TALL LADY GAME IS HERE | Resident Evil Village - Part 1

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resident evil 8 or resident evil village as it's actually called here on the screen or the name that everybody's going to call it which is big booba lady game lady dimitrescu which i still don't know if i'm pronouncing that right is going to be the star of this show here today i'm very excited to see her in all of her to meet her glory looking up into that sunny face as it gazes down upon me he wants to gobble me all up i'm very excited for this game i absolutely adored resident evil 7 and i really really loved resident evil 2 remake 3 i wasn't too hot on but this one looks like it's going to be really good the setting is cool we've got vampires all of that good stuff i tried out some of the demos but i've been trying to sort of stay off some of it so i can go into the game relatively new and fresh and not be spoiled by anything so let's just click new game and hope that it goes well we're just going to do standard because i'm here to just have fun you know the village of shadows a young girl went with her mother to pick berries for her father who was hard at work but the forest greeted them with a dark cold silence the bushes empty yet determined to find the berries the rasco broke free from mother's grasp and vanished into the trees mothers worried cries faded fast as the girl ran on over vine and under branch and into the forest deep feeling strange eyes upon her the girl recalled mother's scary bedtime tales and her throat became bone dry then the pet lord appeared he greeted her warmly and bit his own wing come child quench your thirst he said so she drank the thick dark blood and smiled with joy passing through the graveyard menacing storm clouds loomed and the air turned fightingly cold the girl was shivering in her thin coast then a dark weaver appeared and with a clip of his fingers crafted mist into a beautiful dress come child warm yourself he coaxed so she clothed herself and smiled with joy are we watching like harry potter hoping a boat she found would carry her home but hunger's grip tightened and her heart grew heavy then the fish king appeared and offered one of his many fins come child eat your fill so the girl ate and smiled with joy once more continuing on what is happening he soon entered the forest dark heart then an iron steed appeared bearing a beautiful golden gear the creature said nothing as the girl approached and snatched what she thought was another gift the horse grew angry and summoned the other monsters [Music] terror filled the girl's heart as the wild wind rose around the beast suddenly a witch appeared dark yet regal oh okay gifts we gave but more you took she snarled oh so more in turn is due in a blink the girl was trapped inside a mirror the mia from seven there she's asleep what is with the creepy story she's only six months old woman at the store said it was traditional a local tale besides rose doesn't seem to mind because she doesn't understand it thank god yeah we moved here so that she wouldn't have to deal with any of that remember there's nothing wrong with my memory you're just being paranoid it's not never mind i'm sorry but i'm not paranoid i'm just cautious then go cautiously take your daughter to bed should i tell her more about the witches and death i'll finish dinner okay come on little pudgy one oh little potato mia looks different than seven your mother doesn't want to remember it i can't blame her uh i hear that i know you're talking about me did you say something no i'll put her down it's fine god we have a nice house you kidding me this is lovely open floor plan delightful what's for dinner what are we eating bread eat the child me i would just like a casserole or something honestly okay i don't know what that is nice wine nice music going on you hungry no maybe later then we're going to be get too close to me when i'm cooking babe you won't like me when i'm cooking okay fine that's cool i'll leave you then bye bye into the pantry we go come on child you want more food mia makes everything by hand so this stuff keeps piling up i don't know why we keep buying it honestly that's a cute picture happy half birthday her birthday will be here before we know it they grow up fast let's just enjoy it while we can yeah yeah before you turn into a demon and kill us all rosa's food favorite sixth rice cereal or rice cereal banana puree the food of kings sweet potato puree boiled spinach and cream don't give her any sugar or honey and no mushrooms i hate mushrooms mushrooms made fun of me when i was a kid what i heard something mia was that you it's okay if anything happens i'll just toss the baby at them and run i it was a joke you'll get them when you're more than half a year that book's too scary for you i won't toss the baby it was just a playful banter with my child that's how i raise my kid you want a shower you're looking a little dirt oh that's your hair got it i thought it was dirt me his medication she's been on a strict regimen ever since the incident is that what