4 More Cryptic UNSOLVED Mysteries that will Lead You Down Rabbit Holes

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[Music] today's video is sponsored by hunter killer the ultimate murder mystery subscription box for fans of true crime we've all been spending a lot of time at home recently and it's only so long you can spend glue to the tv or your phone before the screen starts feeling like a prison he might have tried everything to break the monotony if you're looking for an actual fun way to spend an evening at home unplugged from all your devices then hunty killer is the perfect game to mix things up the aim of the game is simple to solve a homicide investigation each box that comes conveniently delivered to your door is part of a larger ongoing case and they're all filled to the brim with high quality and detailed documents evidence audio recordings case files and ciphers which you'll use to eliminate suspects and progress through the narrative it's like being part of a sherlock holmes story you can actually feel and touch you can play it by yourself with your very own watson by your side or like i do with friends and family i found it to be a great way to stay social since there's nothing my circle of friends and i love more than playing detective and let's face it these days it's a way cheaper and safer alternative to a night on the town so with halloween just around the corner now's the perfect time to give it a wall head over to hunterkiller.com forward slash lazy masquerade and use promo code lazy to get 20 off your first box again take advantage of that spine chilling 20 discount by going to hunterkiller.com forward slash lazy masquerade and using promo code lazy and find out if you have what it takes to crack the cold case waiting for you inside some of you might already be aware of the johnny gosh mystery but for those of you who haven't ventured down this particular rabbit hole yet i can assure you that it's full of twists and turns and it's one you're likely to get lost down 38 years ago on the morning of september 5th 1982 johnny gosh a 12 year old from iowa left his house before dawn to start his paper route he was delivering papers to the good people of west des moines johnny usually woke up his father to join him but on that particular sunday morning he instead snuck off without him and brought the family's miniature dachshund gretchen a company he was seen by other paper carriers picking up his newspapers that morning at some point between six and seven am while delivering those papers johnny disappeared without a trace and has never been seen or heard from again or has he let's go over the details just before he went missing two local residents reported seeing johnny talking with an unknown man in a blue ford fairmont with nebraska plates though they hadn't committed that number blade to memory there appeared to be another man in the passenger seat neither of them could hear what johnny was talking about with this man it appeared as if the man in the car had stopped johnny to ask for directions though the witnesses can't be sure since they were only watching from their bedroom windows either way they both said that something didn't feel right about the interaction and that johnny seemed to get spooked one of these neighbors said that afterwards as johnny cycled off back towards his home the car began following him the other neighbor who witnessed this underwent hypnosis in an effort to remember the license plate number though sadly he never was able to remember it i keep hoping i'll wake up in the middle of the night and see that number on the license plate as distinctly as night and day said the neighbor but that hasn't happened realizing that johnny had gone off by himself and that a local resident had called complaining about their morning paper not being delivered mr gosh johnny's father immediately went out searching for him along his usual route it was then that he found johnny's wagon full of newspapers abandoned two blocks away from their family home gretchen the family dog was also found on him on a different street there was no sign of johnny anywhere fearing the worst his father contacted the police immediately and reported his son missing unfortunately the authorities were slow to react procedure at the time was that johnny had to be gone for at least 72 hours before he could be classified as a missing person a frustrating policy that thankfully is no longer in place today to begin with the cops assumed johnny was simply a runaway that didn't make any sense to anyone that knew the kid by all accounts he had a happy home life and was a level-headed young man who showed absolutely no signs of wanting to run off by himself soon the investigators came around to the idea that someone had taken him two months passed with no sign of johnny then suddenly there was a report in oklahoma of a young boy screaming to a woman i'm johnny gosh help me this young boy was then dragged away by two unknown men noreen johnny's mother believes that based on the boy's description this was indeed her son in the years that followed little other evidence was ever collected by the detectives and there were no other leads of any kind it was like poor johnny had just faded away his parents took matters into their own hands and hired several private investigators to turn up whatever they could they were even able to get their son's face plastered on milk cartons across the usa ultimately this turned out no new information two years later another kid from that same neighborhood also went missing under suspicious circumstances leading many people to draw a connection between the two cases so so far this sounds like a pretty standard missing person's case right but here's where things take a strange and interesting turn and where the rabbit hole becomes that little