Palworld- BEST PALWORLD Aesthetic BASE 3.0 (Infinite Ore, INGOTS coal) (PART 1)

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hello beautiful my name is epic treasure and this video tutorial today is to help you build the best base in pal World possible if you like what you see come like And subscribe that would be amazing so what we're going to do is go through all the features of this base including eight big fat nodes of iron ore and also six nodes of coal and after I go into all the features and all the exact locations that everything needs to be placed I'll go into a step by step hold your hand build with me tutorial of the building which is multi level uh and facilitates the stage two level two tier two workbenches and production lines so this space is the metabase for mining a lot of people just slap a pal box down in here and then let let their mining Pals go nuts in it which is really what I was doing for a very long time just dropping it off and getting on with life but my goal with this one was to make sure that it was all encompassing it would enable players that are early in game to benefit from it but also mid game and end game too so having those uh multiple nodes there of different uh resources was incredibly handy to have so the coal being that for circuit boards uh pure quartz which is over in the snow area for circuit boards also these two things are incredibly important endgame but you'll still need the ore in general the iron ore throughout the entire game as is so it was important for me to build a base that was perpetually resourceful and was never going to be obstructed by buildings which many people do when they're doing bases including me when it came to me building the castle the beautiful castle build which is you know predominantly aesthetic but a lot of a lot of ores were sacrificed uh because of that you know once you put a a foundation over an like a node that has been mined it won't come back until you get rid of that Foundation this build that I've done does not obstruct any ores from coming back ever so having a look at the uh exact location 188 - 38 south of the free pal Alliance Tower right here the power box is about a square away from that Ridge there and that enables us to keep every single node here in our uh perimeter safely it also enabled me to create a building here which is multiple stories that enables you to put those level two benches inside of it all three of them plus multiple other benches um and also the crops on the side and most importantly for me the breeding facility at the top over here we've got two little farm areas which are placed very strategically so they're not infiltrating any um nodes to come through there's two Stone quaries there also so if you're very pedantic or paranoid about things catching on fire just replace simply replace that wood with stone or metal um as for the Decay lines um which are the perimeter around here in blue if you have your Decay settings up um you know beyond the minimum things can deteriorate on that uh line so my settings are on virtually nothing and as you can see over here this is my cabin by the waterfall build which is on my channel too um that's still sitting there and it doesn't even have a pal box there so as you can see there's no no deterioration that happens over there so if you want to maintain and retain all your builds I'm not sure how long that's going to last for but um set your Decay settings on low um I mean there's not a lot of fun in repairing everything I don't think but you might enjoy it now obviously this base is flexible in the way that you can change things up if you don't particularly want a breeding facility you can do away with that put crops all over the roof you could even if you wanted to keep the breeding facility you more crops you could just take that aesthetic pointed slope roof off Pitch roof off make that flat put crops up on that um there's plenty of ways to get around it um you could even build uh another multiple levels over here put your crops in you know inside then put the uh breeding facility up on top of all that uh the list is endless but I'm trying to keep it you know as as simple but as as useful as possible so as you can see there's two Farms over here have a look at exactly where they are in regards to the nodes there because once you start to encroach on those they're not going to be coming back so just try and steer clear of those if you can and those are the exact locations that we'll find it in your favor anyway down here are two Stone quaries so if you're early in the game you want to build this out of stone then you put the quaries down there put some mining power out let them go nuts uh and when I say early game you at least obviously have to have a flying mount for that which is not too far from the start anyway you should be able to get a Nightwing quite early um so that is our base and again over here is the snow area where you can get your pure quartz from and this entire base is three levels high at the highest point we have foundations that are quite high from the back so I'm going to just take a little snapshot here for you so you can uh if you want to just go nuts and build without you know the step-by-step guide then just pause that take a photo of it whatever we'll move around this side for you to get that and obviously again you know you can change if you want to make it out of metal go nuts whatever floats your boat and then around the front I just wanted it to look you know homely and lovely at the same time a little bit of a little bit of stone a little bit of wood you know just to make it look I don't know more aesthetic so let's have a little bit of a zoom out and after this we're going to go elbow deep in the build cross your fingers and get ready for this one so to get our bearings for the foundation we have the P box here don't build it yet we need to focus on this corner to build first so I'm just going to break this up a little bit get rid of the pal just so we get it right the first time so with the foundation piece it's important to have it in the lowest part of the terrain so it is here and make sure it's running parallel to your P box so our squares that we can see the bricks that we can see are horizontal so we want to bring this blue box up until it is just before red so there's red blue that is our point that we want to have that is our first piece that we want to have right there because if we can put this piece down it means that everything else will fit perfectly so let's go Rec connect all this stuff here now with this one as you can see I won't be able to put the red in the corner and the reason for that is that I did not want to sacrifice any of those uh coal pieces so as you can see the perimeter is rubbing that coal piece so if I moved the PO Box backwards so I could have that filled in it would be jeopardizing that coal piece if if I moved it left it would be jeopardizing the coal piece also so I sacrificed one corner specifically for that one piece of coal so it's there forever and that is how this build is based anyway so what we're going to do is we're going to have our first level as Stone get rid of the pal so we're going to go around