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hi there and welcome to 20 women versus one simon so ladies and gentlemen this man right here his name is bazinga also known as ethan ethan is currently single so the rest of the summer thought of a brilliant idea why don't we help out ethan's love life so we went out and found 20 beautiful women for him to choose from now all he needs to do is make the difficult decision of picking 10 out of the 20 women that he would like to date yes he's only allowed to pick 10 women but before we see who he picks you need to subscribe to the sidemen yes we are very close to 10 million subscribers so you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna leave up a black screen for five seconds so you can watch yourself subscribe right now five four three two one done good also while you're at it be sure to stream and buy i really love it to tune by okay sounds great david you might like it anyway let's see who ethan will choose hi i'm christina my name's ethan how are you yeah this is so bad yes please yes yes this video is horrendous you said yes please i can hear jj man hi hey jaz ethan no [Applause] hi my name is annabelle ethan yes please god oh this is so brutal this is so funny he's already used two out of ten that's easy hi my name's alexandra oh this is so horrible i'm a really nice person i'm sorry they're pouring in hi my name is lizzy yes lizzy thanks this is hi my name's shalini lovely to meet you nice to meet you i'm sorry it's a no oh this video is horrible i want to talk to you i want to say hello i want to have fun hi my name is tashon hiya yes please [Laughter] i want to give him a hug i'm a poor guy i can't believe this hi my name is luana ethan yes he's burning through the yeses yeah he's getting he's got a lot like four hi my name is daisy lovely to meet you he's not standing on the mark it's going to be a no from me i'm sorry i didn't say no to she can't even stand hi my name is lohan lovely to meet you yes i don't i think yes yes this is great this is going it's this is really really nice isn't it everyone he's on six it's so early hi my name is bethany bethany yes oh he's going over he's going you can't stop slow down slow down you're on a budget a bunch hi my name's taylor hello how are you having a good day it's a no for me is that another yeah if he doesn't prefer my name is felicia hello felicia i like the i like the jeans thanks unfortunately it's enough that's the fact that you gave somebody though oh i don't like this didn't like her like the dream he's got what two more two more how are you i'm good my name's ella lovely to meet you ella but i'm sorry he was old he just closed his eyes i feel like he's got to stop drawing it out i feel like it's more painful for everybody hi i'm bailey hello bailey uh yeah go on then lovely stuff yeah so confused that's a problem right go on if he seems unsure about and says yes they're just going to say yeah yeah yeah yeah yes i didn't expect this to be this painful for us joel i like that yes go on yeah yes please yes what's your name hello my name's claire hello clay yes every other girl is pissed that they've not got that reaction yeah that was so like she said something she said somehow hi my name is liv hello liv hi my head scrambled hi my name's ellie hello ellie it's going to be a no for me hi my name is keisha hello keisha i'm so sorry i don't like this i hope you're having a good day having a great day it's a no from now on go on are we waiting on more people or not oh plans oh his tim looked sharp yeah wait can i go and speed i want to speak to the boys please go give him a hug you were meant to only pick 10 women well unlucky for you ethan now it's the females turn to decide whether they would want to date you i heard some footsteps oh hello everyone yes yes success i thought everyone was gonna walk away yes ah thanks everyone gonna go and check in with the buzz [Music] i think he's good looking but i just think he's too loud he speaks too loud that's it even though ethan seemed like a really really lovely guy i said no tim because i just thought we were gonna be a little bit too different but ethan i know the white girl is out there for you ethan seems like a really great guy and i kind of prefer my men a little bit more mediterranean so tall tanned dark features um so he's just not really for me he just wasn't the type of guy that i would normally go for he's a good looking guy i'm just more of a blonde hair blue-eyed kind of girl definitely a good-looking guy i would go for him except the fact he's very very loud and he think like he love himself too much he sounds really vain the way he acts he just like constantly i don't know like the way he moves he's like his attitude shows me that well ethan who cares you have six dazzling women ready to go on a date with you however there is a catch ethan clearly isn't very good at speaking to women so the other six sidemen will be telling ethan exactly what he has to say all through a little headphone lodged inside his ear let the dating commence you've got to be calling her sarah the whole time ethan even if she corrects you just keep calling her sarah how are you i'm good thank you sarah how are you who's sarah oh sorry my bad my name's cynthia cynthia oh sorry about that so what do you do um i am a model and a dancer what things have you modelled in sarah um cynthia i'm sorry what's your name again my name is ethan ethan how do you pronounce that uh e.t h am how do you pronounce it and he said what things have you um modeled it on superdrug ah argos what did you do for argos um what kind of products are we talking i've done a lot of products for argos actually products more furniture argos furniture