bit deeper according to johnny's mother noreen almost 15 years after her son's disappearance in march 1997 at around 2 30 a.m she was awoken by a loud knock on her front door startled as one would be she looked through the people to see who was waiting outside she saw two blurry figures one of them spoke mum it's me johnny can i come in noreen couldn't believe her ears and as they adjusted she couldn't believe her eyes either it was johnny standing outside now no longer a boy but a 27 year old man she said there was no mistaking that it was him and when she opened the door he revealed a unique birthmark on his chest proving his identity apparently he was accompanied by another unidentified man we talked for about an hour or an hour and a half said noreen he was with another man but i have no idea who the person was johnny would look over to the other person for approval to speak he didn't say where he was living or where he was going that night johnny asked his mother for help and told her that he had indeed been trafficked when he was younger and that he had now escaped and was in hiding that his life was still in danger and that he couldn't stay johnny and the unidentified man left just before sunrise and noreen never heard from her son again after that question is did this visit genuinely happen or did a grieving marine simply imagine the entire encounter could it have been some kind of sick well-researched prank that all remains unclear in 2000 noreen published a book that detailed her supposed encounter with her son titled why johnny can't come home then in 2006 she reported that a set of photographs had been left on her doorstep she notified the authorities and posted some of the pictures on her website one photo shows three young lads bound and gagged another shows what appears to be a young johnny again gant and tied up with a branding on his shoulder who had sent these pictures twelve days after they arrived on her doorstep the des moines police station received this anonymous letter gentlemen someone has played a reprehensible joke on a grieving mother the photo in question is not one of assam but of three boys in tampa florida about 1979 1980 challenging each other to an escape contest there was an investigation concerning that picture made by the hillsborough county sheriff's office no charges were filed and no wrongdoing was established the lead detective on the case was named zalva this allegation should be easy enough to check out nelson zalva was indeed a real officer and said that whoever had written the letter was telling the truth that the first photo was of some kids just playing a game he had seen it and investigated it before however that other photo the one showing what appeared to be johnny was new he'd never seen it before no one has ever conclusively identified who the boy in the photo is and whether or not he was just playing a game too noreen believes wholeheartedly that it's johnny more photos would arrive on her doorstep over the years some of them being confirmed hoaxes stills from horror movies and fakes made by sick losers tormenting a bereaved mother some of them though remain unidentified noreen's posted most of them online in hopes that someone might come forward with information about them in hopes that they'll somehow lead her to the truth theories about what happened to johnny are numerous and varied ranging from him being taken by a ring of high-profile predators to be sold to him simply being murdered by an opportunist to a whole load of other possibilities honestly this rabbit hole is deeper than the mariana trench so it's no wonder there are so many opinions about it there are loads of documentaries and podcasts about johnny's vanishing online so i'd recommend checking those out for a more detailed analysis of the case ultimately despite noreen's belief that her son visited her all those years after disappearing nobody really knows whether johnny's alive or dead well somebody knows i suppose let's be honest we've all got a few skeletons in our closet some of us literally this little mystery is absolutely bizarre and has a bunch of unanswered questions attached to it let's take a look at the body in the drag queen's closet dorian corey was a relatively well known trans woman drag queen and fashion designer living in harlem she'd regularly appeared in high-profile shows in the city and even featured in the documentary paris is burning unfortunately for her she never had much money to speak of in 1993 dorian passed away at the age of 56. it's not the circumstances of her death that are suspicious though two months after she passed dorian's friend and caretaker lois taylor and two of her pals were going through dorian's closet in search of halloween costumes dorian had given them permission to do so before she died what they found inside was unexpected to say the least after rifling through feathers fabrics and sequins they noticed a large green played garment bag on the floor that was far too heavy for any of them to lift unable to find the zipper lois cut it open with a pair of scissors hoping to find some exciting halloween props to use inside instead she and her friends found something else the partially mummified corpse of a man curled up in the fetal position with a bullet hole in his head a putrid stench escaped the bag and filled the room and lois immediately called the authorities an investigation was quickly underway the body itself had been wrapped in fake leather and plastic bags after unwrapping it several pull tabs from old 1960s flip top beer cans fell out the victims once brown skin had turned yellow and purple their ears were reduced to mere cartilage and they had obviously been dead for a long long time so naturally the detectives on the case were faced with several questions whose body was this how long had they been