Enshrouded Top 5 Drops Everyone Should Get

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today I'm going to be sharing with you guys the top five legendary guaranteed item drops that you need in and shrouded by the nature of this video there is going to be some spoilers so if you don't want those maybe save this video for later on and I would just like to do a big shout out to other creators and my community for these ideas lots of people have been putting them in my comments but I have seen some other people cover various points in and about their other videos I'm just doing mine in a recap of my top five favorite in this video but big shout out to people like I am people like Ming and many many others who have been making these fantastic guides on where you can find these items so be sure to check those ones out as well this one is going to be a recap on my top five that I think every build will make use of and you definitely want to get your hands on as early as you possibly can if you do find it useful drop me a like and a subscribe down below and let's jump right into the video so first and foremost if you haven't already got it you do want to get your hands on the ghost glider this can be found in the bottom right hand corner at the sun Temple here what you will need to do is unlock the ancient Spire Kindle waste fast travel and once you've got this you can simply Glide down now I actually have a home here because there's a couple of things I'm going to show you in this video around this location so what you want to do is make your way over to the sun Temple and I will show you the location of where to get it all right so when you get towards the temple you do want to head down towards the front door here you can get yourselves in this is where everybody will be able to enter but as you can see you do need to be able to get yourself three of the buttons what you can do instead in order to get yourself in one of the buttons is there so it's fairly easy to work out the puzzle but you can run up the side of this Cliff here and you can simply jump in around the side where this kind of flame is now when you first get into here what you want to do is look through this little crack in the wall here as you can see that one is going to allow you to get the first button so you do want to make sure you bring a bow or something with you you can shoot that one that's your first button done then want to move around to the left hand side here we can have a little look behind this bookcase and that is going to be our second button so you want to shove that one out the way press that button and that is job on there then we come around the corner again and we head over here to this one and there is a button at the top which we can press and if we go around the corner to the final balcony side which is if you're facing outwards from it it's the southwest corner that will be your final button now this means if you go back towards the front door you can see that this middle section is open be sure not to get hit by the lightning and the fire as you're going around now fair warning this area was pretty loud from the dragon things that continuously sort of attack and fly at you you can go out and kill if you want to but if you don't they are just going to make a lot of noise for the whole time that you're here so they can be quite annoying now you want to make your way up towards the top of this Tower here now once you do get towards the top of the staircase inside the tower here you can see there's a little jump platform from this side and then there is a little grapple hook up you then need to climb up this wall just to the side here and make your way towards the top of the tower yet again another little jump across here that you want to do I would definitely recommend having double jump for this and there is a little chest that you can grab there that has some loot in it and you want to make your way all the way up to the top of this middle Tower there is a point here that says that a lockpick is required so I definitely recommend bringing a lockpick with you for this particular part then simply want to make your way up to the top middle press e and get yourself up to the top here once you e up to this middle platform here you can actually go ahead and loot yourself the ghost glider from this chest right here which is the legendary glider in the game this is the first bit of loot but that is not all there is also another chest if you work your way up to the top of this so you do want to have double jump ready for this you can go ahead and make your way up and continue to climb all the way up to the top of this there is now a little metal climbing thing here so you can get up very very easily makes this very very accessible and what you can do is go ahead and climb to the top here there is a chest I've already looted it on This Server reset but this chest has a chance to drop you the Ring of the Ancients which is a very very powerful ring in enshrouded and it gives you plus one to each of the stats now that doesn't sound that great great off the top but if you think about it in this respect it gives you plus one to dexterity which increases your range damage by 5% it gives you plus one to strength which gives you 5% melee damage it gives you plus one to Constitution which is increasing your health by 50 it gives you plus one to intelligence which gives you magic damage plus 5% it gives plus one to Spirit which gives you 20 Mana it gives you plus one to endurance which gives you 10 stamina so this actually turns out to be a very very good ring so you can of course farm this one if you do want to go ahead and farm this particular ring this is probably the best chest for it there maybe some others do let me know in the comments if you do know some other good locations but this is where I've been able to pick it up a couple of times and what you want to do for that one is go ahead and set your flame alter up probably on the top of this hill to the side so you can just simply Glide across or jump across this Tower and climb up every time in order to get it as you can see this is the ring of the Ancients it gives you plus one to all of the stats that I listed before so C certainly you want to get your hands on this one all right next then we are going to be talking about the Shroud Weaver which is another guaranteed legendary drop if we head back to this scatter bur area I obviously have a home here so I'm going to take you from this location but if not you can see the ancient Spire there you just simply want to come across from the Kindle was fast travel spire and glide your way across especially if you've got the ghost glider which I just showed you how to get it's going to be much easier for you to do that from now on so what you want to do for this location is head to pretty much where I am now if you have got the this sort of quest in the bottom corner for the Shroud route this is a good indicator just in front of where the mine is behind us here and