Enshrouded - The Only Farming Guide You Need!

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if you want to get unlimited flax Twigs or any other plant in enshrouded this is the step-by-step farming guide for you I'll show you the fastest method of flattening the ground laying out plots getting unlimited fertilized farming soil to grow your crops the fastest how to lay out your crops efficiently and each plant you get gives you 10 times the seeds back so farming is well worth your time in oud it drop a like if that sounds interesting and let's get started to start farming you need to unlock the farmer from when you start the game you're going to want to go Direct ly North across the broken bridge until you get to the ancient Spire springlands fast travel point from there you're going to be able to Glide all the way to the north past that flame Shrine until you reach the ancient Vault of the farmer once you freed the farmer you can then talk to her and underneath production places you will find the seed bed now you're going to want to build a few of these seed beds because each one is used to craft seedlings which you can grow plants from now to get a plant seedlings we just need need to go out into the Wilderness and pick up that plant if you want the location of every single plant in the game you can check out the Wikipedia link below in the description but we can use that plant material to now make a Seedling at the seed bed so if we come over here to the seed bed and we press e to craft you can then see at the bottom of the seed bed there's a bunch of recipes now as you pick up lots of different plant materials in the game you unlock different recipes which will allow you to craft the seedling of that plant so let's say for example we want to make flax seedling so we can grow more flax every one flax that we have is going to make 10 seedlings which will then grow into 10 flax this means that very quickly you'll be able to get unlimited flax it tells us that we need water and flax to make this So currently I have 25 flax but to get water you can come north of the cinder volt where you start the game and just here you'll find ly and right north of where I'm standing just here there's actually a v Village well and this is the earliest location in the game you can get water just press e to scoop the water and now the game will add five water into your inventory if you want to reset it you can just exit the game press play go private server and then go back to your world and then just run back and go ahead and scoop some more water again now this is obviously pretty slow and there's a much faster way of getting water so once you unlock the Carpenter and you continue his quest line he'll give you the ability to craft a water well and an improved water well now when you scoop water from the normal water well it's only going to give you free water which isn't very much whereas the improved water well if you go ahead and scoop water from here it's going to give you five water now eventually if you carry on scooping water it won't actually let you scoop any more water so you can either Exit the game and reset it or a faster way is just to pick it up and then put it on the ground again like this and then it just lets you scoop even more water so if you keep picking it up and put it on the ground again you'll get unlimited Water by doing this so pick it up again put it on the ground and then just carry on scooping water and that's how you get unlimited water and shrouded so now you've got all this water and every plant in the game requires water apart from Nettles we can now go back to our seed bed and we can put the water in here and now it's going to start producing flax seedlings it takes 5 minutes per seedling now each plant bed will have the time it's going to take until the next thing is crafted above it and if one says insufficient materials you know that you can click on it and add the materials needed I usually set up one seed bed per plant and just have them all crafting so I have every single seedling ready to plant when I need it so now we've got our seedlings ready to plant we need to find the best soil to plant them in but you may be wondering what's the best soil surface to plant my plants in so firstly we have sand and as you can see most plants don't even grow in sand secondly we have dirt and we can just plant it there then we have just Farm soil so we can plant a few here as well and then finally we have fertilized Farm soil so we can plant some there and now I'm just going to stand here and watch them grow so now the Farm soil flax has started to Bud but you can see the fertilized flax is already ready to harvest and the dirt version I mean it's not even started to flower yet so fertilized soil is definitely worth getting so next we need to go back to the farmer and ask her to craft us either Farm soil or fertilized Farm soil which you will need to unlock later in the game by finding the following ingredients listed here which can all be found in the deserts of The Nomad Highlands or on the wiki but funnily enough you only need to craft either one Farm soil or one fertilize Farm soil and then it's actually possible for you to get unlimited soil by doing this now I'm going to take my Farm soil I'm going to get the construction Hammer press tab terrain just here and then on the right hand side I'm going to press control to select my fertilized Farm soil and now we want to select the bottom section where it says once we've selected that we want to select this big sort of block once we've done that we can just go ahead and place it on the floor here and we only need to place a single block what we're going to do then is we're going to get the rake and we're going to hold it down and just start spreading this out everything will level to your height and you're essentially just creating an infinite