Enshrouded MUST KNOW!! 50 Tips & Tricks!?

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hi Flame born here are 50 tips and tricks to assist you in playing and shrouded during your Epic Journey throughout Ember Vil number one grapple and glide the grappling hook and glider are the first pieces of equipment you should craft both are needed to access specific areas and are the best traversal tools in the game you will be able to enhance them later as you progress for even greater function and accessibility number two travelocity.com no this isn't a plug but DMS are open anyway using a Glide roll or jumping then immediately executing a dive will have your character tumbling forward with strong momentum to access hard to reach spots on stream I've referred to this as dumblings you to bypass terrain you would not normally be able to walk up or jump to reach hey if the game's physics allows it then so be it as the Ancients used to say when an ember Veil number three steps on demand when dumblings make steps and progress up and onward just be wary of your items durability number four upgrade everything speaking of durability upgrade your tools ASAP this is especially useful for farming because the higher the tools durability the more resources can be collected before it breaks can't upgrade quite yet then just bring multiple copies of your tools number five wand division using wands are op especially in the early game WS do not consume Mana or stamina and are great for spamming damage on enemies from a distance six RuneScape collect runes for weapon enhancement weapons should always be valued first by their base damage number but runes are needed to enhance weapons for even higher damage output and special perks runes can be picked up from slain shroud skeletal foes or from salvaging weapons armor cannot be salvaged number seven on the road again more than just Sage advice from Willie Nelson traveling along roads will award the on the road buff reducing your stamina cost to keep sprinting to where you need to be eight Buffy the Shroud Slayer and speaking of Buffs do not underestimate food and consumables there is no hunger meter to worry about in enshrouded but don't slack on keeping your food Buffs uptime you'll notice a huge difference to survivability and damage output when playing without any Buffs from food or consumables oh yeah for early game food ignore lean meat and cook wolf meat for extra Constitution Bon bonus number nine behave yourself can't reach a beehive shoot it down with an arrow or just chop a tree down to harvest it 10 be sweet or honey I'm home eating honey is an excellent stama boost and essential for all players when farming Resources with your pickaxes check out Willow Crush to satisfy that sweet tooth 11 find your BFFs unlock all five MPC vendors ASAP the unique crafting options from each NPC will not only make you stronger but completing their respective Quest will push you to explore the vastness of Ember Vil they also greet you and are always there as a bfff should [Music] be 12 Breakout everything you'll find great Loot and discover new mats while unlocking new craftable items from your BFFs always be sure to smash these ceramic vases in the style of the Ancients found inside spires and Flame sanctums these hold valuable loot like refined ingots potions and Scrolls 13 not all chests are created equal craft and upgrade chest ASAP not just for inventory management but when upgraded to magic all resources Inside Magic chest are accessible when crafting at a vendor this removes the hassle of having to access your character's inventory 14 chest mate using shift plus r will bulk deposit resources already stored inside chest from your inventory this is a major timesaver and will keep you organized 15 stay hydrated water is a great stamina resource but will be vital to have in great Supply as you advance in crafting and growing crops fortunately there is a well in Long keep near your first base location here are some other early game Well locations as well get it as well okay moving on stay bloated once you can craft your own well you'll have an infinite Supply simply scoop out until empty pick it up and then place it back down for another scoop rinse and repeat or in other words scoop and repeat 17 30 minute roll everything outside your flame alter location will reset when you restart the game or if not interacted by the player for 30 minutes 18 plant another day any alterations made inside the protection of the flame altar are final but don't worry you can always plant another tree later when you accidentally chop one down 19 praise the rake your rake is op after placing down a block of Farm soil to buff growing crops you can use the rake to spread out the soil #f freed dirt you can also lay out a block of Farm soil used to rate the spread then switch back to your pickaxe and farm away # unlimited free dirt 20 get comfy the higher your Homebase Comfort level the longer your well-rested buff craft higher level items and place them inside your home for a longer duration you should also grab the well-rested node from the skill tree to extend your rested duration even further 21 stay rested the rested bonus Awards increase stanima maximum and regeneration an easy hack outside of your home base is to find a sheltered sleeping location then drop a campfire and sleep FYI you can sleep in any location without a fire to bypass the night cycle 22 oh twig out find an animal Den or nest and pickaxe away this is a lifesaver for bow and arrow Mains after unlocking farming you can also grow shrubs and get Twiggy with it #b users 23 Jump to it don't ignore double jump from the Survivor skill tree it's a must to Simply avoid enemies or get over the thing to cross the thing to get to the things you need 24 green is lean chop down red or orange trees for higher resin drops green trees drop rates are horrible in comparison a nice Farm location for resin is the adwin 25 stay flammable always have a flame alter slot open often you'll be caught out in the Wilds far from home base with your inventory full and your rested buff expired just drop an altar fast travel back home take care of your business then Port back to where you left off extinguish