The Full Story of ENSHROUDED Explained

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coming off the back end into playing power world I wasn't expecting another Survival game to top what I had just experienced but enshrouded has delightfully surprised me not only with its gameplay but moreover its World building and its story which there is a lot of here I promise it just takes like 50 hours to barely scratch the surface of it so in this video I'd like to immerse you into the mysterious land of amvale a region of enshrouded fantasy world which was befell by a powerful resource once hidden and locked away by an ancient race and one which once humans got their hands on it tossed the land into a battle of greed distrust betrayal desperation and ultimately complete collapse so without further Ado grab your coffee don't touch the Elixir as much as you may want to and I hope you enjoy the full story of enshrouded explained we don't know much about the earlier days of the land of empale the region you play in within the game but what we do know is that there were two primary sentient races of humanoid creatures these being the humans and the Ancients the Ancients were presumably more knowledgeable seemingly had been around much much longer and knew things that humans couldn't grasp or rather in the case of enshrouded things that humans should not know about and one of those things happened to be a resource that a lone Wanderer one day brought to the people in the form of a gift an unsuspecting resource known as Elixir and this blue seemingly magical substance is the single most destructive and pivotal factor in the story of Ed which was responsible for throwing the entire land of Emille into Decay but how you might be asking well Elixir once humans got their hands on it quick became an addictive substance as the old tale goes it was both a cure a blessing and a weapon up until The Wanderer had first brought it to Humanity's attention the Ancients had kept it hidden concealed away from Humanity presumably because they knew what kind of destructive power it could have when combined with Humanity's greed and desire for control as expected that greed which the Ancients had feared was exactly what proliferated as Humanity grew heavy demands for The Elixir they started to dig mines known as Elixir Wells where they found even more of the substance under ground as people grew more dependent wanting more of the stuff people fought and died over the Elixir Wells but what Humanity didn't know and likely what the Ancients were trying the most to prevent was the substance that would spread from the depths of these Elixir Wells a fog so deadly and corruptive it tore the kingdom apart we call this fog the Shroud a fungal-based infection that spreads to the air and mutates almost everything it comes into contact with it devastated entire regions destroying the flora and fauna and as a result disrupting daily life in Ember Veil for its people during this chaotic time that split families apart destroyed entire cities and corrupted water and Food Supplies the most knowledgeable ancients and humans came together to execute on a plan to save Humanity using an ancient magic known as the flame they would Forge human-like beings with the spark of said flame keeping them preserved in these egg things called Cinder vessels and essentially allowing them to be forged in fire giving them a thing called a flame soil which protected them from would you know the the Shroud at least for limited intervals as a secondary measure an alchemist named Balthazar came up with a supplementary plan to preserve non-flame born entities in the same Cinder vessels which ends up being very important later on but who is balazar well it's about time we talk about the various NPCs in the game the method through which you find them and why they're so significant to the story you learn quickly in playing in traded that you can acquire various NPCs to help you progress there's an alchemist balazar as well as a blacksmith named Oswald Cade the carpenter athlan the Hunter and to Emily the farmer these five NPCs aren't just simple Quest givers half of them actually have pretty big significance in the story but while they have a lot to say you won't be able to discover their stories until you save them see you the player are a Flame born this means that you were forged in the flame of a cinder vessel and you have that flame Soul thing that sticks with you and protects you from the Shroud for a limited time making you somewhat immune to it when you're basically birthed out of the vessel at the very start of the game you're tasked with finding the NPCs which are spread across the game world mostly in the beginner Western zones said MPCs are preserved through balthazar's methods Balthazar himself ended up being preserved too so you have to save him as well while the MPCs are not Flame born like you the vessels have a similar purpose for them to preserve entities in a space between life and death once you The Flame born set out on your journey and free the five characters oh my eyes they give you loads of quests after assigning them to essentially live with you in your base they explain the circumstances of the world what it was like during the collapse and they give you their best advice for this seemingly forgotten decrepit land but before we get into their stories we need to talk a little bit about the other potential humans you can interact with though it is hard to exactly say they're fully human at the point you find them often high on Elixir the Scavengers are an aggressive Bandit Coalition spread