the perimeter starting here with the stone Windows now often these trees like right now will grow through this Zone and so you might have to do some weed whacking on the way once you chop them down and go your foundation and your walls and stuff they're not going to come back sometimes um if you're lucky they'll come through the walls and they won't marck with a foundation or anything or the windows I always like to see it so this part we're just going to do stone we're going to do stone wall Windows around the outside for the first level like I said if you want to have stone around the whole thing go nuts now over here it's going to have a blue line the perimeter line if you don't like that you can actually box this in with wood or stone but it's it's very handy so you know exactly if your P box is in the right spot because that's where that blue line should be so over here this is remember where our our little crops are so I'm going to build this here this here and then we're going to build our wooden door on this particular one cuz I'm mean we're in the kind of the farmy zone so I want to put it over there yeah get really uh into it so then bring the stone Windows here and that one here this one here this one here and then the stone door there okay I'm going to Fly Above It just so you can get a good look at it and make sure you got it right so that's what she looks like at the moment okay get a good hard look at it and you might like to pause it all right on with the show so this is a point where I want to have some wood action so we want to build um whoopsie see the get rid of the P get rid of the P the wooden windows above this part remember this is where the pitch roof is now again you don't have to have the pitch roof there if you don't want it um you could have the crops on the roof Etc like I said before up to you now we're going to do some Renovations on here soon so don't get too comfortable with where everything is we're going to run around the outside with our wood wood wood wood nonstop like that now we're going to go and put our wooden triangles up the top so remember if you're on Xbox it'll be RB or left B right bumper left bumper can you please get up there ahh and then rotate like that all right so that's what that looks like then again more this this do not rush ahead cuz we're going to do some other stuff in a minute that we need to accommodate for our um breeding facility now we're going to be chopping walls down don't worry so up here we've got our Stone roof again that is going to go horizontal see how they're going horizontal to the P like parallel to the P box this part um well you'll see what's going to happen soon all right so above this is going to be our breeding facility [Music] okay and once it's night time you know you might need to build a bed so I'll do that very quickly just a shy one will do cuz nobody wants to build in the dark [Music] sleep okay and on with the show so we're going to Fly Above again have a look at what we've done like this we'll finish this roof off P away continue like that then on this part we're going to have the wooden roof do something fancy over here soon and again like I said we're going to be removing bits and pieces as we [Music] go stairs going down there we want to have the wooden roof cuz this is our Veranda so here we're going to have it horizontal again this part again here [Music] horizontal horizontal horizontal there we go like this and then continue on your wooden roof around here here here then this part is going to go up to the roof so wooden triangular wall over here like that then we're going to have the wooden wall like this and build your stairs there like that okay so this is going to go up to the breeding facility up on the roof now the sneaky part that we do with this is we're going to put another piece of stone roof there and the important part is we want to keep this open because with the breeding facilities you need to often build those first before you you do walls and stuff sometimes the walls can actually encroach in your build your breeding facilities and many other things too so we go breeding Farm here so I find it actually better if I go over this spot sit on the roof here put your breeding Farm here so it doesn't eat into this Zone we want to make sure we can put the wall up so let us move it around a bit and sometimes it just takes a little bit of rotation to do it and make sure you got nothing hanging around on your hanging around on your roof near got it nearly got it ah there you go like that a little bit of you know fiddle fadling around and make sure you've got a Anubis with you if you got one cuz they build really quick so now that's there we can finally build our wall so wooden here there see we can build it if we had done the wall first we wouldn't have been able to put it there that's just how it is sometimes so we're going to do our wooden slanted roof here remember to use your Crosshair RB left B to rotate it around and then we're going to do the Triangular wall here wooden slanted roof up here right now this is a really important part because I'm going to show you now don't build it when I do it though let me build this first you can build this part though but when I do this corner don't copy uh we want to go wooden slanted roof here whoops remember cross here cross here cross here and then over here crossair so what often happens oh my God an UB just scared the hell out of me I forgot that so don't go crazy with this stuff though right now stop so this is a part that remember we couldn't do we couldn't build it because the foundation didn't touch the ground and what will happen is if we build the roof first around it and connect it then we'll be able to actually extend this roof piece so if we get rid of this wall and we went oh okay let's just extend this wow oh good now I've got a total square piece get away nuis um and think oh that's great now I just I can build my my you know I can get rid of this and you watch what'll happen lucky pants so oh don't do that again build the rest of it oops I did a bad thing Tri there there you go but if we hadn't built the walls around that if we hadn't done the triangles and the other walls that whole Corner would have went bang blowing see you later now we need to put a hole in the roof here which will get to I can do then coming in the door this will have a staircase coming down and then another one rotate like that now we can get rid of this pit then we'll do the same thing like we did before we're going to go with the stone roof there the stone wall here here and then the wood up up yes all connected all happy all connected all always the order of operation now again like I said if this is triggering to you you can just build you know something around it so you never have to look at it you could just go nuts there doesn't exist anymore all right so that is that part now what we want to do here is we want to have stairs that come out remember to put your Crosshair on the conect connecting part on the edge again wooden stairs Crosshair on the connecting part there right let's fly above again whoops thought that I could uh fly on an all right there we go so this is what it looks like