deceased how did they end up in dorian's closet was she keeping it there if so why using a chemical solution to harden the body's brittle fingers the coroners were able to retrieve a set of fingerprints they now knew who the moldy remains belonged to the cadaver was robert bobby worley a former criminal with an extensive record he hadn't been seen or heard from since the mid to late sixties that along with the pull tabs led them to conclude that bobby had been dead for the past 20 years still that didn't explain why he was in dorian's house had he been inside her closet for the whole 20 years was the drag queen actually a murderer that didn't seem likely dorian was a calm thoughtful and peaceful person so let's dive into this diva's rabbit hole and explore a few of the leading theories on the hows and whys theory number one dorian and bobby had a turbulent relationship that took a dark turn bobby was a very secretive person he did allegedly open up to his brother about being in a relationship with a woman named dorian who he often fought with sometimes physically bobby was a very aggressive person so if the pair really were in a relationship perhaps dorian killed him in order to protect herself or maybe even to get revenge theory number two this has never been confirmed by authorities but supposedly a note was found pinned to bobby's remains that simply read this poor man broke into my home and was trying to rob me it was written in dorian's handwriting like i said bobby had an extensive record perhaps he had broken into dorian's home and she acted in self-defense finally theory number three dorian was covering up for the real murderer hiding bobby's body in her apartment to protect whoever had taken his life dorian had moved apartments in 1988 and it seems unlikely that she would have lugged a dead body to her new home it's more likely that the body was already there in the apartment when she moved in she may have moved to that new place specifically to help protect the previous occupant and safeguard their secret thing is all of those theories fail to explain one important thing why didn't she get rid of the remains over the course of 20 years panic according to detective figueroa who worked the case people just wrap up a body in whatever's available it's just spontaneous you wrap it up then you put it in a suitcase then you put it in the closet then you just look at it periodically and wish that it would go away on top of that she lived in a bustling part of new york city not exactly the easiest place to dispose of a body after killing him dorian likely routinely cover bobby and baking soda to suppress any odors but then again if she was innocent of any wrongdoing why didn't she just come clean to the cops after killing him well dorian was a black trans woman living in a poor neighborhood given this incident had likely happened in the 60s she probably feared that nobody would have any sympathy for her even if she had acted in self-defense ultimately we don't know which of these theories is correct and because this isn't exactly a well-known case no matter how far we dig into this rabbit hole we'll probably never get a definitive [Music] answer there's nothing like a good spook at night time and almost all of us have childhood memories of sitting around a campfire with our friends telling scary stories there's a strange shared pleasure in group fear for all of the tales we heard about killers with hooks for hands watching us from the dark tree line beyond the fire pit none of us ever really believed they were true or that we were ever in any real danger well had we heard about this next case we all might have felt a little less secure around those campfires growing up this is tulsa's most infamous cold case the oklahoma girl scout murders it was 1977 in camp season it just started in oklahoma camp scott was one of the finest girl scout camps in the state and was celebrating its 50th anniversary based 50 kilometers outside of tulsa it boasted 410 acres of land with its very own creek and clusters of platform tents spread out among the trees a little slice of heaven on earth for any nature-loving kid in preparation for the big campout of the season the councillors and councillors in training held a training session by themselves to ensure everyone knew what they were doing and that all of the young scouts would be totally safe during the week-long break during this training exercise one counsellor brought along a box of donuts to share out during the evening which she left with her personal belongings after returning from the day's activities she found that the box had been opened and that all of the donuts were gone in their place was a sinister note which said that three campers were going to be murdered she took that sinister note to her supervisors and they all brushed it off clearly this was just some tasteless prank nothing to be concerned about right it was sunday june 12th and the first buses full of girl scouts arrived at camp scott school had just been let out for summer so spirits were obviously high the weather didn't match the youngsters vibes though what with it being a misty and rainy day all of the scouts were split into age-appropriate groups and sent to their designated tents each of which held about four to six campers the rest of the evening was filled with a whole host of fun activities ranging from archery to swimming to making s'mores around a campfire and of course telling a few ghost stories while doing so but the festivities of that first night were short-lived as the weather took a turn for the worse and a sudden thunderstorm forced everyone to run back to their tents there they would be safe from the elements but not from the unknown person who had been watching them the whole day the kiowa unit of tents was arranged in a horseshoe pattern with a