5 Shocking & Disturbing Cases from Japan

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first up a very recent case that's been huge news  in japan as of late kosuke nozaki better known   by his self pen nickname the don juan of kishu  was one of japan's richest and most famous men   he made his fortune in real estate but grabbed  headlines for his very active love life if his   nickname didn't give it away japan's very own don  juan spent his fortune wooing a lot of ladies and   when i say a lot i mean he'd apparently charm  the pants off 4 000 women well perhaps he didn't   charm them off i'm sure the 28 million dollars  in his bank account went a long way in helping   throughout the land of the rising sun the guy  became infamous and even penned a best-selling   autobiography in which he wrote about how he had  no interest in money and only worked hard to make   it as a means to seduce as many beautiful  young women as he could he reportedly spent   millions on his romantic pursuits and was  quoted as saying i know all this nighttime   activity may cause my death but if i can die  in the sack and go to heaven then i'm good   well you can't say the guy didn't know what he  wanted out of life one young lady was able to tame   the aging tycoon however in 2018 77 year old don  juan married 22 year old fashion model saki sudo   she described herself as a fashion model at least  in actuality she was a former adult movie star   now why might a young woman like her marry an  old man like him it probably had something to   do with the fact that don juan promised  her an allowance of a million yen a month   that's around nine thousand dollars not too  shabby their marriage had a slight road bump   however when only three months in old don juan  suddenly died under mysterious circumstances   on may 24 2018 the couple were eating dinner  together at don juan's home in wakayama when   he curiously dropped dead an autopsy revealed  a huge quantity of stimulants in his system   enough to kill a regular man several times over  the old mogul wasn't known to take any kind of   substances and the sheer amount of stimulants he'd  ingested meant this definitely wasn't an accident   the prospect of don juan taking his own life was  also ruled out that left one possibility homicide   news of don juan's death spread  like wildfire becoming the main   headline in every japanese newspaper  it was a real media frenzy still is   the don had spent the last four hours of his  life alone with saki his wife and with no   other witnesses or leads the authorities quickly  determined that she must have poisoned her husband   this was likely so she could get our hands  on a portion of his estate and business   his house in wakiyama alone was worth an  estimated 1.3 billion yen just two months   after her husband's death sucky just so happened  to make herself president of his business empire   and decided she deserved a salary of 1.5 million  dollars a year she also transferred 300 000 from   the business into her personal account on the same  day she announced all this to her shareholders   suspicious eyebrows were also raised when  she was seen laughing and playing games on   her mobile phone during her husband's funeral  but why risk killing her 77 year old husband   why not just level her generous allowance  and wait for time to take care of him instead   well as it turns out saki wasn't the kind of wife  don juan was hoping for and it came to light that   he had served her with divorce papers shortly  before the night of his death divorce in japan   works a little differently to the usa and uk and  if the pair were to split saki would be left with   a pittance of what she could take by force still  she didn't admit to taking her husband's life and   with no clear evidence that she was responsible  saki remained a free woman for a time at least   for three years the case saw  hardly any new developments   in january 2021 however the authorities caught  wind that sakisouda was planning to move to dubai   permanently plans that had been delayed because of   the global situation detectives were sure that  she was the one responsible for don juan's death   so despite not having a particularly strong case  they decided to act before she left japan for good   on april 28th saki was arrested and held without  charge for questioning believe it or not in japan   the police can actually hold you for up to 23 days  without charging you they used all 23 of those   days during which time sucky refused to answer any  questions and continued to profess her innocence   regardless the authorities went ahead and  charged her with the slaying of don juan   seeing how this all happened very recently  sakisudo's trial is still in its early stages   due to the rush nature of the proceedings the  prosecutors still don't have much evidence to   work with but that doesn't mean they have nothing  during their investigation detectives found that   saki had been researching stimulants online not  long before her husband's death traces of the   stimulant that killed don juan were also found on  the floor and inside a vacuum cleaner in the house   suggesting that saki had tried to cover  her tracks before calling for help   what's more her phone records show that she had  been in contact with a shady substance salesman   a