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ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to very scary games in one video I don't know how many I'm gonna play right now it all kind of depends on how long these games are gonna be but there's a few games online on each that IO that I have really wanted to play because they just look awesome and it is the month of spook Tober so it's time to get scared it's time to play some horror games this first one is why is it not on screen hello oh there it is okay this first one is called perfection it didn't look like a scary game but when I clicked on horror games it popped up it looks kind of cool I like the idea behind it so let's get in and try it out why not do you find yourself dreaming of something better than the life you lead always way of laws can finally be yours to control Irish lock oh man I love this here at never better we believe in a perfect world and this world starts with you we're committed to perfecting perfect to make your wildest dreams turn into realize your true potential [Music] so what are you waiting for make perfection yours [Music] this isn't more shampoo oh man that's great oh this is supercool that's my mouse on screen I don't like that go away Mouse Wow look at my perfect house everybody did I put this together with my perfect face my perfect body lifted that table into place oh wait this is my house this is an office [Laughter] perfection in progress oh so I have to become perfect that music sounded a lot like Zelda for a second you dudududu dude Oh God my name is Peter perfect Peter perfect picked a peck of pickled perfects a peck of pickled perfect Peter pepper very perfect take whatever we're dedicated to perfecting perfect kept perfect perfect it's supposed to be perfect is an illusion it doesn't exist we're dedicated please use your gender I am a male which image makes you feel the most uneasy I can see you did it I did it none of these make me feel uneasy these are all fairly normal things definitely not this that's just a shattered mirror maybe the eyeball one this doesn't at all it's just a person sitting down in the dark this Rawdon cuz just the idea of poking some in your eye that's worse than any of the other ones we hope you enjoy the rest of your journey to perfection okay interesting okay they're out to lunch I wonder when they'll be back oh god copyrighted music stop it a dream is wish that your heart makes yes never better makes perfection attainable please describe your symptoms of imperfections I overthink literally everything I'm really insecure about my body how I look and I worry too much about what what people think about me I can relate oh we're gonna get real with this game I like that lamp disappeared this place is not perfect okay shh shh shh please describe your symptoms of imperfections below perfect me would like water would have short black hair instead of my shaped head I'd be slimmer but still stocky I'd like to be more confident in myself and be more tech-savvy oh wow that's me oh god I'm idiot no you know what I'm perfect just the way you are okay let's head in it reminds me the big beginner's guide for some reason my flaw is that I always show that I have to be in what I have to be important things for me I have to do important things for me and everyone else and I try hard to do it but I never do and in consequence I disappoint people I love to be perfect I would change my phone stop Oh change my attitude of laziness to productivity so I've never let down my friend and from friends and family again okay that was a hard one to read I can't read handwriting apparently all right so I get the idea for what the game is going for Oh God sorry hit my mouse okay not in use there's nobody in there achieving perfection right now got it this person's asleep wake up you're gonna dream nice purse of God is it the people talking about me happiness even though I like my solitude there's a part of me that's worried about being alone forever see the idea of perfection as well is that we all know perfections imaginary it doesn't exist there is not a single thing that's perfect in this world and it never will be and that's completely fine you don't need to be perfect you don't need to achieve perfection what you need to be achieving what you need to be striving for is your best now I'm a penis okay holy [ __ ] I saw Harley Quinn and then Bill Cosby came up really close to the lens is that his jail cell [ __ ] music's make me feel better though do do do do do do do do do do do do do do also the idea of perfection as well is completely individualized to every single person on the planet and even then you don't know what's perfect for you nobody else knows what's perfect for you so how the hell would you achieve perfection not only that but your idea of perfection is gonna change year after year every like three years you become a new person definitely at least every five years you become a completely new person you're not the same person you were five years ago five years ago I started YouTube and completely different than I was back then so what was perfect to me then is not the same as what's perfect to me now I don't even know what's perfect for me and I guess that's what the game is trying to show you and by the end of it we will see that procrastination depression anxiety to get talents to have more aesthetic awareness kinesthetic awareness for status respect friends love to be more competent to