3 Creepy “Region Locked” Mysteries, FINALLY UNLOCKED

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today's video is sponsored by nordvpn whether  you're one of my long-term followers or you've   only heard a few of the mysteries i've covered  you've probably realized the value of staying   safe and secure even while surfing the web with  most of us spending multiple hours each day online   myself included it's safe to say the internet  knows a lot about us unfortunately these days   there are plenty of people out there trying  to get their hands on that data of yours   one of the best ways to protect  yourself while online is by using a vpn   that's when all comes in nordvpn is extremely  reliable and convenient with super fast servers   and 24 7 customer support want to stay  hidden online nord's got your back with   double data encryption for increased anonymity  want more peace of mind their vpn protects your   communications and your personal data and makes  hacking into your devices virtually impossible   with norvpn your information will always be  protected if you find 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case that's infamous in say japan but that   was never picked up on by western media sites  well that was perhaps just never translated   into english in the first place as such that  mystery is quote unquote region locked you either   have to hear about it from a local or speak the  language well enough to not only find it online   but also read about it the ones i'm examining in  this video are still pretty unheard of in the west   and i can assure you they're all equally bizarre  unsettling and sensational so let's get into it   here are three mysteries from other countries  that you've probably never heard of before we'll start with a wild case from malaysia  that has all the ingredients of a gory b movie   political intrigue the occult and a wannabe pop  star turned axe wielding maniac all the malaysians   in the audience already know who i'm talking about  but for the rest of you that wannabe pop star was   mona fandy and this is her story born nur mazner  ismail in 1956 mona fandi grew up in kangar purlis   and from a young age craved attention she loved  nothing more than singing and water ballet and had   big dreams of becoming a global superstar when she  met muhammad noor afandi abdulrahman her biggest   fan with enough cash to fund her dream mona wasted  no time in getting him to put a ring on her finger   now with a wealthy husband to pay for studio time  she was able to release a full-length pop album   called diana she even managed to get onto  several tv shows and sing a few tracks for   the whole nation to hear link to one  of those performances down in the bio   mona's beautiful melodies and dulcet tones  quickly captured the hearts of malaysians   and people everywhere and within months was the  most successful artist in the country's history   here's what she would have wanted to happen in  reality her record was actually a flop and it   quickly became apparent that her career as a pop  singer wasn't going to take off like she expected   but not making a name for herself wasn't an  option for mona if she wasn't gonna have fame   she was gonna have infamy as such she hung up  her microphone and started dabbling in witchcraft   you know as you do this very drastic change  in direction proved to be surprisingly   lucrative for mona she started advertising her  services as a bomo basically a local shaman   and over time she built up a client base in  exchange for an extortionate amount of money   she performed a whole host of maleficent services  curse her clients enemies gift them lucky charms   extend their lives whatever they needed she knew  a ritual that would make it happen at least that's   what she had people believing and not just any  people she had some truly powerful high-profile   clients real vips including politicians from  the country's ruling party pretty soon she was   able to afford things like luxury cars huge  mansions the finest jewelry manny could buy   mona had finally become the success that she  had always wanted to be but there was one thing   missing her name was known and celebrated only  by an elite chosen view not by the whole nation   that was all about to change in 1993 malaysian  politician maslan idris approached mona and   asked for her help maslan wanted to become chief  minister and believe that with the help of mona's   black magic he'd get the post he offered her  2.5 million ringgit for her services about 600   000 american dollars he gave her half a million  ringgit as a down payment and ten land titles says   surety for the rest well of course monroe agreed  to bless him and this blessing came in two parts   firstly she gave maslan a talisman consisting of  a magic cane and a headpiece which both supposedly   once belonged to indonesian president sakano  she told him that these items would make him   invincible secondly she told maslan to come to her  home and take part in a so-called cleansing ritual   according to mona this would purify maslan's  spirit and ensure him the chief minister position   the superstitious maslin agreed maslan arrived  at mona's home in raoub pahang he found her   waiting inside along with her husband muhammad  and one of their assistants juraimi hassan   with candles lit and the mood set  mona told masalan to lie on the floor   she slowly placed flowers on his body chanting  as she did to repel any negative spirits   so far so good when she'd finished placing the  flowers she told maslan to close his eyes and   wait for quote unquote the money to fall  from the sky well that sounded pretty good   he closed his eyes and waited but it wasn't money  that came raining down upon him without warning   jeremy mona's assistant chopped off maslin's  head with an axe that she had just handed him   it went rolling across the floor the  talisman of invincibility clearly didn't work   mona along with her husband and assistant then  cut maslan into 18 pieces skinned them and buried   most of him in a storeroom near the house some  parts of him were never found and it's theorised   that the trio may have eaten some of maslan's  remains as part of