man who the prosecutors alleged sold saki the  stimulant forensic tracing proved that she and   the dealer were in the same place at the same  time shortly before don juan's murder took place   the final piece of damning evidence they have  and if you're an animal lover you might want   to cover your ears here is that mere days  before don juan's poisoning sakisudo's dog   also mysteriously passed away it's believed  that she tested the poison on her dog first   just to check that it would work before  trying to kill her husband with it   she didn't want don juan surviving and  pointing the finger at her now did she   well as you can see she actually did a  pretty good job of doing that all by herself   now admittedly most of this evidence is  circumstantial but it just might be enough   to see her go down for don juan's death she  had the means she had the motive and from her   phone and internet records it appears she  had the will the japan times are actually   keeping up with this case in english so be  sure to keep an eye out and see what happens this next case actually takes us out of japan  but revolves around an incident that's become   huge news here lately the year was 2016. narumi  kurazaki was a 21 year old who had just been   accepted as an exchange student at the university  of france commt bezanson france an adventurous   girl she'd always wanted to study overseas  and experience living in other cultures her   dream was about to come true in september of that  year she arrived in france and began her studies   it was set to be an exciting  experience a new chapter in her life   unfortunately it was also said to be its final  chapter only two months after arriving in bezon   narumi's professors started to become concerned  when she stopped showing up to her classes   her housemates were equally perplexed  they hadn't seen narumi since december 4th   they assumed that she was staying with someone  else or had taken a trip without telling anyone   they tried to contact her but to no avail not  sure what else to do they reported narumi missing   an investigation into her vanishing  began immediately and from the beginning   things looked bleak narumi hadn't used her  mobile phone or bank cards since december   4th the last night anyone had seen her alive  detectives questioned narumi's housemates hoping   they might be able to offer some insight into  what happened to the young japanese national   one fellow student who lived on the ground floor  alongside narumi reported that she heard a scream   of terror and a struggle in the middle of the  night on december 4th but said that when she   looked out of her door down the hallway she saw  nobody assuming it was just college students being   college students and making a lot of noise she  thought nothing more of it and went back to bed   investigators combed the room's room for evidence   just outside they found a red  splattering on a fire escape door   it couldn't be determined whether this was blood  or not but they immediately suspected the worst   on december 26 despite nobody ever being found the  authorities were confident enough to declare that   narumi kurasaki had been murdered and what's more  they had a prime suspect nicolas cepeda contreras   a then 26 year old from chile nicholas was  narumi's ex-boyfriend the pair had actually met in   japan when nicholas was an assistant teacher but  a broken up before nurumi went to study in france   nicholas himself had gone back to chile  and it's unclear exactly why the pair split   so nicholas lived in chile and narumi  died in france explain lazy gladly   shortly before nurimi went missing nicholas  had flown out to bes on song the pair had   apparently reconnected they were caught on a  restaurant's cctv camera eating dinner together   later that evening they were both again caught  on camera entering nurumi's apartment building   some time later nicholas was  captured leaving the complex alone   soon after he caught a plane back to  chile it's assumed that he dragged   narumi's remains through the building's fire  exit an exit which wasn't monitored by cameras   he then threw her into the back of his rented  car which was later returned covered in mud   and went and buried her in a local forest  he then fled the country and from his   computer in chile sent messages to narumi's  friends trying to explain her absence away   an international arrest warrant for nicholas  was issued but due to extradition difficulties   and the fact that the young man was from a very  wealthy very influential family in chile getting   him arrested and brought back to france was very  difficult as such two french investigators flew   out to chile themselves to question him this  sadly proved to be a waste of everyone's time   since the guy refused to answer any of the 95  questions posed to him the only thing nicholas   declared publicly was that he was innocent  and that he believed narumi was still alive   yeah nicholas that made a lot of sense seeing how  nobody had seen or heard from her since december   4th 2016 not even her family and that you just so  happened to be in france with her on the night she   disappeared but let's give nicholas the benefit of  the doubt let's just for a minute assume that he   really did fly halfway around the world to meet  his ex-girlfriend