unlock a great mystery okay that is asking quite a lot okay this is a horror game [ __ ] you permanent joints that utilize but what am i hearing Oh God what are you give God like a chicken bone hand Jesus layered with titanium for low density making it lightweight and corrosion resistant and I need a screen blah blah oh I can't put it on here anymore what's wrong with his face doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo it's a lot nicer when I think about it being Zelda Oh God glitchy weirdness I don't like it can I look at the room again oh no they're looking at me I put on the headset look at me strut my stuff though Donny look it's so crazy right now your loves got me looking so crazy right now oh is that a blood bag watching cuz I'm curious oh it is a blood bag whose blood is this not mine what type of eight okay okay okay we're walking down the hallway and everything's glitching fantastic what's at the table and feeling woozy guys I won't feel so good mr. stark okay okay okay this is not perfect okay I know that this is not perfect this is definitely not perfection for me Oh glitch again who's there because I'm curious I'm a peeping tom I want to live vicariously through others okay now it's watching me okay these are all the same look back still they're creepy i lady you're still watching me keep waiting for something else to happen like it did with Bill Cosby okay I'm back here now what is this place this is some sort of weird freaky utopia or the syringes that was on the table oh the eye is upside down now this is cool what I breathe heavily when I look right here stop it see no I was just about to say it I was just about to say it no no no no [ __ ] oh it was just about to say this type of camera thing is a really good way of doing a jump-scare a really good way of doing any sort of scare like just put something in the corner like facing the wall or something then when you turn around it's not there that kind of [ __ ] freaks me out and then it happened look knowing there's something behind you but not being able to like see it kind of thing okay let me go home oh [ __ ] [ __ ] johnny-come-lately over here oh hi [ __ ] I'm pretty sure we're not into the same thing pretty sure you're into way freakier [ __ ] than I am oh [ __ ] oh no you let it let it go away it's me I don't want it to be me patient named Peter perfect imperfection to target fear of judgment self-worth must be enlarged and not rely on other attributes enlarged 'end not enlarged synopsis is patient curious about their environment their curiosity makes them hyper aware of their surroundings hmm does patient follow orders no they made it their own distant they made their own decisions no matter the risk oh I wonder if this would change if I went through it differently patient reaction when faced with danger they show promising signs of bravery system error patient remains imperfect restart system remain imperfect oh that's cool you know what I don't care I am going to and it just closes I'm going to remain imperfect you know why because we're all imperfect that's the that's what Humanity is that's what existence is there's no such thing as perfect it doesn't exist it's a it's a thing you make up thinking that you know what perfect is but when you actually think about it like think about it right now what it what is perfect to you what do you want right now that you think would make you perfect and I bet there's a bunch of it in there that you have no idea and the thing is that the the fallacy in this is that whatever you think makes you perfect whatever you think in your head is going to make you perfect like all these attributes that you could say right now that you say will make you perfect like if you just had this I would be perfect but then other people would start looking at you differently other people would look at you in a way that doesn't make you perfect and that's the problem with it is that somebody out there somewhere is gonna dislike you no matter what you do in life anything you do you could go out there and save millions and billions of people and somebody out there are still gonna be like oh yeah well they just did it for the glory or something like that somebody's always going to poke at something you do or you as a person regardless of what it is and that in and of itself makes you not perfect to you you may be but how long will that last like in ten years will you still consider that version of yourself to be perfect perfection is an always moving goalpost so I'll choose to remain imperfect because that's what I like about myself I like that I'm not perfect I like that I'm just out here having as much fun as I can and trying the absolute best that I can with what I have in the moment and I will constantly be trying to do that and that to me is what's perfect to me you know it's not even perfect you know what that is that's PMA trying my best with what I have in the moment every day and sometimes that might not always work but you know what that's fine and it's when you start realizing that as well I'm gonna go off in a on a psychological tangent here it's when you realize that perfection is an illusion and you're never ever gonna get there but once you start trying your best and start loving yourself for who you are the idea that you are already enough what you are right now is already enough you you can do more and you can push things and you can be more ambitious and reach new horizons for sure