we're calling it now the incident look you went to a family in the woods and almost got decapitated and your wife got or partner i don't know are you guys married uh that's not part of this that's not relevant uh or important um yeah this kind of seems like it huh what do you think did we have you out of wedlock are we the demons anyway we got infected by a fungus and then your mom tried to kill me that's how we fell in love your mom and i love this song so much [Music] when you grow up this will be in a tick tock almost there honey wow look at this playful space isn't this a beautiful room full of hope and wonder for you to grow up in dad's got his own little tent this would be a sick recording room put your desk there in the middle put up some lights those books in the back well hi there little rose dad's over here making monkey sounds how mom's like deep in the woods the darkest depths of depravity rose their ugly head okay mom i think she just wants to know about itsy bitsy spider even though that's terrifying as well name rosemary winters height 62 centimeters just like that a short house screenings hearing vision touch reflex test all results show no issues patient is in good health results for additional fungal pathogen tests will be provided by a bsaa apple filled memorial hospital rose is fine yeah we're probably gonna have to get you checked for uh fungus look at you that's you on the screen for every six day before my birthday me and i had another fight i accidentally mentioned what happened three years ago and she blew up at me we finally settled down in our new life in europe and can bring rose up properly ah isn't there a thing in resi 2 that it says chris is in europe but i still feel like a part of me is trapped in that hell hall back in louisiana well maybe she blew up on you because her face looks completely different than it did a couple of years ago i know mia doesn't like to talk about it but can we really just forget everything and pretend it didn't happen shouldn't we face what happened there so we can live our lives at rose without it hanging over our heads healthy we all heard that much at least i know mia knows this too she wouldn't have exploded like that at the hospital if she didn't care it's true mom's just tapping into her emotions she's scary when she's angry i'm hearing a lot of mom getting angry at things there you go sweetheart don't you worry i'll be right downstairs daddy won't let those weird fairytale monsters get you absolutely panned out look at this child living life to its fullest hell yeah let's go rose i'm much faster the child was like 12 kilos what's we got this is a such a nice house oh never mind this room looks like a tornado hit it gotta do a deep clean before rose starts walking around yeah she's gonna grow up with asthma asthma these nuts curtain closes on the dulve gas incident the committee completed their investigation in the 18th century toxic gas leak in louisiana they concluded the deaths were caused by a leak of natural gas that had built up in the mud rock under the area it happens nasty way to go jack baker 57 and his family who were exposed to the gas perished oh the cover-up no it was mold and then he turned into a monster and then i shot him a lot of times and his head fell off and then he came back and his head was fine that's what really happened believe me ethan winters and his wife were also believed to have been nearby but their current whereabouts are unknown the entire area has been closed off by officials who believe it will be at least 10 years before the able area is inhabitable against already i haven't the scares stay oh why do i even keep this around i should get rid of it someday this is the little dolls you shoot to get uh special stuff like collectibles nice i like also said mom and i love this song and i played like four notes is she gonna be a monster [Music] who comes i have put us our child to bed is she okay sleeping like uh well like a baby hmm that smells good what's that oh hands off mister it's chuba de la gum it's a local recipe wow you've gone full native haven't you local wine too but if you're gonna keep sulking all evening maybe you shouldn't have any you really have to stop worrying it's just finding you in louisiana the pregnancy chris moving us here military training it all happened so fast you know well at least we're all together you me rose now everything's gonna seriously think we can just forget about what happened in louisiana it happened so long ago i just i don't understand why you are so oh mia get down mia what is happening did i not put down the baby right jesus christ oh god chris what the hell sorry no jesus christ why i swear i will never complain ever again go move i i'm trying i'm in a cutscene all clear rose what the hell you doing with my daughter packing secured sir take him away i said get your hands off her ethan no i knew she was special [Music] damn okay right into it me is dead and he took the kids [Music] hello widow i mean ethan speaking she'll see us next week hey now think positively all right we talked