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hello and welcome back to more three scary games max not feel right now but if you leave a message I'm sure and you'll get back to mount I bet [Music] Oh where am I hello spooky games are we oh don't mind if I yes all right this game is called Choji no I don't know what that means but the style looks okay very neat hon hello hello oh oh I control you like this this is not at all what I thought this game was going to be like Oh weird yes Samurai Jack going on what's up I'm a real samurai now can I do anything else can I chop you in half I would love to I look awesome who needs a katana when you have a face like a blade I also got my badass demon mask just in case I need to like blend in sorry let's move it along shall we oh no my entire village you destroyed it it's just like sec you know all over again I don't relive those memories is this gonna be as hard as that I don't want it to be as hard a sec you know it's very beautiful though that's a big ass move please move that big [Music] I know you're hiding somewhere like I can sniff out [ __ ] where's the enemy's let me let me slice some dudes Master sensei what even is the haps right now what's going on dawg sorry samurai say right way are you a good or a bad oh you're turning slow like you're a real bad oh did he just puke up a horse I am NOT a doctor but I'm pretty sure that's not normal uh yeah boy has a long ass sword eat it horse sorry I just had to put him down you know when you meet a guy in a flaming inferno what I don't even really think that I could call that a game I I can't he just got in and walked around and then he did all the cool stuff on his own I'd like a whole monologue prepared about how awesome it was to kill a dude who puked up a horse kill a horse that came out of a dude's stomach stomach horse puking puking man baby horse baby fire short get what that was like a minute long the Introit did for this video was even longer than that how about to have some words with some very fine people on October 22nd 1999 Daniel Lennard and his friend Heather Myrick went missing while on a camping expedition we didn't know the rest because I can't read fast enough this is that expedition ooh yeah oh sorry the sound hunting kicked in yet alright let's wash out the bad taste of whatever it was we just played let's play this one whoa this is very scary or as the French would say tres carry a hell yeah I got some sweet little legs though always appreciated when a game gives me legs oh well make myself throw up if I'm not careful hello oh you know when you go out in the woods when you take poop you're supposed to bury it you're not supposed to leave it outside your tent all right where am I supposed to be going should I keep the flashlight on or off I'm it I don't want to keep it on Stephen Stephen you've been missing for months we've been looking for you what's been going on told Jesus I I run like somebody who has great purpose hurry yeah if they're like let's come on I flash a lot to summon you just walk towards light Stephen this one's got the house of the woods right now I'm just seeing the woods in the woods and then over the house parent is he all up now who's party without me was I not invited because that's very rude oh oh there's there's some demonic energy coming from over here now I grew up in Ireland so those demonic energy everywhere I can sense these things hello Oh mr. rock is making noise this don't look anything like Dwayne Johnson what does that mean so the sex toy looks like what I would know anything about those maybe it's pointing where I'm supposed to go or something it's like I'm here go down until you meet a coat hanger and then keep going Ruby edges have to fight more of these sounds I'm lost in the woods the trees are talking to me in Stevens are to be found god I'm out of breath just listening to this ladder in her own my legs still okay my legs are fine I did i I found you Oh your other steps though I don't like this this is really creepy I'm not scared I'm just gonna keep running forever I'm running away from my feelings one Wiener later guys it's been 14 years I'm still lost woods I know we're going there's no way out the woods are endless they keep going forever those two things mean the same thing but I can't fight it oh my god I don't even know where I started huh I've found another one kind of fence ee is that what does it mean I don't know but I I could really use like a neutral grain buyer or something I've been running around the woods for about four hours you can see if I can hear any other ones trying to see if I can hear now there's a party trick oh I found it that's the house of the woods it's the name of the game oh you got a Blair Witch me we're gonna go in sight and Stephens gonna be standing against the wall and I'm gonna be like I did not he's not gonna hear me and then I'm gonna get scared I don't know let's wait here shall we maybe boom boom not a fan of this Oh Steve and wait to run away from your mother like that now I have to come get you oh this sucks nah I'm on edge already stop with this oh the heebies are up my back and the jeebies are knocking at the door buck I'm cool calm and collected like a cucumber [ __ ] otters hands all over the wall what does this mean in the orphanage oh I hate this walking around in a big house where I don't belong Who am I where am i why am I stop all this oh no no no no no no no my own hands scared me what the [ __ ] was that oh god I am like really scared of this video game it's just a bunch of ones and zeros and pixels but my god now that just makes it worse if you turn off too late makes it much worse stop doing that oh I hate I hate when I just hear footsteps and I don't see what's making the footsteps oh you knew what you were doing you knew what you were doing when you sent me upstairs and you'd have to be nothing up there and then I have to come back down but hearing somebody call my own head and scare me what you ruining like Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker oh there's a downy down this is nightmare oh it didn't strap yourselves