Rimworld : Killbox guide and defensive design : Tutorial Nugget

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and we're back with civil rimworld and today we're going to be covering kill boxes and the three main rules that go into actually designing one you don't have to build everyone the exact same way but you follow the three main rules and you're good now the first two and the most obvious ones are provide cover for your pawns your watch your pawns to be in cover so that they're less likely to get shot by returning fire the second one is you want to strip out all the cover for your enemies so that they have no cover and you're more likely to get it off good shots on them meaning you'll kill them faster and thirdly and this is the one that seems it's the least obvious but it's the most important you want to be able to force so much firepower downrange at the same time that the enemy cannot get into the box fast enough you want them to file in single-file one of the time and as they come in you should have enough firepower to kill them just just stop them dead and if you do that they can never build up to the level where they can get up and attack your people this here has slightly less firepower than is necessary and as you can see the Scythians are making it all the way to the frontline and causing us damage if this attack hadn't been bigger and it had to continued we would have been overwhelmed so we're going to start with number three first and then we're going to move back to two and one because I really do believe that number three is the most important and is what will kill you if you're not paying attention one quick thing to note here is I know some people have a an aversion to using kill boxes they considered kill boxes to be a waste of time or to be against the game mechanics and there's the usual people who can't or what mods are using to make it doable and I I think if you're playing this game on vanilla difficulty and you're playing on the hardest difficulty setting kill boxes are pretty much the only way you're going to survive them if you want to use mods to avoid it that's fine but this is more of a guide towards vanilla survival now this is the exact same attack as last time except this time we've added in a few extra pounds here to help with the actual destruction as you can see here this was still not perfect if this was perfect we maybe only lose one or two gun turrets what happened here is these gun turrets acted as distractions for these ciphers so while they're busy wailing away on the gun turrets your pawns get to riddled them down you really want it to so that you'd only lose a couple of gun turrets to distractions only because it just took you that long to wipe them out so the more firepower you can get into your kill box the better that should be your number one goal at the end now let's just cover some of the side goals and we're gonna have to cover the the goal of protecting your pawns as much as possible to cover for the enemies and then finally what weapons you should use or target to use as best as you can depending on the enemies you're facing so when it comes to designing your kill box the first thing we're going to cover is cover you've got granite barricades here these are one of the preferred methods but they're not the best we've got dogsbody over here what you can do is you can just grab the minigun target your opponent on the opposite side of it you'll see that the cover will provide this is 43% cover and the barricade stops 57% of incoming projectiles that should have hit so shut by dogsbody chance is 11% however we can improve upon that simplest way is wall segments no walls I've been a time-honored tradition for this well just need some sort of target to shoot at Oh actually before we do that and you should note that the tighter did more of an angle you have on something so for example if we move this pawn just over here this pawn now has a different angle on top of the knees what happens is it's actually passing over two of the barricades so it changes the amount of coverage they get now their chance date is 10% but you can see the way there's two barricades stops listed there so this barricades stop 46 and barricades stop 23 that's just the combined chances that the bullets will hit the barricades instead of your pawn so having having an angle is actually usually better for your cover assuming you've got lots of cover to work with if your say your pawn is standing over here on the edge and there's no cover to the right of them then someone shooting from the right will have a bonus attacking them anyway let's say throw on some wall segments here that's targeting them behind a wall is a bit difficult but I've set them to target that pawn over there with the shield belts are white and if we that sort of makes them slide around so they can shoot around the pillar and now if we try to target them with dogsbody over there you'll see that the chance date is 7.6% reduced from 10% because the wall that they're standing behind blocks 60% of projectiles and for that in covered normally just the barricade was blocking about 43 so suppose that the wall is stopping 60% Plus this barricade here is also blocking a percentage of the shots 23% which reduces the chances even further now what does normally result in is you'll have this pattern of walls barricade wall barricade wall barricade just so that your pawns have had the maximum amount of protection and you put your your favorite pawns are you ones you want to die the least behind the wall segments and the ones that are directly behind the barricades are more likely to get hit but usually they're the newer ones you don't care about as much or you just make your kill box bigger too again with but that's only the start of designing your kill box next up you're going to want to decide on the size to the entrance to your kill box the reason being here we're working with a heavy submachine gun four will go into reasons later as to why you might want to choose the heavy submachine gun as these sides right pre-requisite you could use the heavy submachine gun range or if you want you could switch that weapon out and instead you say the assault rifle which has a much longer range meaning you would have your entrance in the kill box back much further