Rimworld Mods You Can't Live Without In 2021!

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yep a new game i think i'll try going for one of those run ideas brent told me about something seems wrong [Music] no that's not normal [Music] mods we've talked a lot about mods on this channel a lot you might say it's our bread and butter well today we've decided to ring in the new year with a list of mods you absolutely can't live without clickbaity i know i know i'm sure the title card i made for this would show that much we also are making this video with the idea that you the audience are either a newer player who is trying to find some cool mods after enjoying the base game or a returning player who doesn't quite know what is still around or just came out so you'll find mods both new and old so what qualifies a mod as can't live without well the criteria is pretty simple is it in 1.12 version of rimworld or very few 1.1 months which means you can download it right now and play as of writing this video and is it a mod that can help you in some way so no mods that make gameplay harder i said no mods that make gameplay harder i want to thank everyone who supported this list and if you have any mod suggestions let us know in the comments down below and like and subscribe as well every like we get holds mr void's legion of chaos back one hour no god that's gonna be in my nightmares on to the list all right let's get this out of the way first off for mods you can't live without is ever even no expanded mod by oscar and his wonderful wonderful team long story short these mods fit the vanilla fuel completely not being too over the top and broken highly recommended for any playthrough my personal favorite mods of these are the vikings and mechanoids beautiful combination there next up the runtime gc highly recommended for any playthrough because it cleans up your files and speeds up your get great especially when you don't have a super computer at home no one else is great actually being able to quickly get your pawns to haul or chop trees when you need them to allow tool helps you do just that honestly surprised the functions aren't in the base game by now super useful and you will feel so off when you don't have it so if you've been playing modded rimworld a while you might be frustrated with dealing with all those mods especially since this list is going to be pretty big with mods you should download good news though fluffy has you covered the mod manager is extremely helpful with making your modpack letting you search for mods indicating what version of the mod you have and even auto sorting mods based on the things needed to run the mod also as an honorable mention fluffy's mod list there's plenty of things that can help you but like vanilla expanded it's not fair to other mods if we give them more than one slot you won't go wrong using any of those mods but the mod manager is almost required nowadays to set up a functioning mod list best thing about rimworld is the variety of animals you contain and have though for some like this little cutie their tiny bodies aren't strong enough to handle the harsh realities of the rib world but with xenobionic patcher you can give any animal any bionic you obtain now don't be put off by the name this mod isn't going to turn your little friends into mutant monsters out to eat your grandpa this mod gives across compatibility with everything from modded animals to modded implants now you can have your chinchilla hoard looking like a mini army of robocops oh and i should mention technically 1.1 but it's fully functional to 1.2 rim world prepare carefully is one of those mods that needs no introduction the ability to customize your starting pawns and equipment is the backbone to making your game easier or harder or even just setting up certain thematic playthroughs or game challenges want an entire party of luciferian addicted pawns so you have to scramble to find more you can do that how about one old woman with a hundred cats yeah go wild and make your crazy cat lady how about a party involving a familiar face hey i totally have better animal skills than that always download this mod it's a wonder why this isn't even in the base game with how useful it is speaking of things that should also be in the base game replace stuff when you start out wooden walls are going to more than likely be your starting material due to lack of stone but once you get a good supply of stone bricks of course you are going to replace them right but it can be so frustrating to have to deconstruct the walls just to change materials and sometimes you might forget about this project so now you've got raiders or wild animals coming in to ruin your day with this mod you get the benefit of your walls without risking your safety just replace the materials whenever you can though being out on the rim will make things pretty grim a grim reality like that segue to our next mod grim reality this mod basically tweaks some of the mood raises and penalties for certain things happening tweaking how your pawns react to things that in the grand scheme of things wouldn't matter definitely a good mod to feel more realistic as it were if you want to survive out in the rim you need money either to pay off people to not kill you buy medicines so you don't lose your favorite pawn to gangrene thanks to an angry beaver and of course show off to our slash rimworld the best way to make money is the illegal organ trade but sometimes it can be hard to get willy volunteered harvest pawns postmortem is a solution to this problem letting you pull out a bunch of organs at a reasonable rate from dead bodies to later sell at a higher value or you can change the settings to 100 and the chances of harvest all on you this is a great mod for making money might make storytellers angry and send hordes of angry animals at you but hey that's the rim baby though with all this work of butchery organ harvesting and general mess making you will need a cleaner but sometimes you can't get a dedicated cleaner what you need is an auto cleaner now granted plenty of mods do actually provide auto cleaners like say vanilla mechanoids but i'm