about this i know we hardly talk about anything else i keep telling you it's not rose that i'm worried about well then what are you worried about look she's gonna be fine i just know it what else matters we matter ethan you matter you mia what are you talking about is there something you're not telling me come on talk to me damn it i have to take this it's all going off the rails lads marital issues oh that's a picture of a real ass kid the hell am i jesus did we crash it's work i gotta take what are you this about where's chris redfield and rose what the hell happened to you oh this looks great exam it's useless mission objectives eliminate target recover body secure rosemary winters and ethan winters move the two winters's to sight c for further investigation at least two transport officers to accompany them oh i'm telling you buddy winter is common hello excuse me can i go in no okay kinda spooky not gonna lie hello ethan you might want to pick up the pace there a little bit bud your daughter's missing your wife is dead there's something in the bushes and we have no idea who called you for work it's very confusing can i aim the light up it's just snow it's snow falling off the trees it's what it does we have to follow one of these okay good careful now that's going to be the first of many injuries ethan winters is going to take in this play through dude now we've got to deal with tetanus on top of everything else feathers dude why are you pointing the light at the ground point it up oh i'm gonna be next aren't i that's a lot of dead birds jesus god you watched the blair witch project one time this [ __ ] still alive just [ __ ] her get off the pot ethan let's just do it shut the hell up thank you it's probably just wolves or something that is not a wolf holy crap unless wolves grew up and learned how to walk in two legs and have an ass flashlight up ethan it's so dark oh the house hello can i in please oh god i don't know if i want to okay lots of lovely stuff in here do not touch anything with your [ __ ] septic hand okay very helpful potatoes so what else would you need ethan at a time like this ooh portable water there at least now the water bill is secure save the planet seriously is something off about this like the where the light is it's incredibly hard to see anything maybe it's by design [ __ ] the daintiest little open dude take something you saw something just run through the bushes at you and your reaction was i'd be a lot more scared but then again maybe i'm just a little [ __ ] damn this looks gorgeous though this whole game so far the atmosphere is awesome want to open anything else with your dainty fingers see there's a good sign now close the garlic that'll that'll keep the vampires away for sure and we know there's vampires in the game the only thing is that the italians are going to come get you now because italians love garlic and their food don't we all though garlic's amazing nice picture lovely is is it jesus [ __ ] two-by-fours what this was in the demo right coriander no one's here the dainty is little open there's going to be something behind me oh i hate that knew it should i be running take the clothes garlic and get out of here oh billy the moose uh this house is taken [ __ ] oh we're going through here dude this is bad news written all over it i thought it's all in your wound you don't know whose blood that is what did all this do you think you'd start talking to yourself if stuff like that happened in real life i probably would oh thank god daylight i'm not looking at my feet anymore wow this looks so good i'm scared i'm scared of the world so this game's all about werewolves and vampires right oh my god that's cool oh i'm admiring it shut up that's awesome to look at holy [ __ ] this is like bloodborne i like that i like the setting i i knew i would because it's all like vampires and werewolves and van helsing and all that kind of stuff but this is exactly my kind of aesthetic not only that but this engine has had a serious upgrade let's go let's go into the woods ethan winters can't do anything without mia being involved get yourself into all sorts of trouble with that one holy [ __ ] i can't get over how good this looks damn uh i would hit you but that would just be beating a dead horse comedy which door should i go in check everything secrets everywhere you know i have no weapons except my beautiful hands hello holy [ __ ] this looks good maybe maybe they're out do you think maybe they went out like a hundred years ago what is this symbol everywhere is it like tree roots or smoke or what oh there's that picture again it's a jesus yeah maybe they're out out of their [ __ ] mind if they live here an easy to pick lock all right then serpaco [ __ ] pick it i already made the beaten dead horse joke you can't make it i didn't see anything grab it though is it a werewolf [ __ ] i would love a weapon damn the atmosphere is so dense this needs some kind of other item okay i'll find that no problem maybe there's a needle inside this haystack that i can use i love the lighting shocker jacksepticeye