have one final goodbye dinner   you know for old time's sake and that the fact she  hasn't been seen since entering her accommodation   building with him is purely coincidental  even assuming all that there's still one huge   damning piece of evidence that was  uncovered on youtube of all places   back in september 2016 around the time narumi had  flown to france nicholas had uploaded a video onto   youtube in which he addressed narumi directly  in the video he gave nurumi until september   21st to comply with a set of conditions which were  designed to quote unquote save their relationship   she cannot be making such mistakes with  someone who loves her he said in the video   some conditions concern her stay in france others  apply forever it's unclear what he meant exactly   but whatever the case after naomi disappeared  in december he quickly took the video down   it later resurfaced after being re-uploaded by  a japanese user who took an interest in the case   so there's our possible motive jealousy  if nicholas couldn't have her nobody could   since an extradition request can only be  made once the french authorities had to   take their time collecting evidence and  making as strong a case as possible so   that they could get nicholas brought back to  france in july 2020 he was finally extradited   his trial is set to begin this autumn and if  found guilty he faces life in a french prison   next up a short but very sinister case from 1990  sayoko minamino was a 28 year old woman from osaka   who had a longing to see the world the young lady  was no slouch working a part-time job in between   her studies at university to save up for her  around-the-world trip and by the spring of 1989   she'd saved enough cash to make her dream a  reality and a big dream it was on april 5th   she left japan for the first time in her life and  journeyed across southeast asia china the soviet   union the middle east africa and india fiercely  independent she was seeing as much of the world   as she could all by herself though no doubt  meeting people and making friends along the way   every week she would send photos and letters  back to her family and friends in japan   filling them in on what she'd been up to where  she had been and who she'd met along the way   in march 1990 after 11 months of solo travelling  sayoko made it to the final country on her hit   list nepal she'd been away from home for a  long time and this was her final destination   the young adventurer had chosen a pretty  bad time to visit the small himalayan nation   the nepalese revolution was in full swing and  protests were springing up throughout the country   undeterred sayoko arrived in nepal and on the  third of april she sent a letter to her family   back home saying she was going to the himalayan  mountain range and that she'd be back home   in four weeks those four weeks came and  went but sayoko didn't return home the   letter she had sent about going to the himalaya  mountain range was her final correspondence   terrified that something had happened to sioko  her family contacted the japanese embassy who   in turn put pressure on the nepalese government  to investigate what had happened to the missing   japanese national they eventually conceded and  started looking into sayoko's disappearance   during this investigation the nepalese authorities  learned that sayoko had checked into a hotel   in pokhara a common starting point for  trekking the annapurna circuit and six   hours from kathmandu the city where she'd sent her  last letter from from there the trail went cold   that was it sejuku's family flew out to nepal  themselves and along with the local police   searched the hotel room in the room they  found all of sayoko's personal belongings   her warm clothes her mountaineering equipment  her safety gear it was all untouched and unused   whatever had happened to sioko it had  happened before she got a chance to go   out into the mountains unless of course she  had trekked up there completely unprepared it   was unclear whether the sioko had perished in an  accident or at the hands of another human but both   the nepalese and japanese governments concluded  that sayoko was no longer alive that her remains   were lost somewhere in the cold and lonesome  mountains and decided to give up their surge   her family returned to japan and tried to go on as  normal then something absolutely chilling happened   in the middle of august 1990  siyoko's family received a phone call   on the other end of the line was sayyoko's  voice her mother listened asayoko simply said ah it's hard to breathe this is awful her mother desperately screamed  down the line asking what's wrong   where are you mother heard after that  was her daughter crying into the receiver   after a few seconds the line went dead  that's the last anyone has heard from since then there's been no new developments   it remains unclear whether the course sioka's  mother received that day was really her missing   daughter or some kind of disturbing prank but she  remains adamant that it was sayoko's voice on the   other end of that line if that's true it's likely  her daughter suffered a fate even worse than death   now how could you resist a smile like that this  interesting looking gentleman is satoshi umatsu   a young man who recently became infamous  