like I said before looks absolutely stunning uh and then we're going to do the crops and everything else so this deck out here is going to be for all of your uh you know workbenches and such um and then obviously as you get on uh then you can bring everything inside but I always like to have the little workbenches outside um you could put um for example the statue of power here because this part's floating out here so you could put the statue of power there if you wanted to uh and then build something underneath so so um it sort of shrouds this part that's hanging out if that's concerning you but see how that joins the building see how it makes it sort of be connected to this weird floating stuff um whatever tickles your fancy so let us have a look over here over here I'm going to put grab that we're going to go grab the food we're going to go grab the berry Plantation I'm going to put that in this corner like this get a nubis out so we can be useful and build then uh we're going to do wheat Plantation here plush maybe another Berry Plantation there we actually might put the mill there first so production Mill as far over as possible preferably like that food Berry Plantation just hanging over the edge like that done okay so now we've got our crops Etc um which is looking good now I don't want to build a foundation piece here because it could potentially encroach on the uh the coal piece which you know I'm very against that so over here remember this is going to be the area for your workbenches Etc I like to have a chest readily available and easy to get to just because uh you can get over encumbered pretty quickly so I'll just put it here get Anis Anubis out and then just dump everything in there so uh another if you're new to this if you want to sort your inventory out so just say for example I'm going dump some of this in here and it's like messy just like hover over your inventory any square and click right stick in and it sorts it same if you go over to your chest you can right stick in and it will s sort it out also make sure you click the right one though that up and uh where's my there it is my grapple I'm got to get around the edge cuz it's going stop me otherwise all right stop it an stop all right Little Engine That Could and dump and that's another thing too if you have items in your metal like in your chest in your storage to say for example you've got some wood you got some ingots you've got some ore so say for example you just walked up to your chest you went oh if you hover over your inventory and click RB it will dump everything that matches from your inventory into your metal chest like so in my inventory I've got ore so does the metal chest so once I click up be watch it dump it in there bang so it takes every sort of matching item and stacks it so that's very handy to have so let's dump all the heavy stuff in there oh lots of berries again let's have a little fly over a little fly over on jet trer and make sure that you are up to date perfectly so we have all of our nodes on of iron we have all of our coal now over here I put the two Stone quaries handy to have and the next thing is the ranches so the ranches um we will have to chop some trees for it too just to have it C and we want to be able to put it very far away from these things if we can help it so again you can see it Go Blue straight away and just rotate until it lets you do it make sure that it is on the perimeter within the perimeter too so there we go you can see the perimeter is there safe as a bank bring a new out to build it and again we can just go chop crazy over here you can maybe even fit more of them I don't think we need more than two uh and then I'll just some of that make sure you just don't Drop It where you're wanting to build though Ranch here the ranches are pretty small though there we go just build it that's itate all right so we got all that sorted out let's fly above again have a look at the Amazing Creation that you've done so that is what your base should look like so let us have a look at where we're going to put our workbenches Etc if you've got the uh basic work workbenches then go nights but by now you should probably have uh the better ones so you should have the high quality workbench I'm going to put this in here bu that there get a new out to help you or whoever you've got to help done so another thing that you'll need is the repair bench we'll put this over here here yeah you beat that stuff up buddy repair bench is there um you could uh perhaps put the medieval medicine bench over here like that and that's basically everything you need besides putting your furnace which is very important we need some flame organs which I did have I I don't know where they've gone flame organs where are you gone bro they've disappeared all right well I don't know where they vanished to but hopefully you've got some flame organs if you don't but we'll we'll sneak over to my other place while we're here when it goes I hope I've got some flame organs over there let's see all right um I had to try and remember where everything is all right not in there oh boy maybe they roll down the hill uh this is my town build if you want to check that out it's on the channel too nope yes got him yeah I built a whole town it's uh something all right back our fast traveling back to our [Music] spot safe as a bank okay so right now improve furnace here very important um is it really met why I put it actually that would have been kind of cute there Anis where you buddy yes let him build it then we're going to do food we're going to do just a cooking pot I don't need to have fancy electric stuff at the moment electric pot there um this one's important because this is what's going to make our cakes for the breeding facility at the top n come here all right so let's basically everything you need um we can literally go nuts already 35 there and oh he's he's already gone crazy on the mine stuff that's nice and then we'll get oh I've got German tide already J go nuts in it look how quick he does this stuff oh you're so excited aren't you all right get going look at him look at him look how quick he goes it's sick is what it is you're so happy I know buddy you smashed him out um so we need some eggs for this cake so I'm going to go over here I'm going to go grab and don't forget you can grab a merchant and get them in your sphere and then put them as a pal in your base so they can sell you all the stuff that you want whoops oh it only need 417 of them buddy come back here you have to put them in the base so you can't put them as like on your team I did a bad thing 51 yeah all right so we've got that oh we could have put the bed back don't we and then we'll put that there whoopsie cake two cakes J TI is it two night time is it all right let's put our bed in here all right f i put the fine bit up there wish they had red beds oops he will work for me save us a [Music] b all right let's get these cakes going sorry NIS you over you're welcome yeah you cook those cakes um yeah so over here we've got our breeding facility and then once we have the the cakes we put them in here if you haven't done that before put your mail in a female in there of the same well yeah I was