likes lighting in a video game i've never heard that before i keep thinking i hear footsteps hello what do you think ethan do you think they're out i don't have places to live because this is destroyed i i'm sorry i promise i'll stop making jokes no i won't wait that's rose's monkey first you steal my baby then you rob my house is there no depth you won't go to honestly it's party for the best that that doesn't open alrighty well this seems like the obvious way to go okay that's a lot of goat heads what happened i don't know ethan but something did graveyard workshop ceremony site this is a ceremony site that sounds fun damn this looks good holy beluga whales look wait what due to missing homeowner that says all that hey anyone home it's me the protagonist oh there's a knife on the table use the knife use the knife quickly nice first aid oh sue they just run out of the house i would not drink that i'll take my chances with the demons outside come at me what's the fight i am ready to mess stuff up now i'm just walking around like [ __ ] ethan what do you have a knife break the door wait how do i get out oh are you a thing yeah [ __ ] hell friendly who are you who sent you nobody there was an accident down the road holy crap what's going on oh no they're coming who is what the hell was that do you have a gun what please tell me you have a gun no no but i have a hole in my chest from you nice dude i just met you good lord hey are you listening hey [ __ ] jenkins ah poor old man oh [ __ ] dude you couldn't have given me the shotgun instead oh dead body there's more there's a lot of dead bodies here holy crap ew ew ew this place must stink also it doesn't look very nice jesus christ no i don't think that's him jesus looks a lot different than that from the pictures what's wrong with this place oh you're a fresher oh what's moving what is that oh jesus bad boy big boy oh oh my [ __ ] hand jesus christ he chewed my fingers off ah oh god oh god oh hi hi hi ow eat [ __ ] eat [ __ ] shoot him in the face money many times oh you're dealing with a pro here buddy run away into the house oh what the hell you're dead oh my god just make sure double tap you suck do i have fingers ethan are you okay you chewed your fingers right off okay a herb all right where do i see oh here we're fine you can get two fingers chewed off then fight your way to survival and nathan's like ah whatever that's not having a deal what a legend okay ooh what's in the pot nothing cool all right so i still have my knife i guess i could have used that for some of him to save ammo but let's face it shooting him was super fun use the family photo on it you can't use that here dang it dang it okay we gotta look for something oh man did he drop his shotgun anywhere can i go get it that would have been way more useful oh ball coverage well ain't that just handy oh mama i didn't think we were gonna fight stuff so early on so quickly just kind of came out and over there was two of them downstairs too right it was one of them like moving and undulating in the distance wow yeah i love this aesthetic so far maybe there's just something about a cabin in the woods that resonates with me for some reason are those my thoughts getting out oh my god you're so [ __ ] slow ethan oh oh oh that's like resi4 that's cool can you shut up yeah thanks it that did nothing nice dude i've been playing a lot of followers my aim is on point what's my edpi in this game run run run run run run run oh come on man why does everything break around you first your marriage you know the floor god christ get him get him everybody he's gone whoa is he coming in we need to heal no oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay one of them's in nice get off the [ __ ] window get off the [ __ ] window you guys are the worst oh there you go oh it's going to be hard to sleep tonight with no head is it over oh yeah they saw what they did to their friend [Applause] out there hello to my to louise's house near the fields survivors louise's house okay come on louisa don't you worry oh i'm still missing a whole chunk of hand he didn't put any bandages on it this is intense also i keep getting really kind of hi back up now we'll all have a great day i'll do it i'll do it it's a left click away one step closer to getting my ace items i can get all right am i gonna actually have to fight because maybe i should use my knife more than oh right this seems like the way to go oh you have a big machete see that see what i did to that box see what i'm doing to that fence yeah run it's gonna be your face if you're not careful idiots [ __ ] up back up back up that was a warning shot oh they're everywhere oh oh oh oh [ __ ] one of them dropped oh [ __ ] okay maybe that's actually the way to go i wanna make sure i'm getting all the items that i can i'm gonna need them hello is this luisa's house what are you doing what are you doing huh what are you doing [Music] okay okay okay stay back now stay back now close that [ __ ] door oh my god damn it hot gun baby on second thoughts let's fight um let's fight um okay chem fluid and