain Road and to get them to switch over happens at this point so this here it gets to a point where it crosses over so if we kind of follow it around it goes around the outer skirt comes from here gets the outskirt here and once get said there emerges over to the next Lane goes round again comes back and at this point it's in at the second name which the red one gets that a red and then switches over goes ran on again and it comes back in the blue Lane switches over nobody goes red when it gets to back to here it's gonna switch back in but then what we do at this point move this road is then we switch it over itself to there now it looks a little bit more complicated then than anything ever but we're gonna make sure that we do all this right so this right now how many um I went in the wrong spot oh yeah hold on guys oh damn I did it oh no oh no don't do this there we go don't do this to me though I think it's had bit earlier no okay don't do it anyway I didn't want you to there okay so you know it's had bit earlier then and let's see how this works again so it has destroyed a lot of my stuff but let me just get all this set back up quickly okay so does everything it needs to do and let's revert back to this then so entering that outer Lane here you then switch over to the inner loop the inner loop does the same right now does exactly what you need to do cuz into there that one switch over to that one that one switches over to that one that one's too shifted this one but this one there won't eventually be a need to go into that if that makes sense because this one is kind of done a little bit differently so the switch happens over on this side so that means that goes over there and then to stop anyone going down this one they turn off their so what that does then does it kind of give you a brief overview again you enter on the outer lane you do one loop switch Ram you come back to here you're in the second lane and you keep doing that until you on the out the inner lane of the outer loop which then switch over to add snoop on the inner loop and you do the same all over again and that's literally how it works so you're going to be going through every single Tollbooth flame on both on both sides which seemed a little bit excessive but that's one way to ensure that we get that sweet cash money moolah right that really is and then we make you underneath has a tunnel all right say underground bridge I know and then hopefully this will work what's happened here what is going on in the world right now right there we go that's all done so it's going to play mode them rise the vehicles on the way yeah there's no vehicles on the way I mean these make sure that these do exactly what we want so it's not pretty but the lane management should be set up correctly that we're gonna be good to go now I can make it go the opposite way around as well what I would do is I then hook that road up over there and then do a turn talk about that it gets quite complicated but all these now should go through it so we'll keep our eye on it anyway just to make sure that they are doing the right lanes and stuff so if I give it a fast forward they all start pumping through and we wait for a couple of cycles for it to go through and then we just start seeing the money cashing in because then we should have consistently a vehicle going through each each of the eight every time and it's that blue truck there which is the one at the very front so that's then going to go for the third one there which would then go for the fourth one on this side which it's doing which then switches over what you will switch over now the fourth one there into here so it should switch there which it does oh ok so we have an issue just here which ah okay I missed that one there didn't I make sure I've got all the others so okay so good job we spied that early on and we wait for them vehicles cuz they've already got that oh wait that roads going the opposite way right is it no there we go I'm not sure about that arrows are pointing that way okay we've got it fixed right now so some is the merge over they go round again then they end up in the next Lane and waiting for our first vehicle to exit here no idea why that's facing that way even though the arrows pointing that way at any moment now when we see a vehicle entered this little section just there which there we go that lourd dumper truck is gonna be the first vehicle to exit and just like that we almost have an infinite loop for the toll roads and you could expand thee because you could have the tall route there and there and there and there as well and then what's the money coming in like that we've gone from 200 to now having 700 cash money molas coming in just like that that's kind of ridiculous isn't it it kind of is ridiculous now we've got the maximum amount of cars now coming through from that one road there we then just kind of have to wait for the vehicles to disappear or it could be that me adding in no no that definitely there's more vehicles coming through where's my new vehicles then no it's I reckon they know it's a complete scam and they're not pumping any more vehicles out to me or I could have exceeded the maximum length for which they are willing to drive to do these loops so that that that's what the issue could be next because bassy whatever is right there's a maximum length there wish it they're willing to drive from one end of the region to the other and by making them go around this like so many freaking times readers extend the route then those able to at the star because technically there was skipping big chunk of it so Wi-Fi allow them then I'll allow them to when they come into here they get to skip the first one so I'm shortening the route by one cycle round which by doing that was the perfect amount to allow them to come back in so now I know that's the maximum then you can't make them do all eight on both sides it's literally eight on one side and seven and on the other is the perfect amounts for the road distance if that makes sense okay so there should start now coming in right yeah there now slowly on their way and now I'm gonna also allow it where the other vehicles from the other side can do what they want to do because they're trying to come in but it's not happening for them so what I'd do for these guys and I mean I meant I mean in a grand mode right will come off well I'm gonna me just delete this a second just give me a hot minute boys I bring it down to here so they're just like I can are no sediuk there we go there's I can have this pass fruit so what I wanted to do because you want to make it go in this like One Direction loop so if I have it come up just just give me a split second to come into there but then going on the ground I'm hoping this is not yeah that works all right bear with me guys this is a complete mess that I've now created by the way but I'm hoping it's enough that now go down there to cut in so then do why is this doing this what do I have on that is gonna there we go so that I'm hoping this doesn't make it too long for them but in a weird way we now have the ability to make the vehicles come from the opposite direction so they're coming down right now let's see if they do what I want