Palworld Best Base Location - Tips & Tricks for Beginners on Base Building (Best Castle Build Guide)

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so guys I am back with another power world video and you guys know me when it comes to creating those bases I absolutely love what's on offer heing power world today guys I showcase to you my fully built Castle check that out before we go any further guys I'm giving away a couple of copies of this game or any game of your choice to be a chance of winning one simply drop a like on the video leave a comment down below and make sure you are subbed with those notifications turn down winners are picked from the comment section of my power videos and announced at the end of the week so good luck okay so if you guys have C any of my previous base videos I actually built a base my initial base was two bases side by side literally two bases side by side now guys I've gone one a little better I've done three bases literally side by side all connected to each other I've created an absolute Castle which has two Bas is inside of it by itself and I've got a base on the outside which I'll showcase you the entire thing I'll give you a few tips and tricks it's the first time you've seen this of how this was built okay so this is the main entrance as you can see I'll give you a fly overview in a quick second people let's go okay so as you can see this is the outside area let me close that in case any stragglers coming there we go so you can see it's just a a base I've got a few things here and there actually you know what this is just this area was full of trees the area was absolutely full of trees now if you want to see the coordinates they are roughly aroundus 273 to 47 and the other two bases which are and a nice flat piece of land are minus 257 to 39 andus 259 to a 59 so yeah okay so as you can see right here this is the outside area now like I said this place was actually full of trees I spent about a good hour knocking down all these trees and quickly building foundations on top of them I've had the bushes come back through and I actually like the look of the bushes I was going to go up a level but I like the look of the bushes so more green the better my little out housee you know what I mean my little TV there nothing special inside here guys just wear rest my head at night watch a little power TV you know what I mean so yeah so on my right hand side I you see got a few ranches uh we've got a farming area here in regards to crops Wheats uh I've got loads of these throughout my entire base cuz all I'm doing now guys is breeding and I need ingredients for breeding for those cakes as you probably well know yourself so the more of these I got the better and I've got a ton of them an absolute ton of them um to be honest the base is so big I'm not short of anything I'll give you a quick run down oh my days I'm all room com what's going on here get out of there there we go okay so left hand side is where the electric is generated in the fridge uh just a little power area for them to go to sleep you know what I mean and chill out you know what I mean over there again I love the look of the area because all the green actually added it to my castle as you can see Castle was absolutely massive guys I know that's what most people who interested in that thing took me an absolute lifetime to build as you can see I tried to get it as castle looking as you possibly can the problem is there's no like tops of buildings you can make pointy like the top of a chair chch or a castle so I have to like make do with just throwing slabs and Bricks together but yeah so as you can see this is the one base there's one power box right there and now guys will go up into the castle don't know what he's doing those as he got the glitch where just constantly dropping wood oh well I actually got lucky because these ain't interconnected but the way I built my my first two bases side by side I've come up out of that base as you can see put two foundations down and I've come down it's lined up perfectly with a nice other bit of flat land I actually didn't know it was flat initially because there was so many trees here but knock down all the trees and it was flat perfectly flat looks amazing at night time by the way guys all the lamp hosts and lighting and things like that and also my my fire piit up there looks amazing as well which I just made a little hole in the wall put down loads of fires cuz I never got back so inside here guys we have the inside of my castle this is floor one now again if you saw my initial video actually initially had a pub there uh my own bar and you could go upstairs to the first floor I've knocked all of that down because the problem what I was having was on both sides here is German Tides getting stuck on absolutely everything I took down most of lamposts um it's it's a bit better I'm not going to lie things ain't getting stuck as much much but hey they still get stuck you know the path in this game is absolutely horrendous but yeah there's actually a door in here by the way which you can close like that there we go um okay so we'll go over here on the right hand side first now this is basically where more crops are are basically farmed made and farmed all those cakes Lads of these going down here guys as you can see chilling area still the official chilling area from day one uh this is like the workstation area all my workstations um we have just general storage these were there's actually walls all around here but High walls problem was once you spawn you have to log him out or Ps will literally spawn on the spot and they all got stuck on the walls so have to knock them all down they don't get stuck on the storage but they get stuck on the walls over here we have my official mining sites and my lumbering sites chilling area over there um we have my condensation machine right there more gener uh more electricity being generated right there we have one breeding Farm where the Power Sleep um and yeah so we'll go over to the other side that's actually this is what I actually love about my base I can just literally slingshot to the other side just like so so easy and there we go on this side we do a lot more of the growing which actually not long um just made a ton of cakes I've got about 2,000 cakes now this is all because I've got so many of these crop plots and wheat and ranches all over the place in my bases and things like that so yeah see ger can actually get around here which is better initially although it looks way prettier before me I to add lampos on every corner lighting absolutely everywhere German ties were constantly being stuck and it was doing my absolute heading so here's two more rches uh yeah ranes going to say farms and but rches and there is my first pal box have power box on the other side actually guys I should explain this for people who didn't see the first video so I've built two bases side by side and I know people want to see this this actual area is completely flat now what I did was initially from the left to the right this area not down the few trees that are there I tried to judge the middle of it haven't got a measuring tape or nothing I literally just tried to judge the the center of it I put down one power box just like so and then I constantly put down foundations all the way along and I mean constantly guys until I got to the edge of the area until I got to the edge of the area so constantly went down this way way past