going to say the same the same uh creature but that's only when you want to uh do God rolls for jet dragon you need two jet dragons to do that yes but as for the basic ones you can just Mark around and find out or you can use uh the breeding matrixes that are available on Google which is nice to have um I need to put this Merchant away so he's gone crazy over there I'll have that cake thank you so let's have a look very quickly at reading I didn't expect to do a whole thing on this but here we are um it's a bit crazy so say for example um we want to have some more German tides for example and we have a look at their passive skills here heated body Burly body um Burly body so let we have a look at example Artisan uh we work speed plus 50% so that's really nice to have at your base um heated body uh 10% decrease incoming ice damage who cares Burly body 20% uh ferocious attack 20 um Nimble is the speed see movement speed pyromaniac fire attack damage so I'd like to have this German tide please which is a male so we're going to bring him to the base come here so we're going to bring him to the base and you could even make another staircase that goes straight up for the breeding thing if you wanted to if you don't want to drag them around like I'm doing so we're going to go him see one male now we go get a female [Music] and oh tied so the female we have heated body and Burly body um I don't care about that we need a female ah yes we want this one yes we do yes we do yes we do yeah this one well who whoa whoa whoo whoo I don't want that one this one with the girl come here girlfriend and then we going to run around here we're going to Chuck her one in one so they're going to get it on then we're going to put the cake in here here okay like that and then leave it as you can see the time is ticking over with the question mark with the egg and once that's a full there'll be an egg there ready for action to hatch oh that's actually something else you need to oopsie you need to have that little incubator there and we can put another um cake in there too so never have enough German Tides all right so what what's the story with this we need milk that's what we need all right let's get some of that out and obviously you know with the farms and stuff the the little chickens will give you the eggs and the the lamby the lamb balls will give you the wool and the cows will give you the milk and the be Gods will give you the honey so on and so Force we get some cows in here um we'll get some some be guards in there not the elizabe just the be guards um the little cats the little not the red not the pink cats but the other cats will give you that the Mal ones will give you coins um quite nice actually and what else did I want to have got the bees we got that we've got the chickens don't we you put your pal beds whatever you want so let them go nuts over there but I find having the merchants kind of a lot easier to just buy the stuff off him that's nice he doesn't he he'll give you wheat but you just got to put um the weed in the mill over here obviously you need a water guy the uh German tide the water German Tide's really good with that though uh that's about it so um and after you've upgraded all these and you've got on with the game then you can put your production level two uh lines in all right so in here in the building we have the level two production assembly line here cuz you're going to use that the most so as soon as you come in the door bang she's there over here is the weapons bench and then over here we have the sphere assembly line don't forget to get your Anubis out and get it working now with these benches you need a power source which is a power generator here I like to hide it cuz it looks weird so I want to put it here now let me make it clear that with these power generators you literally don't need your pals that are charging it up so you need electric pal to charge it up you don't need him to have like access rubbing against it he can be literally outside the whole building like staring through the window and charging it up from there it's electricity he doesn't need to be you know rubbing himself on it so we can totally box this in it'll make absolutely no difference at all so I like to hide it like that don't worry we'll just drag NIS out in a moment now you can drag the all the way up to the top if you want or if you're not claustrophobic you could even go wooden roof and start to create a a whole another level I find it claustrophobic I'm not into it but you might like to have a whole new level which is like little different bedrooms and stuff but not for me today so in this case I'm going to break through these windows here we're going to put a wooden wall a wooden wall there and you know I'm going to rebuild it don't you that's fun isn't it is it pours down like a waterfall of treasure that's nice to have isn't it we'll just put that there all right wooden wall isn't it just so joyous this thing is in the way too I know you want to put it there there we go there we go stop being pantic about it there we go all right wooden wall now let's rebuild this box that I blasted apart on my travels there build it Anis I need you to come here and then we'll drop everything back in there so we're not dragging our bodies around and all right so sort drag drag drag drag drag drag drag drag it all all right that's okay might as well just grab the rest of them e myself off it all right let's sort it out all right that's good good good good good that'll do fine I think there's a whole bunch of treasure that just dripped down into that Nook that I just made let's go have a little sneak peek yep at that oh boy howdy all right let's uh drop you on the ground oh you weigh a lot Mr Cole all right now put that wall back up we're going put the wall back up here there then we're going to do the wooden wall up here no drama okay nice and clear and obviously um that's a bit crooked but we'll get over that won't we we need some light in here we need an electric boy so let's get an electric boy out I don't particularly like the big massive dude I mean he looks cool with his little Mohawk but he just he's very big and I just like to have the um the univ volts out now I'm very mindful about what creatures I have because people get very triggered when they see depress statuses on my pals so let's make sure we get these chickens out of here before somebody has an aneurysm about it yes the pals are going to have beds don't worry so as you can see when we have a look at the Unicorn univolt see it's got a hammer on it if they've got a hammer on it it means they're working they're doing their job this this dude is generating electricity so a lot of people will see their PALS like I said before just standing going oh you know this base is Jank because my pal can't get through the door he doesn't need to he's literally channeling his energy straight to it right now so when we go there we're going to see it being fully charged up I'm not even touching that stuff see already 10% so we're going to have a sleep immediately cuz I don't like building in the nighttime and people don't like watching videos of the nighttime builds for some strange reason it's the morning