ALL Passions, NO Skills | Rimworld Solo Colonist on Merciless Difficulty #1

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I thought it would make for an interesting challenge to play his character who starts out with all passions but no skills in room world I just started relearning rimworld a few weeks ago and I was immediately taken with the naked brutality start where your character spawns into the world unclothed and alone with only a small portion of the technology tree researched we're going to be playing on merciless difficulty with Randy random as this storyteller mainly for the memes but also because I think having a random storyteller is probably the most interesting since most pawns have no more than around 2,000 points or somewhere in that range to the best of my knowledge according to the prepare carefully mod or manually removing the benefits of the backstory and we're starting out our character with absolutely garbage stats of zero on everything since he reminds me of my favorite character from the anime Naruto Rock Lee who trained until he couldn't stand despite the fact that he had no natural talent I'm naming him Lee and despite his horrible stats I want him to complete all of his work with a burning passion to improve so the traits I'm going to take our iron-willed which will increase my character's mental break threshold and prevent us from losing our one and only colonists in the beginning super immune because I want Randy random to not suddenly smite my colonists with the plague and kill him Jagger to make him faster and industrious because it's gonna make him work faster all around and with an extreme passion definitely not the worst possible pawn but I found myself hating a lot of my colonists in the past and it's nice to have one with some social skills possibly and who might feasibly have the potential to one day overcome his low sets and have a colony worth fighting for anyway here is the playthrough alright so it's the first day we just crash-landed on our original embarkment and we have no skills in anything so what are we gonna do with this character he's gonna botch everything that he tries and the just all the time so we want to give him as many things that we can be sure of as possible we're gonna try to prioritize him on like deconstructing things rather than constructing things if that makes sense cuz he can Bosch construction like he can't mess up cutting down a tree like he he can mess up picking a berry bush though so we'll try to give him a little bit more time for that but we just want to keep him from snapping and we want to get a couple of basic things set up for our colony so my main priority for the first day is get a small house on like dirt or rough limestone or not rough limestone ruff ruff yeah rough limestone right here if we could get that set up then I would be really happy that and a couple berries stockpiled and just other basic resources I'm probably gonna wait till day two or so to start growing anything anywhere but we want to get most of these trees off of our grows own and the more we can clear this out the better off of because he's gonna take a long time to plant and we want to minimize that as much as possible we could go over here but I want to stick to like rich soil pretty much like I said I would in previous playthroughs let me see stockpile zone I got to set him to self ten so let's just do that right away we want to make sure that he does that and his work priorities we can yeah we can do this because I just like to have everything on too if there's some really big need that comes up I can set that to one for a second and then set everything back to two so that's why I do that though let's just see we can give him I'm gonna kind of ignore tree quality I just want to make sure he gets everything done in this grow zone okay so let's have him do that let's speed through that and then I'll look for a decent bedroom spot alright so Leigh how is he doing he's already got level one in plants cuz he just had no skill before it's just taking him a long time to cut down these trees in fact he got 20 out of that oh that's probably from the tree percentage grown though I was thinking that was his skill in it but we could try this out really fast just to see if we could find something on the other side of this but what I'm thinking I'm gonna do more just because this area doesn't look quite as defensible as this spot it just looks slightly more hollowed out I think I might start to go under mountains for this or we could clear out an area underneath the mountains and then eventually make that into our fridge and then expand out here once we have more space in our colony have this beaker ozone so I can kind of see this whole area being our colony for a little while but let's just try to get one bedroom going here and then we'll get like a kitchen and a butcher room and we'll just set up a pretty basic workflow between today and tomorrow and how many berry bushes does he have once he finishes cutting down these trees and he doesn't stink it you know plants anymore he can cut down or he can harvest these berry bushes yeah we think we've got a good number of them actually a lot over here too I didn't notice this okay so he's got a few sources of berries one reason why we want to get Lee's where is it his construction up to three is because if he wants to build a spike trap under security cuz he's not gonna be able to defend himself he's not gonna be able to fight animals for a while cuz he's terrible at all that and I don't really want to risk it for him we're gonna need to just focus on plants and construction for a few days so once he gets those basic things up he can't even build up where is it yeah we're I think under chairs he can't even build a chair cuz he needs construction skill for so he's really terrible at everything but that is gonna start to go away in probably like three to four days but then so many things will open up that we're gonna start to be overwhelmed by the number of tasks we just want to keep them stable so that if something decently good happens he's neither maimed nor unable to help like if it if it means going at resources a little bit more slowly I'm fine with it because we want to keep him under control okay Lee's just gonna eat some berries over here now and I'm thinking that the next thing we want to do is give him a stockpile zone and since we're