campfire and common area in the center what made the kiawah unit a little different was that it had an extra tent tent number eight which was situated a little further back from all the other tents much closer to the trees that paired with the heavy rain and complete darkness made it difficult for the kiowa unit's counselor to see into tent number eight six a.m on the 13th and one of the counsellors woke up early to go and shower as she cut through the trail that led to the bathhouse she made a gruesome and heartbreaking discovery three sleeping bags were lying in the middle of the trail piled on top of one another bewildered she unzipped the top bag after doing so she ran back to the camp and told the other counsellors what she had just found the three sleeping bags contained the bodies of laurie lee farmer michelle heather goose and doris denise miller 8 9 and 10 respectively all three had been beaten to death with a flashlight found at the scene whoever had taken their lives had also done other things to them which i can't bring myself to talk about in this video i'm sure you can imagine what none of their parents could have predicted what would happen to their daughters when they dropped them off for what was supposed to be a fun-filled break the camp was of course immediately evacuated and sniffer dogs were brought in to track down evidence here's what was found a footprint belonging to a man who or a size nine and a half was imprinted in blood found in tent number eight there was a single unknown fingerprint found on the lens of the flashlight which was used to hit the victims a local in the area also reported hearing quote unquote quite a bit of traffic on a small remote road between the camp and his property between 2 30 and 3am that appears to be the time that the murders took place detectives started scouring oklahoma for suspects and set their sights on a man called gene leroy hart a guy with a sordid reputation to say the least he'd been in and out of jail for a bunch of different offenses over the years and was on the run after a successful prison break his family home was only one mile away from camp scott so needless to say he knew the area well he was found hiding out in a cherokee medicine man's house later that same year and was taken to trial with the sheriff himself claiming to be 1 000 certain he was guilty of taking the scouts lives despite that things just didn't add up for instance hart didn't wear a nine and a half shoe it also wasn't his fingerprint on the flashlight he had a solid alibi and various other pieces of evidence pointed to him not being the perp dna evidence at the scene would later be analyzed and the result showed that the odds of heart being the killer were one in 7 700. accusations started to be made about him being framed the jury acquitted him still hart was sent back to the same prison he had escaped from he still had 305 of a 308 year sentence to finish he only served two of those however as he died in 1979 of a heart attack after lifting weights for an hour in the exercise yard so yeah if you're not in great shape make sure to take it easy if heart wasn't responsible for the girl scout murders though who was oh this all happened over 40 years ago now and the case remains unsolved investigators still don't know if they're looking for one guy or several as such the who what and why are likely to remain unknown for a long time there's a plethora of theories floating around but no smoking gun to speak of i still believe the murders will be solved said a childhood friend of lorries many years after the incident i believe somewhere out there someone knows something i hope they realize it's time they came forward as a side note two of the victims families sued the camp for five million dollars claiming they'd be negligent by ignoring the threatening note in the donut box by a 9-3 vote jurors decided in favor of the camp this next rabbit hole mystery is a notorious case that's gripped new zealand for the past quarter century and which continues to divide it let's see what we can piece together june 20th 1994 709 am a call comes in on new zealand's emergency number one one one the operator who picks up hears a male voice in great distress they're all dead they're all dead okay they're all dead whereabouts [Music] [Applause] the voice belonged to a 22 year old man called david bain dunedin police quickly arrived at 65 every street a place that was once home to the bane family now five of the six members of the household were lying dead in various rooms the father robin 58 the mother margaret 50 their daughters arewa 19 and laniet 18 and their son stephen just 14. david was the only one left breathing all his relatives had been shot and there was evidence of a violent struggle between the unknown perp and stephen who had also been partially strangled fibers from a green sweater were found under stephen's fingernails suggesting he fought back a chilling message to david the only survivor had been left typed up on the family computer sorry you're the only one who deserved to stay question was who had written it david said that he had just come home from his morning paper route he entered the house without turning on the lights and washed his hands to get all the black ink off them when he entered his bedroom he found bullets and the trigger lock of his rifle on the floor he immediately ran around the house to investigate and found his mother in her bedroom one of his sisters still gurgling and his father in the lounge all of them wiped out at first the authorities thought that the man of the house david's father robin might have been the one responsible he and his wife were estranged and robin was living in a caravan in the garden on weekends they figured that after being rejected by his family and after months of pressure he'd finally snapped