love me do you wear wigs for these like are you wearing a wig now you think i need a wig no no no i think yeah lovely beautiful oh that's so nice of you to say no problem you have um you have hair could you hook me up with some super drugs can you have you got any super drugs did you put me on why what do you want you're making like just like the super drugs like not the normal drugs but like super super challenging have you got any like hard supervision in my bag oh this date's going better than i imagined what kind of super drugs are we talking um like coca-cola zero coca-cola zero sarah's got coca-cola zero head's a bit scrambled especially annabelle annabelle that is my real name oh they might leave if you say like sarah one more time to be honest i'm sorry sarah [Applause] you're a [ __ ] king you're a king that's amazing um so i had to walk out because ethan did not have any manners to get my name correct after three times and i didn't actually find him that funny unfortunately so i had to leave yeah that's all right sorry that's all right it's okay i think she liked you if you got her name right yeah yeah all right yeah hello for mate so for this one what's happening here you're gonna have to spend the whole time gassing up your dog saying you love this dog with all your heart try and naturally get her to ask to see it and then you show a picture of a dead dog hello hey yeah what was your name again sorry a reader i just don't want to get that wrong again ethan ethan what do you do reader oh work in health and safety okay yeah i'm i'm quite dangerous are you quite how am i dangerous if you guided oh you'd have to you have to come on the second date now somewhere dangerous i quite like dogs dogs i love dogs do you yes what do you have a dog no do you have a dog i do have a dog i'm definitely going on a second date definitely coming on the second day oh that's that's amazing that's amazing my dog's called her bill bill lovely lovely little fella lovely little fella do you want to see him yeah oh no oh god oh no oh no what kind of dog is he it's like a little fella it's like a little fella um not a dangerous one so here he is what so what is he is that blood yeah he's dead is that oh my god no it said dog bro it's [Music] i'm sorry to hear about it like i still play with the dog that kind of dangerous you wanted the danger man when he got hit by the i sort of like i took him home and gotten filled up again just because like oh i just tell him to recover it time to recovery come style it out all right recover recover style it out would you like a dog like that one no no you're not no but what kind of puppy would you like a puppy a live one not a dead one what kind of breed is it not a dead one like a pit ball you've always got to live with the fact that they'll get hit by a car this is not styling it out this is not styling it out he's killing this i won't let get hit by a car and if it does i won't stop it i'm saying i'm a bad owner would you do that with your girlfriend then if she dies if i speak i'm in big trouble oh yeah yeah do you know what i'll fill you up yeah i'll fill you up yeah sorry i want to know are you into me would you fill me up would i fill you up fill you up that's sort of like get off my leg which one with that i just want to know like how into me you are like i'm into you but i wouldn't tell you bring me out ten stuffing if you were dead all right so if you had to rate me out of 10 what would it be you got a nice style thank you i like your tattoos yeah you say that your beard's nose yeah eight out of 10. you like dogs though so that's a good thing but the dead dog that's why you don't get 10. oh okay yeah all right so do you want me to bring you go on them don't say anything though like you're into like you're into danger and stuff like that yeah don't give her a rating though but yeah i don't know this is hard to do isn't it like face to face i don't know how you've done it i think you're lovely and you do you do sort of just like dangerous just tell them to get up and walk out baby i'll rate you on the second date second day again well you said i said with dogs right yeah no no no no no better now i don't want to see your how about cats couch i'll think about it i'll think about it i don't know no i'm sorry said no all right no worries no worries well i think this has been a great date i think we've learned a lot about each other it's been a pleasure good good to see you too all right take care bye bye [Laughter] you're giving so i've never been on a first date where i've been told that they'd fill me up if i died um i've never been on a date where dog's been dead and it's been stuffed so i don't think the date went that well if it wasn't for the dead dog i did actually like him so um yeah i wouldn't go on another date with him sorry ethan and sorry bill r.i.p bill all right ethan we want this to be a normal date but if you could uh talk about exercise please you know how to do that yeah he's he's a pro what's your name again sorry to sean or you could call me lovely to meet you again after that sort of bizarre sort of yeah uh how's your day been so far yeah it's been a while how's your day been quite eventful i suppose not exactly the most ideal start to a date um what are you interested in i'm interested in djing martial arts okay fitness yeah i do that that's perfect i love this too sort of what i sort of transitioned my whole life into at the minute do some press-ups see this right yeah if i just go like this right and then like basically you want to make sure that your knees aren't coming in yeah yeah that's sort of bicep curl my main yeah one of my main sort of it's good to do on the move right so i can't get in the gym you're