My Sleep Paralysis Demon | 3 Scary Games

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welcome dear viewer to cabin if you are be where you are in furnace let's start the show shall we I don't know what else there is to do but welcome to scary games again I wonder where I should park don't want to venture in too far I'll need some place to put my tent there's the trail what's the sign say Jesus what the heck was that a good question I am just straight into it I guess I cut my hair looks like it's made out of porridge [Applause] [Music] would it be hit [Music] this is great so far though I should check my tires okay check them yep those are tires all right [Music] everything good with them god this was fat no no Dan tires blown should get the gear from the bed of my truck and camp for the night don't worry about this in the morning I don't know about that dude being out here all alone the scary wilderness camping if you just hit something you don't know what it is oh you know I'm gonna turn this up there we go all right if I'm gonna get scared I want to get scared it's it's very quiet maybe I should have configured the mouse okay where am I going to camp no turn off your character this is zone of an agent turn it on not off whatever what do I know I should go to that career let's go earlier oh of course the Train you saw earlier that I did not see just camp NYX your truck here it is the same can you know cabin up ahead this must be one of those cabins that hikers share and gotta check it out okay this is actually a better idea never mind man it's dark yeah it's [ __ ] nighttime some Sexy's going on in the woods don't Jesus Christ was that a shadow or am I seeing things that was not a shadow that was a [ __ ] Chewbacca also there's something fuzzy in the distance oh it's all for you am I gonna get killed by a sasquatch I think that's the cabin right there we're gonna get killed badly man bear it looks like somebody's inside already hello pizza delivery hello is anyone there man it's getting colder out here someone must be using the cabin the fires on maybe they left to grab firewood maybe that's how I saw maybe a big hairy lad out in the woods looking spoons wood I'm sure they won't mind since the weather's getting bad [Applause] I like how it's a communal cabin but there's barely room for one person can come just shaken out from the tire blowing out on me snag well caught me oh never underestimate the power of snacks that you got like a protein bar when do I want dark chocolate or almond hmm Derek chocolate or almond dark chocolates go the almond there you go some good fats and those almonds it'll help keep you sustained for a while okay read notes I don't know what that is but there's some kind of bear out there that is trying to kill me please whoever is reading this be sure to call for help because I cannot do this alone and I might as well die in here just be careful out there you might come after you next Bob dear Jessica I'm sorry if I haven't been really in touch with you I've been busy doing the hunt with the deputy for this monster how are the kids held him that daddy says hi and I'll be back home shortly love you Jason oh [ __ ] oh do not open that door ya crazy bastard Oh is someone doing here drugs don't do it man don't do it oh you stupid bastard blood what whoa whoa that's spooky okay I can't turn my mouse anymore for some reason ain't scared of you boy what you doing up here and em their woods ain't gonna be terrify to you no more oh he killed the Bears I bought him out [ __ ] gross okay what are we doing whoo Go Go man go oh god I can't turn anything I've got what [Music] way worse than I was expecting you to be I was expecting some sort of like sasquatch but a [ __ ] demon alien from Uranus I should've just stayed in the cabin I shoulda just stayed inside cooked up a little snack had my Altman bar got a little bit of juice in me got in the bed and just went to sleep I would have been fine but I had to go poke in the devil's [ __ ] didn't I [Music] the spooks do not end there once you have been terrified but there are more to come you lie in bed awake but are you really can you move can you see are you aware of your breathing you might just have this is all about sleep paralysis which is horrible I used to get sleep paralysis like once a week almost for about a year when I was younger and it was the [ __ ] worst if you don't know what sleep paralysis is it's where you you wake up or you feel like you've woken up but you can't move anything you can like look around and maybe move your head but you can't actually like move your extremities and sometimes people see like a demon sitting on top of them that's like the folklore thing about a demon sitting on you and that's why you can't move but some people see things and hallucinate it's like this weird state between sleep and awake it's very lucid dreaming or so I think but I used to get it a lot where I would be a weight or I'd be lying in bed and I'd be fully aware that I'm awake but I can't move my arms until I'd have to go like I'd have to like shoot my arm out and then