You Said We Could Be Friends... | 3 Scary Games

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my name is access guy and would you like to start the survey you came into my house last week you've been in my house God you've come into my house pretty much every day for the last seven years some of you have so it's time to take a survey I want to know your opinions of what it's been like to be in my house I actually don't know what this is about I have a very nice room though oh oh no oh no why no I don't want to solve a Rubik's Cube are you having a nice day yes I got brand-new Internet installed in my house and it's absolutely sensational do you have many responsibilities yes yes I do I am uh I am a homeowner I have lots of responsibilities I take out the trash I pay my own bills and my own taxes look around for a moment oh I don't want you okay that's fine are you familiar with your surroundings yes I think we're all familiar with my surroundings here today do you know who you are my eatin house yes question mark see it's only 5:14 p.m. have you ever had a panic attack well yes yes I have and they're awful I would not like to get one ever again please do you find yourself questioning your existence ah don't we all why am I here Who am I here and even better how am I here yes do you believe there is a God I personally do not but he just heard me okay no I do not now you're answering these questions out of free will ooh that's interesting or am I being controlled by the brain insight your brain controls yourself but it knows it's controlling itself and also has no power over itself it's a bizarre mechanism yes are you certain yes do you feel comfortable in your room not right now I did until I started doing this if the lights went out would you be scared I kind of want to say yes because yeah I would be but also it I feel like it's giving them power and they're just going to turn off the lights yeah they just have you ever wondered when you will die I did and then I took his quiz on it and apparently I die very soon yes through something in the room with me Alfredo have you cleaned off your desk lately yes actually I have was the first thing I dig this was a mess open the folder on your desk do you recognize the contents of the folder anyway it's minecraft it's the the debug menu in Minecraft yes throw away the contents of the folder okay do you have internet access I do where you gonna send me pornhub calm do you have any enemies I'm probably a lot of people in the world and I'm sure some of them want to be my enemy if you suddenly went missing would anybody come looking for you I'd like to think so I'd like to think that if someone who has a channel of 23 million subs and I just completely vanished off the face of the earth I would hope that if someone would go looking for me does that mean you're not gonna kill me are you alone I wanna answer yes but my mind is telling me no if you screamed would anybody here if jacksepticeye screams everybody hears let's say no I wanna I want to see where this goes do you know the person standing behind you [ __ ] oh there was a shadow oh I don't like that no no I'm not oh it sucked you [ __ ] relax you stupid computer oh that was good I hate it are you relaxed no are your feelings real and not just programmed like a machine my feelings are rare very feely they're very really feel ease is there a meaning to life probably not I think I think humanity and life is a miraculous anomaly that happened I don't think we were brought into existence for any sort of bigger meaning I think we could all be wiped off the face of the earth and earth would go on and then other species would take over so let's say no having no meaning to life does that mean that it's not worth living life is amazing I love life life is crazy crazy cool what it wants to be do you know who you are yet yes enjoys her - Kai do you know what is happening not really if you were told the truth about your existence which you denied in hopes for a better answer I don't think so if somebody came and told me what my existence actually was I don't think that would change how I live my life that's the thing not believing in God and not thinking there's any real big meaning to life does not mean that I can't still enjoy it or make the most of it or try to create my own meaning out of it what I all like that I like it stop it's simulacra all over again yes when I ask you questions is it really you answering yes I heard a sound oh I hate this okay I just wanted the fun jaunt through a video game today I did know Jesus if you could prove that you are not sentient would you be shocked no do you want to know the truth yes look out your window Oh look around you this room the door the computer the house next door is it all fake none of it is real I made this world I made you that's cool I've been trying to help you see it for what it is and now I finally done it I can finally set you free this is a matrix in every I got out haha screw you suckers I'm out in the system it was all Eliza fuli's you