them to do so they turn there now go up back in do the whole systems come fruit then come out of this tunnel to go down in that direction so that's one way in which I can get more vehicles coming through this system there's then always guys always a little backlog just here so there's always vehicles coming in and there is so ready for a curve vehicles and they're going through so I know this is like a thing that we can set up as well in the regions let me just quickly drop one down which allows you to have like swimming is it something automated to the policy city planning automate it's all right now this vehicle is no longer need to stop at a toll booth which makes um passing through table boost a lot faster vehicles still need to slow down since if that increased the vehicle flow for toll booths reduces the toll booths income by 30% so dads in the other the thing about it but I can charge top dollar for the vehicles coming in to maximize the amount of money that we can potentially get and when we push $1,000 oh yeah boy is it is past 1,000 dahlias which is pretty damn good boy and then what I do is to make it a little bit more tasty we're gonna create a road coming off this and I'm gonna quickly create a tiny little residential area with a little bit of commercial and I'll tell you why in just a minute let me jot down some residential but mainly it is going to be commercial and that's because on this side I can have set up then the space elevator it's just a simple way to bring tourists in by bringing tourists in that's the medical center suppose it about yeah by bringing tourists in oh my god in Malay magics I don't want to do to you turn there I wanted to do it on the toll booth by bringing tourists in it then passes them to this side which will sequentially bring them through this loop to get over to here so must give them all the the needs that they require real quick like the water and the power so power BAM I'm going to roar with these because it provides lots of power boys we need lots of power right now and let me just get this pushing over to here cuz we're gonna need garbage real quick which I just placed down like a small recycling center well that was a large one that was a large one by given the fire depo real quick given the medical center just enough to sustain them all and the police station and then hopefully that then should start generating us some commercial a little bit commercial company but I think it's the sheer amount of residential that we need to create that commercial demand I should have enabled super demand on this experiment the super demand mod so I'll do high-density to bring those people in which should then spark our commercial growth to happen but look at this man this is pretty jazzy boys so we're never gonna make money because we now have the space elevator in and people don't understand to come out of it jumping in cars which sends them through here which is another way to get extra consumers for our toll booths so get out how much sixty percent of our income it's slowly decreasing as we get money from other places it's time to come in and then over here we'll drop down the industrial zoning so then all jobs old vehicles cargo vehicles have to come and travel for on this side so it's another way in which we can maximize our infinite Tollbooth loop but really we wanted more commercial to kind of bring all the tourists in some have to drop a couple of landmarks or stuff down this will probably need a couple more wind turbines but let me get like a couple of landmarks or something down right now so I'll squeeze him and over in this side then so I don't really care when I'm placing down it's just literally to bring the tourists into the area which it should do no tourists excuse me no tourists where are they all them and what are they doing I have no idea but we're still waiting ready to build up anyway these areas why do they want more industrial they're screaming it from the industrial we'll give him a couple of schools real quick and the University just to give them every need that they could possibly want to kind of grow as a city and they're finally the tourists are now coming out so that way then we'll just start bringing a few more people through via the vehicles and slowly just you know keep generating this money so we did cross over the 1000 marker very very briefly and I think what will be then good wood to be able to place down for the the industry a cargo airport so I missed throw this up here now solely because for them to export their goods they're gonna drive through the whole toll booth loop and vice versa and vice versa so it will be quite interesting to see how this how it all works how it all comes together and stuff like that I could also drop in a couple of warehouses so let's go to the factories let's go for the really big warehouse and just kill it to store the generic commercial goods that come out of the factories and whatnot and that's now pumping other vehicles out which should then all drive through our little loop thus adding more vehicles to the freaking system there's now more and more being added you're starting to get a little bit of a backlog in the queue at the very very first entrance to the loop has more and more trucks and stuff come into it so that is technically gonna generate it's even more money like that we're now over the thousand mark 1100 that's the highest we've seen it at this point oh it's going to people more damn buy again all the vehicles come through all the vehicles right now can we push 1200 reckon here undoubted the more that they enter into the loop and the more key consistently going random random round come on 1200 we came so close there boom 1200 that's crazy man and they'll just keep bringing them in in in and in it's literally while it would there may be so buddy freaky coming round our little loop I think it's glorious I don't know about you but I think I little kind of infinite loop here is magical it's a magical roundabout wonder ride that we all love I was the income up to at this point then 1,300 damn son there's a lot of cash it's a lot of money so loud I'm Ola so yeah it works right it works it definitely works where we get all issues right now that I can't move over the sort out for all the little cities but for an experiment it's a brilliant idea if you want to implement it into your own kind of cities as a way to generate a little bit actually cash money move without really doing much just leave it to do what it needs to do it doesn't really affect much and things just kind of Vegas just kind of just consisting around the loop de loop de loop and we're generating some sweet money boys we actually made some sweet cash money moolah guys I hope you enjoy this experiment if you did please specially like add abalone until next time I see you well soon so good bye [Music]
Channel: SeniacTWO
Views: 394,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities, Skylines, Cities Skylines, Cities Skylines Tutorial, building my own city, building, city, SCAMMING, WITH, TOLL, ROADS, TOLL BOOTH LOOP, INFINITE TOLL BOOTH LOOP
Id: 0swTG7BhEvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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