Everything You NEED To Know About Farming in Enshrouded

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today I'm going to be bringing you my top tips for farming in enshrouded talking about which plants you want to farm and why and also how you can get the different types of materials required for farming now by the nature of this video there is going to be some spoilers in here so if you don't want to see those please just skip to the sections that are relevant to you or save this video for later once you've progressed in the game a little bit more to come back to but without further Ado let's jump into it if you do find this video useful and informative make sure you drop me a like and subscribe down below and let's get on with the video so first things first then to start off your farming journey in enshrouded you are going to need these seed beds now seed beds can be created through the farmer once you have unlocked the farmer NPC and if you go onto the craft menu here with her you can actually go down and you can see seedbed is here now seedbed will require wood logs it will require metal scraps and it will require Farm soil now Farm soil is also a resource that you can get from the farming NPC so if if we head over to Farm soil here you can see that you need dirt and you need burn meal now in order to get dirt it's fairly self-explanatory take a pickaxe and go ahead and hit the floor pretty much anywhere that is looking like grass or like dirt you will get dirt from that bone meal you will need to have a couple of things here so you will actually need to have the grind Stone unlocked once you've got the grinding stone unlocked you can see here that you'll just pop in burs and once you pop in one burn it will create two burn meal so like you can see here we've created quite a lot of this now for for those of you that are a little bit newer to the game the grinding stone actually comes from The Alchemist and you need to be able to craft this with Flint stone and stone again fairly self-explanatory stone is just if you dig a little bit further down in the ground than the dirch you will get stone or in any of the stone mountains that you see around the spawn and looking at my map this is where you are asked to build your first home if you actually just go pretty much straight forward there'll be a little patch of Flint on this hill right here which everybody should have in their game and you can go ahead and mine into the ground you can see there's a fair bit of Flint there which will be definitely enough to get you started on those materials so once you've gone ahead and put the seed bed down you can do as many of these as you would like we've done five but you could easily do more or less than this depending on how many crops you actually want to produce what you want to do is head over to it and see what the requirements are now very early doors I would definitely recommend getting yourself some plant fiber whacking it in here and it is going to be one plant fiber for five shrub seedlings you can then basically create an infinite amount of plant fiber as much as you will ever need in the game if we just take a little look here outside our base you can see we still have a load of it here and that is after using up pretty much all of what we will need for it now obviously as you progress into the game there is going to be other things that you want to get for example red mushrooms so that will also require bone meal now I showed you how to make the bone meal before you pop that with the mushrooms in here one red mushroom and one bone meal will make you five red mushroom seedlings once they grow you can obviously then Harvest them and you've got more than what you put in so it's a great way to get stocked up on this a lot of the different things you will need to grow here do require water so for example Tomatoes once you get hands on with these or strawberries you will see that they require water as well as the thing and the Farm soil now we know how to get Farm soil we know how to get the strawberries we go and pick them up water obviously we know how to get is from the wells now at some point in the game you can see here you are able to build your own water well which is very very useful because you can actually go ahead and grab water from this the longer you leave it up the more water it has so you can go ahead and continuously keep scooping this for a few turns which is very very nice in order to build yourself a well you want to head over to the carpenter NPC once you've unlock them you want to head down to the bottom here where it says water well and you actually want to get yourself this one now the water well will require linen stone and a wooden bucket the wooden bucket you can actually make from the carpenter himself with wooden planks Metal Sheets and charcoal you go ahead and make that one fairly easily early on then you just need Stone and linen again from the SP spinning wheel you can get some linen so that should be pretty easy to do alternatively again if you have made your base in the location that the game recommends at the start which is somewhere around about here right next to us is L keep now if you just head over into longke keep you'll be able to see that there is actually a well right in the middle here that you can actually go to as well and this functions like the one that you can build at your base the longer you leave it before you harvest from it again you can actually just get more water and you can scoop this a fair few times it recharges slowly over time so you can go ahead and get up to 15 water at a time from this if you haven't gathered from it recently and that's another really good way next to the base that you can get hands on with some more water all right then when we get into later in the game we will start getting things like wheat seedlings which will require water wheat grains and fossilized bone dust now fossilized bone dust is something a lot of people have kind of been stuck on for a while so I'll go through how you can get hands on with this one now to make it you obviously want to head over to the grinding stone here and you browse your recipes you can see that fossilized burn dust is here now it costs one fossilized burn in order to make three of the Dust so it's fairly simple once you work out where fossilized burn is from now depending where