a herb oh the crafting system is different ah okay so you just click it here and it makes it now based on the stuff you have like here it's kind of like um alien isolations crafting i think it's been a long time since i played that game okay i don't think i actually have to fight you guys i want to conserve some ammo down we go follow them into the hole shoot them straight up in their asses when they're coming down oh god dude there's a whole ass crafting system in this game i kind of like it i'm into that flower attack flower bags wait attack flower bikes so what i didn't get to read that fast enough that was just a flower in my lungs there's no entry there but there is an end to me run [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sit the [ __ ] down boy i'm holding is it because i'm missing fingers don't mind if i yes come through the door come through the door we'll see how quick you last yeah oh [ __ ] i'm glad to reload because i would have missed okay i i okay this is a lot like resident evil 4. holy [ __ ] i'm so tense oh did you do that oh you guys have bows and arrows and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what am i saying ah there's one other [ __ ] room with me oh eat [ __ ] [ __ ] and again run run run run run oh god where am i going i don't know this sucks this sucks it's locked this sucks go that way oh crap that's what's up what is that do i go i forgot it's space not right click wait that i think it was right click ow wow excuse me topical ointment [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i don't know what i'm doing i don't know where i'm going i just have to kill you holy [ __ ] what is that run the [ __ ] away okay okay i thought you would fall over or something i am gone somewhere i don't know where i'm going i don't know what i'm doing let's go to the reservoir yeah yep that seems good yep yep it's locked well open it [ __ ] nuts oh jesus [ __ ] christ santa is pissed ow ow ow holy god drip drip drip i literally have no idea where i'm going up this way why not wait did he jump off the roof i had a safe space up there thank goodness gotta love it oh [ __ ] okay okay what come on man oh my god oh [Music] these raid horses smelly bastards oh my god are you a bloodborne [Applause] definitely gonna use a [ __ ] mint or something now man ethan goes through so oh my god ethan goes through so much in these games put in the water to be fine oh lady boy not liking this that's a good one i like that joke all right i think i've been through everywhere here i didn't realize i was supposed to fail that i thought it was somewhere i was supposed to be going that was super intense can i come in well you said that chris was giving you military training but it kind of feels like you learned nothing we got our ass handed to us that would never have happened to leon skenedy um right so the door over here opened i don't think i missed anything this is still locked which means i might be able to come back hi should i shoot in you and in death we give glory uh hello you shouldn't be out here it's not safe what the hell hey can you hear me it's you the child's father child hey wait do you mean rose is she here rose rose yes she is in great danger since mother miranda brought her to the village we have fallen into darkness what are you talking about the monsters damn harold's danger they're coming no wait where's rose who's mother miranda the bell tolls for us all they're coming again no don't close it no [Music] where's she gone huh crazy old lady damn this is beautiful they must have been inspired by bloodborne a bit right like that dude looked exactly like father gascoigne or the well not the cleric beast but that sort of like narrowly wild hair werewolf beast form are these like the safe rooms kim flew it oh great lichens the fabled monster wolves of old may the cup may they come to eat our flesh may they come to tear us apart well i would rather they don't do that thank you an easy to pick lock i guess i need lock picks um what else can i make this ammo should i be making those i don't know if there's anything else i can actually do with those yet damn i love this so far oh i have a map whoa okay it's a lot of info so cool it's very european okay so i still need another item for those start the tractor get on the tractor and let's head home clearly look they've taken two fingers maybe keep the child no does that make me a bad father if that happens look all i'm saying is that shit's gonna get much worse when we go in there i for a fact i know that oh we offer these goats of warding to protect the village and its people any who break them shall feel mother miranda's wrath but now i have to right i gotta break the goats those are collectibles i'm in a video game i'm not afraid of mother miranda a herb very good very good castle this leads to the castle put your photo in there see if it works is the name dipatrescu or is it like am i pronouncing that just horribly wrong i realized that i haven't actually heard anybody say it whoa these environments are so dense the maiden crest got her there