in folks I hear you I don't want to hear ya oh I knew it I knew it I knew it I called its even I [ __ ] told you standing in the corner like that we stand in the corner who's bad boy an aerial search you can search a sedan your girlfriend wait is a restart no it's just gonna do the same thing again right I don't have to pay it twice this is just the Blair Witch Project in video game form ok well well I try and pull myself out of the deep recesses of my mind where I went back like a childhood baby let's try and move on it says on there heo page that heavily inspired by the Blair Witch Project yeah and it scared me just as much as that the first time I watched that you knew what you were doing he also said the ending is unfortunately finished as we ran out of time for the jam I always make time for Jam I love putting it on toast but that's that that was really good I like that a lot the visuals were actually really solid they the head bug got a little annoying when you were just running forever but it was really it really looked like somebody holding a camera running through and give that level of disorientation that house really G beat up my eenie you determine what that means all right more games more scares I'm not afraid I'm a big boy ok have you had a moment to catch your breath I haven't I've launched a straight into the next game it's the power of editing baby you guys just get to sit back make T pause the game pause the video maybe even come back in a week or a day don't you better be watching this all the way through I need that watch time this game is called VHS really like the look of it there was a ps1 game jam that went on on Itchy Oh recently or somewhere as a lot of the games ended up on HBO so we're here to play those hey Matt listen up oh oh no I clicked out of it sorry dip what okay so we gotta figure this thing out god it's a lot of symbols in today's video games pick a tape any tape what is this one say oh this looks great okay here we go into the TV hole you go y'all remember what a VCR was if you're too young to know what a VCR was watching this video shame on you for being born later than I am new piano is playing itself some synth are you using a camera to record your cameras it's like using my eyeballs to look at eyeballs said the inside of an oven a [Music] knife in a tomato could be an apple don't pass judgment I'm sorry it's okay Suri no one gives a [ __ ] law is honored however it is informally honored there are supposed to be sanctions however I think that in a lot of offices you walk into offices and there is supposed to be adherence to the law it is I think adhered to this cause largely but there are a lot of breaches I think that the whole issue is so powerful so powerful in the Congress and Ian and in the states happening what amazing to the city halls that we can't get reasonable controls for smoking but okay we're back to the abstract earth I like this part way more there's music it keeps my attention and attention span of a wooden spoon so this is great [Music] damn nice corner lovely some corners and sometimes I just stand in my room and look at them oh my end end end end end I think about you guys but I think that that tape is done oh hold on I'm getting a phone call never mind can you meet me can you meet now instead the guy won't stop calling me so I need them right away are you there yes come on man help me out are you help me out Who am I the dude is really starting to freak me out see you soon dude come on he's really freaking me out he's got a gun and everything all right call me when you get this message look at some more tapes but wait does everyone have a copy of my mom sex tape all right what is this one what are you gonna get to see are you illegally recording movies on TV you could actually do that back in the day it's kind of scary we were all criminals I've already seen this one Oh baby look at these artistic shots of my friend Greg here this is actually just as dating profile tape what's up my name's Greg I love tweed jackets and I love smoking and walking at nighttime so hit me up getting even look both ways before you cross the cheek okay hip I care what am I looking at lat [Music] moon no mud mud mud branch cloud moon I like moon bench sign wait what does it actually say I need to pay snitching oh [ __ ] Gregor's running at nighttime as well what are you running away from the scene of the murder he just committed [Music] okay you like lamps no lamp is like noon [Music] noon oh oh it's not as simple what's happening at the end o do actually to go back and pause it [Music] yeah that symbol is right there so do I have to oh do we have to write stuff down oh god my brain II can't do this alright so we got the crosshairs first nope give me back my tapes you have two hours [Applause] please would be nice dude I don't even know whose tapes these are I don't even know who I am oh I could turn it day in the city oh wait there's like a one on this one ooh methinks there was a sign in this one so that says - so the crosshair is - this one has one written on it does the other one have anything on it for I didn't see what symbolism that though all right by golly by gumption we're gonna figure this out gang got a real scooby-doo mystery on our hands leave it up to Jack skeptic guy to figure it out hit me with those sweet shots again this looks like a throne right lived it was by stone there was a sign big tower chimney [Music] [Applause] I'm not really putting it together here lads will say bit of a shake Philip I seen better [Music] musics don't play [Applause] I'll vibe with that this is that gonna be it don't know come on who the hell and look at that half the time hey phone call there you go hey that guy just call you me sorry about that I don't know how he got your number [Applause] can you give back his tapes though and just post or two while you're at it not this one he actually just has a poster of Superman in his bedroom okay well I didn't see anything in that that has one written on it though unlisted symbol is somewhere else 8 to 5 hmm all I know is that I got a pee real quick I'll be back everybody