their own shamanistic ritual   after this brutal act mona and her accomplices  went on with their lives as if nothing had   happened only difference was they now all  had a bunch of extra cash in their pockets   they all went on spending sprees and mona herself  bought a mercedes-benz and invested in a facelift   no doubt hoping that her career as a  pop star might actually take off someday   it wasn't long before maslan's disappearance  was noticed however still even though he was   officially reported missing for a while  the authorities had no leads to work with   that soon changed in july of that year mona's  assistant jerimie was picked up by the cops on   unrelated charges and while off his head on who  knows what got confused and told them everything   that the trio had done that fateful night he even  led them to the storeroom where they'd hidden what   was left of maslan his remains had been buried  six feet deep and covered with a cement seal   still that's not much use if your accomplice  can't stop himself from confessing   wasn't long before investigators tracked down  mona and her husband as well and soon a very   public trial was underway mona quickly became  the most talked about woman in all of malaysia   she passed in the spotlight of it all never  hiding her face from the cameras and almost   always wearing glamorous and colorful dresses as  she was paraded by guards to and from courtrooms   rather than avert her eyes from onlookers she  instead smiled and posed as newsteam snapped her   photo never missing an opportunity for her newly  lifted face to make the front page of newspapers   on various occasions she was overheard saying  things like looks like i have many fans in her   eyes she was finally famous a household name  albeit for one of the worst reasons possible   after two months a verdict was finally  returned it took the jury just over an   hour to reach their decision all three of the  group were found guilty and sentenced to death   mona's reaction to hearing her life would soon end  she said i'm happy and thank you to all malaysians   she left the courtroom smiling   the day before their sentence was carried out mona  and her accomplices requested her last meal of kfc   she met with her family one last time and said  her goodbyes then on the 2nd of november 2001   at 5 59 a.m mona her husband and  her assistant jeremy were all hanged   her final chilling words aku takan mati i  will never die she was completely calm during   the entire ordeal and was reportedly smiling  when the black hood was placed over her head   two of her abandoned mansions still stand and  are frequently visited by local ghost hunters   all hoping to meet with the wandering spirit  of mona fandy bahang's most notorious shaman   here's a highly debated one from the  philippines that's equal parts dark and cryptic   i'll give you a quick overview of the case and  then get into the real mystery of it all marijuana   and jacqueline chong 21 and 23 respectively  were two sisters living on the island of cebu   back in 1997 their lives came to a grisly end when  they were taken by a group of seven men while they   were waiting for their ride outside a shopping  mall those men were rowan adelujan alberto kanyo   ariel balansak jossman azna james andrew roy  james antonio and most famously paco larinyaga   more on him later the men allegedly forced  the two young women into the back of their van   and then did things to them that  i don't want to talk about here   later they drove them to a ravine  and pushed marijoy over the edge   her body was found two days later jacqueline on  the other hand has never been found to this day   all seven of the men were  eventually tracked down and arrested   a trial was quickly underway and rested on  the back of the prosecutor's star witness   davidson russia russia claimed to have been with  the seven suspects when the women were taken   and in return for complete immunity said  that he had testified to that in court   russia was handsome well-mannered and spoke  english fluently these attributes combined   with him coming clean about what had happened  won him the respect and adulation of the general   public and the jury his confession was enough  to get all seven of the accused found guilty   and each of them were condemned to death case  closed come on you know it isn't all seven of the   now guilty men professed their innocence for years  while awaiting their sentence to be carried out   they said that russia must have been forced by  the police to lie about what had happened that   this was some sort of elaborate cover-up they must  have chosen to make russia the key witness because   they come across best in the public eye indeed  russia had been involved with numerous gangs   over the years and one of his mantras was do what  the leader tells you to do and he will take care   of you only this time they said that he was doing  just what the authorities were telling him to do   the parents of all seven convicted men  agreed and said there was no way their   sons could have committed such a heinous act  of course it's not uncommon for guilty men to   maintain their innocence nor for their parents  to stand by them on the other side of things   the chong's sister's parents thelma and dionisio  chang said that the men's guilt spoke for itself   so here's where things get interesting many years  later in 2018 after all seven men had spent 21   years behind bars a bizarre discovery was made  online several pictures were found on facebook   posted by various members of the chong  sisters family including their own mother   thelma these photos featured two women that share  an uncanny resemblance to marijoy and jacqueline   like a scary resemblance in the minds of the  people who found the photos and the families of   the imprisoned men this was proof that the chong  sisters were still alive and well living in canada   and that like they thought this whole  case had been concocted by higher powers   impossible i mean marijuana's body  was found at the bottom of a ravine   and even though jacqueline's was never found  she surely suffered the same fate right   well that's the thing the body in the ravine that  was