gonna be doing our all our construction in here I think I'm just gonna set that off to this side that should be more than enough because then we could build out to the cliffs though actually on the other hand we might want to put on the dirt here so that we can keep our kitchen clean and we'll do the butcher area and the kitchen area over here so that it's on the stone and it's like in better shape then over there the nice part about this stone is that he's not going to be tracking dirt in and out of there eventually we'll want to replace that but for now I think it's okay Kaylee's just hauling off the last of the wood I think he's probably really hungry because the berries aren't really satisfying him enough but we've got like the outline of three basic rooms set up we've got his bedroom we've got a stockpile area that's kind of out of the way so it won't be one so unsightly and we could probably build that further into the mountain and then I'm gonna have this area be the kitchen this could probably be rec and then we'll have a butcher room over here too eventually we'll want to figure out refrigeration but will probably build refrigeration into the mountain and I don't know what we'll do with this over here we won't want to build too much else into the mountain but we could always expand our colony out this way the point is we've got a number of options based on what we're seeing with our colonists but Lee how is he he's got extremely low expectations he was getting burning passion for his work before which I don't know whether that comes from industrious or just his burning passions all around but I'm guessing it's one or the other he's chilly unsightly environment that'll go away really quickly though we do want to take care of his nakedness though and yeah the table would be nice but he still needs construction for and he's still only at one okay Lee just botched like three or four constructions so it's taking me extra long to do everything and it's kind of delaying our grow zones but if it's they get delayed by one or two days I'm fine with that as long as we start to get like some basic meal prep going on here if we get lucky we'll find one animal like get into a fight with another and then we could just take the corpse maybe if like if the animal leaves it but we've also got more berries over here to that I did not notice we could just grab these whatever if that doesn't happen then we'll do that okay Lee just pretty much finished building the whole roof on the compound is that a bear or fighting a okay not a bear fighting a raccoon but we want to get one wooden spike trap out ASAP so I think we're just gonna keep on picking berry bushes until we've got enough food to last us for a couple more days or a day and then we'll get one of those spike traps and then we'll start to work on our meal situation okay Lee's still getting the awful bedroom debuff so yeah he's ravenously hungry too so we're gonna want to plant some flowers in his room as well and keep on getting those berries as soon as possible okay since this room is so frickin ugly it's awful still even after I planted day lilies I'm just gonna smooth out some of the walls I don't think this is gonna increase the value of the colony too much and if it doesn't work out I'll use up more space and I'll take away the day lilies but I think that's the main thing going on right here it's got enough space its average-sized but the wealth and the impressiveness and the cleanliness is fine too so actually we did a pretty good job all around it's just that he needs more expensive stuff to be happy all right well the impressiveness of lee's bedroom went up but the one nice side effect of it even though they it's still not off not quite done being awful yet is it did help his construction stack up so now he is enough to build the trap and he should be safe from at least like one mad animal or one raider and when I'm planning on doing is just keeping this trap in storage and then whenever somebody comes around since I'm not gonna have him leave too far from home he could just place the trap in front of the doorway and hopefully you know any weird situations accepted we'll just run into the trap and he won't ever have to fight them I don't plan on having him fight pretty much at all until other colonists are there so let's just check out his stats yeah yep that helps his construction so that's actually a pretty decent way to just like grind construction skills just have them smooth those stones if I have nothing else to construct might not be bad for other colonists incase if they're watching a lot of construction work too so I guess we'll just have them finish that off too because we need to have a chair next and that's that takes for construction for I think all right so we got our first bad event we got a mad gazelle and it's really close by so I think I'm just gonna having reinstall this right there stop smoothing that stone okay hopefully you can do this faster than expected to be such a fast animal' but yeah come on okay you can do it you can do it you can do it don't get attacked by the gazelle okay great so the gazelle is there unless if it just goes across the countryside going crazy at people it should come to our door though alright and this is gonna be our first meal too if everything worked are you gonna attack us alright let's wait for it I'm just gonna keep him inside smoothing the stones until the gazelle runs into the trap okay so the gazelle does not seem to understand doors so I'm just gonna go to the door stand in the door see if it comes to me and then otherwise I might have to run through the trap I really don't okay the visitor is left I'm I don't wanna have to do this but it's giving me very few other options I'm gonna need to okay good it's charging me it's charging me okay we're gonna back out we're gonna back out it it's just seize the door yes good ok good was perfect is the gazelle dead and the gazelle is dead so we have our first meal ok let's go back and do this and we do have some time before it starts to spoils in 2.5 days okay great this is perfect and we have another trap - we'll have to remove this immediately but actually that was pretty it was pretty safe and you know what I kind of like being able to turn on a dime and just move the the trap that fast so let's cuz he's not gonna care about the beauty at the doorway let's just reinstall it's fine it's