5 Disturbing Unsolved Mysteries, Finally Solved

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No. 1 [Footloose] For the past 10 years severed human feet and running shoes have mysteriously been washing up on the shores of British Columbia, Canada. Since 2007 16 feet have washed ashore, most of which remain unidentified. Of those 16 only two have been left feet, both of which were matched with their right counterpart. The rest have all been from separate people. So where on Earth are they all coming from? Why did they only start appearing after 2007? And why have no other body parts surfaced? As stated in a Toronto star article back in 2008; speculation ranged from Natural disasters. Such as the tsunami of 2004 to the work of drug dealers serial killers and human traffickers. On top of those theories, some people for that local medical students were playing a sick practical joke with parts of cadavers or that the feet could be from the passengers of a plane that crashed into the sea. The fact that a human foot can float as far as a thousand miles made this an extremely tough nut for investigators to crack. This is what the man who discovered the 5th foot had to say: There's someone doing this alright, think about it. If they tied a chain around someone's ankle and threw them overboard the foot would just pop off. N' that could explain it. Maybe they've got a lot of bodies stored up in a container, and they got washed out. We don't know. There's a lot of stuff that goes on over here... In reality the truth is actually far less sinister. Though still very tragic. According to forensic investigators most of the feet probably belong to people who killed themselves, by jumping off the Pattillo bridge in New Westminster and into the murky water below. The rest most likely belong to people who drowned accidentally. The Ocean is full of scavengers and it doesn't take them long to reduce a dead human body to near nothingness. That is the parts they can get to. Submergence decay takes care of the rest. However, since these people died wearing running shoes and socks; their feet were in a protective shell. Once their ankles disintegrated the shoes floated to the surface and currents took care of the rest. N' that explains why no feet in Sandals or stilettos have been washing up on British Columbian Shorelines. Of all of the feet that have appeared to date to have been linked to people who had mental illnesses and 3 to people who seemed to have died of natural causes. According to experts, there's no reason to believe anything nefarious has been going on. But why did they only start appearing after 2007? Well they didn't, that's just when this whole phenomenon started receiving widespread publicity and the local residents subconsciously started being on the lookout for washed out body parts. So there we have it! The answer to this mystery is far more mundane than the sensational theories that still get bound around to this day. That being said it's possible that not all of these feet belong to suicide jumpers or people who died accidentally... After all thousands of people died at sea every year under various circumstances Though foul plays isn't suspected in any of the cases. It hasn't entirely been ruled out either... All the locals can do is wait and see if any more feet float their way. It seems almost inevitable that they will. No. 2 [The Human Doll] Maria Elena Milagro De Hoyos was a 21 year old Cuban-American woman living in Florida back in 1931. she was considered strikingly beautiful and well known in the key west area for her exotic good looks. Although her family was blessed aesthetically, their luck ran out when it came to staying in good health. Back in those days Tuberculosis was typically fatal, and it ended up killing almost all of Elena's immediate family. The young beauty herself was unable to escape its clutches. And when she fell sick with the disease she was quickly rushed to the local hospital. She was treated by a german-born doctor; an eccentric man by the name of Carl Tanzler. He possessed an excellent medical mind and did everything in his power to save Elena's life. During this time Tanzler became quite enamored with his patient and showered her with jewelry and clothing. At one point he even confessed his love for her. It's unclear whether she felt the same way as he did but that's besides the point. Despite his best efforts Tanzler was unable to save Elena's life, and on October 25th 1931 she passed away. When it came time for Elena to be buried Tanzler paid for the entire funeral and even had an above-ground mausoleum constructed for her... No expense was spared. Her family was of course thrilled by this. They couldn't afford to pay for such a grand monument themselves. The good doctor had become very close with their relative during Elena's treatment. So if he wanted to pay his respects in this Manner, so be it. You can imagine her family surprise and disgust when they went to visit Elena's grave one day, only to find it completely empty. Her body had been stolen. But why would someone have gone through the trouble of digging