across ambervale in basically every region they're the only people really left behind who hadn't been preserved in flame vessels since basically everyone else either died or was turned into some kind of monstrosity as a result of the Shroud the bandits have managed to mostly avoid becoming ghoulish creatures of seemingly no free will however they don't seem fully human either as often times they appear as augmented and infected by the Shroud or more likely the long-term effects of The Elixir the Scavengers seem to take advantage of the chaos and destruction of the Shroud from very early on even as things were only just beginning to collapse for example a town called glenwoods end seemed to fall under scavenger control and after the king of Ember Gander sent his Royal Inquisitor Lan to investigate Lin found the town was quickly overtaken by Junkies everyone was consuming The Elixir and it's hard to say whether the scavengers that eventually took over glenwoods end really came from outside the inside or both Lan was executed and his head was delivered to king gander's court but speaking of King Gander you may wonder how did all this happen if a king was in charge what did he do to stop the Shroud or the Scavengers for that matter that's where we get into the history of the Nobles and the collapse of the capital from a force so deadly it may just end up being the final enemy of the game whenever ined leaves early access and presumably adds some kind of ending King Gander was a rather complacent ruler according to his people in the capital of ambervale Pike means reach the news publication called him lazy and published stories about how little he did to take action to actually improve the lives and conditions for the people of emale his Reign ended during the chaos brought on by The Elixir shroud and scavengers but it wasn't just them that ended it there are two other main rulers outlined in the story of enshrouded Queen jesma the ruler of the Kindle was the desert to the East and her brother voro whom she opposed they were the children of the late Queen pikem the way voro was described by his sister jesma makes him sound like an evil tyrannical warlord and his title is the Mad guard of the north so that would fit rather well amidst the chaos of the impending apocalypse voro invaded the capital and brought with him the most destructive forms of Elixir seemingly utilizing the resources and deadly properties of the Shroud itself vgo's Army slaughtered the people of Pik me's reach laying the city to ruin and seemingly killing Gander only after the Royals locked the gates further dooming the citizens as they were were the first to be killed defenseless and betrayed by the people that were supposed to protect them it's a sad and often all too common parallel to our own world where bureaucracies and hups who are in places of power leave those under them to die for their own safety or comfort in this case it seems it was futile as ultimately voro was successful in his attack on the other hand his sister Queen jesa would also end up mobilizing but not for greed or ego or control or power she was mobilized simply for the survival of her people the Kindle was desolate desert to the Far East of empale is packed with history filled with catacombs ancient temples and being the home of Queen jesa the Kinder was were not immune to the Shroud and ultimately creatures known as the Fel humanoid Servants of the Shroud that are heavily infected by the shroud's fungi began to appear the Fel were killing people off cutting off supply lines and destroying a once great region like they were with many other areas within Ember Veil during the collapse so Queen jesa and her commander Cyrus took as many people as they could and fled to the West heading to a village called long monke keep supposedly a place where many were hoping to find Refuge but an especially bad horde of Fel found the large Caravan and they were split up into the North and South Caravans in a panic families were split apart and the commander took to Leading the Northern Group while jesma protected the southern Caravan both Cyrus and jesa ended up dying ultimately at least we can assume Cyrus's ring was found in a creature's mouth up in The Nomad Highlands and jesa seemingly disappears by the end of her notes but luckily someone very close to her presumably her lover Emily fry ended up Surviving by being preserved in a nearby Vault Emily like the other NPCs has quite a backstory so before getting into ultimately where you the flamor comes in let's touch on each of the NPCs and find out which ones are actually significant compared to others in the backstory of Ember Vil Emily fry is a farmer from East lapis in the deserts of the Kindle wastes she owned a Tavern back in the day and worked hard to feed people as she grew her own food over time as the Shroud came in Emily's crops withered to Ash no more customers just desperate people baked blinded and BL blistered by the sun eventually she noticed the people of East lapis Gathering into a caravan led by Queen jesa Emily saw the determination in her Queen and she followed salvation the people of East lapis have gathered survivors for a caravan led by Queen jesa herself when I heard her speech saw the wind in her hair I knew I'd follow with the flame of devotion and courage a light shines brightly towards New Beginnings the queen is a Marvel determined and enduring radiant beautiful I aspire to be like her to inspire people and lift them like she does it pains me to leave my Tavern but as long as my heart beats I'll build I'll grow and hold on especially with my