but who you are right now in this moment is absolutely enough it is good enough right now for who you are and that is your base plate that's where you start stepping off when you realize that you were enough perfection is an illusion and you just start trying your best start loving yourself and taking care of yourself then you can start loving the world as a whole and you can start loving others a whole lot more because when you love yourself loving everything else is easy loving yourself is one of the hardest things to do and like in genuine love for yourself not this narcissistic egotistical love where you think you're hot [ __ ] and think you're amazing but actual self-love where you think you know what I'm doing good I'm doing my best and I am enough outside of that that to me is bring it in bring in the next game nice oh okay this one's called the mask reveals disgusting face I literally only picked this game because of the name the mask reveals disgusting face is an incredible name I love that the mask reveals garbage boy that's me two years have passed since I've been diagnosed with clinical depression since then things didn't get any better my friends tried to help me but nothing worked ultimately it seems they stopped trying I think they're disappointed in me when all my hope was gone I started to feel like I'm a drag for people around me I decided to spend some time alone an empty house outside the town away from the problems away from disappointed friends Jesus this is getting real soon I realized that it was a bad idea after a month spent in loneliness I lost my mind completely my pains have grown I've become paranoid but that's not the worst thing that happened something weird happened to this house today I find out that the house is surrounded by a grid it appeared from nowhere I tried to get through it but no look I'm locked here but why besides I feel like I'm not alone here I can hear strange sounds and I see things oh god I really need to get out hmm okay so you spent some time oh god I can't use my mouse I've to use the keys oh this is gonna be bad oh this is cool I like this this so old-school can't use it there's no signal I'm gonna use the computer no need to use the computer right now what if I want to what if I want to look up cat videos oh so old-school okay you did say that you see things hope those things don't show up [Music] okay regular old bathroom JD that I have to use like a keyboard just for this makes it even more tense put a box of batteries oh [ __ ] I having a flashback to some game when I was younger and I can't remember what it is just like that sound effect really reminded me of something I was like back as a kid again okay thought I was gonna go silent there for a second when it goes silent that's when you know bad things are going to happen can i microwave a burrito I really want one wait what were you telling me I could oh I'm not hungry I am always hungry that's my secret captain oh I don't want to be outside not yet anyway oh my god the 2d I need a key to open this okay have we checked everywhere down here now nope oh wait that's where I came out all right well out into the outdoors YZ we go Jesus Christ some mystical force pushes me away this reminds me at the end of I'm scared it's dark I need flashlights and batteries okay well I have the batteries I just need a flashlight now flashlight yay oh that's key stuck maybe a crowbar will open it I'm pretty good you know I don't I don't really feel like going down there that looks like a place that would suck the life out of me okay flashlight flashlight either one would make me happy right now Withlacoochee the clock is ticking but time means nothing it is a construct created by the government keep tabs on us 21:31 maybe that's the code did I just see a face on that mm-hmm not a fan of that my old collection of Records all clocks in the house have stopped working 2 1 3 1 I'm gonna try that it's useless Gary you're stuck completely stuck and you can do nothing about it all your life you've been walking down the downward spiral and this place is going to be the end for you still let me find my flashlight Oh God I'm fine I'm fine shut up Oh No Oh followed the blood Cinderella clean the floor Cinderella oh sure let's go down into the hole yeah the basement was too dark to go down without a flashlight but now the hole is [ __ ] fine here we go found the flashlight without batteries I have the batteries it's really like men you know maybe it just triggers it when I go down into the thing No oh no or does it like to be gauged do you feel like the do you like the feeling of helplessness you're dead Gary and soon you realize it Wayne Wayne Wayne I was cute am i dead [ __ ] I am dammit didn't realize [Music] all right here we go press F to turn on the flashlight bingo bango my name's Django it's not it's Jack actually it's not Jack either it's Shawn actually pleased to meet you I don't know if you can even hear that don't remember the cellar being so huge god I'm gonna get lost ok stay in the edges first crowbar Oh No [Music] okay okay okay I'm trying to find my way out of that [ __ ] I love you know I went out I want out baby once out baby wants a bottle is it this is it this is escape this is escape this is freedom point ok cool cool cool I'm fine everything's cool everything's doper if ik why why going down why always stay up here stay in the house maybe this is the vision we'll eyes my downward spiral I hope this place