she is big booba lady tall goddess i'm guessing your mother miranda is that tim burton's corpse bride and this you look like the old lady i met before but severely more [ __ ] up should this answer fall upon the village seek out the crests one is in the care of the church the other is at louise's house so i'm in the church and i gotta go all the way over there that's good i'm looking for louise's house anyway hey let's save is that another goat right here oh what's that a crystal fragment it is like resident evil 4 which is the best resident evil i'm hearing something somewhere maybe it's just a clickity clackady of nothing nice i'm glad i went back in and looked at that though i'm probably going to miss a lot of those honestly wow [Music] no actually i don't like it now i'm gonna have to do some [ __ ] shooting in here for sure i think i'm also able to like upgrade my guns and stuff as i go i don't know what those do shotgun ammo nice and to blow some [ __ ] away with that let me over search every nook and granny nice i kind of like that i have to craft my own stuff i don't know why i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff in games you are not there you're just rustling for no reason oh something's close someone's chasing me something chased me something chased me i need the scrap oh and again oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay [ __ ] you i don't even know if i have to be killing these guys but i'm gonna do it anyway because it fills me with determination wow look at the sunset guys our sunrise sunrise he's just taking it close the door please louisa hey what are you doing here you look like one of the villagers it's okay i'm not gonna hurt you i'm just glad to see normal people at last have you seen any other survivors no they're all in louise's house oh and she's not answering in the gate is locked quiet girl he's an outsider oh [ __ ] we're setting ducks in here the bloodstar beast is coming no one of the monsters cut him he's lost a lot of blood we have to get into louisiana quiet there must be a way inside stay here be quiet don't move until i get those gates open [Music] oh get them open [ __ ] don't you worry see all this snow my second name is winters born for this baby can i go up on the roof oh man that would have been pog champ okay i still need that other thing for that hang on papa hang on papa dearest i shall open the gates i have no idea how oh there's dudes can i like sneak open them damn this looks so cool keep getting distracted oh there's on top of that as well um okay what if i put the crest back in bad oh [ __ ] i'm very good at sneaking what if we go this way it's a it's a dead end [ __ ] you again and [ __ ] you again and [ __ ] you and [ __ ] all you really oh god could you be a little faster ethan like that granny we met was moving faster than this holy crap yeah let's just head backwards that sounds like a plan [ __ ] you what happens if i put one crest in nice clickety clackity my name's jackety oh oh i couldn't right now over that from the very beginning well you know what i killed all those dudes and got extra items for it i feel pretty cool about myself i was gonna make a ton of ammo nice back on top baby block from the other side okay it is bloodborne it gets those two inside okay oh well that was easy come on it's clear hurry hurry hurry papa hurry took your damn time oh you're welcome i'm gonna shoot your dad yeah [ __ ] anybody else who wants to get in here he's not used to relying on other people i'm sorry we'll be safe in here won't we safe we're here then out there that's for sure i don't know i'm missing two fingers and have no idea what's going on you know anything about what's going on here it doesn't make any sense mother miranda has always protected us nobody's oh we have to do this we have to do that what about me what about m.e my enjoyment just hold on a bit longer papa i'mma do it i'mma do i he's not gonna last i'ma have to take the leg and the there's face much blood yeah that's usually what happens when you get opened up like that hello anybody home maybe a familiar voice louisa open up it's me elena [Laughter] stop shouting you'll draw the monsters who's this friend stay back father for god's sake julian let us in no they'll smell the blood you'll endanger us all my father will die out here that's not my problem what's going on these people want to let a dying man into our home come now these people are our friends go on go inside come now this way you're not from this village ah no i'm ethan you lean go make yourself useful and check the ground julian i said go trot along now julian well if elena trusts you then so do i come inside ethan thank you finally some [ __ ] hospitality around here wait here i'll check on the others okay okay did he stay outside only place for him really have him stay outside he's less of a bother there louise they broke in again got more of the livestock i don't think we'll make it through the winter at this rate i'm the winter winter's coming and it's me uh do you think that's what he says in bed earnest is still