queen bravely leading the way Emily was happy to follow her Queen even though it hurt the farmer to leave her Tavern the queen was an inspiring leader and so Emily packed up and followed during this time Emily developed a bit of a special relationship with the queen they both seemed mutually attracted to each other but as discussed earlier the Caravan was inevitably split up by the foul Emily stuck by her Queen's side in the southern Caravan as Commander Cyrus was diverted North with some of the people the southern Caravan seemed to make it to longkeep or at least almost to the stronghold and fun fact this is actually the settlement you wake up right next to in game Jessa split off from the group overall for a reason that isn't exactly clear and Emily wrote Love Letters to her Emily was a bit of a s for the queen to be honest but nonetheless the farmer somehow wound up inside of a cinder vessel preserved in time but while we don't know exactly what Emily's circumstances were by the end we do FR Oswald the blacksmith tough on the outside but ultimately a kind soul deep down Oswald Anders had a daughter relle Anders who took after her father and became a mighty blacksmith of her own you know I grew up in the capital they used to tell stories stories I shared with my daughter as well sometimes at night there's saintt lights glowing beneath the waves a sign of Queen Pike me needs gracious rule my daughter said she saw them once children's tales I thought but who knows stranger things have happened in emale we don't know much about Oswald and his daughter's relationship other than quarrels described in their notes and how she forged a blade for him she also had sent him some smithing tools but never was able to deliver them as the Shroud came in she died most definitely from the Shroud but Oswald may never have known since in working with balazar The Alchemist he volunteered himself to be preserved in a cinder vessel for the pursuit of the preservation of humanity as the Shroud was consuming Amil but who exactly was balazar The Alchemist well he happens to be the NPC we have the most lauron he was a scholar he studied ancient shrines trying to understand the flame which is a collective ancient power that imuses all knowledge collected throughout a given Flames lifespan pure light engulfs the knowledge of the ancient breed protects it in a flaming core wisdom far beyond my own imagination I could stare into the fire for hours seeking answers a whisper but I hear none despite possessing a voice it only speaks to those born from the flame a shame as I believe we could have quite enlightened conversations these spires stretch to the firmament and deny entry to those who are unworthy the ancient breed enters but I never see them leave I have two theories one the ancient SP are somehow connected to one another and The Silent Ones travel between them as they please two the ancient SP serve as a burial site similar to the flame shock the Ancients stored all knowledge of the land in the flame here when they leave the Mortal plane one way or another I cannot enter when I step on the ornate plate nothing occurs what a shame Bazar was heavily invested in understanding The Elixir and the Shroud too Elixir is Created from the Flesh of tiny delicate fungi growing deep beneath the Earth it's a dangerous substance that will always be a weapon never a cure when the Shroud began to come in it carried disease and S suffering changing soil and people supply lines were cut off by soldiers making it hard to study let alone remedy the thing when voro killed King Gander and took over pikem me's reach things got even worse they took the pikem me's reach they killed King Gander an army of lunatics sickly pale barely lifting their feet above the bloodied ground they dragged themselves through our valleys through the my Asma led by the Mad God of the north ful goth I always knew the Elixir would sew in seed of distrust I look up at the ancient Spire at the sky there was no running no hiding we must persevere the Shroud swallows all even us we become lost to dusk vanish and morph in a sea of cornflower stained Twilight never have I encountered a sickness a curse of this gravitas the fog Burns eyes and lungs but doesn't quite kill it spreads it manipulates it eats away at us slowly leaving only a husk there is no cure for this only the power of the flame can keep the Shroud at Bay I believe the Shroud to be spores tiny almost minuscule fragments that spread through the air now condensed heavy imp poent they cling to Airways eyes fur and skin they spread the fungi released these spores upon contact but their Roots might have been anchored below us for a long time we awoke a slumbering malady at the Earth's core when we built the first Elixir well distilled the first Elixir the mysterious Wanderer opened the floodgates to ruin Bazar warned the public to avoid Black Market solutions to The Elixir and to take precautions against the Shroud including not to venture into valleys or near river basins not to make contact with it through the air or getting it in their eyes and to medicate immediately only with approved remedies by experts and to quarantine But ultimately while he tried so hard to stop the inevitable he couldn't do much at all people turned away from his potion they panicked the epidemic of this horrible fungus was something no one was ready for as a last ditch attempt to save the people of Ember Vale balazar began working on the cinder vessels which is ultimately how he came to experiment with rats and then work with Oswalt the blacksmith the cinder vessel broke down during