identified as mary joyce it was never formally   identified and there's a lot of doubt over whether  it was really her or not if it really is them   in these photos that means that both women were  never slain and that the whole case was staged for   who knows what reason okay what's going on here  well like i said the families of the convicted   men were and still are certain that their  brothers and sons didn't take the girl's lives   what i didn't make clear was that many  people in the philippines agree with them   even before these photos surfaced there had  been several suspicious developments in the   chong sisters case for instance during the men's  trial russia the prosecution's star witness was   only allowed to be cross-examined by the defence  team for 30 minutes despite the fact that his   testimony lasted for several days why involvement  in the whole thing is also highly questionable a   whopping 45 witnesses came forward and swore  under oath that it was impossible for paco to   have taken the girl's lives according to them he  was in quezon city when the killings took place   and didn't travel to cebu until the day after  the whole incident there was even a note in a   log book belonging to a security guard at paco's  condominium stating that he returned to his home   in quezon city at 2 45 am on july 16th the  very night the chong sister's lives were taken   flight records were also presented by airport  personnel showing that paco didn't take   a flight on july 16th 1997 and seemingly  proving that he flew to cebu the day after   all that's to say he almost certainly  wasn't in the city when it took place   all of this evidence was considered  irrelevant by the judge for whatever reason   to many people now looking into the case  this was starting to seem like a cover-up   luckily for paco his mother was spanish  and as such he was a spanish citizen   with spain being part of the eu it of  course opposed his capital sentence   if the filipino government took his life they'd  be in breach of the principle of reciprocity   since the spanish government would never take  the life of a filipino citizen in their custody   as such in 2009 after serving  12 years in a filipino prison   paco was transferred back to spain where  he'll serve the rest of his sentence   today he's allowed to leave the prison several  times a week to work as a chef at a restaurant   and is classified as a third degree  inmate the least dangerous classification   as for the other convicted men their death  sentences were attracted and four of them were   actually released early due to the fact that  they were young when the slayings took place   all four of them were eventually forced to  surrender and return to jail at the request   of president duterte who personally  decided they should not be free men   duterte also fired the man responsible  for signing their release papers   but the question remains are any of  the men guilty at all and if not who is now more than 20 years later the chong sisters  case remains a confusing mess shrouded a mystery   there are those who believe the group of killers  are getting off too softly those who believe it's   all just a huge miscarriage of justice those who  think it's a government conspiracy designed to   protect the real culprits and those who think  the slaying's never happened at all and that   both girls are alive and well living in canada  it's important to keep in mind that the women   in those photos could just be family members who  share a strong resemblance to marijuana jacqueline   there's still not a huge amount of  information on this case available in english   but from what i've researched online  i think i've covered all the bases   i know i have a lot of viewers from the  philippines so i'd like to hear your thoughts   about the case down in the comments and see what  the average citizen thinks happened in this one in keeping with the bizarreness of the  previous two cases let's take a trip over   to india for this last one and examine the  recent grim mystery of the burrari deaths bharari central delhi district back in 2018   this was home to the chunderwats a respectable  middle-class family consisting of 11 members   with the head of the family bapal having passed  the matriarch and new head of the household were   77 year old narayan devi living with her  were her two sons bhavnesh and lalit their   wives savita and tina daughter pratibha and five  grandchildren priyanka nita monu dhruv and shivam   the family made their money in plywood  and groceries and owned two stores in town   their grocery shop the centerpiece of the whole  neighborhood was on the first floor of their home   on the morning of july 1st 2018 local shoppers  were surprised to find the store still closed with   the lights off strange bhavnash the eldest son  cherished the business like one of his children   nobody could remember a time  where he opened the store late   as the morning went by nobody from the family  had come downstairs to open the shop doors   concerned a friend of the family decided to go  inside and check that everything was all right   bizarrely the door was still open he ended and  what he found inside was like a scene from a   horror movie hanging in a circular formation  from the hallway ceiling were ten bodies   swinging back and forth like tree branches in the  wind their hands were bound behind their backs   blindfolds covered their eyes tape covered  their mouths cotton wool plugged their ears   pieces of cloth masked all of their faces  five stools stood on the floor beneath them   the only other family member 77 year old  narian was found lying on the floor all   of the life squeezed out of her the chunderwats  were no more their family friend ran outside and   sounded the alarm and one of india's darkest and  weirdest cases was officially under investigation detectives on the case were faced  with several difficult questions   who had done this to the family the respectable  chunderwats didn't have any known enemies   why were ten of them hanging so ritualistically  yet the family's matriarch wasn't   what was the significance of the taped mouths  wrapped eyes covered faces and blocked ears   an autopsy