fine let's do it like that I did not know this so when he has a pad I think it might have to do the passion with the passion but learn max today 4237 out of 4000 further learning multiplied by 20% so I guess that when he does a lot of one task throughout an entire day that means that he gets a bonus so that's a further incentive to have them just weren't learn one skill at a time so I guess I could just dedicate entire days to construction or entire days to plants but it really speaks to specializing your workflow all right so I think maybe this wasn't the greatest decision the smooth walls helped a little bit but I think that the day lilies help even more so I'm just gonna have him finished cutting down these trees and then what is he doing just standing right there oh no I'm paused my bed I thought he was just going crazy staring into space for a second okay so this is great now he has a dull bedroom and he won't be getting that awful bedroom debuff honestly plants and sculptures I've found to be so useful I used to think like the the dresser was so impressive gives him more comfort or something like that but yeah I'm sticking to day lilies for right now okay well haven't finished this off and then we want to get that butcher table going just to get more food we got 1.8 days on this gazelle and I want to get this thing in my stomach ASAP okay we had one gazelle just randomly self tame I think we're not even gonna do anything with that we'll probably just slaughter it when the time comes just make sure Leo leaves ready to do that get attacked or anything okay he's playing hard stop playing horseshoes just build some stuff to it like I don't understand some of these colonists because when they're starving they'll just be like I desperately need to play horseshoes so that I don't go crazy so he's butchering the gazelle and I think we're just gonna have to slaughter this one that just decided to come he's like oh you killed my friends oh great you can actually eat some of the grass off the ground to fatten yourself up before we kill you all right and hey well maybe we'll have enough for some clothes from this other gazelle all we need to do is get one more gazelle either go crazy or get eaten and then we have a set of tribal we're okay so Lee's just finishing off separating out the kitchen the butcher room from the rest of the place mainly because we don't want it to get dirty and like I wanted to be able to cook some simple meals in here not overheat the place and just got a section off from all my meal workflow I'll also put in two stock piles down here let's just put them in stockpile zone there and there and we could set one of these to like food and court like we don't want to have this food in here anymore we want to have it right the butcher table like input and output and then eventually bring that over to our kitchen for meal prep where did he go he's over here okay he's getting berries he's going for a walk okay just you need to really keep him on task because like house mood will go low and then he won't work and he'll just like do social things or things to keep himself happy but yeah it's kind of a struggle till then but I mean hey we got another gazelle we could always eat that at any moment okay I'm having leek cut down all of the trees right by our base just because I don't want anybody if they come to our base to have any cover if they start shooting at us for some reason I don't know what they're gonna have they might have guns or something like that and they could probably do a number on the wall I mean if they bring if they bring okay red desert tribe have arrived so speak of the devil we got a raid they're gonna take a little while to attack us then we got some space some time but let's put out our spike trap and just see if that does anything maybe I could make a second one too if I have to fall back buying the signal and hopefully the O spacecraft has landed that's rather nice it's too bad it didn't hit the tribes person in the face I dream waiter is he getting closer he's getting closer okay um stop what you're doing and then let's reinstall this somewhere else right there okay go work on that don't work on the wall this man is attacking us I thought he usually waits longer to attack us usually the beginning okay the gazelle may get in the way actually he may attack the gazelle let's get the gazelle inside come we didn't even give it a name let's [ __ ] come on gazelle one can we name you really quickly well I'm probably just gonna eat you in about a day let's name it Fred freed freed ok well name him freed ok freed that's ironic cuz he's gonna be killed for food alright we're just gonna have him come in you know bring him in the home area and then we'll just kind of get rid of this home area ok so now these L should come inside ok come in come in ok and Lee you come inside - don't worry about those trees for a second ok now white should attack us what is his bio is he ok he's very good at knives come on come on all right let's get in the bedroom ok and we're safe it is he lethally injured unhappy what just happened ok he got he has a wooden foot though so that didn't really affect him as much as I was hoping it would and now damn he's actually quite badass wait what the [ __ ] why is he he got stabbed in the neck what kind of willpower does this man have he can't extinguish the fire cuz it's not in the home area ok so I got to redesign 8 the home area let's just designate it as that ok at this point come on freed Fred it's pronounced Fred but it's spelled as freed ok actually can I put out that fire from inside yeah ok he can totally do that alright let's just see if white just bleeds out in a couple minutes cuz I don't think I know he's watching for targets ok wow so he can't he can totally do that come on don't let white in all right he's still not giving up he's still trying to set us on fire come on when are you gonna bleed out man this is like a perfect rimworld story if only I had a second wooden trap fortunately I can just extinguish all of these fires from inside and wait for him to bleed out ok we're gonna just do that micromanage this until we win alright it says it's gonna take him three hours to bleed to death so I've kind of got a buckle in for the long run he might attack Fred but that would actually be okay cuz it would pretty much just yeah there he goes alright so great um did you have any did