got duped fool see that's the beauty of a game like that is that anything can be real or nothing could be real or some demons could be real or whatever life is what you make out of it go out there have fun and make the absolute most of it quarter and even get yourself a faithful friend hi I'm jacksepticeye and I'm 14 let's get deep I think this is a game about a dog that's gonna go crazy and kill me or I love the dog and it's not gonna kill me and I have to protect it either way it has a dog in it and that makes me happy my name is Max since Hogan came into my life I have never felt alone he is my best friend he accompanies me in good times and in bad times whatever happens I will never abandon he okay oh man I have the happiness tapping the shoes of all times these are not the type of shoes that would make those tippy taps you go Jesus I do like that I have lace oh I have a swagger Bee Gees are jealous quick and in their boats okay at least tap dancing classes are paying off Cujo I mean Hugo how dare you I can't do that to me hi you are nothing you don't even have an ass if it doesn't have an ass it's not worth being scared of [ __ ] hell cheap ass jump scared don't do it again it's locked from the other side but I can't see nothing it's maakad what I say where is he given to me he picked up the flashlight why didn't I have a flashlight before bring a banana with you [ __ ] everybody in the ass with it okay that was fine I was just mildly turned off there for a second but I'm back on baby let's go was this the slice cheese slice that Aztec cheese I'll take that okay nom nom nom washy washy wishy washy there you go hold on turn off the light it's scary in the dark if you wash yourself in the dark how do you know if you're really washing yourself if you can't see the dirt how do you know it's going to be gone alright Hugo hi Jesus you're not supposed to scare me you're my friend oh okay good doggy good doggy there isn't food here you need the meat I need the meat the meat the meat I need it worth to me your name's Hogan not Hugo oops my bad okay wait you should Hey good god and I feel like this door is shooting me in the chest with a shotgun I need the door open you can come with me if you want protect me lord knows I need it it's a bus to you go yogin here you go I know your name here's the meat I love a good squelch in my meat here you go hoagie I got you some nice nom noms the meat the meat eat up boy you know sounds this gamer so loud it sounded like you know your son more like a paper shredder than a dog hello oh the cat - love you Chris q2 return okay I like that I need my doggy door closed I don't like it stop Shh it's fine you what the meat we should go to Arby's I've heard they have them my dad will be home any minute and he's a policeman officer okay I don't know where to go Hogan do you know oh Jesus well I was like [ __ ] you it's my house okay I'm not sure what to do an ex bud hold on Hogan Domino's is here what do you mean you want Papa John's let me see the video of him recently he's a weirdo No No abandon Hogan kill Hogan Idaho I don't have to kill him but I don't abandon him either I should ease his pain but also that's horrible I thought it was gonna be like revenge I don't know what to do I don't know what to do I don't know what to do what do we do what do we do can I can I can I kill myself can I kill that [ __ ] I'm sorry Hogan no no no no I did it because I didn't want him to suffer okay I'm a horrible person it should've hit me oh [ __ ] it playing games on the internet it's supposed to be fun and I supposed to have moral dilemmas are you gonna turn off the lights [Music] it's kind of funny you're a monster if the game received sufficient financial support I'll finish the development the video game can you finish a person that doesn't make me have to kill my dog or abandoned him can I have an ending that's me going off on my dog and having fun that'd be great right now I feel sad whoa that's cool that's such an awesome way to the start of a game the tape landed on my desktop boy howdy we're in for something good MS boss that's my operating software oh my god I can actually do this this is a game called no players online so either this game is [ __ ] or it's gonna kill everybody um free skins capture the flag best capture the flag server our free skins okay I couldn't join that one but I can enjoy it and join this one wanna play with mods dammit let gamers play oh my god this is so cool-looking holy [ __ ] looking for players oh this is gonna get spooked a stick isn't it uh reminds me of the old quake I never paid too much of it but if I did but of an overview [ __ ] have to catch up to the other teams flag I'm gonna win if there's no other players online that means I'm the best player online I'm going to eSports look they're not even defending their flag [ __ ] rookie mistake you gotta defend your flag man other way some dumbass is gonna come and capture it like me oh it's a complete mirror of each other that's cool [Music] oops I don't know if I were supposed to do