but for reasons that will become obvious later we'll be sticking with the SMG once you have set up your kill box or designed it this way you're going to run into a problem and that is well location location location by that I mean the location of your pawns in relation to the pillars can cause you to have problems with targeting for example this here is the radius of attack for this SMG and while they can easily hit the targets right in front of them no problems once they start going up you'll see the weights exit out there the reason being once they've gone to about this direction this they get cut off their angle of attack gets cut off by this wall segment which means this one if you move them over here can no longer target people entering the kill box they can only target just to the right of them which means this is the maximum extent that you can use those wall segments out this way although all the rest of these people standing behind the pillars can't hit however you know people standing behind right here let's say these sandbags they can target no problems so you need to make a few adjustments to make sure that you're getting the maximum amount of effect out of your pawns if you want to make should have employed the pillars continuously and this is the result of well sliding the pillars sideways what do you do is you basically move the pillars up and one to the right that way you have a better angle across here at the same time this still provides you very good cover for example there's 5.9% are the odds of them get a landing a bullet on and eita from that angle and even someone standing here can still shoot back they've still got a good line of attack and at the same time they're quite well defended so there are odds are getting shattered 9.1 not as good as standing directly behind the pillar but it's still better than standing it in the open so as you can see you can still keep doing this all the way for actually quite a distance however once you get to about here things get a little bit odd you can't keep continuing on with this same pattern let me demonstrate here up until this point in the pattern anyone standing along these areas can totally get a shot off on people entering however what's he get to year and you go beyond the fort I'll mark you end up being unable to get a bead for example you this person can't shoot someone entering the kill box they can only shoot there but they can't shoot the person entering which means well that's pointless we can't have that so we need to make a few minor modifications here to make sure that we can continue to shoot and provide cover this is the resulting change now you can have people still tucked it behind here that can get a shut off and at the same time they're still well protected from returning fire this is why you'll see on many of the kill boxes they've got these sort of curved fronts to them now simplest way to remember this is you want this is the center tile here that faces the kill box you want about four to the rice this is assuming you're running on the SMG style distances for tiles to the right of center then for tiles go up but you know one tile up a piece or one block up a piece and then you want three running just on the normal and this will allow you to three running at this angle then once that's done you still have an enormous amount of cover and a huge amount of space to chuck in your pawns now you just got to repeat that exact same design the other side this here is a stupidly oversized kill box now this has just taken to the absolute maximum extreme just based on the criteria of protecting your poems as best as possible by still allowing them to return fire to the point in here there's also this area appear that is not as well protected that just has some granite barricades this is normally reserved for close combat units usually ones that have a shield belt they can sit up front and enemies entering the kill box are more likely to target them over anything else and because they've got shield about stirlitz likely to take any damage you're also going to want to put in some fire form poppers and things like that but let's just have a quick test of this first by summoning ourselves in some tribals to have a shooting range first thing to notice you'll you'll see that all of these are just crammed in there this is one of the bugs of the game when the enemies are just passing from one location to another they can bunch up like this the only time they'll pop out of this is if they get turned into combat units for example you know when you are have your people walking along doing their jobs they can overlap but the moment you click toggle the military draft they then pop out of the way that's normally why you have this big long snake the snake serves two purposes one it causes them to oh yeah they're starting to pop out now one it takes the longer for them to get all the way through which means you have plenty of time to get your people into position for defenses at the same time it also causes this bug where they sort of yeah they all start popping out of each other which means they enter your kill box one time which has recovered is very very important so long as they enter one at a time your fire safer and you can hopefully kill them faster than they can get into the box currently down here we have what 13 humans all armed with submachine guns what should I give them as you submachine guns by the way this is just regular ones yet normal SMGs so we'll have a quick run-through with normal SMGs and then we'll crank up the weapons just to see what happens when you have better weaponry to deal with because I'm pretty sure they're about to get overrun alright well they're entering the kill box now that the game is still lagging act like crazy it's trying to do the collision physics on this and it's just yeah it's not going very well oh and a deer wandered in as well yeah well skip this for debate I'm expecting them to get overrun after about a few minutes Oh No it brings another point normally what I do is these areas in here I would fill them with turrets as in these suckers here I would stick in turrets and all these sections but I would not put in sandbags these sandbags were put in here just for testing purposes - for targeting location information so you