throughout japan for all the wrong reasons   fresh out of college satoshi began working as  a teacher at an elementary school but quickly   decided that kids were much too stressful to deal  with they had too much energy we're too hard to   control as such at the young age of 23 he left  the school to take on his new role as a carer   at tsukui yamaurien a residential care center for  people with intellectual and physical disabilities   set in almost eight acres of beautiful woodland  in sagamihara kanegawa the center was home to 149   residents their ages ranging from 19 to 75. all of  their conditions varied wildly some of them able   to exercise and enjoy the stunning surroundings  others completely unable to get out of bed   it was the latter that satoshi took an  interest in in february 2016 after working   at the facility for three years satoshi  suddenly resigned without any explanation   his colleagues were surprised the now 26 year old  was considered a diligent hard-working considerate   and friendly young man and his resignation  seemingly came out of nowhere and was perceived   as strangely out of character and rude others  were sad to see him go but weren't surprised   satoshi's attitude and entire personality  had started changing in the past few months   sure that could have been down to job  dissatisfaction but they sensed it was something   more something deeper the same month he left the  cairo satoshi traveled to tokyo and attempted to   deliver a handwritten letter to japan's speaker  of the house of representatives tadamori oshima   he went directly to oshima's house to do so but  was intercepted by security guards and turned away   the next day he tried and failed again and  so left his letter with oshima security   oshima eventually got around to reading it it  was a horrifying read the letter talked about   how it should be legal for disabled people to  be killed at the request of their guardians   and how satoshi needed oshima's help to deliver  the message to japan's then prime minister   shinzo abe in the first half of the letter  satoshi wrote i envision a world where a person   with multiple disabilities can be euthanized  with an agreement from their guardians of   course when it's difficult for that person  to carry out household and social activities   slayings he said would be for the sake of japan  and world peace bizarrely or more bizarrely i   should say the letter detailed how these deaths  would benefit the global economy and quote unquote   prevent world war iii the second half of the  letter was much more disturbing than the first   however in that second half he detailed his plan  to break into two facilities and said that he   planned to kill 460 people he said that he'd tie  up the staff and wouldn't hurt them and would   slay all the patients quickly and painlessly  as not to make them suffer too much there was   nothing to worry about however he promised to  turn himself in after all the carnage was over   at the bottom of the letter satoshi left his name  contact information and home address needless to   say oshima didn't deliver the message to prime  minister abe and instead gave it to the police   satoshi was apprehended and committed to a mental  hospital for 12 days after which he was deemed   not to be a threat and released the decision  to release him would have dire consequences   on july 26 2016 at 2 10 a.m satoshi took a trip to  his old workplace the sakuya yamaurien care center   using a hammer he broke in through  a glass window on the bottom floor   he tied up one of the only staff  members on duty and took their keys   he then made his way down the hallway going from  room to room stabbing each sleeping patient in   the neck with a sharp blade that he had brought  with him at 2 30 am a full 20 minutes after he   had broken in other staff members finally called  the authorities and reported what was happening   due to the facility's remote location it was  going to take them some time to get there   at 2 50 am satoshi was caught on camera  leaving the building 10 minutes after   that the police finally arrived and found no  trace of him anywhere in the surrounding area   29 ambulances also arrived at the scene  and saved as many residents as they could   in total 19 patients died from  their neck wounds 10 female 9 male   the youngest deceased victim was only 19 years old  a further 26 were injured 13 of them critically   while satoshi stayed true to his promise  and two hours after his massacre he turned   himself into the authorities bringing with  him a bag full of sharp and bloody blades   the incident was immediately recognized as one of  the worst attacks committed on japanese soil in   modern history all of satoshi's former co-workers  were in disbelief when they heard the news some of   them knew that he had become slightly unhinged but  they never suspected he'd do something like this satoshi's defense lawyers argued that the  young man wasn't mentally fit to stand trial   according to them the young killer often  partook in let's call it the devil's lettuce   now culturally speaking the japanese don't view  the green herb the same way we do in the west and   the defense team tried to suggest that puffing the  magic dragon had made satoshi crazed the murderous   as such he was examined and it was