I would be able to move it the last time I got sleep paralysis oh God loud noises and it's based on true events best played in the dark with headphones oh no darkness not check it was actually better with the light zone whatever Robin just make it darker hey there we go the last time I got sleep paralysis was about a year ago what's going on I can't move Oh God seems I can only move my eyes oh this is this is what it's like this is it this is what it feels like have you ever seen that meme like this is what my sleep paralysis demon looks like it's because of [ __ ] like this where you're lying in bed and you can't move anything oh god this is a horrible am I dreaming Oh God someone's shaking mints at me oh [ __ ] christ no no what the hell was that okay this is not at all what [ __ ] see paralysis is like this is like [ __ ] simulator oh god no do not like that don't once get out of here go away so getting cosy a [ __ ] freak hi okay that's fine that's fine I can deal with that that was okay that was nice I've had C paralysis I have never had that move I need to move yeah I liked the light I need to get up okay move left arm right arm oh yeah oh yeah there we go you moving them attaboy you're moving the bananas happening oh yes um I can't move again the light Jesus what is I can't see anything what's happening Oh God a piano is coming to kill me hello I can't move my mouse around can I move my hands I don't know if this is supposed to be happening or not I can move around again okay the game just broke the first time okay why am i back here it's just I was just standing there tonight I I know I did Hey okay okay that's fine that's fine it's just treatment I'm just dreaming pinch yourself Wow [ __ ] my dreamin whoa jesus [ __ ] christ we go wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle oh wait should I there we go there we go just wiggle one oh god get off me I said yes or no oh did you notice something in the corner of your room oh did you see it no what's in the corner of my room are you sure no mister something now look up Oh God please meet you surprised no no don't like that surprised no take it back hope you like the next one where's your friend mr. bear he's right there I can see him I can see his foot are you scared yet can't wait to see you who are you where's my television talking and he's get to the light now yeah we got her arms again these are the love of God shut up that bear legal oh thank god he's so quiet just don't do anything just stand here you're fine it didn't do anything again did it god I'm back in bed again why every time with the bed again I've had sleep paralysis it's not at all like this can't move again what the hell my door hello please be helped please be mom oh I hate it oh I hate it we get Rams rear arms that'll get him you'd be scared of the wiggle oh [ __ ] Jesus this is woo gurveer anxiety okay just like real life got that anxiety down we finally met oh [Music] Jesus oh [ __ ] we creepy baby running across my room I don't like being anxious oh oh I'm sorry go away stop stop stop don't look at it okay Jesus anxiety stop the fight against anxiety is the real one late to run the [ __ ] light for the love of God it's finally over back I didn't realize you had like a little minecraft room cute wanna go downstairs I didn't even read that it's too busy trying to see if I had a reflection oh my thumper is it over is the nightmare ended wait is this really over I don't know yeah it's over there's credits Jesus Christ that was fun wasn't the sleep paralysis experience that I was expecting I've I've never seen a demon or a sleep paralysis demon or anything like that or hallucinate it or anything of that sort when I've had sleep paralysis there's always been a thing where I'm lying in bed and I keep being aware that I'm awake but can't move and then try and I call out for help and it doesn't work no one's listening or no one's at home so I'm like trying to move my arm and it's like the electrical impulse is to move your arms is not there it's like you really want to do it you can feel that you can do it but you just can't and then suddenly it moves and my arm gets loose and then I can use my other arm to move the rest of my body and then the thing you don't want to do is go back to sleep because then it just happens all over again at least for me it does so what I think is happening in my sleep paralysis is that I kind of wake up or in between waking up and asleep and I get this really weird lucid dreaming that I'm aware that I'm dreaming but my body and my brain are not aware so it's almost like my body because when you go to sleep your body can or your brain kind of like shuts down your muscle impulses so that you're just kind of like lying there and I think that that's what keeps happening and then my brain kinda wakes up but the signals to move my muscles do not oh it's weird and I hate it and I don't wish anybody gets it but wait don't don't look over there yet don't look behind you there's something in the corner it's it's coming closer don't look don't look don't look [Music] [Music] this game looks