supply of fertilized Farm soil you can do this for as long as you like and as soon as you're ready get your pickaxe out and just start hitting it and now I've got back my fertilized Farm soil and now I'm making even more than I started with so just carry on doing this and you can make it as big or a larger area as you like and this is how you get unlimited fertilized Farm soil we've already got 22 and we only started off with 10 can you guys see this perfect Farm I'm going to show you exactly how to do this for yourself it's very easy so I want to continue my farm into this area over here but as you guys can see there's a slight Hill here now one thing you can do which is the really really slow way is you can just go ahead and rake this area what will happen is that you'll kind of end up with a bit of a a bug situation where it doesn't really properly rake the hill and flatten it so a much better way of doing that is just to CL craft any block you want to press alt and select the 4 meter Foundation block which you can see just here which is this one and then you want to place it so that the bottom is just touching where you want the area to be leveled so if I put it here and I continue it out like this all the way into this Hillside like so and then I delete it what that's going to do is make me a perfectly flat ground so as you guys can see the ground's now super flat it goes right into the Hillside and removes that area completely so this is the fastest way to make the ground flat so we're just going to go ahead and build out out this until we flatten this entire area of ground and by the way when you destroy these again you do get all your materials back but I would recommend using you know whatever the cheapest block you can craft is so once we're done we're going to go ahead and remove all of the blocks that we made and now we have a perfectly flat Farm now one mistake you might make is you might get a foundation block and you might accidentally put it too low in the ground so you might do this for example then if I remove it you can see now there's a bit of hole here or over here there's a really big hole don't worry about that though we'll remove it in a moment also you're going to end up with these ugly bits of wool over here so in order to remove those build like a retaining wall and then it just makes it look a bit nicer than looking at a rock face you can also continue it into the wall if you don't want to lose Farm space like this so now we got our flat filled we need some soil to actually put in it so it looks like this one so if I get my hammer and then I press tab on it scroll all the way to the bottom you can see there's an option here for terrain obviously we're using fertilized soil so let's pick that so you want to place this just above the Earth like this and then you can if you like you can just carry on placing them like so but that cost me one fertilizer each time I place it so instead what I'm going to do is I'm going to get my rake out I'm going to hold down R to change the angle so you can see you can change the angle which you actually rake at and we want it to be flat so make sure it's flat and then we're going to stand on the fertilized soil and we're just going to start raking it like this and that's going to create an area of completely flat ground that we can then farm so to fill that in what we need to do is just manually place the Earth on top of it like this to fill in the hole and the same with this other hole we made around here but apart from that everything can be ra into place now there's two ways to plant in and shrouded firstly you can use the manual approach where you just click on the floor like this and then you go as far as you can to the left before it turns blue and then you press it and then if you want to do the next row you should plant it at a slight 45° angle to the other ones and then like this you can get a super efficient way of farming however on the bottom right if you actually press X to use snapping get a planting grid system you can see I just slightly walked to the side and then I put another one here another one here it's so much faster to do this than manually place so even though you end up getting Less on a plot you actually Farm them and plant them a lot faster overall as you guys can see and if you mess up like this just press e and you'll just put it back in your inventory you don't actually lose anything by doing that yeah that is how you plant everything now we just need to fill out this entire area and wait for it to grow so now all of our flax has finished growing we can go ahead and harvest it currently I have nothing in my inventory we're going to go and see how much all of these seedlings actually give us in harvestable Goods so let's just go ahead and smash e to harvest them all this is the easiest part and do drop a like on the video if you guys have found it helpful so far so in total here we have 322 Flags now have each one of these gives us 10 more seedlings that's going to give us 3,200 seedlings if I was to turn it all into seed and you can do this with any plant in in shrouded but if you want to get the best armor set in the game or the one I'm wearing you can check out this video here
Channel: ESO
Views: 40,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enshrouded guide, enshrouded farming guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded, enshrouded how to farm, farmer, farming guide, grow, crops, plant, where to find, how to get, rake, enshrouded base, enshrouded farm, enshrouded farming plants, fertilized soil, farm soil, sand, seedbed, enshrouded tutorial, enshrouded 2024, enshrouded nitrate, enshrouded farm soil, enshrouded farmer, enshrouded flax, flax farm, how to get flax, padding
Id: i3fvhU8KYlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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