so we've got all of the sort of technical stuff out of the way um what you might want to do is have some lighting around now wall torches aren't the best I mean I like them I visually like them I think they look amazing but you literally need a flamb bell or something running around to keep them lit all the time and sometimes s they're very lazy but I like the warm look of that lighting I've talked about this multiple times before that I just hate white light uh I find it just visually triggering to me so wooden roof over here I'm sick of seeing that thing there put that there right now the pals that you need at this base you'll need a fire pal the fire pal will be used for our cooking the fire P will be used for the furnace uh obviously somebody's doing some tree lopping over there um you'll need a water pal and the water pal will be used to do the mill and the crushing machine too which I don't even think I put a Crusher out yet my god let's do that very quickly production the crusher yes we can at least the important stuff that I did um that I dropped on the ground wasn't that important uh let's bring out Anubis over here um the best I think the best Pals to have all rounder Pals at the base are the Anubis they are very quick they're quick to the point where if you drop stuff on the ground they will grab it and they'll run to a storage box and they'll chuck all your stuff in and you won't even know where your stuff's gone it could be armor you could have a ring dropped and it's vanished trust me Anubis is stolen it and taking it to a box another hot tip somebody said to me was when you got like um aesthetic storage items so for example wooden barrels you'll find a nuus will rush out and he'll dump stuff into these now somebody said to put fairy floss in there which I thought was very smart so filling all these slots up here fill all those slots up with just useless stuff so Anubis can't sneak um all their junk into there even arrows so even arrows you could drag across there you could split them up split them up fill the Box up like this I don't use arrows which is surprising cuz I love it um and there now he can't sneak off and put your stuff in you know in hiding so again you need electric boy eventually if you're not late game or mid late game you won't need it yet but you will be needing it so electric boys charge up the power the power will uh be used for things such as the uh Street lamps right uh the the lamps the chandeliers um they'll be used to obviously the electric heater uh electric kit Anything Electric obviously the refrigerator [Music] um and a host of other things especially those um assembly lines the uh these assembly lines electric furnace o you need it you need it so um ideally what you want to do at this base which is you know its whole purpose is to bring it now please don't freak out about the condition of these Pals I haven't been able to heal them yet I hav't had a chance to so you can just go nuts and just watch this Mayhem ensue actually we need to build that other thing first let me see other ah yes pickaxe now let me just read that too again pickaxe and helmet place in base to improve mining speed oh you want that now make sure when you put this down you don't put it anywhere where there's a node that has been mined because otherwise she won't come back to life let's bring a ubis back out help build that you can't build they don't stack you just have one right so then they're going to go absolutely deranged with this stuff this this unicorn's going crazy on these trees all right so we're going to go and grab um some asons so I'm going to be mindful about not bringing the depressed ones out cuz I've got to bring the um we got to make the spa thing let's just bring them all out I like this the Menace sting oh boy you need D just bring them out everywhere it's nuts it's nuts and also um she's getting a bit crazy now um before you know it they just they just decimated everything J trons are kind of useless when it comes to the base though if they're only useful as a vehicle so when you're sort of breeding them make sure you just use them for vehicles good for um and then you have your allrounder kind of guys that do everything like look at Anubis like level three mining for handiwork to um Chuck the stuff in a box we're not going to pick them cuz it's depressed depressed um this guy is great too the Blazer mut he does fire and Mining but I might not be able to fit him we've got milk Galore we've got honey Galore we don't really need them anymore dump them off um we'll bring some of these boys out we don't really need a water person right now but I love the look of the relaxasaurus how it sprays the water everywhere out of its mouth but ideally wanted uh the Water German tide woman water German tide is level four water so he just just gets those Mills going and the uh crush is going crazy so we just bring one out for fun again I can't stress enough just because they're not rubbing their body on the objects it doesn't mean they're not doing their work they got a hammer next to their name they're doing work so don't forget you'll need um The Gardener uh Robin is quite kind of cute with this stuff that does one planting uh two harvesting you know not too shabby uh then we've got uh brista um we've got uh Mander who does the planting also so you kind of want one that does like planting and harvesting save you all the time and drama um and even the little tany does a little bit of side work over there too so I know these these dudes going derange now I don't particularly like the mamist on the base so much cuz they're so big and it's so m in your face but um yeah I want to sort this out sort out number yeah that's good uh so yeah you do want an allrounder here this one's really great lene is beautiful four planting two Harvest three handiwork and medicine so get L into it not knocked the other one so bring her out look at them like we just blinked our eyes and the whole base just covered with o like this is why I made this for you look at it it's deranged look at that look at this stuff why would you have a boring base with nothing in it when you can have this milk land of milk and honey happening right here obviously these delivery Pals aren't doing their job properly and don't forget I put a box over here um just so the delivery ones I all them deliver ones can just rush over here so they're not trekking halfway across the countryside look at this it's just so crazy so you could even put like another box Pyle cre that another box just a basic one just here bang right there who gives who gives the put it there dump them in there click click click it's it's just so crazy look at them they're just going to town on it now as for the the pal beds and things like that you can put them up um in your room if you so desire I don't like to put them outside anywhere just because I don't want to make the mistake of putting them anywhere near the the precious nodes that I'm so championing at the moment so with the power uh infrastructure you can put the PO beds all at the end if you want to um we do need to put the the quality Hot Springs so we can see we need paldum fragments and cement so the palum fragments and cement