When I Leave This Earth | Rimworld Meteor Apocalypse Colony #8

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hello friends welcome back to another crispy gaming video in the last video we called upon the Emperor of mankind to live with us whose name was metonic and now the entire sole purpose of our colony is to keep him in a decent mood otherwise we as plebs won't be allowed back into space we're currently being raided non-stop for 12 days right now by the merchants gang after a raid only yesterday from all the new mods that I installed it's going to be for a bumpy ride at the end here by that I mean covered in grenades oh oh it's it's of course it's a siege of course it's the siege fortunately we have three royal guards all armed with good weapons the first of whom is named kylo spa so he's carrying a lot of prestige cataphract armor and he has a bio coded charge rifle of excellent quality he also has skill level 14 shooting so he's an excellent shot folks or foe PES has a death giver a persona mono sort of excellent quality these guys are way powerful than any of my other colonists so I'm just gonna rely on them here and in at the same time I'm just going to have all my colonists cower in fear because mortars tend to be fairly inaccurate but our base is also a large target now if meta Nick becomes even remotely unhappy or gets hit by a bomb we decided already that he needs to be addicted to smoke leaf and just get him as high as possible so that his mood never goes down so if he runs into any trouble we'll just finish growing the cycloid and give him bad instead in the meantime I hope that our three warriors can hopefully they can micromanage combat enough to survive this no honestly I installed a shitload of mods mods are amazing I hadn't been using them for a while because I was trying to learn the base game better but it turns out there's a mod that actually tells you when something's in a mod and so I caved I admit it although there are only royal guards these three Guardsmen have titles and so they're able to use psychic powers on our enemies as well it's better than I dreamed so we'll just beckon all of the enemies to come nearer to us and why don't you just back in her good run back and hide in the cliff side these guys should be able to take him out with their rifles you stand there shoot out from there and they've also got really good range on those two yeah that's plenty of range there we go and stallion or okay stallion is getting revenge on cuz they're closer I'll take it or assaulting the colony now are they even using the mortar it's just they're just staying over there geez Wow our guns are so overpowered Jesus okay go in there it looks like they're hitting kylos yeah it's that laser shot gun it's just topi okay run back go get in the line of fire and it looks like you got burned by that laser shotgun that thing's really powerful Jesus but the mono sword should be pretty strong looks like we got some new good weapons and let's just send them back to go heal up and I think since we're gonna be leaving this planet in ten days not really worth it to take any prisoners but we will see if we can grab some of their weapons can't take this one could take this marksman rifle take this sniper rifle combat handgun we could take their mortars and all their other stuff dying in the nude I almost forgot to mention our auto cleaner we now have a Roomba that goes around and cleans our entire base there's other mods that let you do other similar things but I just really like a Roomba yeah it looks like kylos hates everybody that's too bad because he's been insulted and we don't really want these empire guys to go crazy there are some of the best ones on our team right now this guy boos on a dais has a plasma sword if I'm not mistaken this just got added to vanilla it's amazing I like it that there's now actually cool melee weapons in the game we should also probably make this room actually nice it is fairly nice already now we won't make it nice it must be the best it must be the best flowerpots everywhere we need to keep this guy met Anik happy for 10 more days before our shadow arrives and when the shuttle arrives we can leave this godforsaken planet which has been covered in meteors our time here has been amazing to keep meta NIC happy I put him on a drug policy called extreme happiness with extreme happiness he can smoke a smoke leaf joint if he feels just slightly less than amazing and he takes two of them to his inventory every day we'll also add an ambrosia and psych IT because who cares if we get addicted we need the only 10 more days here I'm also going to put all of the others on extreme happiness it kind of makes you think that if you just had enough different drugs and you didn't get your colonists addicted to them you could pretty much have a bunch of functional junkies Tainan continues at his research tirelessly each day tamanna is spending all day creating smoke leaf joints and we're being raided by the Sarek in league and it looks like they want to use sappers to tunnel around our defenses they actually have sappers that's quite advanced unreformed savages I love getting raided by these people like one of them has a pistol on him all right so they're not all just bows but and some of the names are amazing I've been wanting to try out this mod so I'm actually gonna create some defensive positions to arms to arms let's wake up all our guards and I didn't do this last time but let's save these defensive positions we can do this for each of our colonists so we can just unwrap them draft them and then tell them to go to their pen Civ positions right away it's kind of neat here they approach there are one two three four I got 43 red dots go people go smoke those joints