her up and where had they taken her? Those were the questions on the detectives minds at the time. For the next 7 years the whereabouts of her corpse and the identity of the body thief would remain a mystery... Turns out the culprit was a lot closer to home than anyone at the time had expected her own doctor. When Elena was first brought in for treatment, Dr. Tanzler was mesmerized by her beauty. On top of that there was something extremely familiar about her face. As a child Tanzler claimed to have had a set of visions in which she was visited by one of his dead ancestors. "Countess Anna Constantia von Cosel" During these visions the spirit of his ancestor revealed the face of his one true love, the woman he was destined to marry. when Tanzler first set eyes on Elena he instantly recognized her as the dark-haired woman who had been revealed to him by the dead countess. Unfortunately for him, he was unable to save the life of his future bride. But Tanzler wasn't about to let something as trivial as death get in the way of his love life. Every night he would visit Elena's tune to be with her. This carried on for two years! As time passed though, visiting her grave no longer sated his obsession. Despite his love interest being long dead. He wanted their relationship to become more... physical! One April night, under cover of Darkness he crept inside the mausoleum and removed Elena's body. He then placed it in a toy wagon and wheeled her back to his home. Needless to say after spending two years dead in a cold tomb Elena's body had seen better days. Although she was obviously a little worse for wear. Tanzler still thought she was beautiful. Though to bring some life back to her some minor adjustments needed to be made. Tanzler scooped out what was left of Elena's dead eyes and replaced them with glass ones. He then used wire and coat hangers to hold her bones together bringing a rigidness back to her form. Of course her skin had started to decompose as well. So he encased the corpse in wax and plaster. As her scalp began to rot away he fashioned a wig from the hair that fell out of it. As time continued to go by maintaining Elena's body became more and more tricky. Burned with each new difficulty Tanzler came up with a solution. As her inside shriveled away. He filled the body's abdomen in chest cavity with rags. He dressed her in expensive clothes and jewelry and sprayed her with numerous perfumes. Disinfectants and preserving agents to get rid of the foul stench of death and to delay the decomposition process. As the Year's racked up Tanzler continued to work on his dead bride doing his best to keep her as a lifelike as possible. By the time we had finished she was more synthetic than organic. Tanzler had turned Elena into an uncanny replica of herself. A lifeless human doll. This entire time he kept Elena's body in his bed and slept with it every night. Despite now being nothing more than a shoddy Madame Tussauds wax work Tanzler's love for Elena never faded even after the police discovered it was him who had stolen her body. Although he was swiftly arrested and charged, his case was eventually dropped and the statute of limitations for the Crime had expired. Tanzler was allowed to walk free. Surprisingly his reputation wasn't to poorly affected either. Most people at the time viewed the doctor as an obscessed yet well-meaning romantic. According to some sources Tanzler used their death mask. He had made a villainous face to create a life-sized effigy of her. Very similar to the Corpse he had been keeping in his bed for the last 7 years. Some have even suggested that this wasn't a mere recreation and that Tanzler was somehow able to switch Elena's body with another and had her secretly returned to him. Whatever the case, Tanzler died a free man at the age of 75. His doll bride watching over him as he passed away. One account of his death even states that he died in the arms of the lifeless Elena doll. No. 3 [The Weepy Voiced Killer] Minneapolis 1981, A 911 operator receives a call from an obviously distressed man. He's breathing heavily into the phone and struggling to hold back tears. Through whimpers and a barely coherent voice. The man confessed something truly shocking... Man: Please find me, I just stabbed somebody with an ice pick. I can't stop myself. I keep killing somebody. Whoever was on the other end of the line they weren't lying. Upon investigation the police found the body of Kimberly Compton, An 18-year old student. She had been viciously stabbed 61 times with an ice pick. This was the first of three murders carried out by a man dubbed the weepy voiced killer. For 2 years he would plague the city attacking and murdering women and then notifying police about what he had just done. 2 days after Compton's death the killer called again, this time to make an apology. Don't talk, just listen I'm sorry what I did to Compton. I couldn't help it. Don't know why I had to stab her. I'm so upset about it. I keep getting drunk every night. I can't believe I did it. Big Dream (crying) I can't think of being locked up. If I get locked up I'll kill