the cement can be made at the workbench the palum fragments you know can be made from the crusher by using Stone so we're going to go over here we're going to go this one we'll just make you know 881 91 of them and then look jman tides on it immediately see do you see that he's not well he is Jack there but he's not he has he us a breathing right next to us but he doesn't have to be he could be like way over there and still functioning and look at him he's popping him out already click click click now make sure that the ones that you pick when you start to get to end game and you start to get into breeding please pay attention to what their passives are because it makes all the difference in the world I can tell you so for example if you're breeding jet dragons for example you want to get them to have all the speed skills so Nimble Swift EX for example um and work speed is a really great one for everybody look at this like yeah it's a loud base cuz it's busy all the time but at least you're not trekking back and forth across the countryside so over here we can make cement here um hang on give me give me a sec let me look at this bone yeah we missing so get that so when you want to go and get some materials and you go Shivers I need bone go catch a merchant I'm going to show you where to catch it uh I think it's a level 34 wandering Merchant that I like so put him here drop him down talk to him talk to him buy all his stuff so here we've got bone we need a bunch of that derange with it um we'll need some berries to make some cake but we've got a berry patch over there wheat always yeah sure um and then sell I don't know if I've got any fancy stuff in this space I don't think I do but let me tell you you can um make the berry the the roast berries or whatever they are and they buy them for quite a lot so these baked berries I'll click on that make 346 so then look at we'll probably not make that many cuz we need some for the cake bang so um um that's handy to have we actually need to get uh German German tide worker out now let me get to this um Merchant that I need to teach you about really quickly so let's get a German tide out that yeah we'll put you out big boy get in there and so he's going to be cooking our berries hopefully unless he's got something better to do so let's have a look at the map we're going to ZIP down here um with all the different Merchants um you can grab them from all assorted places across the the place so uh for example one of the First Merchants that you're going to see let's actually go there I'm going to show you it I'll take you hold your hand there um one of the First Merchants that we come across and this is the first one I caught I kind of wish that I had done this all over again where the hell is it ah small settlement ah let me just look at that so small settlement is here look at your map it's in the purpley uh tan color area I'm going to travel there I'm going to take you to the spot all right so as we can see we're going to go down the hill we can already see that Merchant that we're going to cap capture if you're a high level like much higher level than they are you don't want to be using your big weapon just you could use if you're superpower you could just use your torch to slap him I can probably hit him with an axe and be safe but if I use my um spear he's going away way permanently so we're going to hit him a little bit that's H it and then grab him with the the sphere 1% now you probably have far lower you know percentage than what I do if you're early on so we caught the wandering Merchant like that so now he's ready I wish we could take all these things with us like steal them um yeah and once you've got them they're they're in your pal base once you put them out just like the nor ones so we're going to go back very quickly fast travel uh to home get out of there and then he will be available look at all our like merchants and stuff here we've got some other Merchants too um I've got the black marketeer there so bring him out here he's the big boy hello come here where are you going to boy I'm hiding you hiding in there [Laughter] bro sir all right I got him all right so he's got um and these always change too you can get the rib bunnies sometimes they have jet dragons like here Swift Nimble earthquake resistant pacifer so have a look at their traits because you might be able to um breed them with other ones that might not be as good now we are we are Hefty whoops sorry about that dump it in I didn't expect there to be so many tutorials built into a base bill but here we are so it's all happening we've got all absolutely every look at this you come home to this look at this craziness we couldn't even have enough you know Runners to to accommodate to pick all the stuff up that's why you have these boxes around so you can just sort of um jump across to them it's quite it's like power wash simulator but you're picking things up instead of cleaning them well you are cleaning them I suppose but you know what I mean um you're power washing them into yourself kind of that sounds really messed up but anyway so that's what it looks like let's just jump on our boy like hello it is wild it's a wild base and they just keep going and going and going and if you set those re those resource respawn speeds up o you're going to have or Galore it's just crazy I don't know what this weirdo is doing up here he shouldn't be up there at all I don't actually know if we got any cakes oh that's another thing you got to do is put that uh incubator over there do I have any I don't even have any cake H the incubator over there so even if these dudes are you know in breeding mode and you don't have an um cake there once you put the cake down in their full breed mode they've like filled up that that timer thing then once you put the cake there the egg will pop up straight away we'll cancel those baked berries whoops recipe we need flour so you know damn well we're going to go over here I don't even know why don't we have chman tide over here yet jman Tide's too busy don't look at the ulcers and fractures we're doing it later that grow all right flow so we're going to dump 14 in there um and sometimes you might need a couple of water Boys around um sometimes you might have one one dude in your um in your team who can do that too so I might just do that I might just grab my own ger tide I might grab jide to put him right here instead of aagon just Chuck him straight on bang go grab that flow and you could even make a um you know what here could make a cooking pot over here if you wanted to so he's just going to go nuts on that make the ingredients of the cake but you get the idea anyway for all this stuff so when it comes to decoration just go nuts with your with your wall torches Etc your lamp post you're going to need um ingots for that now I've got tons of inot at the other base but could do it here go 180 enjoy that blazing M's going to come up and breathe all over it though Jan TI's far quicker but he's like he's pretty he's pretty ball up we actually do need and don't forget to put the flame cauldron down uh the flame cauldron makes the fire speed quicker so we need the flame orans and you know all we need to do