before the oh [ __ ] they they took the life of my yak and one of them blew himself up why why did he blow both of them up with no don't why would you kill my boo below well that's half the Raiders I think it was worth it still I'm sure that being high on smoke leaf won't affect his battle consciousness minus 30% at least he's not in pain but I don't want him to snap mid fight and I'll take it oh [ __ ] they're gonna kill my other yet no all right spare the Yak spare yak - this is my favorite okay they're leaving bombs and explosives everywhere well there they go they'll probably destroy some of my defenses since they have sappers they just tunnel right through okay it's a social event good we're oh [ __ ] what is that oh no it's an arrow I'm not seeing that arrow animation yet oh we are totally fine they're right they're all going to bleed out I'm not even sure these people are worth it will strip them if we can and what is wrong with you you turned blue when I drop you alright whatever looks interesting enough to me yay suffering take all that save my yak I like it oh there's just another human being right there and he's like going for the Yak I think that's my last yak yak - this one got attacked by the this one died - the Yak not even the people yeah the roomba hard at work I think the Roomba should be the next series protagonist Flay only as a Roomba just the cleanest map tile in all existence the war on stains are you pleased my leash are you pleased now those people also had beer so we can add that to all of the festivities the lesson here is if you're royalty life is one massive party and people are trying to murder you all the time would you be willing to do what it takes make the sacrifices another rate drive people from the Treaty of Law Rogal more more unreformed people we're running short on renewable defenses this calls for desperate measures we just need to keep the mood up of our defenders Oh yak to is miscarried the greatest tragedy of all here comes the raid Jesus there goes the roomba healthy and strong will just give the defences the old spit-shine jeez I'm gonna need to spend a lot more time on defenses if we keep getting raided like this yak 2 as an infection we might have to just slaughter her and here comes the raid no time to waste let's get back inside or our defenders on the walls you all run back you all run that way you two get out and met Nick just stay happy act like none of this is going on Alcatraz you hide in the corner ups you go back inside Kyllo stand there or two defensive positions these people have stick bombs those things are explosive not like other Raiders we've dealt with good we're getting one of them get out of there - Mantha get out of there they're coming through the other side [ __ ] stand there and okay they've got pipe bombs or not pipe bombs this whatever those things are Jesus okay there's it [ __ ] [ __ ] there's a boom below right there run [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay stay behind this [ __ ] and [ __ ] get back there fall back fall back behind the wall you get over there you get okay stay there [ __ ] okay [ __ ] these pipe bombs these guys are like kamikaze huh [ __ ] man Jesus Christ I like that though I like that cannibal rape ah man we're gonna need to rebuild all this hope we can okay I guess just rebuild the embrasures redo the walls Jesus are we gonna have enough plasteel we can't do plasteel anymore we've just got to do bombs cancel cancel at least they brought beer for us get back to work oh Jesus yeah there is no time there's just no time I don't want that to happen again so I'm gonna build some more sandbags around so that they can't stop and throw those things pretty much all I got like I wish I had a better idea here build more granite and more granite and more if we just build sandbags we prevent them from ever standing anywhere it's just a bloodbath right here diplomacy with orange make peace with a color this isn't fantasy land that's been only a half a day we still have to get through another nine and a half of them all full of raids we're gonna have to have a lot of flowers to keep everyone happy we're also running short on granite and we might need limestone instead limestone still the second hardest stone so that's fine and there we go we have defenses again know why I build a roof over here let's just take that off keep it nice and light so they can shoot well prepare that wall and then we'll use whatever stones remain to try to get a double wall here I don't want them breaking through on one spot that could be dangerous oh no he's slightly dissatisfied he just hasn't been eating it although okay eat that [ __ ] eat that [ __ ] right now good don't be don't be unhappy good he's not unhappy anymore oh he's happier again a good ghost smoke a joint be happy man be happy do anything you want all day I don't care it must be the best it must be the best and does he have any traits that no he's only nimble and a jogger it just makes him move about in a more horrible way why did I not on draft mail man there he goes clean clean our survival depends on it he was insulted oh he nobody likes him except for a UPS [ __ ] drink beer - if your mood is below night if you're not feeling completely amazing drink a lot of beer okay our drug policies should keep him very happy he's going to be that kind of drunkard King Oh meta Nick no don't stand there well at least he's drinking at least he's drinking I have ordered him to drink so he's also he's getting alcohol warmth we just want to make sure you don't overdose but he's feeling so good right now good just take all of the all of the substances we have he's loving it in here it's offsetting all of the corpses he just observed now we could limit his area