throwing this in for someone who doesn't want to use that mud if you want a simple cleaning bot why not this one though if you don't want to use the auto cleaner just set up some door mats down to help you regulate your messes now if you want more than just a cleaning bot why not get miscellaneous robots and miscellaneous robots these are the bots if you really want to begin to automate your base having a bot that can do any task from construction to hauling to fixing up your colonists when they get burned stabbing boom rats the regular mod has one tier of bot while the add-on gives you multiple tiers and an omnibot who can do anything really up to you to use whatever you want so any animal lovers out in the audience if so you are going to love this next mod if you don't then get out of my colony so rimmel has plenty of great animal mods vinyl expanded is one of them but if you want something that makes you feel like you've landed on an alien world then alpha animals is the mod for you not only coming with awesome strange animals to tame or be eaten by but it even comes with events in tech of its own adding to more fun i personally like the giant thrumbo thing from alpha animals although if you want some more animals or even regions to land on then get the alpha biomes mod definitely going to give you a challenge to live in some of these regions but some are survivable well for the most part definitely wouldn't recommend settling in the furlace jungle not unless you are a badass warrior ever notice you can't seem to run while shooting at your foes running gun can solve that problem an older but still useful mod that allows your pawns to trade accuracy for the ability to shoot at foes while running around them do note that enemies can do the same definitely leads to more entertaining gun gunfights though ever notice that you can only do your shopping through either ground traders or orbital traders why don't orbital traders come down to do business well with trader ships you can do just that letting any orbital trader come down to your base to do business no orbital beacon required well unless you make it required and the options still weird how you can't buy your way off the planet with them but at least they notice every resource you have rather than having to make a beacon room to store your stuff oh and sometimes they crash into the ground boom meaning free loot and meat all right we have to talk about it combat extended this mod is one of the most infamous mods on the workshop and for good reason this mod makes guns far more dangerous and realistic by adding an ammo system playing with this mod will make you change up tactics and force you to play a lot smarter though if you want the ammo system and not the super friendly deadly bullets then yayo combat is a good compromise adding ammo system and some pretty cool animations if you want more information on combat extended then check out our own guide on this mod it's as useful as buffalo wool park as during a cold snap thinking about muffler does make me think about when they used to be the best animal to have they could caravan you around give good wool and they were also milkable they were also so adorable though not as much as chinchilla well they sadly got nerfed to only give wool luckily we have a mod to rectify that mistake with milkable buffalo never leave home without this one because muffalo milk is good for you i like to drink a glass with every meal another great use of muffalo is riding them yes riding them riding them into battle with the giddyup mod seriously a fun mod because having your colonists ride into battle on your animals both normally written or just ones that look silly can make any players day also enemies can do the same so everyone is on an even playing field hey let me know in the comments funniest mount you guys used in rimworld i'd really love to know by the way do you play tribal with royalty dlc you might feel that the animatry and the tribal physics mechanic is a little underwhelming the good news for you is that someone actually made a collection of anima mods to improve upon this with the gear elder faction and even anima animals to make your tribal psychic playthrough far more enjoyable i definitely like the art on these animals look at that thrumbo i gotta say rimroll has great artists for their mods glad to see more and more mod creators stepping their game up makes my job reviewing more fun speaking of beauty if you want your world to look even more beautiful the regrowth project and the world map beautification project is going to be your mod seriously look at some of this footage stunning again so glad to see awesome work by the mod devs though i admit there can always be a problem when finding your perfect base sometimes you want to be on or close to the road after all you need to make your way to other places to sell your illicit goods of yayo and human levels roads of the rim can solve your issues allowing you to make roads right on the map even through impassable terrain awesome sometimes even your friends will help and friendship is the best thing really bren going to go with that oh fine moving on talking about friends and making them orion's hospitality mod is perfect for your hotel simulator needs having guests that show up actually act like guests who you have to make happy why do this well you can get presents from them they can buy stuff from you and you can even get some people to join up with you without having to imprison them and cause a war between your factions for even more stuff to work with having a great hotel the gastronomy mod will have pawns go and actually order from a waiter and pay for it pretty awesome mod especially if you have cooking mods to add more variety a lot of fun for a new playstyle or just someone who likes making other people happy though if you are you might be in the wrong game of course if you have a lot of different mods and tainted clothing from the humans you slaughter for that food you'll need a spot to start all really it is baffling why some things are the way they are look one pistol takes up the same space as a pile of brick this unrealistic sword situation