will lead me to an exit get very big Dino Crisis vibes I can feel the soil falling over my head and as I climb into an empty bed I know it's over I don't know where else I can go this is got some cool atmosphere going on like the game controls kind of shittily I mean I'm getting used to it I kind of like it for it where like modern standards Atwood and it it looks kind of kind of crummy but I kind of like that as well oh god it's please massive how my communicator open this of course you do of course you do sweetheart lock it no thanks but enough of your shenanigans I'm getting out of here I'm a brave boy okay you need me scared knock knock I really don't want to open that door you know what that's fair I would I would agree with that nice looking for a key okay I don't know if that means that you left or you broke down the door or now I have to run away from you oh well no what do you want to get out you were just in a teeny tiny box room just go just go just gonna chewy it reminded me like all the days of like penumbra and stuff I miss those games I don't have to find more of these [Music] there's one put into cubes okay got it there must be another one close by here as well no Perrine oh gosh our control I don't know if something actually is gonna come out and chase me at any point I'm kind of preparing for it all right go go go go go go go go go I put the squares in the square holes actually put the cubes in the cube holes but games saved oh that makes me uncomfortable does that mean something's about to happen is that mean this is way longer than I was expecting it to be probably walking on it oh Jesus Christ I had to look I had to look come on like you didn't want to look there it is I'm on it I'm going I wonder if any of those doors are open I love this song I'm going I'm going okay made it alright well it saved again so maybe that either means I'm gonna do more or it's just letting me avoid that again oh no this is my pistol what's it doing in here where did you come in here you haven't achieved anything by this there is no escape you're stuck here forever and never-ending pain or make it no you but you can make it stop the choice is yours Oh God Oh God [Music] if I choose no which I want to obviously don't to kill myself if I choose now will I actually just be stuck in this level forever I will resist I don't want to die here do you honestly think you can save yourself yeah time to take off the masks oh oh okay I have 80 sanity oh the mask is chasing me okay oh I can shoot nice Oh God okay I didn't realize it was that close hey keep your ears peeled oh oh oh it's very fast got it got it got it got it oh oh oh got it yes it's like bling doom pulled you through the [ __ ] just take that dank dirty tank demons oh it's all over I finally managed to defeat my own fears cleaning up my mind all this time my grid existed only in my head my personal demons locked me up here but I won and now I'm free [Music] I've come back to the house and found something that what wasn't here before a letter from my friends they're not disappointed in me they asked me to come back their kind words finally reminded me that I'm not alone and they're still hope fully cam I step out of the house or just a few hours ago I was suffering my worst nightmare ever finally I'm coming back and this time I will find a solution I'm coming home oh what a nice uplifting message to have at the end of all of that that you can overcome your demons you can fight back against your depression and your anxieties and you can overcome whatever you want and move on in your life I spit on my keyboard oh that was lovely I like that a lot okay bye bye bye game wherever you went I don't know are you guys ready are you guys okay are you doing well are you hanging in there are you ready for more alright I'll give you give you guys a second to breathe no resting for you okay we're getting right into the next game this one's called nan massacre and I dunno there's something about these like oh it's all frozen there's something about these like really retro looking styles the CRT and the VHS effect and all the the weirdness like that that I just love oh god I can lean outside of the bath I can't interact with stuff I have no idea what I'm doing oh I think I'm supposed to wait hello Oh get it I don't like being in the bath anymore I'm gonna get all wrinkled I got no legs want to see down halfway I wanted to look down to see if I had any like Weiner hanging out or something oh goody it's one of these games you know what happenes you came out and it made you open up everything and every other game developer was like hey let's do that that's scary it's not it's tedious it's annoying whoa you just realized that that song and your dear mrs. McDonald I hope this letter finds you well your child is sick well thanks for giving me the time to read that even though I barely could because it was super difficult to read in this filter the road is blocked okay okay I can read it again it's sick and needs your immediate as something out looks like Alan nation attention stupid we would normally handle this but the situation urgently not a telephone service you will need to appear in person okay okay put the letter down what's it all right put it away Oh escape okay I need to appear in person so we're going up to the nunnery go home I won't go back okay push it forward it's good it cool do I aim to avoid notice is that what's going on I hope so nuns are freaky hey there