myself. I'd rather kill myself than get locked up. I'll try not to kill anybody else. Another day passed and the weepy voiced keller called yet again, this time to say that the newspaper accounts of the killing were inaccurate. Though he claimed to be sorry for Kimberly's murder. It started to seem as if he was getting a kick out of his newfound notoriety. Detectives knew that if that was the case it was highly likely he would kill again. They weren't wrong... His second victim was Kathleen [Diane] Greening, a 33 year old. He drowned her in her own bathtub. Finally Barbara Simons, a 40 year old he had met at a bar. She was stabbed more than 100 times. So many wounds would usually suggest that the killer truly hated the person they were stabbing, but in this instance it seemed as though the Weepy Voiced Killer either enjoyed the thrill of murder or just couldn't help himself. the course he made a quite chilling to listen to and it's likely that his reign of terror would have continued had it not been for the actions of a 21 year old prostitute, Called: "Denise Williams". The elusive Weepy Voiced Killer had planned for her to be his fourth victim. On this particular night he solicited denise and brought her back to his apartment to have sex with her. Afterwards he offered to drive her back. She accepted!.. On the way back though Denise sense that something was wrong. Rather than driving her directly back to her stop, her client was taking her down a dark suburban area. That's when he pulled into a dead-end road and stopped the car. Noticing an empty bottle on the floor Denise quickly picked it up to use as a weapon. A decision that probably saved more than just her life. The man pulled out a screwdriver and stabbed her several times in the stomach. She smashed the bottle over his head causing the man to bleed profusely and allowing her enough time to make her escape. Not long afterwards a 911 operator received a call. The dispatcher immediately recognized the voice on the other end of the line. There was no mistaking it. This was The Weepy Voiced Killer This time however he wasn't calling to make a confession, he was calling for an ambulance. The damage that Denise had inflicted on him was too severe to ignore. Officers were notified and within minutes The Weepy Voiced Killer was in custody. This was him! Paul Michael Stefani, a janitor with a history of mental illness. A man who said that to him murder was as much a part of normal life as driving or eating He was convicted of murder and attempted murder and sentenced to 40 years in prison. Despite this Stefani wouldn't confess to the murders for almost 20 years. He died of skin cancer in 1998. No. 4 [Dorothy Donovan] Harrington, Delaware 1991 A man called "Charles Holden" calls the police and asks for an officer to be sent to his house immediately. He claimed that he had just picked up a hitchhiker. While driving the guy to where he needed to go the stranger suddenly pulled out a screwdriver and began attacking Charles. Demanding that he give him all his money in his truck. Charles said that he managed to escape and ran to a nearby store for help. The hitchhiker jumped out of the truck and chased him, but charles managed to get back inside his vehicle. The hitchhiker sprinted after the truck but eventually gave up. Charles said that he drove around for a while to clear his head, before heading back to the home he shared with his mother. "Dorothy Donovan" When he finally got there he saw that the same hitchhiker that had just attacked him was skulking around outside his property. An officer was immediately dispatched. By the time he arrived the supposed hit Hiker had fled the scene. But just to be safe he escorted Charles inside. That's when they noticed the broken Backdoor window... They rushed upstairs and found the body of Charles's mother, Dorothy in her bedroom. She had been stabbed to death. Nothing had been stolen, and there was a bloody handprint on the banister. The prime suspect was of course Charles. His story was rather implausible, after all it sounded as if he had just made the whole thing up on the spot. I mean, what were the odds that the same hitchhiker that had just tried to rob him would randomly end up at his house, break in and then murder his mother for no good reason without taking a single thing with him? Well this case demonstrates that lady luck does like to show off her twisted sense of humor from time to time. Dna extracted from the bloody palm print proof that Charles wasn't responsible for his mother's death. What's more 4 eyewitnesses were found that confirm the hitchhiker did exist. The case appeared on the popular TV show: Unsolved Mysteries in 1995 It wouldn't be until 2006, a full 15 years after the incident that the hitchhiker was found. Gilbert E. Cannon His Dna matched with that found at the scene. He confessed to killing Dorothy and said that he was on drugs at the time. He wanted to find a place to stay for the night and by pure chance the first house he came across without any lights on belonged to Charles and his mother. When he saw Dorothy inside he stabbed