that hey I got my first instinct is to immediately shoot something this is spooky is that another player oh hi that's [ __ ] freaky am I playing with ghosts semadar I'm still gonna kick their ass what up pro gamer jacksepticeye can we can people start writing articles about this oh it's a lot redder than it was before mmm redder means butter okay that was fine but if you show up I ain't afraid to pop some caps and asses that's how I talk hey I have friends somebody somebody joined thank god it's getting a little too easy here wonder is he any good I think he's got skills clearly not because he's in the wrong area dude I'm gonna score dope just in case Oh freaky way it's open Oh Oh what the [ __ ] okay just win just win you don't need to do about you don't need to do anything else just be a big brave boy could you do that for me sure can I got this I got this big epic gamer man big winning gamer time just leave [ __ ] scared myself I hit my mouse by accident hey Jackie you scared of video games yeah never who would be afraid of a video game I'm ready Xander oops what was your name shouldn't have shot his gramophone he's real mad at me for that maybe it's the ghost of the gramophone drama ghost okay however to win just win all you have to do is get the flag in the endzone and you win No oh stop stop I'm I'm a soft supper little boy you can't do this to me I have banana child Eva's joined as a spectator stop what you're doing do not move another step whatever you do do not deliver that flag how did you even get access to this game can you hear me can I type if you can read this press y to chat and say something I press Y I press Y it's not working wait never mind I don't think you have chat permission on the server o to shoot twice if you can read this I did it John okay so you could read this I sure can so let me explain if you delivered that last flag the servers will shut down I absolutely cannot let that happen John tell me more I've been working on this project for more than eleven years I can't let you jeopardize all of my work this may look like a simple FPS game to you but this game has the power to raise the dead at least that's what it is supposed to do I can't jump off the edge it's still a work in progress as you can probably tell I'm making this so I can see my wife again Oh John no but she seems to be stuck in a sort of limbo she's stuck playing video games you probably already met her she might come over a bit aggressive but she's just scared and confused can you blame her you destroyed the record player with her favorite music I didn't mean to I'm an idiot I used that music to keep her cam if you deliver the last flag her soul will be set free but I know I can save her and bring her back please press escape and shut down the game I'm not doing it John do not deliver that flag John I'm just joking John haha John you're so stupid you think please press escape and shut the game down you know John I want to but I'm a youtuber and that would be the end of the entertainment and I have a job to do I have some people to entertain some people to please goodbye John pick from serve a recent connection to host lost Oh John I'm sorry is there more to the game I don't know wow there's actually no servers when you relaunch the game everything is gone I can't hit enter on anything either dear Chuck today I made the mistake of playing your game moreover I made an even bigger mistake by sending your wife's soul free I had a pancake this morning for breakfast hope you're doing well love Sean in John thought about you today I hope you're doing well I myself I'm not doing the best at the moment but I know I can pull through in time things will get better for me Dear John haven't heard back from you in a while would really like to get in touch chat soon Sean Dear John what the [ __ ] man Dear John you said we could be friends just because I deleted your wife from existence does not mean I'm a bad person Dear John look I know I came off a little strong and a little aggressive but I promise I can make this right we could be friends again all you gotta do is talk to me again man open up the servers I'll be chat to you please reply Sean you know what John [ __ ] you you're the problem I was perfectly nice to you and you going throw it in my face [ __ ] it anyway John that's it I'm coming over
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,753,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye horror games, 3 scary games jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye scary games, jacksepticeye scary, horror games, 3 scary games, jumpscare, scary games, scary, horror, gameplay, creepypasta, lets play, horror game, playthrough, let's play, creepy pasta, walkthrough, jump scare, creepy, scary game, scary stories, creepypasta game, reaction, horror stories, gaming, game, faithful friend, no players online, do you want to take a survey, start survey, survival horror
Id: Slbuq2GJMck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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