and took them out with him david perhaps the only one who sympathized with him was spared thing is an analysis of the scene proved that it would have been difficult for robin to have taken his own life and with no known enemies to speak of all fingers now pointed to the only other suspect the eldest son david it seemed pretty convenient to the investigators that this all happened while david was out on his rounds was committed with his rifle and that for unknown reasons the purpose left him an exonerating message having spared his life alone they suspected that david had taken out his mother brother and two sisters just before he went off on his morning paper run then after arriving home waited 25 minutes for his father to come inside from the caravan at which point he executed him he then typed up a fake message on the computer to make it seem as if his father was the one responsible he'd probably annihilated his family to get his hands on a large inheritance that theory also accounted for the green fibers under steven's fingernails david had been wearing a green sweater that morning which he'd thrown into the washing machine after returning home from his paper route it also accounted for the 25 minutes between david arriving home and his call to 9-1-1 david was charged with five counts of homicide after a three-week long trial that ended up being the most expensive in new zealand's history david was found guilty and sentenced to life behind bars this is where things take an interesting turn joe karam former rugby player for the all blacks and a distant relative of david's took a special interest in the case and believed that something was off about the verdict after doing some investigation work himself he came to the conclusion that david bain was actually innocent he even went as far as to write four books on the subject visited david 200 times in prison and used his high-profile status to highlight the issue in the media this all resulted in a retrial in 2009 and on the basis of evidence that was discovered after his first trial it was determined that david had been an innocent man all along he'd just served 13 long years in jail for a crime he hadn't committed he was awarded no compensation but was given a grant of over 900 000 new zealand dollars to cover his legal expenses that's a bit less than 600 000 us dollars after his release david found it difficult to get work though eventually he did find love he married in 2012 and changed his name to william davies taking his new wife's surname still the question remains if david wasn't responsible for the murder of his five family members who was it had to have been his father robin right well this is one rabbit hole that every new zealander has gone down and the nation's left divided though many believe that david really is innocent there are just as many people who are sure he actually did slay his family they bring up valid points for instance why was none of robin's blood on the gun that he supposedly took his own life with the one that was pressed right up against his head robin's fingerprints were found on the barrel of the rifle though this could have been from him trying to push it out of his face while someone else pointed it at him david also stated that he found his sister gargling though as experts point out this is something that people do after immediately passing away as in after just being killed not to mention david's only excuse for waiting 25 minutes to call for help was that he was in shock though many people just don't buy that and believe that he was either waiting for his father to come inside to kill him or was using that time to cover his tracks then again only last year new witnesses came forward who claimed to have seen david stumbling around outside in a daze-like state shortly after returning from his paper route which would support david's telling of events there's a whole bunch of other pieces of evidence and information that will lead you down the same deep rabbit hole as the people of new zealand and each new tidbit might just have you swaying from one suspect to the other there's an amazing 10 part podcast called black hands that covers the case in incredible detail if you're interested in diving deeper i recommend starting there hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening i'd like to say a huge thank you to robin mickelson for making the thumbnail for this video if you haven't already checked them out then make sure to do so by clicking the links down in the description also a huge thank you to all of my supporters here on youtube and over on patreon especially my biggest supporters the leki expand on leonardo martinez hungry and hammered or a dragon one ricky cohen jr hamish k phantom knight the only dorita lord 210 azrael warakai kelly rocco nadine kelly rocco again salon crawford sarah ramirez anime wimp gina valera procupide neta philip westra alex greenzor tom king monica mendoza and crawford k mcdonald thank you guys so much for your continued support it really helps the channel out follow me on my social media channels and my new discord and you'll be hearing from me again very very soon until then guys you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,184,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, horror stories, scariest video ever, creepy pasta, creepy, mysterious, mysteries, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, with backstories, rabbit hole mysteries, lazy masquerade, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, be busta, top 10, British accent, arms, ghosts, haunted, caught on camera, chilling, scary, new, best, most, long video, reddit stories, lets not meet, 2chan, skin walkers, skinwalkers, horror
Id: Z_H568ETBCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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