was a movie just called the nun recently a horror movie I haven't seen it though but I watched the trailer and laughed at it a lot so that probably tell you a lot about it Oh sisters I want to get sister scared I have a lot of salmon ah finally a person in a video game who can run for more than five seconds and it goes up super quick why even have a stamina bar then what the hell is this place I'm kind of glad that I ended up like jogging down here because if I had to drive down here I would definitely have fallen off the edge of that cliff so this is this game isn't free all the other ones that I normally play in these types of videos are free but this one isn't so oh hell yes I [ __ ] love it I love that [ __ ] man it's so cool [Music] makes it feel like the start of The Exorcist or something wait where am I going that's fun see how about I've driven my car here well the hippity hopping going on they're never gonna be able to catch me cuz I I'm getting super fit but yeah this this is a this is a game that costs money so it's Kathy right Kenny what like a mountain goat so I think it has a bit more to it than just like a little like demo or something I think there's I think this is like a full-on game Jesus Christ it's Lux don't see anybody around except murder don't turn on I'm read it oh there's a person really hoping they we actually get there soon so far it's for like 10 minutes of just walking oh they're gone oh oh [ __ ] okay I'm into it you see what you're doing see you cross that's a good thing and a wheelchair a lone wheelchair a wooden cross well thanks oh hey ground a tree the rain okay well at least I'm making progress I think I have no idea okay hey can I come in I see where you blocked the road there was no way my car was getting up here so thanks for that good looking out it's me Billy Bob mountain goat like I'm in this place is gigantic holy hell oh sorry please let me in I am [ __ ] sopping any of these a door this game is confusing as all hell I can't get in anywhere here either am I even supposed to interact with this [ __ ] building I honestly have no idea oh is that the light I've been seeing hello oh okay progress all right oh I realize as well I've been looking at the three songs like shout freak out and mess up we good okay I'm responsive good looking at like the VHS effect for so long I looked over at my camera and I was like whoa that's really high-def like it looks so smooth and clean compared to what this is all right where are we dropping I need to [ __ ] stop saying that this is freaky man I have a letter oh I don't I can't take it out anymore well you know what it beats being out in the [ __ ] rain oh no I'm mistaken it's not this is so creepy and dark what Oh lighter yes Oh mini little drawers neat okay hopefully this doesn't run out Oh hide oh you're telling me to hide that I know I know what kind of game this is gonna be just a TV I mean just a TV TV's a dope oh I'm so unsettled good this nice this is super atmospheric oh oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] did you see her where'd she go oh she went into a temporal hole in the [ __ ] wall all right they're scary enough as it is I don't need time-traveling phase-shifting nuns okay something's pumping up a bike tire why do I need a wooden plank oh sweet Jesus is scary okay maybe it's [Laughter] wait what what do I have to start the whole thing over again no oh I can skip ahead is that just gonna bring me into the nunnery then and I don't have to do all that stuff for the start I hope so some of the stars fine for world building and everything but if I have to do that every time yeah okay first off that is complete horseshit that you die as soon as anything goes wrong what if one of the nuns catches me do I have to just come back and try again okay I I can't [ __ ] read that right now all right I'm sorry little girl but okay fine I can't be with myself mommy dropped me off at my new school I'm going to miss my old friends I brought Bongo uncle the cat with me though we have a leather a teacher named sister booth I just want a collar oof well she and I can't [ __ ] read this today we learned about whatever [ __ ] kids you know what to talk about give me this later dope all right so it seems like stuff might all be in the same positions every time so that makes it a little better a little less [ __ ] oh my god that's so cool so Z is to use my inventory a standard oil lighter I can use this to see where I am maybe it has another use maybe lockpicks zero status fine got Tomb Raider - ass [ __ ] menu screen oh she's me show up again I know what that beeping was all right now I actually know what I'm doing I even saw it and everything and I was and I ran into it by accident cuz the momentum just kept going scared the [ __ ] out of me I wouldn't plank maybe I can use it to walk across something yeah but how how do we frickin put it down Oh f is to put it down barbed wire pin looks like I'll die but the [ __ ] thing fell down wait does it respawn are you serious oh this game is a bunch of horseshit oh okay but I gotta get the crystal Queen okay stop it you [ __ ] Jesus he's really loud alright maybe we're it was interactable okay fine picky ass game can you like save or something no that'll be great oh is it making a little [ __ ] Bobby a break that's good breaks are good night oh I can just jump through nice I'm a brave boy [Music] radar oh god I don't know if I want radar what is this [ __ ] alien isolation