but what would be the fun in that room but clean faster just get all the blood out of there good look okay a rotting corpse we'll need to do something about that good you dokie yeah good get in comparision Tainan seems very like easygoing good clean all the blood good and extend the stand bag wall good clean my my minion my minion oh it's going to sleep like a pet at his bedside I think this might be my favorite thing ever I guess they can't build a plant while standing in on another plan I guess that they also can't plant in other pots next to it I knew this is true of sandbags and walls but I mean that's a funny happenstance whatever it's fine that's quite fine I like this everyday too Mantha just makes more smoke leaf joints so that everyone can just I should probably question having half of my military drunken high you know maybe on second thought maybe the maybe we'll just ask meta Nick with this extreme happiness okay I think that's enough oh he's slightly less happy again we're being seized by northeast from these people have been a pain in the ass since day one I hate you they're dropping off meals for themselves they're assaulting the colony but where are the traps you know what I think might be going on here is this like we put meteors down to the end of the map designation they might not even be able to build in there so I think they're just coming in alright everyone just stay at home and eat eat yeah they're coming right in now what do they have this guy as some sort of he has a bio coded p90 this guy is an LMG a battle ax a battle axe come on a light SMG frag grenades more fragrant [ __ ] okay so they have explosives a musket why would you bring the musket we've got a flintlock marksman rifle another LMG lever action rifle heavy SMG and who cares what's in the end because those guys probably won't get to as a change shotgun hand cannon right I guess two defenses and just see how much more we can get out of year good burn this is only gonna get worse in this area oh the hopeless life of this Roomba and you're smelting no don't do that okay you come back here go to your defensive position let's get kylos to come back to and everybody go back to defensive positions tying into and to Mantha as well okay let's hope that we live good everyone is hi you know what folks do you just go eat you're not too happy right now a lot of these guys are teetering on unhappiness okay we got one guy mister he's coming in he's got the bio coded p90 and he's down I wish we could have made this sandbag larger but at least we got the double wall and right on time that is slowing I don't know if it's slowing them down I might need barbed wire instead now there I love how responsive the combat is here okay two more guys we just need to build out more sandbags good one and good we get the grenadiers these traps are overpowered the plasteel that's crazy we got another one man these weapons are there are oh why would you go there okay go away thank you no don't go there for Christ's sake man don't go there run back and more combat good I I seriously think that combat extended is o P but it's like some mod order thing going on here I'm not complaining though it feels really good usually combat in room world can feel janky as [ __ ] so adding in these other mods actually makes it a lot more fun screw it I'm not even building plasteel anymore I'm just gonna build that sandbag so they can never stop look at all them weapons just Tier II rating add more sandbags around oh this didn't have to happen [ __ ] time to build another one let's make like three more of these things back damn it I was not looking at that I like it I would says auto cleaner it doesn't say broken it says dead its front left wheel was shot and its core was shattered its shell was hit with a parable at Full Metal Jacket only five days old it lived from Thursday to Monday rip rip right do you have anything good I'll take your helmet let's just take out whatever that guy's got strip the rest of them I don't even know if I'll have a chance to get these well it grab those frag grenades might need those and they have some nice gear but a lot of it's tainted I just don't even know what to grab we could grab this composite vest but honestly I think that uh this armor is better met medic is still happy he's he's high he's always high but he ain't without a table really idiot they keep a meal on you so you don't act stupid I will build another clean the throne there's vomit everywhere Jesus and the food poison caca this is why I'm installing the Common Sense mod cos I'm sick of dirty kitchens a common-sense mod pretty much let's there never be dirty kitchen cleaning so it's one reason I'm going through with so much quality of life stuff to never deal with this again yes he's dirty cooking it well I like the common sense mod a lot good his needs are going he's so comfortable and happy he never has to see all this [ __ ] which is the only thing keeping him alive I'm adding more turrets to the outside just a general crapload of main turrets I want to minimize the amount that we actually have to fight an enemy if we just have turrets to it that'd be for the best and it must be the best walk okay she's [ __ ] oh no but the only place they land is to arms people to arms where is medic medic is actually in a pretty safe spot right now he's eating a meal hey folks you stand there kylus you stand there mailman you GTFO i hope you survive hide in there and close that door you will not live kylos get in that doorway hold that door open folks you defend kylos actually know folks defend this doorway Cosmetics in here alcatraz keep cooking it's pretty important actually and you guys get over there fire from behind folks youdo kia you get a boo you dokey I can't walk