can see where you could hit anything the reason I don't put in sandbags is what will happen is you'll find that poems will enter in here and then hide behind the sandbags once the turret is destroyed they'll hop in here to use that for cover you do not want them having any cover whatsoever Oh first close that door tonight if they have any cover whatsoever it's reducing it increases the amount of time it takes for you to destroy them which means more pawns or more enemies can enter the kill box you want to make sure that they have absolutely zero cover this would be more like what the kill box would look like with all of these areas full of turrets as well if I had the resources available though it may be a while before you can afford to put that many turrets around everywhere the reason for the sandbags all the way up and out pawns cannot stop standing on stand as standing on the sandbags if we didn't have these sandbags here the first pawn would come to the corner stop there and start shooting around the corner at our people we don't want them doing that so instead we forced them that they get to the quarter they have to keep walking until they get off the sandbags and once they're off the sandbags there's no cover there is nothing but open ground and lots of waiting submachine gun fire I'm actually a little surprised that just that many submachine guns really take care but they're only normal submachine guns though I suppose Anita is a bit of a beast i cloned Anita a bunch of times just to make this faster yeah so yeah 13 and eaters with 16 shooting and a bunch of normal SMGs will effectively kill an infinite number of tribals it doesn't matter how long they kept coming we're all going to end up dead however this does result in other problems as you'll notice here the walls have gotten chewed away this is going to become more and more of a problem the longer the game goes on the wealth you become and the larger the raids become and the more dangerous you face it just you are going to start chewing away in your kill box which normally results in a slight modification to this design there we go what we've done is well these walls were originally made of granite granite is the toughest material you could use in terms of just regular stone stone you can mine out of the ground plus steel however has been it's received quite a major buff recently in that it's no longer flammable and because it's no longer flammable and it is the highest hit point with 840 of any of the walls it's actually viable to use as a walled segmented there's only five hundred and ten points for granite so that that quite decent bonus is quite a while if you can afford the plasteel it plasteel is actually not that hard to get a late game but an early game just will probably not be affordable stick with granite if you get your hands on it so that is that's the basics of forcing the tribals in getting them to spread out and then forcing them to only come in one of the time so that you can basically out DPS them down however tribals are not the only thing you're going to face you're going to end up facing pirates and pirates are a lot tougher they're going to be wearing more armor and less cloth so you're probably going to want to well have slightly better weaponry so let's get all of these and let's upgrade their weaponry shall we well this is a little embarrassing I summoned a pirate raid and 90 of them showed up but all of them are equipped with sniper rifles as you can imagine this is not going to be a very effective weapon in a kill box design for a SMGs I'm going to call that perfectly fair perfectly fair though it may not be a completely accurate test of the exact mmm potential of the kill box and yeah all of these people have been upgraded slightly by selecting I mean they've all been given master work smg's and one of the reasons I use SM Jesus they just have I did some weapons testing recently and SMGs just turned out to be very very good free 4-week shooters all the way up to decent shooters and I'll go more into details on them later but for now let's the pirates are starting to spread out collision mechanics wonderful I will just fast forward this and see how they do against this many pirates the difficulty here is going to be dpsing them down when they're all equipped with flak vests black pants and basically a lot heavier armor which means it should take an awful lot more damage to knock them all over and that right there is an example of why I would advise you to spend all of your inspirations on improved weaponry just a few must work a masterwork weapon is amazingly powerful how can I explain this in the weapons testing we did if you had say a masterwork SMG it would be more powerful than an excellent charged rifle and shared rifles and this is against centipedes the be-all-end-all overkill box is to stop mechanoid raids they're the ones that will kill you most often which is what we'll be covering next in fact let's just fire that up now so where we get started and starting off here we have eat well various no it's not what we were looking for we were looking for 13 Lancers 11 ciphers seven pikemen and 14 centipedes which is a pretty decent sized mechanoid attack force now I haven't had Barracuda to pop out and start shooting them yet the reason being usually you've got a decent enough chance of taking down these settler TPMS and if you open up those doors Barracuda will probably end up dead so let's just leave the door closed into a tree with all the initial chaff and then we'll get through to the center point centipedes which are the real meat of DD attacks this is what will kill your base nine times head of ten once you survive the early game this is why we spend so much time building kill boxes so that we can kill these centipedes now now that that's done we can open these doors hop back behind there grab your grenade and I'll have you EMP right about there they're just gonna keep throwing grenades that's they're all they're gonna do from now on and keeps telling them there and then as they come out they will get shot now if you want a micromanager [ __ ] a good idea is to find the ones that have the fire or the concentric launchers and this one here yep these ones here if you're going to micromanage it fight those shoot those first the reason