really cool it's called ELISA this is just a demo of it but it kind of looks like Alice in Wonderland style but in an old-school Resident Evil sort of format that kind of control scheme [Music] wake up Alice it's time to go to Wonderland [Music] in bed what is this what am I wearing I need to get out of here okay yes this is so cool it's locket it's just an old joke oh man through the ages since I played a game like this it brings me back to it cuz I've never played the first Resident Evil game not the original and not the remake that they did so my experience with these types of games is like Dino Crisis and Silent Hill I love your dainty little walk a small night table it has a drawer yes there's a good in here I better take it with me of course every time you see it going it's always a good idea to bring it with you the key and there's also a note I only did what I was told but the gun is a little gift from me welcome to your new home thank you tonight don't mess with Alisa Alisa Alice in Wonderland i oh god I will mess you up okay damn this is like the proper old school [Music] nice was that Oh sis you are you doing excuse me shooter shooter kill it kill it dead oh [Music] ah yeah hey [ __ ] Dollface alright pick it up cogs is it one of those monsters it looks dead though it's a mess you books are scattered all over the place books all over the shop alright can i interact with this one know what was going on in this place [Music] okay so I don't know what I did I think I was locking on when I thought I was shooting the lock cover is shaped as a left hand okay got it it's a display case filled with pieces of bones and fossils there's some old medical tools as well but something seems to be missing there's a note I borrowed the pulse meter of her moment I'll bring it back after I'm done with it there are done with a small experiment sorry dr. Edmonds Edie missed an okay find dr. Edmisten hey you you what is this place that's cute what is going on here and why am I don't help you right now if you can bring me some wheels yes [Music] okay two bills what is this [ __ ] wardrobe that's horrifying what do we have I can just run around in the nude best game ten out of ten damn look at that booty okay see you were like what am I wearing but you could just take it off all right let's put this back on let's let's be decent [Music] found a box of 32 ACP hogs cool ooh black dress cost 12 them a CPM Oh 45 a medkit refill Oh a Wilson m1 cost 20 a modern machine rifle mostly used by military units magazine 30 x 45 acp full auto hey BAE I like him he's cool a large bookcase full of books and old chemistry equipment bullaes there is an eerie skeleton in this display case maybe I will not touch in this scale it down already it's locked from the other side gotcha what the black dress I also want the gun though oh [ __ ] yeah nice ok how many did I get I've 10 I can almost get the new dress I can't remember how I need it for that how many I needed for that but shape it Verloc looks like an eye I am taking some hits so I might need to get a med kit sooner or later oh that was a bhag shoot it okay I'm gonna low on ammo though all right run away she's gonna hit you can I like fast turn there we go all right only four bullets left that's bad a 17 of these anybody got any more bullets big blood circle on the ground it's always a good sign because this one's decorated with a tree ah the symbol on my gun shows that I'm hitting them shows me when I'm on target well I hear squelch let's do a nice question down there whose question on me I'll have no frickin squelching in my house a strange shaped glass pot is floating on the water there's a piece of paper inside that reads why did you turn the soil into water and locked us up in the dark it doesn't matter anymore we are glass now and the waters are our home please someone bring us to the wide oceans so we can swim free forever a bunch of [ __ ] freaks in here [ __ ] from the other side damn it all right well I couldn't pick them up so I guess I'm not bringing you the oceans free to go around forever I need to start getting some keys and I shaped one left hand shape one a tree shaped one any of them will do really more bullets more bullets would also be helpful maybe should go back to my dude and buy some but this seems like Goulet's sweet bullets for my gun there's a round shape hole in the base of the statue something could fit in here like peepee okay maybe not a peepee [Music] a letter block and a note line here it reads we locked up Edmiston he went too far too many patients died from his mindless experiments worst of all he called it fun now he can die there alone in this house of fun okay I found a letter block does that help there's a letter block going this got my face it's all normal can't use it here wait what else we have used to return simply put that in the whole map ah nice this is great so far I love this old-school style no one makes these types of games anymore oh and I'm going down to the creepy man though this is my prepared face Edmisten still aim it at something I cheated [ __ ] can you can you