ah oh well at least we at least it's safe inside my mind at least it's safe inside my mind good ooh [ __ ] come on ah [ __ ] he was really slow everyone's high everyone's high as [ __ ] Tainan get in there baby use blinding pulse [ __ ] man this guy is screwed kylos might be dead see we could frigging okay let's melee them take them out his armor might actually save him okay you take out that one that's fine Tainan don't die but teleport this guy stun them either in friendly fire territory Tainan don't get into arms wave oh Jesus FedEx get in the doorway Koosh bow get over there you're supposed to fight Tynan's stand there careful with friendly fire stand closer to cush bow or folks FedEx you shoot ooh [ __ ] man just keep casting stun yeah we got to take them out kylos he's got to mitigate the damage stand in there they could just one you're fighting [ __ ] ya kylos is in trouble push bow get in there tak that one folks go save him tak that one Tainan you go over and stun the last one actually Titan you just in there you could just continuously stun that one kylos I think is gonna live Crispo get in there come on get in there folks should be okay these melee weapons are Opie and we axe it [ __ ] we accidentally attacked folks I hate that damn it one friendly fire got him like dude they're all the same team okay met Nick run Tainan defend met Nick [ __ ] man it's done just stunned forever you do take this thing out good push bow go back and fight that one Kai let's go get some first aid and I think we've taken out the whole raid got these guys are strong monster structure take that away and is that actually it I think was just that one get that last site there you go get some first aid is met nick is still at like 90 mood Tainan you go back to life and we're done Jesus Christ finish him off Kyle Lohse go get first aid damn he got stabbed a lot but nothing lost good finish off those ciphers finish off that other one you're undrafted good we're safe god the crazy hive now to devil raid okay at least we know which side they'll come in from and we're kind of more prepared on that side it's not drop pods this time we got a royal mega spider and a mega peed three mega peds and just a lot of mega spiders and they oh why did Duane go there right Duane he's gonna be dead he's gonna be dead he's gonna be very very dead Duane is dead [ __ ] I don't think I could save Duane unless if he's faster than I could save but what are you doing out there did anyone else make this decision to just wander out here at least Duane wasn't one of the most important ones I'm still kind of bummed though and there needs to be more common sense in room world meditate and we're down our biggest fighters - okay Tainan go rescue him this is an amazing rifle Udo Kia survived and it's fine that one's still sitting there just finish it off Duane you have died [ __ ] Duane shift it Duane you did youdid doing oh damn it how many more days of this six point six days in memory of Dwayne the rock Johnson [ __ ] these guys are not gonna be able to fight them off we got a one turret doing some of the work but folks get in there we run over to this side push bow you get ready for melee tying and get rid doing medicine mailman get out of there halt back that rifle get ready to fight these things are gonna be powerful at least they're spread apart based on speed bill I don't see how they do in melee I think we could win this one there's just a lot of bugs you stand there and you stand there try to defend this turret so a little bit longer we've got two defenders and one turret that's weird I think these things might be over there these things might be too powerful it's still kind of cool though all right here we go melee combat against this yeah good we might need okay you get out of here it looks like folks will be all right alone stand there good everyone here is so screwed up but our weapons are so powerful - what's actually happening to these guys it's the I think it might be the bullets that are coming out of this turret that are just so strong yeah look at that it's so much more responsive than regular combat all right good job folks yeah I think we tend to put down those insectoid raids just a bit too fast I think those are old Jesus ok back out a bit back at a bit to arms is finish off all those mega spiders another another are all stacked up wild the creek push bone an attempt to release her stresses issue she has created a dock monument decree I'm not even sure we're gonna have time to do that decree because I think we're leaving the planet in less than a week so it's not a problem and no it looks like we got no turret to help us here yeah at least we get to see how these weapons do now I still think these weapons are extremely like absurdly overpowered though the mono sword he should be fine against these things and are you are you gonna be okay really whether or not his shield belt has enough time to recharge wow that was enough I guess one melee colonists is really overpowered kind of he speaks the need to have at least one guy dedicated to melee from now on all right well [ __ ] building this monument he wants it done in 15 days but we're leaving the planet in 6 and oh [ __ ] Dwayne is alive Dwayne is alive it's bleeding out in four hours save this man [ __ ] oh wow what a dumb way to die okay that's the nearest position stat I did save him save him dying in three hours I don't forget Tainan is very very very fast Go Go baby go save him stabilize him and Tim save him save him I think we might be able to save him he has only one thing yes they cut off his left arm but at least he's alive okay alright let's just rescue him and then get the rest of the ship good he's alive he may not have an arm but he is alive and if nothing