casting the rat I used inside was charred by the coalescent flame a bright flash then nothing thankfully the side effect of blindness was only temporary I've acquired a new subject another rat igny hopefully our path to Salvation I cannot accept more seta I will ensure that the cinder vessel holds as if my life depended on it it may well by the Ancients I've done it equilibrium the subject sleeps yet can be awakened they are dead yet alive the subject does not Decay is Untouched by the coarse flow of time a flamed soul in a mortal body igmi serves as proof we can survive we can endure these Cinder vessels would be our only chance amidst the Shroud we have no other choice it's done the cinder vessel is a delicate Contraption still volatile yet brimming with potential and hope the first human Tander will be our true prototype the kindling of a new spark thankfully the blacksmith volunteered he must enter the vessel and sleep until roused a new lest he slips into eternity May the ashes of one age sustain the seeds of the next following the preservation of Oswalt balazar is seemingly the reason why the other NPCs were preserved too Kate Hawthorne a carpenter who had built many monuments across the land aan scree a skilled Hunter who knew her way around the northern regions and of course Emily Frey the Lovick farmer were all people that were preserved in Cinder vessels and balazar is probably the reason for this after seemingly preserving them in the different vaults balazar himself was likely the last to go under and that he did the five MPCs stayed in this state of neither death nor life preserved by the flame as everything around them for potentially decades or even centuries decayed and collapsed by the Shroud I've always been fond of birds they weave through the wind so effortlessly to embrace the Horizon in these trying times to discover whatever it is you seek free of all corruption spreading beneath such a wondrous Journey mayap mankind can conquer the skies through invention I shall craft a glider and Voyage to the hills from here one way or the other I'll land among the blutes but is that really it for the NPCs or humans overall other than the Scavengers more or less at least from what we can got or from the current Early Access launch version of the game there are some creatures in the world which behave similar to humans while not totally humanoid the vuka are beasts that were mostly found to the East and were very afraid of the Shroud when the outbreaks began the vuka turned rather hostile towards humans to preserve their kind snow not snow never other Wildlife either either survived by fleeing or died to the Shroud with a few mutations of both the Flora and Fauna luckily the vuka were mostly Untouched by the Decay and destruction of the Shroud at least directly to their bodies though their boss May beg to differ why is he so big this guy will be easy to kill dead Dark Souls remember I never played Dark Souls across the Redwood forests of revelwood the hilly yet otherwise flat stretches of plains of The Nomad Highlands or the dry vast desert of the Kinder was you'll find small stories that add to the World building but ultimately that all tell similar Tales those of Decay greed tragic hopefulness and death but while everything has seemingly either died or been corrupted you stand as du to position to all of it born from the flame the start of the game sees you crawling out of your Cinder vessel in a strange ancient Vault and cracking open the entrance you find the post-apocalyptic state of Ember Veil right before your eyes throw up on me yeah yeah a vast stretch of land ready to be explored and this is where your Story begins you seek out the other vaults to wake up the NPCs those people similar to you yet not quite flame borne by their guidance you seek out the Shroud what the [ __ ] upgrade your flame alter and master the enshrouded land and eventually you come to a stop because you have 50 hours in the game and you've killed basically every boss and now you can't really do anything else because they didn't program it an ending despite you really wanting because God damn it I need closure in this story guys come on and that ultimately is where we end this story you The Flame born Forge your own narrative through the world while uncovering and interpreting the story hidden beneath which I mostly just describe the entirety of to you in this video where in trout decides to go next with its narrative well none of us really know it's up to Keen games the incredible developer of the game if you enjoyed this full story of ined video go ahead and subscribe to my channel for more videos like this in the future I cover not just ined but also power world Arc and other upcoming survival games at least those that put effort into their narrative let me know what you think of ined and its story in the comments below and as always thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: NeddyTheNoodle
Views: 22,778
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Keywords: enshrouded, enshrouded lore, enshrouded story, enshrouded complete story, enshrouded journals explained, enshrouded full story, enshrouded complete explained, enshrouded walkthrough, enshrouded story video, enshrouded story mode, enshrouded gameplay new, enshrouded tips, enshrouded guide, enshrouded beginner guide, enshrouded full story explained, enshrouded full lore, enshrouded lore gameplay, enshrouded lore new, enshrouded new story, enshrouded story update
Id: MuCrtd8lxfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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