missing too we can't find him anywhere has mother miranda abandoned us i'm just gonna say mother miranda sounds like a [ __ ] can i read this way i'm just looking in your pretty picture book very nice very nice i think i got shot there saw that the distance everybody okay come inside the others are waiting what the [ __ ] is this outsiders you're gonna get us all killed guys anton he helped leonardo and elena we were doing fine by ourselves please ethan take a seat is this all that's left from your entire village all that's left all that's left there is no one left a worthless invalid a stupid whaling [ __ ] you you drag a bloody man and an outsider in here like it's nothing and expect to be all safe there is no safe every sorry bastard out there has been ripped in half tomorrow tomorrow we'll all be dead just like her damn husband put a socket in roxanna that's enough this house has protected my family for generations and drunk or not you are all welcome and safe in here he looks differently dressed than everybody else can someone please tell me this always look more modern what's going on here we don't know one day we were a quiet devout village and the next the monsters came and attacked us and they they kept coming wait louise where is your husband did they no no he he is out there somewhere he he went to get help yes yes that's that's it he he went to fetch out you went to a farm let us pray for him for all of us good idea come gather oh i'm not much of a praying man great ones hear our voice together as one in reverence we call on thee within the endless start as the midnight moon rises on black wings so we make our sacrifice right at the end in life the tea should be ready come help me elena please that prayer i've heard it before there was an old woman near the graveyard a [ __ ] as crazy as a bag of rats there is wisdom in her devotion though and i hope it protected her as it shall protect us [Laughter] oh [ __ ] leonardo was wrong are you okay he's turning elena don't stay back no let me go leonard away we have to go oh [ __ ] nice elena i said no she chose a new man over her dad oh my god i'm so sorry father hey hey that wasn't your father anymore you did the right thing oh [ __ ] elena elena no there's nothing you can do this entire place is collapsing well i think that went great he was already gone leave me alone no we're getting out of here together yeah i gotta get out of here yeah yeah we'll we'll get out of here we'll get out of here no problem in the next episode we're going to leave it there cliffhanger gamers look i know your dad is dead and it's is it my fault no no i'm never to blame for anything that's happening this just because you guys started doing stuff right as i showed up does not mean that anything is my fault i did bring you here and then your dad killed a bunch of people then you had to kill your dad but look it's all in the past what happens in this episode stays in this episode next time no one's going to give a [ __ ] anyway exciting first episode of resident evil um really really cool so far i absolutely adore the setting the werewolves van helsing vampires aspect of it all this whole like victorian castle whatever you want to call it the medieval sort of vibe to it it's all super cool um gameplay-wise it controls a little funky it's a little like sluggish it's a little wonky but i think it's supposed to be like that so you don't just plow through it it's supposed to be like slow and methodical um and it's a first person shooter so if it responds if it's too responsive then it just becomes a little too easy but i really love the enemies so far they're really cool i like this a lot i'm i it feels like seven meets four um it's a little more action heavy than the and then seven was uh but i had heard that before the game came out that they kind of leaned a little bit more towards just kind of like mowing dudes down rather than kind of making you scared which i feel like is a fine upgrade four was kind of like that as well there's lots of tension in it hey bro disinfected wipes elena disinfectant wipes in a tub apparently anyway that's going to do it for this one thank you guys so much for watching we're going to do episodes of this every single day if i'm able to so don't forget to subscribe so you're up to date and notified whenever these episodes come out and ring that bell so you know exactly when each episode comes out and also like this video because then it gets put into everybody's recommendeds and then more people can check out the series and it helps me out a lot but until then thank you so much for watching this one and i'll see you tomorrow
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 5,177,109
Rating: 4.9795222 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, resident evil, resident evil 8, resident evil village, resident evil 8 jacksepticeye, lady dimitrescu, vampire lady, tall lady
Id: 5V2uaNmZi7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 29sec (4169 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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