ha ha perfectly normal on every person do my god [Music] hurry what did I miss let's not just say tobacco on it tobacco oh yeah levees into baggie okay let's select this tape what are the raw tapes on here are those books no they're all tapes how do we watch it buddies is it a movie is it does it is it sort of a new evil better developed by the far jewett company 1 million square feet of commercial space on 20th Street between lnn and Warner mechanical corporation providing mechanical contracting he speaks Washington Metropolitan Area [Music] love it hahaha those all ass all goals and intros the nightly Business Report made possible by Digital Equipment Corporation with its vast family of networked computing systems connecting the front office the factory floor the Engineering Center and the Mis Department digital has it now you heard it here first folks and we're back to these weird movies [Music] so I'm assuming the guy who once the tapes back is the one filming [Music] maybe I don't know did you guys record something that you weren't supposed to record did you guys do a little naughty naughty little no no little stinky oh that's creepy don't zoom in on it God remove it from existence [Music] I haven't seen any more of these symbols since the first one are they have second one een withered serving the financial needs of corporate institutional public and individual investors over doesn't have a Twitter 50 offices throughout the United States and abroad Dean Witter a member of the Sears Financial Network and demanding stations across the nation it's on some income rather than the 27 percent top rate widely reported no it's just that's creepy it's on some incomes even top rate widely reported elsewhere on Capitol Hill a House subcommittee today held a hearing on a bill that would ban all forms of tobacco advertising smoking Marlboro country is more likely found in a cancer or cardiac ward than on a Western cattle drive tobacco ads are among the top five sources of print ad revenue sex half of all outdoor billboards carry tobacco ads okay what is going on fam all right didn't really see anything in that one what's up Jimbo hello are you there yes he's at your house man please give back his tapes I beg you why do I have his tapes hello 9-1-1 America reports of [ __ ] [Music] okay so it's only these tapes and it's only those four so I didn't see anything and some of the other ones I tried to click at the bottom as well but that doesn't do anything worthy Oh like flowers and stuff okay so clicking that does nothing first and then doing that does something else so is it a case of just finding the pattern wait this one was second right yeah I could literally just guess this so it's flower that oh I guess not oh and I have to go the right direction as well so it's flower clockwise this thing oh I'm here all day why it was the first one flower is it cuz of this cuz he zoomed it on flowers oh that changes everything okay so now I've deduced ye tape number one is flour tape number two then is this one we saw that sign pretty clearly then what one is this this is no number on it but no no no no but this one has four on it okay Oh [Music] money maybe hold on so we go flour okay flour that let me see if we can get this right [Music] money and then I don't know what the last one is X no right what was tape number four again water music cameras you were talking the reason to pick money for the other ones because they were talking about the tobacco industry and getting lots of money I did it I just guessed Oh big brain well I'm salivating Oh give her to me the secret tape what's on this tape oh there's something on this tape you don't want people to see that's no I don't want this tape anymore is this the tape or is this the one I had before oh no this is different whoo what did you guys do maybe you just didn't want anybody to see how bad your student films were because it was just nature and buildings Oh oh that's creepy the Oh was that a dead person oh there was a QR code there at the end who I want to see that you to V and y v9 t y what the hell does that mean I don't know what cipher this is if it even is a cipher I try googling it but a bunch of other videos and stuff about this game showed up donut that means is there more phone calls oh yeah I'm so sorry he's inside your house I'm so so sorry oh my fungi he [ __ ] dead okay well I don't know what that code means I really wish I did if any of you know please let me know down in the comments I would love to know what the hell was going on at the end of that game I try putting it into a cipher decoder website but I need to know what cipher it is to change it to something you know because otherwise it's just gonna change it into something else and keep changing it and changing it I need to know what the original cipher is but this game was made by the same person who did that no players online game which is really cool as well apparently I missed some stuff at the end of that that I feel bad about not getting to but they've made a bunch of really cool games they make a lot of them they're itchy oh page is full of games so go check them out links to all of these games will be down in the description I like that a lot though the style of it was really cool and I like this sort of weird found-footage aspect with a lot of found-footage type of stuff here today but I really like that that first game I thought it'd be a whole lot more to it I guess not it's highly rated on Itchy oh right now I don't really know why unless I did something wrong well I had a great time I hope you had fun even if you got scared if you get a little bit scared that's okay a little bit P come out happens to the best but if you enjoyed the video don't forget this and eventually these Sam a friend happened
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,280,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, blair withc, blair witch game, blair with project, the house in the woods, chojiro, VHS, VHS 1986, VHS game
Id: vyN5zS-b5UM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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