busy i've got a little bit of weight okay like it's satin obvious i mean that doesn't really if you do much if you do that like 2000 times right two thousand times you're on each arm while it works is this like turning you on or anything no but don't you have weights at home because i got my own weights i'm like a firm believer in like doing what you can with what's what's around you okay so you chose your phone yeah like so this i'd do this all day by telling him to begin to just do circles just around her could you run circles around her chair oh my god so like basically if you combine it with like a little bit of cardio at the same time right this could be anything you could do like so like cardio and just repetitions repetitions make you give her a pt you reach your goals quicker so how long have you been doing fitness well then um for like two and a half years i mean like i'm just into the alternative methods getting involved in an exercise like star trek yeah so i mean what kind of exercise would you like then different mixture i mean i don't really do nothing creative without use the phone just okay so like if you just like if you want to do the yeah so if you killed that yeah and then give a star jumping between yeah stand up amazing okay honestly if you're in the right it'll be a joke there we go oh my goodness this is amazing that's a new one i yeah that's amazing yeah um but yeah like what else do you do then i'll scout apart from that not much really i'm like just make youtube videos can we swap seats by the way okay thanks [Laughter] saying to actually sure yeah i'm sure because like i know i'm sweating from it i didn't do as much as you there so you know that's true i do train hard same but we're not in the right environment to train hard just be like yo it's kind of sway you know it's quite a good environment it's it's different it is it's sweaty though like like i don't think it's that yeah i can't take the pillow but it's like sweaty it's sweating it's nice it just must be you you must be really sweaty so you're feeling your own sweat there curl the chest somehow but like this [Laughter] you can't sit still can you oh she's not laughing no see this yeah really good for like hammer curls basically um and then this is like i think this is a bit better than the phone but not much yeah maybe because it's a bit heavier maybe so you know you're getting out of it the phone's always like oh my god it's about the repetitions you know but like do you have tissues on here no no no no okay i'm gonna leave you two because the chair is like kind of sweaty okay cool yeah yeah [Applause] i mean the date was interesting i didn't think was going to be doing some fitness exercises on the day but i don't think i would go on another day because he knows fitness but i don't think he knows a fitness as well as i do good job all right start normal but ease into how you have a massive foot fetish get your toes out get your toes out by the end [Laughter] how are you i'm good how are you very good what's your name again sorry christina christina i mean i had a little bit of an issue with with names before so what do you do i'm a dancer okay what do you do um i sort of do a little bit of everything i make youtube videos um i've wrapped before too are you any good at it no i go to the gym a lot um and those are pretty much all the things i do great what are you sort of interested in um love my cooking okay pride myself in my cooking the cook for you oh that's an amazing what's your best dish my best dish gotta be greek food greek food greek food okay i love halloumi i really like kalumi is that green you're welcome it's cypriot i'm from cyprus oh i like cyprus i've had some do not say napa no certainly certainly not nappa no so yeah i i've got like a few like do you like like weird things sort of like bedroom stuff what like i thought you're gonna say i thought you're going to say weird questions i know it's like i just wanted to gauge sort of like where this i mean we've only got three minutes right so i love feet i'm a dancer yeah that's what i mean but that's yeah experienced no but i've got like really flat ones as well mine are really ugly but i feel like this could be like really like this is quite bonding it's like that's sucks like can you see like how flat they are right but you don't like it please can i see your feet great foot like now i've shown you like yeah now i'll show you my feet how about that that one needs help you should go and get a pedicure hey hey can i please see your foot of course i've just shown you a really intimate part of my foot nasty don't show me that okay i'll keep that one hidden not bad that's a lovely foot thank you can i guess what size you are i reckon you're a size like six six and a half no seven four and a half feet off okay fair enough four feet can we like high five feet can you just absolutely not oh corona virus can it transmit by your feet yeah yeah yeah okay i mean in that case you know like health and safety and things but so besides like being obsessed with feet yep like any other favorites like favorite music oh okay i thought we were still talking about no no tissues and stuff like that carry on talking but sniff your own sock by the way feet are a big no in case you didn't gauge that like if we if we're talking about like moving on from the feet okay you like feet yeah no i really like music like concerts and stuff like that nice nice place are you smashing this do you ever just like no you never no no because like the i bought these socks fresh just for today as well and like i don't know if i should say that i'm flattered or like just because i'm weirded out i've i've left like i bought fresh socks i've made sure to they