17 Tips - HUGE MISTAKES in Enshrouded you should not make

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17 tips to become a better player in androed stay tuned for that what's up guys I'm Frankie B on this channel I am covering everything regarding open world RPGs such as Ed which is a survival RPG by keing games a German studio and I'm super happy that we from Germany finally released a nice game after golum you might have seen yeah that was totally uh due um 17 tips let's start off with tip number one tip number one the flame alar the the first one especially your base flame alter should be set properly why is that don't put it at some kind of corner or some kind of steep Cliffs Etc you need to put it somewhere to expand because if you enhance your Flame the area will um expand accordingly and you need to keep that in mind because for me right now it's possible to build a building until here and uh yeah you can see my altar is in that building over there so it expanded for quite some meters tip number two the mine you know when you get out of the cinder Vault for the first time and you turn left there is a mine and you can go there even after you cleared it and took everything out of the mine because yeah those items they respawn and in that mine you should totally get your Hatchet pick up the hatchet it's worth it you need it and it's an insane weapon especially for the start I'm going to delete it now because I don't need it I have a hatchet level two right now but yeah keep that in mind there's a hatchet and that's a nice weapon for the start tip number three not being afraid of hunger yep that's what you should be I mean I am eating right now but only for Buffs simply check out your backpack and click on all of those consumables and will see what they do this is stamina re charge insane on honey like sweets are insane in general we have some water yeah this lasts for a long time and it Buffs endurance and stamina recharge or like real game at the start of the game I just picked up anything and I ate it because I was used to those normal survival mechanics but in this game you don't need to eat anything it's just buffing you and yeah you should totally consider what buff food to to get in order to buff a certain perk or not to consume it and save it up for later or for your teammates who might need it more than you especially like intelligence buff or so keep that for your healers and Maes tip number four this is a Sandbox game and there are many gates that you might be able to like cross right now because it's not like the typical RPG normal RPGs we have level Gates Etc and here it is miasma and you can see the red miasma it's always too strong for me right now but I can travel through all of those miasmas yet and there's a gate yeah like just like a really a real gate and you can sometimes just go around those pick up your pickaxe and Destroy some doors that's totally possible for you and you can even like I think it was right here in the hidden Tom entry right there where I found a shield behind a door I couldn't open yet but I just used my pickaxe destroyed the door and I went through it so try that out tip number five building building is super important as you can see on this mini base right here I use stairs as my construction help I mean there is a possibility to construct it at your workbench but you need of course to have a workbench and then craft those blocks and then go into your building menu enter the building mode and then you can like use which which blocks to use yeah um in this case with control and uh the mouse wheel you can change those kind of blocks and materials keep that in mind you always need those extra steps after Gathering the wood you need to process it to a block to make use out of it all right best tip in my opinion tip number six the wand it's just incredible there are many types of ones but I think this is just P especially for the start of the game it grants light at night and it grants you a lot of damage for free why is that we have The Apprentice wand which isn't consuming any Mana for us it's just pure damage and you can use it infinitely or almost infinitely and I I will use it just shoot at enemies and then Dash away and shoot at them and dash away it's super awesome for the first 15 hours perfect but there are different kind of ones like staffs Etc they require missiles in this case I'm using ice bolts and I equipped them to me to use with the shepherd stuff so keep that in mind I am talking about The Apprentice want in this case or ones in general super awesome for the start tip number seven teleporting and as you can see I have this flame alar right here and I have many flame alars around the country they are called always home and then level uh in this case home level three is my main base but I have many of those just planted around there for teleporting and exploring new areas especially when I go to a new area I first try to plant a flame Altar and I destroy another one older one to make use out of the Fast Travel System you can fter from almost anywhere to those places except for being in a fight or miasma of course but yeah they are super important as fast travel points tip number eight in this case miasma let's talk about miasma super important to know there is a timer on top and this timer is always depleting and when it it's gone you will die and that immediately keep that in mind there is worse miasma like miasma level three or so or four or five and that will kill you even faster so the timer won't be 7 minutes like in my case but will be just 7 Minutes depleting in 7 seconds if it's too bad for you you can check out what kind of level of miasma you can stand in the menu simply go to your character go to all attributes and then see check out the passage level I mean it's showing a glider that's a bug for sure um and you have the timer so I can um go through the miasma oh it's it's called shroud in German in English sorry it's called miasma in German right and uh yeah it's it's called shroud in English all right so let's talk about shroud right but yeah tip number nine exploring the miasma or the Shroud is of course worth it oh that's makes to so much sense it's it's called Ed and not anmat makes sense to me I mean since it's a German developer they did pretty well on translating the stuff and localizing it to the German language it might be even a native built-in in German I'm not too sure about that but yeah explore that it's super worth it you get a lot of materials there tip number 10 and this is super important everything respawns outside of your base when I had this uh flame alar here I had uh this mine and it was regenerating each and every day or every two days and this mine was again like simply grass over the hill and once I expanded my flame alter it didn't disappear because it's in my base now everything outside of your base will be replenished this is super useful because I once made the mistake that I for example I I took down this well right here and I thought I'm never getting water again because I wanted to build it up in my base and I thought this system would work like this in the first 30 minutes of the game play but yeah it reappeared after some time so just give it time everything out of your base will reappear and you can take advantage of that later on I have a very nice quick tip for you to get rings in in a minute tip number 11 I talked about the one but now let's talk about bows bows are super incredibly strong like they are really