you are in the game if you have unlocked The Nomad Highlands fast travel this is one of the best locations and the safest locations in order to get fossilized bone you simply go to this ancient Spire here so The Nomad Highlands fast travel one and you go down to the left where you can see on the map these claw looking things and all of the bone stuff here is fossilized burn so you can actually bring yourself up to the top of this spire and you can glide nicely down to it regardless of what level glider you have this is fairly easy and all of this stuff that you can see here is fossilized burn now there is other locations on the map where this is available but this particular area is my favorite because it's very easy to access you can literally just fly off the Spire straight to it bring a pickaxe with you and you simply mine into it and as you will see on the top left hand side or middle left hand side of my screen there you're getting fossilized burn just by mining this up it does also give you a little bit of XP so if you haven't reached max level yet you're going to get some XP from doing this as well all right so now moving on to some even more endgame stuff we've got Alo seedlings here now for those of you that' have got to end game you'll know that Alo is very useful for crafting those clean bandages and so you will want to be growing this as soon as you can now the thing is here you need Aloe you need water which we know how to get you collect the aloe plants you collect the water from the wells sand fairly self-explanatory any Sandy area you Ming to the floor with a pickaxe you will pick this up but night is the thing that has a lot of people stuck now again this is a little bit of a spoiler so if you haven't got this far in the game maybe skip ahead to the next section but if you do want to know about it you go over here to your laboratory and as you can see nitrate is a recipe in this station where you will need sand salt wood acid and alchemical base in order to be able to make nitrate now you can see here that I already have 50 of this made just as a quick thing here how to make the wood acid and the alchemical base alchemical base is made on the Alchemy Station and you'll need shroud liquid liquid melium water and shroud spores not too hard to get but you can see how this water is really adding up cuz it's used in a lot of different things and the wood acid is actually made in the charcoal Kiln with wood logs and dirt so again very easy to get hands on with once you've unlocked this recipe start making it and you'll be able to get your hands on nitrate when you have unlocked the laboratory there now again another endgame plant that we're looking at here is saffron and this one is going to require water and saffron itself but also fertilized Farm soil this is going to lead me nicely onto the different types of soil that you can plant your crops in and I'm going to talk about that in just a second but just to show you how you actually get hands on with fertilized Farm soil because we know regular Farm soil from before you go down to the farming NPC like last time and you actually go into the craft menu and what you will need for this is sand fossilized burn dust and nitrate so like I showed you guys just previously in this video how you could get hands on with both of those items you will need those and you'll be able to make some fertilized Farm soil so in enshrouded there is essentially three types of dirt that you are able to plant your crops on one being the regular grass and regular dirt you can mine this out and replace dirt blocks with the build menu if you want to you can go into here and if you actually go onto it press Tab and go down to terrain you can place you know like a box here and if you've got regular dirt in your imetry you can select that one and make an area using the rake then if you want to do so or you can just go ahead and plant it straight into the grass that is absolutely fine as well the second tier is the regular Farm soil now this makes crops grow about double the rate of the regular grass so using Farm soil where you can is highly recommended by me I would say this is a a very strong option and it will be very very helpful for things like flax I am going to talk about what plants I recommend growing as well in a moment but flax and things like strawberries which take a long time to grow this is going to be very helpful because you're going to need a lot of them and chamomile as well and then of course the third and final tier which is the fertilized Farm soil which you can see here I've got my flax growing in this right now and this is about double the speed of the regular Farm soil or about four times the speed of the regular grass so you certainly want to be using this as soon as you do get it unlocked and you have the ability to make the components for it it's going to speed up your progression with your farming quite a lot now a really important tip to be aware of with this is that actually if you just have enough for one piece of Farm soil you can go ahead into the terrain menu you can place this fertilized Farm soil down or the Farm soil regularly whatever you've got go ahead and go onto your rake and if you make you stand on top of this as you can see my rake is at an angle now so if you make it flat you stand on top of it make sure the blue circle radius is directly on top of the material that you want to spread hold down left click and move your mouse around and you can see that you could quite easily make a nice area for plants with this this is a super cool feature I don't know if it's going to be changed in the future but spreading with the rake makes the rake very very useful and it also means that you're going to spend less materials in order to get the fastest crop growing available to you so once you can make one piece of this you can essentially have a full flower bed worth of it which is very very nice indeed so certainly you get on that as soon as you can all right then so what crops do I recommend that you grow firstly of course early game plant fiber is going to be massively important so getting those shrubs up and going so you've got an infinite supply of string and all the other things that you're going to need there is really really important you can also grow some mushrooms and some regular purple berries if you feel the need to do