can you [ __ ] keep okay okay I'm running away from you cuz you suck oh god oh god don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me but I cups tears ago time to heal these poor poor words of mine I'm back I got holes in me thank you discuss five get some more ammo I even offered the dress but do I really want a new dress more than I want bullets and med kits I'm cute as heck I don't know where else I can go right now was there another place I look adorable and that's all that matters right now everything else can piss off sorry dark outside I cannot see anything [Music] maybe there's stuff actually further done this way yeah let me just see there's something in here there's something I can aim and shoot at and they can hear it oh Jesus could get far enough away can I even can I even oh oh you are a big Bubba nothing interesting here oh I beg to differ the sink is filled with porcelain doll parts looks like there are some cogs shaped pieces yours up pick them up okay okay I don't know if I can actually kill you reload faster I might just wasting bullets okay I got something just know what oven noise so creepy there's some strong herbs stored here some of them could be used as medicine yes med kit med kit no are you you just want me for my cute dress don't you the food on the table is made of wax or something looks quite real okay Oh God found a letter block okay well I'm out of ammo and I can't move from here so oh I did oh I'm a legend okay no use a make it never ever go in there again how many bullets that zero okay and what up to spend what little cogs I got Jesus I can get a medkit or bullets [ __ ] Fred one more I can get the 45 bullets you're welcome okay well I guess we just have to be diligent with her ammo then okay I haven't made much progress at all really have I whoa the giant elevator huh where are we going [Music] audits of phone animation this contraption doesn't seem to work man this is really well-made okay do you now need to start getting some keys but some kind of wooden puzzle attached to this pillar a small handle is stuck on one side looks like a key and she was ready to get it out Oh dicks I hate these puzzles I'm terrible I think I did it I think yeah okay nice so finally got a key whoa this looks like Silent Hill the room that for the doors barricaded with chains and a lock this dissin looked like an ordinary lock something fits in here there was a metal label on the top that says to the house of the last word was missing nor do i key locked away in here I wonder what they locked away in here can't read maybe a way out of this place I should get it open to find out okay so I can put the letter blocks in this right [Music] okay yeah I don't know what it spells yet maybe then the something of the dead I know seems like I need like four blocks oh no not that one that's an interesting way doing the keys though I like that who goes there I rather well I rather woke up on this bed yeah the bed you woke up on was kind of shitty I let her block okay anything else in this room that I can steal so hold make up set in this table this must be some woman's room yeah that's very presumptuous of you it could be anybody's room lots of people wear makeup as cuz it is filled with clean sheets and towels I could use some of them as a bandage in case those monsters hurt me bad yes clever Who am I I don't look so well have you need to poop you need poop repeat the bastard was clean but feels a bit wet very interesting wait I didn't get another key oh [ __ ] to the house of Peck the house of pen No okay sorry three bucks go in oh I don't have to put them in left to right [Music] the house of fun that was in the note that's it the lock is loose interesting way of doing a lock Oh to be continued no what oh you leave me there stop don't do that to me [ __ ] that was really good I was super enjoying that I wanted to just do more and more and more of it damn Casper you did everything this entire game made by one person Jesus Simon Siegfried and Shawn okay I was gonna say couldn't you just put all game everything in game done by Casper crows then that was really good I really enjoyed that I'm thoroughly excited for what's to come with this I want to play a whole game based on this again that old-school style maybe I should go back and play Resident Evil 1 I've never played it I've seen a lot of it and I know that the remake is out and everything but you should go back and do it do the remake before resident evil 3 comes out well those were three scary games but how many scares were in those games an exponential amount more than the mind can fathom more scares than the body can handle more spooks are yet to come ok bye everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi what pizza
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,481,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, paralysis, paralyzis, alisa, cabin, alisa game, cabin game
Id: DLs1BJi9hf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 7sec (2287 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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