her to death with his screwdriver in a drugged up haze. He was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. Had gilbert not accidentally cut his hand while breaking into the house an innocent man could have easily been sent down in his place. the Victims own sons. (unintelligible) It makes you wonder how many other unbelievable alibis might actually be true. No. 5 [The Bomb Hostage] August 28th, 2003 2:28 pm Brian Wells, a 46 year old pizza delivery driver from Pennsylvania walked into a bank clutching a walking cane. He approached the teller and handed them a note. The instructions written on it were simple. Gather all of the employees with the access codes to the vault and fill a bag with 250,000 dollars. Brian gave them 15 minutes to do as he asked. This wasn't your average Bank Heist however. Brian seemingly had no gun with him, no backup and the cane in his hand was unlikely to get him very far. What he did have was a device strapped around his neck concealed beneath his shirt. When he lowered his collar he revealed a large box like contraption. It was a bomb at least that's what he told them. The thing was likely a fake, but the bank employees weren't about to argue with them. Since there was no way to get into the vault at that hour the teller only managed to Gather about 9,000 dollars. Brian took the bag of cash along with a lollipop from the counter, hopped in his car and sped off. It wasn't long before state troopers caught up with him in a local McDonald's parking lot. He was quickly surrounded and cuffed. That's when Brian was able to tell his side of the story. He claimed that the bomb around his neck was real. Said that he was delivering pizzas to an address on the outskirts of town, when he was attacked by a group of men. They held him at gunpoint, locked the explosive to him and forced him to Rob the bank. At this point the police didn't know what to believe. The bomb squad was quickly notified and the cops kept their weapons trained on the pizza boy. Everybody at the scene anxiously awaited the arrival of the bomb squad Brian in particular. every passing second brought the deadly device closer to Detonation. Nobody knew whether he had hours or minutes. Why isn't anybody trying to get this thing off me? He screamed to the nearby officers. Then that 3:18 pm... The device started beeping!.. All the onlookers could do was keep their distance as the beeps became quicker. Brian desperately tried to shuffle back to, as if trying to put some distance between himself and the bomb chained to his neck. Then bang... A small explosion threw Brian backwards onto the pavement. Blood poured out of the fist-sized hole it had made in him. Surrounded by news cameras the 46 year old took a few last gasps of air. Exactly 50 minutes after entering the bank Brian Wells was Dead. 3 minutes later the bomb squad arrived. So was Brian telling the truth about what happened to him and if so who was responsible for chaining the device to the poor guy? Well the subsequent investigation revealed a number of interesting things. Firstly, whoever had made the bomb was a talented craftsman, in fact the contraction was described as a marvel of Diy design The bomb worked much like a giant tanker, and it would have been impossible for brad to remove it himself. it was loaded with 4 small pipe bombs and was filled to the brim with decoy wise and fake warning stickers to throw off anyone trying to deactivate it. On top of that it turns out that Brian did have a gun with him... The cane he was holding was actually a homemade shotgun disguised as a walking stick. Inside Brian's car detectives found a series of notes addressed to the bomb hostage. they contained a very specific set of instructions for Brian to follow and stated that if he wanted to survive he'd have to follow each one to the letter. He was to Rob the Bank and retrieve the 250,000 dollars. The notes then instructed him to: Go to other locations around town where he would find a set of 4 keys needed to remove the device around his neck along with a code to release the combination lock. The note ended with act now, think later, or you will die. After robbing the bank the first note instructed him to: Go to the nearby McDonald's parking lot where he would find another note with further orders. Obviously, this is where Brian was apprehended, So the cops followed the notes directions themselves in hopes that it would lead them to the culprits. This scavenger hunt continued until one note led them to a jar in the woods which was meant to contain the next set of instructions. By the time they arrived the note had been removed. Whoever had set this whole operation up, had been watching the police from the very beginning. The remote location where Brian was jumped offered new clues either. The criminals who the media dubbed the collar bombers had successfully covered their tracks. For the next 7 years the FBI were stumped by this ridiculously intricate bank robbery. Who on Earth would come up with such a complicated and convoluted plan that could so easily go wrong, that did so easily go wrong? They were even