that as well but there is quite a lot of those around the starting zones the next thing I would recommend is when you get to the sort of early to mid game flat as soon as you get your hands on Flax and you can make flax seeds certainly get this growing you will need flax and in turn linen for lots and lots of stuff in the game especially towards the late game you're going to need a lot of this or the late game I should say for Early Access because of course we don't have everything unlocked right now but where we have up to in any Early Access you're going to need a lot of linen so certainly get on that I also really really like growing chamomile personally I think this is a very very useful plant to have Camal te is very very good for stamina and health regen so you're going to want to make that again same with strawberries for the health regen those have been very very helpful and of course wheat once you get to end game for the food there is definitely something you want to work on for any other suggestions I would recommend going on here to the farming MPC and having a look at the different types of food available if we have a look at other food for example boiled eggs we can't Farm those as it were in terms of farming but things like your Camal te this is why I said this is great health regen and endurance so you definitely going to want to have that on because endurance does give you extra stamina so it's great for all sorts of exploring and Gathering when you get further in the game you can also make spiced tea with saffron so again I would highly recommend getting saffron plants down when you can in the late game Constitution meat wrap is your best food here this is going to require flour so again another great reason to get the wheat down strength Foods we're going to be looking at the open sandwich this one is going to require you to have a flatbread which is going to use the wheat and the flour in the oven also more saffron for this so again couple of good ones to get down at late game terms of mid game chicken soup on Constitution you're going to need bell peppers so maybe plant some of those ones as well as Forest beets intelligence here we're looking at the mushroom omelette again you're going to need red mushrooms even up until late game with this so maybe planting some of those early dolls is going to be a really really good idea dexterity we're looking at vegetable soup which is kind of the mid to late game one Tomatoes bell peppers and Forest beets and then on your vegetable puree you're going to need Forest beets there as well so again they're used in quite a lot of this stuff Healing Foods we looking at fruit bowls looking at purple berries strawberries yucker fruits so any of those are really good and of course it would be a Miss to mention farming without actually looking at your honey beehives towards the very very end game you can start making honey beehives these are really really useful because they're going to allow you to actually collect honey from them so what you can do is go ahead and craft this and you can place it wherever you would like to around your base I'm going to go ahead and place mine on a little pedestal down here we can go ahead and pop that one on and as you can see you go into there you put in water and sugar and it will produce five honey so that's going to be a really really crucial thing for the end game as well with this you you can also make wax from plant fiber and water so again going back to those shrubs you certainly want to get a lot of those going as soon as possible now again for one this is a little bit of a spoiler but with the spinning wheel or the hand spindle you do need two flaks per linen when you do get towards the end of the game as it currently stands in the early axis you can of course build a spinning wheel and this will offer you linen for one flax but again you're going to need a lot of it because this then builds up into your stuff in the hunter here so things like your padding you're going to need fabric you're going to need linen to make fabric you actually go into your looms here looms are going to require five linen per fabric so you can see how this very very quickly adds up and you're going to need a fair bit of it but also with this it's worth noting for some of the armor sets you do need the colored Fabrics which require things like you can see here mint mushroom meat saffron Indigo plants and sulfur so the blue one and the yellow one you can make saffron and you can make indigo plants in your Farms so these are again something to consider for the late game that you're probably going want to get hands on with so basically there's a lot of farming to do in this game and pretty much all of the plants and crops are going to be worth it but there's certain ones that you want to focus on early and that in my opinion is shrubs it is flax and it is some sort of food so strawberries and then of course Camal for Cal T I think those are going to be your best friends in the game mid to late game early game whatever stage you at you're always going to need those resources so I reckon those are your Best Bets in terms of where to put the most time and effort early doors if any of you have got any other tips or things that you think I've missed leave them down below in the comments let share all the knowledge we can together down there if this video has helped you out make sure to leave me a like and a subscribe down below to make sure that you stay up to dat with all of my uploads there's going to be tons more and shrouded content coming to the channel very very shortly other than that thanks for watching take care and [Music] peace
Channel: Invin
Views: 19,932
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Keywords: Invin, Everything You NEED To Know About Farming in Enshrouded, enshrouded, enshrouded farming, enshrouded tips, enshrewded, ensrouded, enshrouded farming tips, how to farm in enshrouded, enshrouded nitrate, enshrouded fossilized bone, enshrouded farm soil, enshrouded fertilised farm soil, best plants to farm in enshrouded, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded news, enshrouded update, Enshrouded Complete Farming Guide, How To Become A Master Farmer in Enshrouded, farm enshrouded
Id: B7JQazT0ITs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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