where that power box is I went down here and I went literally all the way past about another 200 yards that way then what I did was I pulled out another power box at this time I only had one down I pulled out this I turned that around and I followed the foundations right the way back until it said you cannot build here you're too close to a another base so then what I did was I stepped backwards a bit I kept going back until I put that power box down and that's what I did and the distance between is about four foundations you can see where the one to Diamond to the other it's about four foundations or so and I've got DK turned off so I got wor about things outside of the diameter decaying all the time I got it turned off people but yeah so yeah okay then should we go upstairs upstairs is my farming my farming level so let's go and as you can see I have about 12 or 13 farming um well breeding pens up here I say farming level my breeding level I mean I've used these so so so much I've changed it I like the open space to be honest I love how spacious it is got so many spare eggs I've done that much breeding I think these are all yeah Shadow big I've created so many Shadow bigs astig guns unbelievable we got to a point where I can't use condensation machine anymore I've got no more to level up so yeah so this is one section of it and we'll go around to the other section which is just literally across here I need to put the roof back on there right away cuz when actually built the castle I hook them down for something I can't remember I probably needed materials okay so yeah and this side we have more breeding stations so it's quite a few here and again it's lovely and spacious could probably put down a couple more if I wanted to okay and as you can see the the third level I actually had another floor up there but I just had nothing to put down I just I I can always build again put the ceilings back in and have another level but I've got nothing to put down so if you guys want to give me some suggestions let me know down below okay so in here we have my little sleeping area again while watching my TV get that work done go in here guys take a and go on Twitter on my phone there's a tree growing in the middle of my my bathroom that's all good I run out of toilet paper and wiping my ass and I'm a sharp ass leaves okay so out here go well this going down here is down to the first floor and there we go and we end up back down here guys where we were so yeah it's all interconnected it all connects to each other so let's go back up let's go back up and I'll show you my living room my sitting room which is out here and in through here just like so another a chilling area can watch over and make sure is getting done you know what I mean so yeah that's basically that we can go back up to these uh the farm or the BR area again so yeah let's go up here I'll show you just made like a balcony of pure lample so at night it looks amazing which is why I did it so yeah now we go back out here guys we're out to where my other third base is so I'll show you the castle where's my jet wagon there he is let's go so if you come up here guys you can see it's massive I know it's mainly for show I've got rooms up here uh I've got a lot of viewing stations up here I can see this side actually start side on oh I can hear shiny what is that uh why not why not we might as well catch it while we're here people might as well waste Mega sphere on it if I can even see where it is I can't see where it is my game's glitched out come back yeah I threw one I missed there we go come on catch 9% catch come on come on game you know there's so many shinies around this area as well so many shinies around this area we I actually create this Castle I started this Castle on the other side and I wasn't quite happy with it I was looking up Imes uh castles in Scotland and a lot of it were like circles and rounds and it's hard to build them because everything in this game's Square so as you can see right here guys just literally create circles it took me ages to get them lined up perfectly on each side as you can see it's looking quite good I probably didn't finish it to be honest probably going to add more things like my floating fires pretty cool quite E to do um but yeah and if I got down to the other side you'll see it looks drastically different looks more like an older building on this side but yep as you can see I kind of went a little bit over the top of the the water the greens that hang down I can't remember what they're called but I thought you know what I actually quite like the look of it so yeah so that is my castle and again I can up on the top floor me is like viewing cages which I'm I actually did have PS in here I've moved them yet so yeah then guys we can even fly down straight down to the bottom if we want to Bo there we go there we go I've actually got an exit on this way this side as well so let's go and check that out this just lead you to more flat land which I'm probably going to knock down and build something kind we'll see we'll see about that back close the door there we go so let's go back out woo actually show I didn't show did I you you look it from this side you can see looks pretty cool pretty cool and there we have it guys that is my base PR bases together um I think I'm the first to do this to be honest I've seen anyway it's quite a view absolutely massive just how we like it's so spacious so I know actually people are going to be thinking what happens when you go out to farm I've got ason I don't think I got him on me it's not is it let have a look okay so this guy here is utterly brutal I'll bring you guide on him I actually made a video on him about a week ago but um this is a better version of it is I mean I can be surrounded by about 10 Nords all Nords one lightning strike and this thing destroys them all I accidentally did it in my base earlier and broke half the base I shiz you not that's how powerful it is it breaks things for fun plus to use it here guys it's it's breaking everything so yeah but there we have it guys that is an update on my base and all letot you guys uh were interested in my base uh the first time the initial two videos I uploaded loved it but now it's changed drastically uh and it's much much better much bigger in my opinion still got work to do the building still looks a bit how you playing uh hopefully in a future update add more decorations you can add to things yeah there we have it guys my power world base and well I hope you enjoyed the video if you want some sort of tutorial or guide or you have any questions let me know down below I'll be sure to try and answer them but there we have it guys guys you enjoyed the video leaveing a like it really helps out if you like what you see want to see more power world be sure to subscribe and hopefully guys I will see you on that next one
Channel: DPJ
Views: 9,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld base building, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, pal world vs pokemon, palworld base location, palworld best pals early, palworld gameplay no commentary, palworld breeding, palworld guide tips, palworld best pals early game, palworld tips and tricks early game, palworld base location endgame, palworld gameplay pvp, palworld base locations, palworld breeding base, palworld breeding farm
Id: nMgLELru94Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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