strong but you need to have Arrows with you and that's the downside of it but if you somehow manage to get a longbow I would totally recommend using that because it's a brutal sniper weapon and yeah get the Hun as soon as you can because you can craft arrows at her you need to know to have everything in your pockets to craft it and this gu is metal scraps of course and you know no one can destroy the metal still not enough fair enough get the long bow it's super awesome dealing a ton of damage but consuming arrows tip number 12 go and Rescue all of those five NPCs as soon as you can we have many different ones with many different um perks we have the farmer then we have the carpenter next up El is of course for healers and mages the huntress and of course the blacksmith yeah you need all of those for different kind of crafting materials Etc and you get a lot of new stuff through it especially um decorations as well and decorations make sense in this game you can see I have comfort level 22 right here now it's level five it's sometimes bugging because I um actually split this house into two houses and it sometimes doesn't know which one to consider but yeah it's it's like Comfort level 22 and that's quite decent for my my my time at the game I didn't sleep enough yet sleeping should like increase the Night speed by 60 but I think it's booked right now I can't see it it's speeding up maybe it's morning now yep tip number 13 performance killer I had a few Crashers with terraforming so keep that in mind terraforming can be done through either the hammer and then go down to the terrain and you can like craft some Terrain with stone or with dirt you can use those materials you want to and then like make this this rum for you to use maybe that's a fun thing to do but you can see terraforming is also yeah can be pretty bad especially U when you don't know where the terraforming origin is located at yeah I have this this Splinter right here and I don't know how to remove it to be honest with you guys I don't know how to that you yet another way it's the rig I will flatten out everything to a a certain level that you set and it will sometimes help and sometimes not but all the crashes that I had were through terraforming and it's quite dangerous and sometimes I I don't know why it works in a certain way and uh I'm I'm not too sure you can build caves which is super fun in my opinion you can build your save a yourself a cave and uh go into it I I try to dig around my house but there's sadly no water I found no water in the whole game except for in whales um but no floating water to make use of and I wanted to like yeah dig dig something around my base and uh make it a nice and safe place against Monsters Etc but so far I did never get raided so I'm telling you that uh the only chances like you're getting too close to those miasma mobs and they might hunt you but in this case yeah you can simply go into your home and defend yourself which is also possible I think the best thing about the game is the building you can build quite a lot of stuff in it and it's so so much fun all right now we talked about um performance killing terraforming let's talk about those rings of power I have those Rings the sigil ring of the elder god two times and you can get it as well how do you get it just simply check out your map here is the cinder W here's likely your first home at the longke and then you go down to this bridge and down here next to the bridge there is like a mop that has it with him this mop like everything outside of your base respawns and you can always always get it back same as like for the x that you get in the first mine right here you can always go there simply kill the mob again and get it and if your mates like got this ring you can't get it anymore for a few days at least until it respawns the mob then you can just create a new game go over there with your armor Etc everything on and pick it up simply like that create yet another world go there pick the second one up and then go back into the group play with your friends and you have those rings with you with a nice decent amount of stat boost I mean come on we have eight stamina 10 Health two times and it's not nothing as you can see I have 226 stamina and that would be a lot less even uh if I didn't have that and of course 300 health yeah that that's decent in my opinion especially for such a lowlevel ring that you find at the very start and you can simply get it two times tip number 15 let's talk about the skills yeah you simply should not specialize if you're a single player and if you're a multiplayer um you should specialize if you're in single player and you should not specialize if you're I'm not getting it Pick Your Role if you're a multiplayer if you're not playing multiplayer don't pick a role pick everything it's as simple as that you can be a tank you can be a Healer can be trickster Ranger Beast Master Ranger will likely do the most damage um right now in the game and of course like Mages Wizards battle majes that might be the best damage right now because it's distance damage and bow is super op has stated before um yeah I think that's the best damage in the game you can get right now so pick your role and someone should be a tank uh someone should be at the front wielding his shield and and using that like Shields can be super tough I find it quite funny that you can use a shield and a stuff or a want tip number 16 how to level up fast it's quite easy killing Killing In The Name of killing those monsters that will get you level UPS like that's the best way to level in my opinion and there's almost no other way I found so far to gain XP like those lowlevel mini mobs of course they Grant no XP like 5 XP but if you go into the miasma and kill uh or anded um kill those Ed mobs you will get a lot more experience and I stated before like those chests they respawn and even the loot respawns and sometimes it's just trush in it but sometimes it might be worth it to check out those chests again and again but yeah keep in mind the best way to level is killing and grinding mobs in my opinion the quests they sometimes only give you like a fracture of killing three mobs or so in experience not worth it tip number 17 even though I Trash Talk the quests experience right now I would recommend you guys to do quests and especially one Quest that's a quest you get from the blacksmith and he tells you yep you should go almost over there and there you will find most likely a a legendary sword and that is super awesome at the start because upgrading your St Grants New perks and the better the quality of an item the more you can upgrade it so keep that in mind if you do the side quest for the blacksmith it can be worth it if you want to wield a sword otherwise of course you might focus on side quests of the huntress or The Alchemist which could reward you with certain uh amount certain weapons yep that's it 17 tips for your best start in androed I hope I could help you guys out and if you want to check out this P World tips and tricks video or the other one that will be recommended to you guys thank you so much for tuning in and I will speak to you in the next video subscribe if you want to and goodbye
Channel: Franky Boy
Views: 6,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming Tips, Gaming, huge, mistakes, tricks, tips, gameplay, help, guide, enshrouded, english, beginner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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