confirmed that all the family  members lives had ended without a struggle   there was nothing untoward in any of their systems   the first thing the authorities had to establish  was whether the chinawatts had done this to   themselves or if they'd been slain by some unknown  perp or perps the fact that there were five stools   in the room and that nobody in the family had  struggled suggested the former but it didn't   make any sense that they would have all tied their  hands behind their backs and covered their eyes   mouths ears and faces not to mention some of  their feet were still touching the ground slightly   the blindfolds and face coverings had all been  cut from a single bed sheet inside the house   so if this whole thing was the chandelier's  own doing then it appeared to have been a   very spur of the moment decision with minimal  planning several other bizarre clues came to   light when the investigators examined the scene  most notably eight cell phones belonging to the   family were found taped inside a drawer  hidden from view what did this all mean   the detectives soon learned that the 45 year  old second son of mariam who was also found   swinging in the hallway had been acting very  strangely in the days leading up to the incident   he'd been talking about how his deceased father  was appearing to him in his dreams and how his   old man was trying to possess him they pursued  this lead and found 11 diaries and a number   of notebooks belonging to elite that took this  investigation in a completely unexpected direction   for the past 11 years lalit had  been documenting his obsession   with moksha a set of rituals that were meant to  bring about the salvation of his family's souls   you see lalit had a side hobby the occult  and what's more he'd somehow got in his   whole family interested in his strange practices  his notebooks and diaries detailed the strange   rituals that they'd all been practicing  and how they believed these rituals were   bringing them closer to summoning the spirit  of their deceased patriarch narian's husband the most vital piece of evidence found  in these notes however were instructions   written by lalit himself on how the family  should tie their hands behind their backs   and how they should cover their faces  in preparation for the so-called kriya   the ritual that would finally allow  them to meet their patriarch spirit   it also stated that since narian couldn't stand  she would complete the ritual on the floor   since their remains were found in the  same way lalit had specified in his notes   it quickly became clear that the family had  done this to themselves they had obviously been   planning this for a long time and had somehow  managed to keep it a secret from everybody   nobody in the neighborhood had any idea  that the family were actually practicing   dark magic the most haunting part of all of this  is that it appears that the chunderwats thought   they'd actually survived the ritual al-adit  himself had written in his nose everyone will tie   their own hands and when the career is done then  everyone will help each other untie their hands   he'd even made notes about how they were  going to perform the career again a week   later to bring fortune to another relative  priyanka was engaged to be wed that next   week as well and the whole family had been  excitedly preparing for the event they all   had future plans and aspirations they clearly  didn't expect things to end the way they did   though from an outsider's perspective it's hard  to see how they couldn't have lalit was clearly   a delusional man and investigators concluded that  this was all a case of shared psychotic disorder   and that the family had decided to follow leet's  instructions without question still it's hard to   imagine how one goes about convincing 10 family  members to willingly go through with such a plan   despite all of the evidence there are of course  still those who believe that someone else was   responsible for what happened to the chandeliers  however without any other evidence suspects or   possible motive i think it's safe to say  that this case has officially been solved hey guys lizzy here and thank you very much for  listening so these were some fun and bizarre ones   let's put it that way but yeah i've kind of  come up with this region locked series idea   so if you'd like to hear more cases from other  countries that are quote unquote region locked   let me know in the comments down below and i  just might make a sequel a huge thank you to   robin mickelson for making the thumbnail for this  video he's a real artistic legend so make sure to   check them out via the links down in the bio and  also i'd like to say a huge thank you to all of my   supporters here on youtube and over on patreon  especially my biggest supporters hey mishkay   phantom knight amanda hansen kelvin born expand  on the leki leonardo martinez hungry and hammered   or a dragon one rikikon jr the only dorita lord  210 azrael warakai infamous empappy decaying girl   connor lotham tani nadine sloane crawford  sarah ramirez anime wimp charlie lackey   gina valera procupadineta philip westra alex  greenzoll tom king monica mendoza and crawford   k mcdonald thank you guys so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   that wraps things up for this one guys final  video of the year so uh happy new year to all   of you i know this year hasn't been so great  but uh fingers crossed for the next one hey   so until january you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 528,234
Rating: 4.9457555 out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, lazy masquerade mysteries, scariest video ever, horror, scary true stories, true horror stories, creepy pasta, top 10, pictures with backstories, British accent, Asmr, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, reignbot, dyatlov pass, wow! signal, deeply disturbing, reddit stories, skin walkers, yanderes, 2chan, new, best, lazy maskarade, finally solved, terrifying, strange, region locked mysteries, Mona Fandey, india, Malaysia, phillipines
Id: LP3UkprUh-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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