The Dark Side of YouTube: Exploring Creepy Channels and Mysteries

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today's video is sponsored by raycon there's  nothing quite like getting lost in a youtube   rabbit hole there's a bunch of strange weird  and downright unsettling videos hidden in the   dark corners of this site you check one out then  another and before you know it you've spent a   good couple of hours immersing yourself in online  horror for binges like that a pair of comfortable   quality earbuds are essential that's why i've been  using my pair of raycons raycon is disrupting the   electronics industry by making great sound for  everyone their wireless about start at about   half the price of other premium audio brands  and sound just as amazing as any other top   audio products on the market from snoop dogg to  mike tyson where it can have become the obsession   of countless celebrities and it's easier to  see why what with their six hours of playtime   and seamless bluetooth pairing their everyday  wireless earbuds come in a range of fun colors and   patterns with a variety of 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from that weird side of youtube   which just might make you want to turn off  your devices and go for a long walk outside i'll actually have to be careful how i talk about  this first one so please excuse any euphemisms   twenty-five-year-old li xihua better known  online as chris lee is or perhaps was   a chinese journalist and content creator  with almost 70 000 youtube subscribers   prior to making his videos he worked for  cctv china's biggest state-run news channel   now if you know anything about china it's that  freedom of expression isn't high on their to-do   list and those who either criticize the government  or otherwise make it look bad are often silenced   when chris became disillusioned by the amount  of censorship going on at cctv he of course   decided to quit and instead began filming his  own informative videos this time documenting the   truth and giving his own honest opinions if you  head over to chris's channel you'll see that he   only has seven videos the first we'll deal with  let's call it the current global situation the   big c they were all uploaded between the 12th and  25th of february 2020 so just when the severity   of the situation was dawning on us all he filmed  these videos at the epicenter of this whole thing   ground zero you all know where chris had heard  through the grapevine that a prominent lawyer   named cheng kyushi had started vlogging about  conditions in the city while reporting there   chen had mysteriously disappeared and to  this day hasn't been seen or heard from again   believing there was some type of cover-up going  on and that chen had been permanently silenced   by the state chris traveled into the red zone to  uncover the truth with the help of some locals   he was able to find an apartment in the city and  got himself a vehicle from there he began blogging chris took his camera to the streets conducting  interviews visiting hospitals and exposing   the failures of his government to the entire  world and showing how they were intentionally   concealing what was going on there but  he was saying too much showing too much   and it wasn't long before the strong  hand of the government came knocking you don't have to be able to read mandarin to get  the meaning behind chris's first and only youtube   short this live video entitled sos is only 30  seconds long and shows a clearly terrified chris   as he travels down the motorway he states  that moments prior a white suv was driving   directly at him down the wrong side of the road  apparently it suddenly swerved in front of his   vehicle in an attempt to block his path  and the men inside told him to surrender   he instead hit the accelerator and the suv was now  following him friends i'm on the road right now   being pursued and chased by state authorities who  are in an unmarked van the only thing i can do   right now is make this video i'm in i'm driving  very fast and they're chasing me pray for me soon after uploading this chris made it back to  his apartment and immediately began live streaming   the stream lasted for nearly four hours the  majority of that time the screen remained black   as chris sat in the dark lights off not making  a sound hoping the men chasing him would think   he wasn't home at various points you can hear them  outside knocking on his door after hiding in the   dark for over three hours a distressed chris  turns on the lights and addresses his viewers oh i predicted this would most likely happen  but i never knew they'd buy me so quick i'm   not gonna try and escape because there's  no use now i just think it's funny before   coming to war after i resigned from cctv i had  a long talk with my producer it feels so unreal   before when i turned on the camera to talk  it was for others today i can finally speak   my own thoughts but these own thoughts  will probably become my final speech at the very end of the stream as chris's  internet connection gets weaker and more   patchy he begins talking to the men outside his  apartment explaining why it's important for a   journalist to report the truth and appealing  to their decency he then opens the door   two men enter the apartment and the video ends  abruptly for two months after that chris was   missing he didn't make any more videos and his  viewers feared the worst then on april 22nd 2020   after two months of silence chris suddenly  uploaded a six minute video titled i'm chris   here is something about me since february  26th february 26 was the day he disappeared this video seemed completely out of character the  style of the video was totally different from all   of his other uploads as was his neutral tone and  despite being critical of the ccp in the past   now he was singing their braces and announcing  himself he said that he was fine and that he had   been treated very well the whole thing seemed  oddly scripted like chris was being forced by   the state to make this video against his will  he just stands in the center of the screen   in some blank featureless room  robotically delivering his message   chris even ended the video with a  strange quote from the book of documents the setting the delivery  everything about this