won't care are you one of those people that doesn't like wash their clothes they just don't know no i washed them but i just think there's multiple uses for clothes as well like you can use them to seduce people you can use them for safety yeah that's really safe yeah that's like it's as good as one of those blue ones i think it depends you've got to make do with what's around you right and um i'll make do with feet i make do with socks you really love feet don't you like really enough feet i can't bake plus if i did bake vanilla sponge why is like that's just boring go for like i don't know carrot cake or chocolate cake okay and now you're talking that talk see so like if we can talk that talk whilst like just no no it's not working at the feed just stand up and run i'm gonna just run don't say anything i was really looking forward to still like chit chat i was like okay cool let's see where it goes and then he just brought out the feet and i was like eh you know i i just thought it was one of those things where he wants to see if i was a weirdo but he turned out to be the weirdo it's a no for me i mean do people even say yes to like dates like this no second one for me absolutely not oh dude all right ethan mate for this one uh you're gonna slowly basically reveal to her that you're a criminal and you've got a criminal past of like robin old grannies stuff like that mate they can't get away because they can't yeah you can't you've got they can't i can't speak today they can't catch you they can't catch you oh [ __ ] it what was your name again last good start to the date i know i've i've it's just i've it's i had a bit of an issue earlier a bit of a kerfuffle my name is bailey like the drink bailey love baileys yeah creamy and delicious in there do you have it on the rocks with do i have it with ice and a little bit of milk oh a little bit of milk make it a little bit creamier better in there tasting yeah i can imagine that tasting really nice so what do you do um i work in influencer marketing oh okay so i work for an agency ethan's about to lose a brand deal where brands will like approach us with their campaigns and then we assign influencers to those campaigns does that mean you give me a brand deal or maybe if you're lucky yeah because i need one um i sort of i spent a little bit of time in prison oh yeah what did you do it's not like it's not obviously not something to be like proud of anything i used to he's still from old people oh yeah you seem like the type really yeah because thanks but basically they can't catch it if you think about it like it's actually really smart like they can't chase you yeah obviously right yeah amazing because i'm like young amazing athletic right oh do you play sports uh yeah i played over this nicely obviously i did it in prison quite a lot but yeah no stealing off old people because it's you've just seen them in the street right and they usually have like a nice little basket or something yeah they're always carrying swimming goods in there yeah yeah and then if you go to like the affluent areas the what areas the affluent ones where they're like really they're really rich they've got a lot of big brain big bets you're [ __ ] stupid i wouldn't need brand deals if i if i'd get to two or three old people from say like three or two or three a week well it depends because some sometimes you go for like the shopping trolley so you get like the the groceries you get like the the nice like shreddies and stuff that sort you out for the week and then sometimes you go straight for just like the money smash and grabs yeah depends until my mum snitched on me yeah so like that's why i was in prison but the only reason i got caught was because my mom wasn't happy with it she grasped on you she's she she told her me but she's not around longer you know what happens to snitches yeah she just she had to go you know like snitches get niches get stitches doesn't matter loyalty makes makes family right yeah just like the grannies okay so would you ever do crime with me wicked would you do like would you commit crimes with me would you be like the bonnie too for your client yeah would you that's got a ring to it haven't you yeah um we can change crimes like what crimes do you like like um i'd steer away from the old people to be honest it's really yeah that's really my kind of advice it's really profitable i'm telling you now like i said if you find the ones with the nice little bit of issues yeah i don't know about the old people i don't know if my conscience could take that um okay we'll stick to many but what about people who's gonna be able to earn it back easier okay rather than old people they've had their time have me you know what there's a little bit of moral there yeah see do you think i've got mold do you think i've got issues um what about children yeah i think you've got issues probably for stealing off old people how about steve you know the saying like taking candy from a baby yeah but what can you stole from children they usually get pocket money right lunch money two pounds yeah the two pounds can go a long way you think about 16 times two what's that quick math prison educated come on i'm really smart come on so no issues you don't think i've got issues um i mean we can work on those issues we can work on the issues together bonnie and clyde stealing from children grannies and rich people that can make it back amazing can i steal a brandel you can't steal it no because it's not a physical thing so you don't be able to take it to you what about me stealing your heart how about i've got another thing okay i'm into robbing right can i steal your heart um i mean that got quite a few locks on it it's got quite a few loads on it