baby snake that is your salat on radar salat on radar I mean they're close oh I gotta be you're shootin was being close on the radar oh I don't know if I want to risk it there was another way I could go though don't tell me this is death just don't do me like that please give me a chance at least it's screwed shut okay I can just go around in the vents all day I'm a sneaky little rat also if I was coming to this place and then saw all of this I would know put the [ __ ] out I would be gone even if my child was in there well I probably go in probably try and save the child you know instincts and all that but also [ __ ] this you know yeah me feel me I feel me I wish I didn't gates locked can't go that way all right so some kind of glitches out as well when they're near so it's good that we have some sort of indicator apart from just the radar what is this game god this is confusing a paperclip oh hey what happened here I [Music] don't sleep god oh god Oh horrible horrible wallpaper no one wants to see that I need you to be really bad in class but mother whatever problems of kids I have my old problems going on right now okay the reason I'm not reading them as well as cuz I barely can carry them okay let me its my brick drop my break let me hold on to these Bandidos oh man I really want to try and like save or something I'm afraid to press escape though in case it cancels out of the game oh oh what do we do I'd I've no idea how to avoid them sister Imelda sister or something oh this is so tense poor ass cheeks take a shower wash off the sin then that nuns won't catch you we're going to take a [ __ ] yeah that would be really helpful a religious painting well thanks Captain Obvious that big ass place I mean it did look pretty big on the outside so that makes sense what is up with this room Denton Denton tainted day-to-day data sneaking [Music] holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that's terrifying oh my god holy [ __ ] that legit got me I don't know what I'm doing in this game man I don't use my lockpicks I know that you know again that sound was so scary so loud my ears anything on this bed that I can get no I think I can turn the VHS effect off oh I can make it look like a PlayStation game black and white oh that's kind of cool oh it makes it way easier to see okay let's do this I like to BHS effects but to a certain degree wait let me see that oh now I can read and he'd pee really badly in class and whether Apollonia wouldn't listen I couldn't hold it I couldn't hold it so I tried to pee a little on my desk but she found out everybody taught or everybody laughed at me and you clean it up walk around the other kids call me pee pee pants now that's worse names I'm never going to have friends I'm trying to pray more if Jesus is watching me but I feel so alone I don't know what to write so that's the end for now oh that's really sad use for some kind of surgery what are you real Jerry I'm sorry what Raymond squeaky toys they're close by oh [ __ ] where are they [ __ ] nowhere apparently oh oh oh oh we're coming right for me Jesus Christ you're gonna give me a heart attack oh there's a mannequin arm oh I think I'm on to something I think I'm gonna win now is it here I can't reach it what the [ __ ] is the arm for you [ __ ] kidding me is this here all this time oh my god okay okay well we're up here now what do we get Oh wire Clippers you can't count here more items okay where am i brick oh no mannequin arm is the thing I need to drop [ __ ] what was that I did want to drop my lighter [ __ ] the mannequin err okay pick up the wire Clippers nice surgery light that's right of course it is alright now we can go cut the wires upstairs at least you can remember how the hell to go there hi I'm fine everything's good don't worry oh man what a mess of a game boy I kind of want to go back and try it again now that I kind of made some sort of progress maybe if I snip the the cables that will open up one of the gates and then I can go further I just kind of got dick there at the end because I just turned the cord it was old like glitchy [ __ ] going on and then I just turned the corner and they were there and then I had to run away and I I wasn't aware of my surroundings of where to go and hide and stuff so maybe I could do it again I don't know I like the visual style of the game though and it's very very atmospheric and it actually put me on edge a lot and having that Norden chase you that is legitimately terrifying because it's so loud it's so much louder than anything else in the game oh man I like the old retro look about at all but anyway thank you guys so much for watching these games if you like them shall I put in the vise-like opposed and they raise a rope Shh but thank you guys so insane it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go meditate for an hour [ __ ] [ __ ]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,377,179
Rating: 4.9580789 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, gameplay, 3 games 1 video, funny game, download, download link, indie game, random games, random indie games, random funny games, random jacksepticeye games, scary games, 3 scary games, perfection, perfection game, the mask reveals disgusting face, nun massacre, jumpscare, horror games, indie horror
Id: grFzWczQb3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 25sec (3445 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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