can no longer be tolerated deep storage mod to the rescue where you get many shelving units to store your stuff perfect to get more storage in less space not to mention they actually look pretty awesome even has some port with rim fridge which of course is an awesome way to store perishables without needing a complete walk-in fridge yeah also on the unrealistic stacking size stone trunks why can't i pile them my pawns can lift them up pretty well why can't i stack them up yeah stackable trunks are also here to the rescue i feel like a lot of these must download mods or just fixes to the base game whatever moving on wall lights are lights you can put them on a wall what do you want me to say says it all in the title all right there's a little more you can actually get a wall light sun lamp which can be pretty useful for some builds so there is more than a simple light still a simple simple mod next the interaction bubbles mod a simple mod that lets you actually see what your pawns are saying to each other try it out it's pretty entertaining to see what they are actually saying to one another and possible some of the weirdest insults or comments only the rim ladies and gentlemen please there is even a mod to let you see more information about your pawn in glance rim hud's so helpful to get this quick information combine this with what is my purpose and you will have no problem figuring out your pawns all with one click seriously thought what is my purpose is great at figuring out things both you and your opponent pawns though one of the things your pawns will be doing a lot is hauling but pick up and haul will make this much less of a headache because now your pawns will actually use their inventory space to carry more than one item this really cuts down on trips and saves you a few headaches this also works with jobs of opportunity which is the spiritual successor to while you are up so when a pawn finishes a job they will do a bit of extra hauling because hey while you are up am i right people another mod to reduce headaches simple search bar it's a search bar it's a simple and it makes searching item lists when trading or loading caravans or just making stockpiles a breeze because hey i can't always remember where every item is in the stockpile list gotta love it when a mod that says it's simple actually is just like the mask raised mod this is an oldie but a goodie because really if you aren't planning to butcher the raiders seriously what kind of county are you running you are going to have the problem of what to actually do with the bodies with this just a fast dump and bury until you get around the cremation technology thingy though if you are planning to do a lot of raider butchery you might get a lot of angry pawns i admit not every countess is a cannibal psychopath who enjoys a sight of blood so inevitably on the rim you will get the mental break snap out mod can help mitigate the issues by sending your best talkers to calm them down sometimes it works other times you made the situation worse either way you get a happy pawn or entertaining drama i see this as an absolute win by the way psychology is compatible with that mod this mod adds more psychological elements to your pawns tweaking compatibilities and adding new mental breaks it's very complicated and possibly fruited i don't know last psychologist i talked to ran off saying something about the second coming of randy and reigns of cheese who knows what i do know is this mod makes your pawns a little more interesting oh and even leadership elections pretty fun to root for your favorite pawn in the running know what makes me happy realistic groups because one of the most frustrating things in base game room world is how pawns demand big rooms out on the rim you'd be lucky to get good clothing food without human meat or even a few days without something wrong happen [Music] this month makes it so rooms can be naturally smaller and a little dirty so your pawns don't complain about what really is a small issue here in the colony plus with all that extra space you have more room to build cooler bases oh and add smarter construction while you are at it this is a mod that once you have it you will never have stupid pawns trapping themselves in walls straightforward mod that uses dark magic to actually make your pawn smart seriously how does it work don't know speaking of building quality builder is the classic mod that makes it so if your pawns can construct furniture that has quality they will only have your best pawn do this job so you can get the best quality of work and if you don't get a minimum of normal or higher if you tweak the settings the mod will automatically set your furniture to deconstruct so they can try again i like this mod because it makes sense only the best guy should try to make the best looking furniture it's obvious real ruins is next on our list and man this mod is something that keeps on giving using actual rim world player data to create actual ruins of previous bases to explore and of course salvage i love looking into bases and actually trying to figure out what they were planning and maybe what went wrong best part is it takes your mod list into account so you might find bases that have modded stuff you could need then if you fail your base might end up in the rotation and be explored by future explorers of course if you want to make the bases that might end up in ruins you need a lot of material and sometimes you get unlucky in the mining department these things happen sometimes so there's no shame in the query mod this mod will allow you to query up the materials you want even edit what materials you get and the percentage to even make it so it's unbreakable or perhaps has limited use so you need to keep making queries it's a mod that is as balanced as you need it to be and is why i find it as a great mod in any game moving on to mods that you might overlook dub skylight is a mod that the definition of simple but awesome being able to make indoor greenhouses without big power investment of sun lamps is so nice plus what pawn wouldn't like a cool skylight to look up out to when you are under lockdown during toxic