the imbeciles or geniuses. In actuality, they were a mix of both! The case took numerous twists and turns and after years of investigation it came to light, That Brian Wells the man who had a chunk of his neck blown away was actually in on the plan from the very beginning. Now I know what you're thinking, What sort of Madman would agree to have a live bomb strapped around his neck and then go on a life-or-death treasure hunt? Well the answer to that is and not Brian Wells. Let me explain: Brian had racked up a lot of debt with a group of crack dealers. He wasn't a user himself, but had started a relationship with a prostitute who was. In return for crack she would have sex with the mild-mannered Pizza boy. Now it doesn't take a genius to work out that crack dealers of the last people on Earth you want to owe money to. He was desperate and needed an out. That's when he was approached by Kenneth Barnes, Bill Rothstein and Bill's ex-girlfriend Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong. The group had a plan to Rob a bank which involves someone wearing a fake bomb around their neck. Not to speak ill of the dead but brian wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed In exchange for a cut of the loot he agreed to wear a fake device around his neck and carry out the heist. If he was caught at any point the notes planted in his car would be proof that he was forced to commit the robbery. In Brians eyes it was the perfect crime. Just before the heist went down though Brain was double-crossed by his accomplices. They pinned him down and locked the real explosive collar around his neck. He went from playing the part of a hostage to becoming an actual one. Not only that but he was doomed from the very beginning. The collar had been designed in such a way that any attempt to remove it or deactivate it would result in its detonation. That was because the money was never the ultimate goal not for the man believed to be the mastermind behind the plot. Bill Rothstein a handy man with the skills needed to .make both the bomb collar and the gun Rothstein was a man who never achieved much in life. ;( If stealing money was his main motivation there would have been far more pragmatic ways of going about things. No, he wanted to make headlines, to lead the police on a wild goose chase and captivate the world with one of the most intriguing cases in history. He intentionally recruited co-conspirators that he could easily control and manipulate. Brian was desperate, Kenneth was a drug addict, Marjorie was said to be highly intelligent yet had gone mad over the years. It wasn't hard for Rothstein to trick the crew into doing his bidding. At least that's the main theory anyway. Rothstein died in 2004 before his involvement in the case ever came to light. He took all of his secrets to the grave and left many questions about the case unanswered. What we do know is that he and the others were involved and that Brian wasn't an innocent victim, but a victim nonetheless. He in the end Rothstein left both Kenneth and Marjorie to take the fall. There's a side note marjorie actually died in prison just a week ago on the 4th of April 2017. There are plenty more details about this case which in the interest of time, I won't cover here. There's a bunch of documentaries and articles on it if you want to learn more as well as a lot of news footage. In 2011 there was actually a hollywood movie released called "30 minutes or less". Which was almost certainly based on this case. They turned it into a comedy a little disrespectful, but nobody saw it, so I guess it doesn't really matter. Hi guys lazy here, and thank you very much for listening. well, I know most of you probably enjoy story videos a lot more than these but um... I think from time to time it's a a lot more fun for me personally to mix things up and do a few of these list videos. Not too many mind you I always had to focus on the stories and speaking of which. I'm going to have some more coming for you very soon because I held that poll on Twitter. And you guys have voted for some creepy cult stories. I believe Anyway guys if you did enjoy this video then be sure to smash that like button! Or I'll smash you and feel free to come and join me over on Twitter and Facebook, Snapchat all my other things blah blah blah you get the drift. Until the next one guys you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark.
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 2,793,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, mysteries finally solved, mysterious, crazy, shocking, deeply disturbing, creepypasta, top 5, top 10, lazy masquerade, maskarade, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, british accent, asmr, caught on tape, brian wells, tanzler, the weepy voiced, real, true, true horror stories, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, reddit posts, 2chan, 4chan, Halloween, countdown, lets not meet, how to, scariest video ever, on youtube, ghosts
Id: bu7q7t8ijGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2017
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