is go over here after you've caught your uh wandering Merchant going to put him there come here bye flame organs we can sell him those um baked berries too they are we only made 13 of them oh that's better than a slap in the a so there's that uh ingots are gone deranged cool uh flame cauldron we're nearly there we need three more flame organs now if you want to have like Harvest flame organs get your flamb Bells God I've gone full into hiden tips and tricks today we're going to get rid of some of these minor boys and put some flamb Bells out the flamb bells drop the flame organs on the farm so that'll go out that'll light all your torches for you they're very cool like that uh W tour just Chuck them around they should hopefully do their job you can see that thing's fully charged we don't even need those univolt two univ volts anymore we could just have one just to keep one lit or you could even have a smaller one um smaller like electric creature uh and make sure that their food is oh that's where they're hiding it all 177 milk for goodness sakes and it's night time again so it's all happening so you can put rugs through the whole place fireplace all that sort of stuff um we need to make the [Music] spring but it's just such a just a a a Super Active ba oh my God I don't know what's going on out there somebody just knocked a tree down Super Active base which I like and then you can just go and remember this was the tip for the uh Castle the amazing castle that I built it's really cool all right so this one hopefully don't fall down the hole yeah I did that's great just do this their wings weren't in the way I could probably see a lot better there we go insufficient materials we'll deal with that later uh we need to go actually I can go right here and do it Silly Billy um I think it's just basic cloth actually 46 we can probably bring in a new out for that one then get your lighting get your wall torch not reaching that flame Bell look at that it's ready already it's it's crazy that's how crazy it is um you just blink and things are done straight away it's wild so back up here again back to the furniture again antique red carpet align it up with the other one quick uh Anubis to come out again build this is your room you know do whatever you want with it go nuts so this is our little desk looking out like a little manager of the pals no I don't want to have that there um I feel like this should be I do think it should be fireplac and I think it should be a warm type of one I want it like in the middle here like that then I wanted I just the other place that I built was just so claustrophobic so now I'm just going to again um antique couches just you could even a lot of people that do cozy ones like to have things on angles but if I've got a straight carpet I like to have stuff straight at the same time you know this little cozy thing um and then you could have you know armchair here and another one there nbis is no it's wrong it's wrong sorry buddy she's not where I wanted it to be I want be up there just one here cozy cozy um then the wall mirrors you can never go wrong with those ones in these places just Chuck it there click nuis go fix it he's onto it straight away partitions you could put here make sure it's neat tidy like that very cozy isn't it light it up light it up oh you look good um and then again the storage um I really love these antique cabinets but it's a bit ostentatious I think for this one I feel like this is a very book bookie type of spot so I'm just going to put this here in the window cuz the cool thing is you can see the back of the books through the window I try and be don't look at the freak through the window and just do that there then you can go over there you have an antique long cabinet if it's fit I don't know if it's going yeah it will fit it will fit that's too much actually forget it don't that it's clro fobic um antique chest is nice to have I think we'll just put one oh can bloody reach it yeah build it now I can breathe again uh Furniture again antique red carpet we can do ooh you going to let me build there or not oh you are it's going to hang over we don't want that to happen manous assemble uh oh yeah that's quite nice don't mind that little cup of tea over here where's my chairs spin around lovely look at it it's beautiful um and then even you know you could have a little little chair there if you want no we need a bedside table don't be silly antique there we go look at them all building it I'm not they're not even there like I said uh lighting again wall torch it's just cozy look at it stunning simple and stunning we need something over here cuz that's just got a serious issue uh it's in storage put that in front of it it's actually a bit disturbing to have the breeding thing right outside I know I didn't quite think of that until this moment so some plants would be nice for distraction wouldn't it house but you know I don't even like these ones but I'm going put it here this is where I start to go B sillian go a bit too too over the top with the plants this lovely I think it's beautiful then your little shells you know it's very log cabiny unless you did you know deviate and do the stone but even that's fine there we go so that looks very cozy obviously you know if you want to decorate all this area um and you can also don't forget to put a can I do it I can do it you can put a storage chest underneath the stairs but you have to literally do it in that order stairs first then chest won't let you do it the other way I don't know why it's just funny like that but you can put all your um like rugs and stuff down first and then put your stairs Etc down it should not MK with it I think all right that's fine so we got another storage chest in there you can't even see so over here we can go Furniture antique red carpet if you want to I think this one no it's not too big is it it is a little bit big I think it'll be it'll be allowed to be around this corner but no I like the red one anyway actually can we build it Crossways you're not going to let me do it are you cuz it's in a bloody way do it long way going to be difficult okay join her up like look at her it's it's like immediately bang it's it changes everything um then we can just go over that LTI long one like it looks like home all of a sudden instead of this Factory stuff um you know we're just looking like it's home and it's uh you can absolutely do the big carpet here it's just a matter of lining it up to get it lit why why aren't you working we need some Venom glands well I don't want that I'm not doing that we've got eight flame things left and just make sure look that's a actually really really good shot and this one you'd have to put it down first in order to facilitate that so then you can just go Um put your table and chairs here like Square table there it's not encroaching on anything Fantastical that's crooked R roll on over here that completed well it looks like there's a pce still there that you haven't done anubus and then you could have you know a couch or something there whatever tickles your fancy I you know what I've grown to love these orange couches these ones I really have and I really like these um leather armchairs with