fallouts or the unusual manhunter pack definitely a mod you shouldn't overlook when you finally do make your greenhouse you need stuff to grow you could use vanilla expanded so or you can use the original farmer's mod set of vegetable garden still good after many rim world updates including plenty of plants to grow foods to make and all around a great set of mods if you want something else for planning and cooking the soylent mod is pretty useful for turning all your foods into a nice single item but with plants comes the blight seriously one of the more annoying events to happen because you have to stop what you are doing to deal with them constantly telling your pawns to cut your plants auto cup light takes the tedium out download it keep it and never look back that's the end of it another old school mod is the color-coded mood bars sometimes it's hard to tell at a glance when a pawn is feeling fine or about to freak out with this mod you actually can see right at a glance who needs tending and who doesn't surprise this also isn't in the base game whatever on the subject of seeing things at a glance damage indicators lets you see the damage you are doing or having happened to your pawns maybe not the most useful mod but it can be so satisfying to actually see those numbers go up i know my writer loves idol games and seeing numbers go up so i think he can relate another great mod that's a bit old school is the rimquest mod so nice to have guests and traders come in with their own problems you can solve great for when you are bored and need some questing done and hey if you are going out to quests why not also set up camps in between traveling find some ruins supplies and so on i like this mod especially when you have biomods because you can experience the biomes without always having to set up bases in there nice change of pace going to new places hunting new animals but why not train your awesome deadly animal sound for you hunt for me does that for you having the ability to train your animals in the art of the hunt you can even change the settings from only animals that are smart enough to haul to any animals you have so yes now you can have your army of chinchilla hunt for you but if you aren't like me and send your pawns out on dangerous hunts they might get hurt and brought to the brink of death it was here will give you the chance to actually not lose them by having your doctors stop the bleeding it's not pretty and it might get infected but hey that's a problem for future you now you don't need to worry about making a new grave because your best hunter blood out for picking a fight with a pack of angry muffalos best way to eliminate the issues of infection is to replace the limbs of bionics and there are plenty of great bionic mods but for balance and variety frozen snow foxes vanilla and advanced bionics are a great choice for being a balance and adding more stuff to put on your pawns and the advanced ones are a great step up from regular but if you use any bionic mod the prosthetic bench mod is another great mod that just takes the role of crafting benches or fabrication benches in the construction of these many machine mendable of course if you use any bionic mods from vanilla to overpowered modded ones you want the bionic icons mod that makes every bionic item have their own icon and texture super useful at finding what you need at a glance and some mods even get custom textures depending on the pack for a change of textures and designs the facial animation mods will give your pawns just a bit more personality observe definitely a lot more personality we can't afford to use this stretches animation budget too much and now you can be the director of your own movie with camera plus allowing you more zooming capabilities kind of nice to be close to the action and see the horrible things your colony is doing to those raiders who show up we are near the end but it's taking so long seriously why is it when you get through all the research it takes so long to get through some of the higher tier stuff like you'd think by the your 20th skilled researcher would be good at all this with tech advancing your pawns actually do improve their tech understanding by understanding what came before and really that makes sense a tribal colony who survives this long in the rim to make it to space travel shouldn't be bound by the penalties of starting out as a tribe of course no matter the colony start bad stuff will hit the fan and you need to pack up and leave but maybe you want to keep some of your more expensive build stuff with minify everything you can in fact take it with you provided you've got space on your caravan and leave with it combining this with home mover and you can move everything to a new spot as if nothing happened so nice to watch him actually move everything yeah i can watch it all day that was a lot of mods and there are still plenty we didn't mention seriously let us know if we miss any i'm gonna go lie down hope you all enjoy this video send us a like and subscribe then after that check out one of our many videos they are definitely of at least good quality videos be safe and remember to worship the fox also thank you to all of our patreon supporters this flying up on the screen do be sure if you want to see all our videos early before upload go follow us on patreon go give us your support and your love and your your support and your support you'll have early access to all the videos that we're working on on this channel you'll be able to see the videos weeks ahead of everybody else and you'll get behind the scenes access to what we're doing it'll be a lot of fun you'll get to talk to me much more often than all the people on our discord it will be great also we we need the support thank you
Channel: Noobert
Views: 357,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Mods 2020, Rimworld Mods 2021, Rimworld QOL, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld How To, Rimworld Top Ten, Rimworld Best Mods, Rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: rCdL7Tm05OY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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