you want to Simply jump down to this location head straight down don't overshoot it land on this bit go towards the wood and you'll see the golden gilded chest here and you have got your hands on the Shroud Weaver this one is plus n Fire magic damage and the same again it then has precise which is increased critical hit Chance by 5% vicious which is increases backstab damage by 20% and re charge which increases Health regeneration by one so this is a fantastic legendary range staff is 47 power and it is a guaranteed drop from this location so go ahead and pick that one up and just to quickly show you on the map again where this one is right on the edge of the cliff just to the right of the mine here next then we are going to be looking to get the ring of rity this one is a fantastic ring that gives you a lot of Mana regeneration have shown this off in a previous video but I do think it's such a good ring that I want to make sure as many people as possible can get their hands on it for this one you want to head to Willow Crush which in respective to where the first home base asks you to go which is here you simply go up you want to go towards the revelwood Fast Travel spire and it is next to directly next to this flame Shrine here on the left hand side so you should be able to find this one pretty easily if you go from the shrine like I am right now you can see you just simply want to double jump off and glide straight there and you're aiming for this mounting on the left hand side if you've got a less good glider or you think you're not going to make it stick to the right hand side and there is a Bridge just on the right which you'll see in a moment that you can simply go across in order to be able to get to this location and the place that you want to go to is directly at the other side of the bridge so it makes no difference it's just going to take you a little bit extra time now obviously for this one make sure you bring a pickaxe with you it will require some Mining and what we're going to do you can see you would come across that bridge there if you'd gone the right route and we simply walk over towards this big Stone thing right here and you can see a little bit of red glowing through the ground we take out the pickaxe you want to hit this around three or four times and will reveal the location of this loot you can jump down here grab this one and it gives you the Ring of rapacity which is minus 20 Mana so you do get less Mana but it does give you plus 20 Mana regeneration this can be equipped twice to stack this bonus up and it is very very very powerful it's super useful if you are doing a magic build or if you just want to be able to Glide and use your updraft and other things like that this is a very very helpful ring so you can do this one once or twice depending if you do want to get one or two of them but that is a guaranteed spawn location just under that wooden bit every single time finally then we are going to be talking about the commander ring this is a legendary guaranteed drop that gives you plus 30 mana and plus 30 Health this one can be gathered from the pike the fell wisp wyvern so obviously come prepared for that I'm going to show you guys how to do that right now and then I'm going to show you the drop from it as well now obviously for this we do want to go into the final bit of the keep in order to get it if you do want to farm this item out I would recommend putting a flame alter around where I'm stood here on the map you can just build one on the side of this here it's going to mean you can get in here very very easily of course just Glide across get yourself to a location that you're going to want to be in and then when you're ready you can jump down into the arena now if you've not been here before obviously you'll have to make your way through around this area but there is a flame respawn up here so you can go ahead and grab this one if you do think you're going to die of course if you place a flame alter on the hill you'll be able to respawn there as well and then you simply just want to jump in for this fight make sure to glide on the way down cuz you will take some fall damage if not this guy spawns in and you simply want to fight him to kill him all right as you can see once you've gone ahead and killed this guy you go ahead and loot him and you will see the commanders ring there 30 mana and 30 Health you do also of course get the key to the pike the Wiis W and head if this is your first time killing him but this one is going to give you the Commander's ring which is very very useful indeed that fight is still pretty difficult even when I am level 25 with you know maximum level stuff very good gear I'm using legendary equipment level 23 25 armors and all that kind of stuff so this is a pretty decent fight still you do want to bring some health regen food you do want to bring some damage buffing for me that's strength but either dexterity or intelligence if that's your preferred play style and I would recommend of course some Constitution buffing food like meat there as well does really help um another thing that I've chosen to take with me is this perk right here which is Battle heal which is when you deal critical damage with your melee weapon you heal 5% of your maximum health on top of that I've got a lot of things on the weapon and other perks that increase my critical chance as well as my damage so something like that or some form of life steal SL healing is going to be really useful on top of this I do like to run the Ring of endless life which gives you life steel leech so that is another thing that is going to be useful for this fight if you do have something similar to throw on just as some recommendations on how you can complete this much easier so hopefully this video has helped you out if you have enjoyed please do drop me a like and a subscribe down below if you'd like me to make a part two with some more items that you could be farming in this game for legendary drops Etc let me know down in the comments and if there is any that you think I should have included that I haven't also let me know that down below make sure you subscribed I'm going to be dropping tons more insed content here on the channel very very shortly other than that I'll catch you again very soon on my next video take care and [Music] peace
Channel: Invin
Views: 1,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Invin, Enshrouded Top 5 Drops Everyone Should Get, enshrouded, enshrouded tips, enshrouded guide, enshrouded loot, enshrouded legendary gear, enshrouded legendary loot, enshrouded ring locations, enshrouded best loot locations, enshrouded best guaranteed loot locations, enshrouded tips & tricks, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded update, enshrouded ghost glider, enshrouded ring of rapacity, enshrouded shroud weaver, enshrouded ring of the ancients, enshrouded commanders ring
Id: OA_hJjjJNOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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