determined  that he was competent and able to stand trial   that didn't stop satoshi from trying to act as  crazy as possible during his time in court however   and at one point he even tried to bite  his own finger off in front of the judges   his antics were all in vain on march 16  2020 nearly four years after taking 19 lives   satoshi was sentenced to death by hanging though  he said he wouldn't appeal and that he accepted   the sentence the remorseless satoshi was convinced  he didn't deserve it claiming that people unable   to communicate and care for themselves  quote unquote create unhappiness in society   and that they have no heart since there's still  a big stigma surrounding people with disabilities   in japan satoshi was genuinely surprised  that his actions didn't receive more support   as of making this video the date of satoshi  uematsu's execution is yet to be set we'll end things with a bizarre little mystery  that i just heard about on the abroad in japan   podcast it's a strange case from sakai city osaka  prefecture and it happened just the last month on   may 5th at 11 pm a 60 year old man hopped out  of his bed and went downstairs to fetch a glass   of water he entered his kitchen and almost had a  heart attack when he saw another man a complete   stranger sitting at his kitchen table wearing  one of his shirts eating one of his frozen pasta   dinners fear overwhelmed the aging resident the  unknown intruder at this table was half his age   around 30 years old and if it came to a fight he'd  most likely lose who are you what do you want ask   the 60 year old the stranger looked up from his  meal and simply replied i came in through the   front door since japan's crime rate is so low it's  incredibly common for people to simply leave their   front doors unlocked without a second thought even  when they go to bed people tend to put a lot of   trust in their neighbors and fellow citizens here  for this resident however that had just backfired   well the 60 year old lived in the house with  his elderly father who he of course wanted   to protect a struggle between the 60 year old and  30 year old ensued upstairs the resident's father   called for help the six-year-old's brother who  lived just next door heard all of the commotion   and came rushing in to help restrain the  intruder what happened next is extremely odd   the 30 year old stranger suddenly and  inexplicably collapsed and lost consciousness   confused and not knowing what else to  do the two brothers and their father   waited for the authorities to arrive by the time  they got there the unknown man was stone cold dead   his cause of death remains undetermined judging  from the personal items he was carrying they   believed this man was also from osaka prefecture  adding to the confusion of this case different   news outlets have conflicting reports about how  the whole incident went down what i just told   you came from the ytv report but abc news said  that there was no struggle between the 60 year   old and the intruder and that when the 60 year  old came downstairs into the kitchen he found   the 30 year old already unconscious on the floor  the pasta dinner still cooking in the microwave   that actually makes a huge difference to this  story if the first reports to be believed then   the resident of the house may have actually  killed the intruder and tried to cover it up   if the latter's true then how did the guy  die and why was he in another family's home   unless some new details emerge  it's possible the full story   died along with the stranger as one commenter  online put it a man in his 30s suddenly dying   a man in his 60s living with his father and  next to his brother frozen pasta the more   i try to make sense of it all the harder  it gets yeah you can say that again buddy hey guys lizzy here and thank you very much for  listening well since i've been living in japan   for the past year and a half i've stumbled upon  a few cases here which uh you don't really hear   about in the west thought i'd share with you  guys just before we end things i'd like to say   a huge thank you to all of my supporters here on  youtube and over on patreon especially my biggest   supporters yoshi6500 patrick ruseki dapper matthew  j bauer boise mcsnatchy amanda handsome hamish k   phantom knight mariah brown and jamie mrs yvonne  rankin ms krypto the only dorita sloane crawford   sarah ramirez ronnie franklin procupadinata  philip westra peter logjaraj nadine native beauty   monica mendoza myra lancaster lord 210 leonardo  martinez infamous empappy gray white rabbit gina   valera fox licity expand on crawford k macdonald  connor lotham charlie lackey azrael warakai and   alex greensaul thank you guys so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   that wraps things up for this one guys be sure  to smash that like button or i'll smash you   and you'll be hearing from me again very very soon   until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,526,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, Japan, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, countdown, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, Don Juan, satoshi, narumi, abroad in Japan
Id: P5N82-UJuGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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