video   makes you wonder who's standing just off screen since that final video chris hasn't  uploaded any new content and hasn't   made any posts on his social media accounts  either he simply vanished from the internet   with china's dodgy human rights track record  many have become concerned for chris's safety   and well-being myself included many suspect he's  been placed in a re-education camp others fear   something even worse might have happened to him  but what chris did was incredibly important he   expressed the truth about the global situation at  a time when true reports out of china were hard   to come by he was brave enough to speak out  and i fear he may have paid dearly for that this if you're into creepy visuals there's  this weird japanese youtube channel   known as nugamu the actual name which  looks like this is pronounced wow   this eerie doll figure who introduces himself as  the virtual youtuber nugamu features in nearly   every upload and with the channel having amassed  nearly 55 000 subscribers at the time of writing   it's safe to say he definitely caught people's  attention even outside of japan in each upload   nugamus says some pretty unsettling things how  he wants his viewers to send him their eyeballs   how he's standing right behind you how  we're all just meet things of that nature   all the while ominous music  plays in the background the videos that don't feature  are even more chilling konnichiwa adding to the eeriness of this whole thing nugamus  video titles are all gibberish he uses obscure   and random kanji to make a nonsensical sentences  and it's not just nougamoo typing strange things   either if you scroll down into the comments of  any of his videos you're gonna come across some   weird things even if you only speak english  it's clear there's something off about them   the sections are full of people talking about  how cute nugamu is how handsome he is how good   his bare chest looks how they want to have babies  with him yeah his fanbase seems overly dedicated   let's put it like that they not only leave  these amorous comments they make fan art of him   follow him on social media and generally just  adore him it's bizarre so what's going on here   because of the nature of his uploads some  people suggested that nugemous videos were   full of coded messages others thought that they  were a platform for people to meet and order items   from the dark web a place for customers to leave  a comment with a specific innocent word or phrase   to confirm their order because of the size of  nugamus following and the dedication of his fans   many believed there was something deeper going on  under the surface if this was just creepiness for   the sake of being creepy the channel wouldn't  have grown so large right well as it turns out   there is a deeper message to the channel but  it's nowhere near as dark as you might expect   before the nugamu channel came into existence  a massive wave of japanese virtual youtubers   started gaining popularity on the site most  of them featured avatars of cute characters   and the whole thing became a massive  trend with loads of people making   these virtual youtube videos and even  more watching and subscribing to them   this is where nougamov hits him his channel kind  of stands in opposition to those videos a sort   of anti-v tuber if you will all of his seemingly  obsessed fans yeah they're in on the joke playing   along and leaving the same type of comments that  get left on the typical virtual youtube accounts   in a way these dark and seemingly alarming  videos are actually quite awesome you keep doing so this next entry actually comes from a facebook  post a post about a youtube ad one that supposedly   watches you back there's no footage to go along  with it just this screenshot but the text itself   paints a very clear and very unsettling picture so  back in 2019 a facebook user named raul navarrete   created a post that got shared around and  gained a lot of attention it revolves around an   enuncio intelligente or smartad now i don't speak  spanish but two very helpful people in my discord   server do so big thanks to isabo and lavender for  translating this into english here's raul's story something super weird just happened i was watching  youtube on my smart tv when all of a sudden an ad   showed up as is common on youtube i was gonna  skip when i noticed this ad was more than five   hours long it surprised me and i called my  dad so he could see the length of the video   i took a picture while i waited for my dad to get  there the girl in the ad kept talking and by the   time my dad got there she directed her eyes at  him even my dad joked that she was looking at him   my dad and i stood in front of the tv the girl  went quiet and we felt like she was looking at   the both of us we kept thinking that that  was impossible that she couldn't look at us   since this wasn't a video call it was an ad on  youtube it was simply impossible for her to see us   we laughed at how dumb it sounded  and the girl kept speaking   but all of a sudden she got close to the screen  and we started to feel a little uncomfortable   and scared my dad wanted to test if she was  looking at us so he said changa a couple of times   then something incredible happened the asian girl  said changa back in that moment we got scared and   i look for the remote to skip the ad between my  dad and i we decided we were really tired it had   been a long day but either way we couldn't ignore  this fact and we turned off the tv my doubts are   what the hell happened the tvs have cameras  if this is true then i can see surveillance   being possible and finally has youtube been  hacked this thing that happened to my dad   and i scared us if something similar has happened  to you i'd like to know your story this was mine so obviously there isn't any video proof to help  legitimize this story and all we have to go off   is raul's word that this is true in fairness  i have seen some crazy ads play on youtube   some have legit been over two hours and i  have seen ones that are really unsettling too   a lot of them aren't even trying to sell you  anything so it's pretty obvious to me that   youtube doesn't have the strictest requirements  when it comes to advertising on their platform   that being said unless there was hacking  