the Altar and carry on hi Flame born if you're enjoying these 50 tips and tricks so far please consider subscribing to support the channel and for more enshrouded content thank you and enjoy 26 don't despair repairs keep an eye out for anvils to repair your gear such as in scavenger camps you can always keep a workbench in your inventory drop a flame alter and use the workbench to repair any items that have lost their durability 27 keep it simple play how you want but keep your home base simple in early game Ember Vil is massive to explore and you'll be unlocking several resources to use for Base building as you advance through the world don't end up spending hours constructing your rough Stone Masterpiece only to find another block design later that just looks better but hey do you 28 x marks the spot found the location of Interest drop a marker for future reference markers are especially useful to identify resource locations to farm later remember every 30 minutes the world outside your protected flame altars will refresh and here's an example of some essential mining resources to Mark when out exploring [Music] 29 the best lockpick is well not always your lockpick you can use your axe or pickaxe to break down walls and ignore most locked doors regardless always have a stock of lock picks handy in case you don't feel like hacking and slashing FYI crafting these at the blacksmith is cheaper than on your own go figure 30 doctor's orders berries and bandages are Lifesavers pretty much a full heal on demand 31 home invasion found a pre-existing home you like drop an altar and call it your own the blue goblin Tavern is a cool spot for example this is also good for resource farming or unlocking for crafting since dropping a flame alter will allow you to pick up and or deconstruct all items inside the protected Area 3 to Battle Royale another flame alter exploit involves using your fortnite skills the alter's protected area extends in all directions can't reach an area build the staircase up create a platform near the top drop another altar rinse and repeat 33 say cheese and since we're talking exploits an easy chest location to farm is just off the cliff where you first create a base just follow the path here loot the chest restart the game rinse and repeat this is the common Strat for any chest Farm of record 34 ready settings go you can customize popups when deleting items forcing you to select delete a second time in case you accidentally selected delete camera zoom and the field of view slider are also great quality of life adjust both to suit your preferences 35 get Scrappy metal scraps are required for various crafting projects and are best looted from scavengers and inside their occupied areas check out Rook [Music] Moore 36 Common Sense loot every chest items found in chest are random and the quality of the item is determined by the quality of the chest 37 don't be Akbar spike traps can be negated easily maneuver by jumping as the tip first appears from the ground you'll land safely without taking damage 38 bombs away don't have a pickaxe or is the one you're carrying broken use explosives 39 best Farm location I cited deadin earlier for resin farming but it's also a great location for hazelnuts hazelnuts award plus three strength for your melee builds 40 Rubble bubbles Rubble piles like these all share the same geometry across Ember Veil keep a look out for these Rubble Bubbles as they hold chest underneath for valuable loot 41 always use protection shroud protection potions only work when used outside the Shroud initially consuming inside the Shroud negates its benefit it's also important to make sure all food and potion Buffs are topped off before entering the dangers of the Shroud 42 running out of shroud time if an Elixir well is nearby then Boogie to its flame and reset your timer you can also climb a top locations inside the Shroud that bring you above its dangerous ceiling to reset the timer these spots are marked on the map like so and they're also great for gliding towards your next objective 43 Base building hack 101 use your 4x4 Foundation option to place in areas you would normally dig out with a pickaxe remove the block you made and voila a perfectly cut area for you to build your [Music] Dreamhouse [Music] 45 read everything it seems obvious but ignoring a lore book could find you missing out on a new quest to discover new locations and loot also the story of Ember Veil is awesome and each book is a quick enjoyable read 46 more than meets the eye don't dismiss or vain patches they might seem worthless at first glance but underneath is a stockpile of its resources 47 first skills I highly recommend investing your first two skill points into Constitution to increase your health pool each point Awards 50 health and selecting both early nodes will dou your health and ensure greater survivability when first venturing out into the Wilds of Ember [Music] Vil did I mention gliding again it's by far the best way to Traverse Ember Veil don't waste your time building a staircase to heaven and using up all your flame altars unless you want to the ancient spires you discover around the world are excellent St starting points to get where you need to be also be Keen as to where you place flame altars for easy access across the map and lastly 50 don't believe the hype there's a lot of false information out there Flame born notably about regenerating your stamina while gliding Rumor Has It falling out of a Glide will instantly regen your stamina not true here's an example with and without Buffs to improve stamina Regen FYI only boots on the ground will instantly restore [Music] [Music] stamina bonus tip have fun flamor don't stress or preoccupy yourself with certain aspects of the game Ember Vil is a magical world ready to be explored so take your time and enjoy I hope you enjoyed these 50 tips and tricks and find them helpful along your journey thank you for watching likes and shares are kindly appreciated and subscribe for more content peace
Channel: SloopGaming
Views: 2,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J-e-mSh3sgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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