being is to get a shutoff and set some of your people on fire your people will run around and while they're running around they're not shooting while they're not shooting they're wasting DPS which takes you longer and longer to kill them now there we go someone went on fire oh yeah I need a kinda obvious get back into formation and there you go bearing in mind this is all just with 13 people armed with masterworks SMGs ooh problem solved yeah those back to work just a few more details on this I'll put up a picture of this attached in the description if you want a picture because it's easier to replicate things when you have a picture to work from you don't need to have it this big depending on how many pawns you're acquiring if you're going with Randy random you can have up to 50 pounds before the AI gets a bit crazy but if you're playing Cassandra let's say she starts to wig out when you go above 16 so you might want to say cut down the edges of this having this really long it's a good idea um you're probably gonna want to put in some doors for easier access in spots but where you put them is up to you this is a kill box I made earlier it's a smaller more compact version and less ridiculous as the other one and this is back this is about the time you've got enough spare components to be throwing in steel Minotaur is tactus distractions but the main takeaway here is let's go over to the weapons section on the machining table this is what it costs to produce all these weapons a heavy SMG is four components in 75 steel compared with an assault rifle which does less damage until you get up to well it the assault rifle has more range in the SMG but will do less damage with weaker shooters who have weaker shooting skill once the shooters get up to very high levels it's level 15 or 16 and maybe have some advances like a bionic eye or two then they'll catch up with the SMG however yeah it costs you seven components in sixty steel and SMGs are quite low down on the tech tree LMGs just don't build them yeah there's a reason they only cost five components in 75 steel they're literally worse than the assault rifle you think they're a better version of the assault rifle the LMG is a misleading name it's it the LMG and SMG labels in this era are really weird if I think of SMG I think of a small like machine gun that fires a pistol but the as compared to say an assault rifle which would carry you know assault rifle arounds over the SMG does more damage prevent and the assault rifle so I think SMG is sort of a misleading term it's more of a heavy caliber bullet that does a little bit more damage it but is shorter range I I don't know exactly how to describe it the minigun however who got minigun cost twenty components and a hundred and sixty steel don't get me wrong mini guns they're actually really really good it's just the cost of making them yeah unless you get them from a quest you're not going to have them early on and finally you've got the charged rifles or the the absolute belle of the ball is the charge rifle these things are amazing and if you can get your hands on some some good ones do so however they cost fifty plus steel and two advanced components to make require a minimum crafting skill of seven and take 750 work amount they take a long time to make they're really expensive but they are very very good and later on if you have access to them and you can build them and you have an inspiration I would probably throw it into a charged rifle one another note here when it comes down to deciding on the size of your kill box the reason I chose the SMG is it's just it's cost-efficient this is amazing and you can really get up to a very good strong fighting force and take out huge quantities of enemies assuming you can control the the fighting environment so just make sure that you can at least get your pawns in range as well as that if you do get drop potted in or things like that they can rush in and do quite a good job the dps on smg's is quite good a few closing notes on this well quite a few closing notes on this one make sure you keep the area inside your kill box clean but don't actually floor it if you floor it increases the movement speed of the enemy so the enemies can actually gain close distance which you faster if you're if you've got enough DPS go for it then you you definitely can stop them from closing with your people that's great too there is ways to cook pawns but I'm not going to cover that that's a whole separate tutorial because it's a it's very difficult to arrange just quite well change shotguns are very very powerful they're one of the best weapons in the game for DPS the problem is that you can't really make a very large kill box out of them for example on this kill box over here we've only been using you know thirteen pawns but if I hadn't have been so lazy I would have organized them in this way this way all of them have the maximum amount of cover available that's one of the reasons to make your kill box bigger than you need it so that you don't have you're not forced to put people in between these in between spots where they're more likely to get hit it just reduces the chances of those people getting shot one of the reasons we choose the SMG when it comes to this sort of setup this here is a list of every weapon and they're sorted by range this is the heavy SMG everything below this is weapons with shorter ranges well actually the short bow has drawers at four range so a machine pistol pele a pump shotgun chain shotgun EMP grenades and Molotov so if you have any weapon that you pick up because let's face it you're not going to have a chance to get all masterwork SMGs what will easily happen is you will get quests or something along the way that will give you a better than average weapon if you get any weapon with a range of 22.9 or above you can just slot it into your kill box because any weapon that's masterwork or legendary is going to be better than any other weapon that's not by and large pistols and revolvers not so much let's say but any of the the big weapons this is the five main weapons you're probably going to get a chance to use in your kill box in order of best to worst charge rifle then minigun then SM heavy SMG then assault rifle then LMG that's based on normal or better once they hit excellence