involved or youtube was testing some   sort of new ad function i think the goal  looking at them was just a pure coincidence   that or more likely raul just made the whole  thing up i'm almost 100 sure it's not possible   to even livestream a commercial let alone make an  ad that's an actual video chat so as interesting   and haunting as this story's concept is i  think it's just that a story a good one though maura murray was a 21 year old nursing student  at the university of massachusetts amherst   on february 9 2004 she disappeared from the face  of the earth after getting into a car accident   on route 112 the events leading up  to her vanishing are both cryptic   and suspicious to say the least and transform  this from an ordinary missing person's case   to a truly intriguing albeit bone-chilling  mystery just before leaving her university   campus that fateful afternoon maura emailed her  professors informing them that she was taking a   week off school due to a loss in the family that  was a lie nobody in morris family had passed on   this got people thinking that maybe  maura was running from something   or someone even before that day maura had been  acting unusually three months before she went   missing maura had been caught using a stolen  credit card to pay for meals at restaurants   four days prior to vanishing a university  supervisor noticed that maura had broken   down in tears when they approached her they  said that maura was just completely zoned out   no reaction at all totally unresponsive  two days prior maura accidentally smashed   her father's car into a guard rail  after possibly consuming a few drinks   a few hours before the incident maura  withdrew 280 from an atm for unknown reasons   sometime between 4 and 5 pm on the day of her  disappearance she set off in her car she made   no calls to tell anyone about her planned  destination it was some time after 7 p.m   that maura crashed her vehicle into a snowbank  the authorities arrived at the scene her car's   windshield was cracked the airbags were deployed  but there was no sign of maura murray anywhere   expensive items such as diamond jewelry were found  inside the car along with empty bottles maura's   triple a card and a book called not without  peril a guide to climbing in the white mountains   since that collision maura's whereabouts and  well-being remain unknown she simply disappeared   from the face of the earth never to be seen or  heard from again some believe personal problems   got the better of her and she went missing on  her own accord others believe that something more   nefarious happened to her that she was chased down  by some obsessive stalker or that she caught a   ride with the wrong guy for the longest time there  were no developments in the case then exactly   eight years after maura vanished this video  titled happy anniversary was uploaded to youtube oh that's the whole video this old guy just stares  into the camera laughing then gives a knowing wink   the words happy anniversary are  then plastered over the screen   this happy anniversary video was uploaded on the  8th anniversary of maura murray's disappearance   it was uploaded by a user named 112  dirtbag maura had vanished on route   112 and her father had famously used the word  dirtbags to describe whoever had taken her   this was no coincidence this old man wasn't  just making an anniversary video for his wife   and then suddenly remembered something  really funny this was intentional   it didn't take long before other users started  making these connections words started spreading   that 112 dirtbag was responsible for whatever  happened to maura murray and this video was   uploaded to torment her family laughing at the  fact that he'd gotten away with what he'd done   this was brought to the attention of the  authorities and an investigation began   despite taking the video off the site the guy  behind the channel a man named alden olsen also   from massachusetts was tracked down and questioned  people thought this was going to be a huge break   in the case in actuality the whole thing was a  hoax he was just some old codger who'd become   enthralled by morris disappearance and wanted to  insert himself into it in some way it was all just   a joke a big funny joke good one olden to this  day we still don't know what happened to maura   i'm inclined to believe that the loss in her  family she was talking about was in reference   to herself she then either started a new life  somewhere else or ended the one she already had   still even though this dirtbag wasn't responsible  for her disappearance it's completely possible   another dirtbag was we don't have any answers so  all we can do is speculate and hope for the best thank you very much for listening a big thank  you to everyone who supports me here on youtube   and over on patreon especially my biggest  supporters phantom knight hamish k yoshi6500   lydia glassley boise mcsnatchy amanda hansen  jeff the killer tom brady is based alex greenshaw   alanir ezreal warakai charlie lackey connor lothan  crawford k macdonald expand on gina valera grace   archie infamous empappy joshua perez leonardo  martinez lord 210 lucas maniac mira lancaster   monica mendoza native beauty peter loggieretch  philip westra procupida nata ronnie franklin   sarah ramirez sean m brenner silas geist sloane  crawford mrs yvonne rankin taylor and monica   gruenk the only dorita a miss krypto thank  you guys so much for your continued support   for everyone else remember to smash that  like button or i'll smash you and you'll   be hearing from me again very soon stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,226,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mysteries lazy, solved mysteries, unsolved mysteries compilation, scary true stories, true horror stories, scariest video ever, creepiest, reddit stories, 2chan, new, best, most, japan, japanese, audiobook, mr nightmare, asmr, british accent, top 10, caught on tape, mysterious, terrifying, horrifying, horror movies 2019, deeply disturbing, photographs, corpse husband, nexpo, with backstories, lazy maskarde, dyatlov pass, nuguru, maura Murray, happy anniversary, kcriss li, YouTube iceberg
Id: mIiXGlCDL70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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