yeah don't worry i'm good i'm picking i'm really efficient i get the job done i do my job hence why you went to prison i'm south of the river unknown as um the most deficient lock picker i mean yeah you can say that i wouldn't really call it a pick but i like putting what'd you call my keys [Laughter] you could say i just like putting my keys in holes okay i like unlocking doors they they open up new opportunities okay new opportunities that's good so how do you think this is going so far to be honest yeah go on i think you're giving me all like your bad qualities what's some of your good qualities suppose it just really it shows if you're really ready to you know stick it out be the bonnie yeah tell her you've got so if you're willing to if you're willing to do that that would be that'd be good i'm gonna give you a chance yeah yeah what size your feet size five but these look like they're probably about a size 10 dominant i'd say they're [ __ ] whoppers aren't they i went for the autumn vibe you know that the double leather yeah i get you what size feet are you i'm i'm like it depends in the fit right but i'm like a nine nine and a half tell your sister i say about big feet because i've got i've obviously i've got big feet because i'm six foot but do you know what they say about big feet that you're probably six foot they have big socks oh do you want to you want to see myself yeah let's see yourself okay yeah no worries when's the last time you cut your toenails oh last year [ __ ] sake i think the date went quite well and what he seemed like a nice guy but he did speak about himself an awful lot i think maybe i would go on another date with him because now it's his turn to find out a little bit more about me a couple grannies couple sentences jesus christ guys can do no wrong right ethan for this one we want you to be an absolute egomaniac flex everything all your numbers your followers celebrities you've met named from everything are you i'm good what's your name again olivia olivia yes how are you good i mean earlier on was a little bit of a little bit of a surprise to me it was really horrible yeah i'm glad you're having a good day um but like do you do instagram or anything a little bit how many followers you got a thousand or something that's that's it's not great i'm looking for you know someone to elevate my career because i'm i feel like i'm like a big deal already i've done videos with like dwayne the you know the dwayne the rock johnson um me and kevin hart we've we've just best buddies we've collaborated on multiple brotherhoods together yeah jack whitehall he actually uh supported my series just the other day as well if you go to shoreditch right now there's a big old um painting of me on the wall oh my gosh it's quite crazy so if we could like we'd elevate those numbers this is you want to do that no maybe because i'm just sort of yeah you know trying to find trying to find a partner that can really i can just ask her what she's accomplished just what have you accomplished like what have i accomplished yeah um i'm a model a model underwear okay nice um i'm an actor as well are you in any like publications like for modeling a few just magazines not like not big magazines okay i like vintage ones vintage ones yeah okay i mean we're a bit of a niche following yeah we're in sort of like sorry oh speaking of jack whitehall he just messaged me sometimes it makes me laugh at how many i'm about to hit 10 million subscribers on one channel wow um a star channel and then across even just my own individual ones they're [ __ ] millions so many and that's what i mean i just asked her if she's into famous guys joe can you be able to handle people like in the public eye because like i don't want anyone getting jealous because i'm quite famous yeah that's true probably wouldn't care too much women just like because like i'm here with the ladies i can imagine i can imagine yeah oh you really get a little bit crazy in public and stuff like that i usually have to go out with bodyguards ask her if she's from a rich family maybe you don't need a girlfriend then you're thinking already no because i this is the thing i feel like just bouncing off people it can propel you to higher places you know they're trying to be in bigger circles okay i'm up there but you know bigger than kevin hart yeah yeah i'm trying to overtake him we get competitive you know when you when you're when you're sad you can't talk because he's told he's going yeah yeah he's literally inside yeah do you do like twitter as well ish ask her if she's rich or from a rich family are you do you have like money not really it's like quite a boring person all around well like if your family have money yeah yeah do they yeah they do okay now we might be able to go on like might be on the second date well i mean like yeah you can say you like expensive places because like and then that way like when you when you go back to like your friends or like the whatsapp group and stuff you say just took out this really [ __ ] famous guy for dinner okay what was your name yeah so like maybe nobu nobu do you know what nobody is he doesn't know what nobody is have a lovely day oh my god no no he was like no no no [Applause] um so he came across a little bit of an [ __ ] would it go on a second day at all um not my type really might might have swiped right on the first glance but after that absolutely not well it means that this method is [Music] top striker i'm hardly missing
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 13,923,051
Rating: 4.9439855 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: oois7rlbO8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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