that's fine but once they hit was it masterwork if you get a masterwork of any of these it is superior to anything that is not a masterwork if you get a legendary of any of these which is one level up of master work that will be superior to any other gun in this row that's not legendary itself so if you do pick up any legendary weapons just use them doesn't matter if it's an LMG assault rifle anything just you will have to users when it comes to the mini guns they do slow down the movement of your pawns so what you can do is sit a setup like this where you keep a bunch of weapons to spy this is usually a weapons cache with some tubes days and triples I don't think I needed a triples to be honest but also EMP grenades which you're going to leave nearby to your kill box so that you can EMP down centipedes when they show up at the same time throw down a small dining area well or a large dining area depending on the size of your base right beside your kill box this allows your pones to run it grab food and top up in between fights it may happen that you have to fight multiple fights at the same time or it could just be that they're hungry at the start of the fight fights can come at any time having a meals nearby that they can grab in an absolutely excellent dining area means that what happens is they get a full bonus from it as opposed to just eating a meal out in the middle of nowhere at the same time put down fire form poppers these are absolutely essential because centipedes that throw at those incendiary cannons will cause you too many problems and at the same time do to keep some drugs nearby namely wake up beer saikai tea like that what'll happen is just in case your pawns do run out of my little happen is they'll run out of rest they've run out of food to be getting close to mental breaks send them back to grab a meal dose them up with some wakeup and next thing you know they're fully rested fed and they're not going to be mental break anymore because mental breaks are usually what kills them because they'll wander out here and decide oh I'm just gonna stop here and have a snack in the middle of a centipede attack mmm - not that I'm speaking from experience of course next thing to remember is inspirations burn them all on weapons it's just mmm research wise for example if you look inside here you can get blowback operation blowback operation wait no gasps operation gasp operation gives you access to change shotguns heavy SMGs and LMGs heavy smg's being the cheapest and being one of the most cost efficient guns you might as well burn your inspirations and them considering you can get your hands on them quite quickly yeah you have to cope to precision rifles to get assault rifles and they're not really worth it many guns totally worth it it's just expensive more expensive to get and harder to get your hands on unless you're going all day up to where is this obeah pulse charged ammunitions yet charge charge Lance's in charge drivers they're much much further away at the same time the only other thing I would really spend my my inspirations on would probably be armor and that would come down to complex clothing and dusters it's from before duster with a master broker legendary tone before a dresser it gives amazing protection so until I get my hands on the technology to make SMGs I would probably burn the inspiration on dusters but after that you have probably all SMGs the faster you can kill something the better if I had for example armored all of these people in legendary armor but give them normal normal SMGs it would have taken them so much longer to kill the centipedes centipedes but I got off more shots and those shots would end up damaging the armor and eventually the armor will degrade also if your pawns get into fistfights that's going to degrade the armor any kind of hits on the armor is going to degrade it and eventually you will have to toss it once it's 51% and they start getting the debuff weapons on the other hand 1% a hundred percent it doesn't matter the what weapon will work absolutely the exact same all the way from 1% to hundred percent so just burn your inspirations in the SMG and the first SMG you you make will be with you from the start of the game at the end well unless everyone burns an unholy fire which you know occasionally happens when you're designing your kill box just remember the three main rules and you can you can design it any size or shape you want depending what weapons you want to prefer to use just remember Maxim the cover for your pawns minimize the amount of cover for your enemies and make sure that you can bring as much firepower to bear as possible on the center where they're going to enter don't forget to reinforce your kill box because you will start chewing through it once you start dealing with the tougher enemies oh and especially we start using mini guns in chair drive let's mini guns have a very the effect you're gonna shred this whole area to confetti put in your little side area here I forgot to mention that there you need a real society are you here for your EMP grenade we're in adheres I usually have space for two just in case one goes down that would be bad if you lose both UMP grenadiers and you stop being able to grenade the people the centipedes there you're probably going to be in an awful lot of trouble that's why I usually leave with a space for two don't bother with the EMP launchers or any of the other EMP technologies the reason being they just they're not as accurate or they just have smaller blast radiuses the EMP grenades fires faster and has a larger blast radius it just allows you to get more done with less pone and that's really what you want you want to have as few pawns as possible as it takes to hit that critical mass of killing everything just as it enters the kill box if we had to say doubled up down the amount of people here we probably could have slaughtered those centipedes and barely taken any return fire anyway that is the main rules of building in kill box I hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 562,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, tutorial nuggest, nugget, Kill box, killbox, design, heavy SMG
Id: K8fsjNjbz8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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