the draped I'm one of those people that love to do have those those draped throw blankets yeah there one there just Chuck your bits and pieces down your low iron table bags just cozy stuff like that oops I did a bad thing some more PL around so again remember that this place is literally only for factory workers Factory workers and sleep so nobody has to worry about big mining Pals needing to come in here and and not being able to navigate their way around the space cuz they they don't need to be in here anyway they should outside all the time it's no like purpose for them to be standing at a bench um and then let's just get a little little storage the wooden box is a b crazy if you ask me these I don't want one of those really I don't want one I just rather just have a a plant bloody plant so i s I hate it all these times around but you could ALS Al have dividers um like walls dividing all this stuff if you want if you don't want to see it but I just I'm having it all like together look at that so sweet the other way you can make that Coe is obviously drop the roof down so I'll just role playay that for a moment just to see what it looks like but I'm not going to lie cuz I just find a clro big I mean some parts don't have to be like this though see how that's Cozier and that's like o it's all cold and sad so you could even go wooden wall and that will still be fully functional too know and you could even have a um that would make it a bit difficult that like that then you go have a house plant here stuff gets stuck you just have to unstick it but look at that you know what I mean you can make it really lovely um and then you could even slap a lighting uh could we actually make a we need Nails we can make nails but I still like my wall torches I don't like those um powered lamps though they're crazy bright um and then again storage over here uh I know that's facing the right way oh that is they're just building it from the Nether and then a couple of shelves Furniture decorative thing there click click just slap them slap them all around the place so so then we have this other level up here so it's like well how do we connect all that stuff then well we need stairs to connect that do we though or can we access this part from here can we just pop this out here get the foundation put a wooden roof there build it like that build this part across here have a a wooden door there you know what I mean you've got a whole new level now you know this sort of overlooks the factory part if you don't want to look at the factory cool then just block it off go wooden wall wooden wall wooden wall and actually I would even consider running a roof across this part like this run your wooden wall there and there you know what I mean like you created literally a whole new level It's Made It cozy down stairs um you can see the bloody waterfall through the window too look at this it seems every time I build something there's always one of my other houses just stalking through the window so here you could have it open you could have it closed uh wooden wall there like that um in this case you could build um one of the the triangles like this block it in cozy as hell then up here nubis is working his guts out down there look at that so a way to I guess light this area so it doesn't look so dungeon like um this literally just decoration so lighting you f if you find your place is just lifeless I've got a bloody torch there then literally just adding uh rugs and shells and you know what so there there I don't know if we can I don't know if I can fit this I don't think so you literally have to put it down there and rebuild and then again uh Furniture we could even have oh that's a new thing that I got the iron desk over here I need some ingots I'm sure there's some upstairs look at that so cool yep IR disc here and even some more plants anus get to it um even we need some palum fragments which is up the top up in the you know what Crush machine here of them why aren't she working uh yeah P gear workbench which I don't don't really use it that much but still should be there for reals um and that's basically it for this area I mean there's the cooler box and stuff you don't really need it you really don't but you can fully get immersed in this sort of um industrial Zone and use all of the lockers and all that stuff if you're into it but I'm not I still like to be you know o just run it all the way down like that like that like actually flame Bell should have dropped some of the flame organs now would say she has Y and the last carpet ners can do that we need some more lining over here oops want that one now in this spot we've got some space you know I'm going to fill the space up if it's available put that there still here very cute and yeah you know I'm going to put another house plant let him do all that stuff we got the flow it's just go go go this base is just crazy go go go all the time it's no joke um so yeah obviously then you can start working on um if you don't have it already getting the electrical devices so the electric furnace you need polymer you need the circuit board um you need the refine ingots um and then you know going from there so here refine ingots will start to build those up now remember I told you before over in this area here there are the pure quarts it's just in one section if you rewind the the video back uh you'll see the exact spot that I've circled on it it's up up here um and yeah there's quite a few nodes just up in that specific spot it's not scattered across all that snow area there's it's absolutely everywhere up in the big snow but in this spot it's just on one little wall piece um and that's about it so otherwise if I don't end it now we're going to be here all day and all night but that's the decoration I might do a 2.0 of this you never know I might want to change the roof I got a sort of nagging feeling that I want to do that uh because I think that this base let's have a look let's get on jet dragon this base would look absolutely stunning to be multi levels high like it's already multi- level but even higher um and then but I want my breeding facility I really do I'm a big fan of that feature have sleep I love and leave you I hope you enjoyed this build um I work quite hard on whoa somebody's chopping wood early in the morning um yeah worked hard on making sure that everything could fit and not be anything be wasted in regards to resources anyway ah yes don't forget to put your incubator there I think I told you that before I thought I did have bloody cake and don't forget you love Dragon Dogma uh oh Jan tide check out the channel for that coming up Dragons Dogma 2 incoming and many more other games too I love and leave you thank you again for your support many more videos power coming your way too till next time
Views: 8,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PALWORLD, PAL, WORLD, BASE, BEST, BEST BASE, ore, iron ore, coal, pure quartz, meta mining, mining base, level 2 bench base, beautiful base, aesthetic, functional
Id: xYS8rkrQZ9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 4sec (5164 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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