everything closed on now you didn't have done any pants okay so we get a free knife I'm not gonna take him into my Colin he's a madman what actually is he would there be we're so bad at social skills he's staggeringly ugly underground or chemical fascination he's a really good cook but we're gonna get that good at cooking soon so I'm just gonna let him die and just continue on my merry way okay Leigh's built another spike trap repaired the wall and now he's gonna get ready to bury this enemy actually just do that right away cuz I don't want you to suffer from too many the bad mood let's that come with it is really just a whole host of them that come with seeing dead bodies around okay let's see unsightly environment naked observed corpse that'll go away soon okay so it's really just the table now we'll focus on that a little bit more of our food workflow and then I just want to hit home with this security thing because that wasn't fast enough with this guy he should have died sooner and I I was actually kind of pissed that I had to micromanage that whole conflict but you know it was enough to work and we've made it how many days is now it's the 7th of April May is this like six days with one colonist who's terrible at everything but is now slowly beginning to become good at some things now I know that kitchens being dirty gives you a pretty bad let there or it can be bad debuff because your food can get dirty and that it can contaminate it and then you can get food poisoning and then you die and so on and so forth but I don't know about the dining room so I'm just gonna assume that it's fine if it's a little bit dirty otherwise we'll try to fix this up but I don't want to start getting floors because then I'm gonna have to have them start cleaning so I accept like a little bit of dirtiness usually it goes away in time but for right now you know we're making the best that we can what little we have later on will want to mine out some more of this mountain maybe and get some of this other roughs you yeah rough hewn rough limestone to be our flooring but for right now I think it's fine we got a kitchen we got our butcher tip area and then we got this like dining area that we can go buy and with a rec room for a little while so for right now we're sitting pretty and I don't know from this point I think we can start to think about clothes and I'm just noticing and now I completely forgot about Gro zones wow that was pretty horrible but you know what we cleared out the trees it's fine we've actually got a decent area now and we could plant our crops all right so I just slaughtered Fred hopefully he likes creamed honey I was horrible but it's it's also kind of funny in a terrible way so he's not gonna be able to do much more than make like basic tribal where he sucks at everything still even if we get where is it crafting spot I guess we'll just put this in our other rec room right now I mean it's kind of dirty or it makes a whole area like less beautiful but whatever if we add a bill now make tribal where I think he needs 60 ingredients so we're gonna need to get one more cos we're gonna need to kill one more gazelle at some point but I'm kind of betting on that happening first I mean I am getting the cloth ready but I don't want to attack a gazelle and have the entire horde attack the Hort a horde of gazelle a herd of gazelle attack me oh wait why are you eating that stop okay we just got his workflow set up so that he's always set to cook for meals so he's never gonna eat like food like that again no cook that and then eat it you slob all right leaves now made a couple meals so even if he gets some of the debuff so long with it I mean he's a terrible cook but he's at least got meals he'll feel a little bit better about that it won't be raw food so we won't get that debuff we've got a little bit of defenses and I think now I'm gonna focus on planting a bit I got some cotton in the ground I get some rice so that should be enough to feed him for a little while and then maybe we'll start to think about crafting and like hunting a little bit cuz if we could just get one more gazelle we'd avoid that and we can focus more on the rice and I think our workflow is pretty well set up and we could also expand to more bedrooms just by mining into this bat into this mountain a bit so yeah I think we've started off pretty well I'm just gonna get a couple more things done and then see it off alright well we had a bunch of cows join us so I think that's probably the best spot to end what the animals do we have now it might actually keep these cows because we could have a whole herd of cows and raise them for their milk and we're gonna be really good at raising animals I'm gonna need to find somebody else to take care of them though because otherwise I'll just have to slaughter them but I mean that's free milk the fullness increases so steadily on this cow and they could have more cows and the oldest have so many cows which would be amazing but you know I think we've got off to a good start with Lee he's got all his plants kill up his cooking went up to so soon hopefully you won't be poisoning himself with his meals his construction also went way faster than I expected I probably spent too much time smoothing out the limestone but you know I learned a little bit about that and yeah I mean I'm still definitely learning the game I like it quite a bit as we go but ya know he's got enough now he can get make himself a little dining room and just not have such a terrible life anymore I do still feel bad for the Gazelle but yeah anyway let me know what you think if you have any other ideas if I miss something that I shouldn't have and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye-bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 1,166,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld merciless, rimworld randy random, rimworld randy, rimworld memes, rimworld #1, rimworld ep 1, rimworld part 1, rimworld brutality, rimworld randy random merciless, rimworld all passions, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld solo, rimworld no skills, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passion no skill, rimworld no skill, rimworld single colonist, rimworld only one colonist, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld 1.0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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