else he's cannon fodder if nothing else we can use all these corpses as cover that was met Nick still so glad he's just staying in his room while everyone else fights the war and to Mantha is just so close to finishing off the finish off the bot I really want to see it clean again it would make me happy amid all the chaos my only form of comedic relief could we have more turrets again Dwayne is alive he has survived his right big toe in his left arm again build up more space filled up more steel spike traps and turrets pray that we don't get raided from down there ever again no I lost you Doki is Gunn like I legit don't know where it went and I don't see it in the weapon cabinet so they haven't put it here yet there's a lot of other good I could give her an EMP grenade in case if it's mechanoids or any number of things another possibility would be to wield smoke leaf joints just whenever anyone attacks you just offer them one and hope that the fighting stops oh there it is geez okay that was a relief grab that rifle I am so glad that I found that for you I would have been completely defenseless without it no really we would have lost and we haven't been burning corpses enough so let's let's burn them all that's way too many that's way too many ups you have one job oh no Alcatraz even better Alcatraz is nonviolent in my colony if you're not violent you spend the entire time burning the corpses from battle toolkit do you love me these events have been happening at random I left him in because it spices up the game but sometimes it just yeah blind temporary blindness on Alcatraz okay well all he needs to do is burn corpses so I think he'll be all right he's putting on some Devils SRAM black pants okay smoke leaf binge on mailman you know what just do it I rather that you be binging on smoke leaf than then hurt and we're all here for only six more days assuming you don't implode mednik is so happy just so happy when there's a there's a new auto cleaner yay activate oh yes Oh auto cleaner 2.0 will never be a part it's charging look there it goes oh [ __ ] fortunately all these raids have been fairly weak is in earth mech I've they're avoiding our tip while I doubt that they came out of all the side of the map what a good idea the side of the map the side of the map wonderful wonderful ok centipedes centipedes are actually quite terrifying let's just send in our fighters and we're gonna have to melee these guys separately probably and let's use beckon on one we call it over to come in and good fight it hold the fire let them fight them alone and we'll go in on them there we go have both of them going and good we just got a gang up on them keep fighting him let's stun them as they go stun and let's get Mitnick in here to to use his burden come on come in and help us fight damn he got hit man they're getting hit in the face with the charge blasters ok stun him again keep using your stun manage that heat you got these to the side cast should get us through a lot of this stun it again we've still got to keep using these stuns we're getting really hot here good met next year we could burden them maybe this will slow them down somehow stun them dan this is so many mechanoids here okay we got one another one Jesus okay it's 69 there we go that's down nice okay keep staying in there we got to stay on top of these things stun it again can't build up that heat his heats getting really high Mitnick can dump his heat but contain in Tainan can't actually dump all his neural heat yet he could keep stunning though he's that and I didn't even activate [ __ ] we're getting siege by the merchant gang really damn I want to send in met Nick with his Warhammer but it's just not gonna be worth it and we could give him vertigo pulse no I don't want to hit are my own guys with it send focus to my guys I guess let's just get ready for the next heat barrage get tightening out of the way he can't get in trouble here and [ __ ] you just got to stay shielded stun the other one other one's gonna be preoccupied okay at least we tied them all up though we got the last one Jesus these melee guys are really really powerful I can't believe how good they are they're even better than the guys with the guns here Tainan doesn't even have a stun critical hit and it's done it there we go and that should take it down Jesus Christ okay you two go have a rest these two are gonna go in you have a rest immediately after he's taken out a smoke leave joint okay everybody else back to work Tainan go back Kyle Oh sand you dope you're gonna take out the rest if they don't have a mental breakdown is the seed keeping gonna be able to set up out here I don't know they put down some of their items they got down some of the sandbags this is see how they react they got a laser sword and a couple other items they look good let's just see if we could ambush them before they get to us how many more days of the five more days of attacks okay let's just melee attack this centipede to death with FedEx critical hit critical hits even doing anything this thing is just gonna get up and go Terminator on this okay there yeah you know what Tainan maybe use your shotgun yeah you can back off FedEx make sure this thing is dead let's see how many it's gonna take how many licks does it take to you Jesus it's like these things don't even do anything to its armor you could back off alright everybody just back off guy we can set these two up in here and they probably won't get any cover against us so they're not in a good mood he's not in a good mood Jesus you know I don't think that they can I think they're actually gonna have to come back to our base go Auto cleaner go we're gonna need more auto cleaners at this rate yep they're all just going to sleep on the ground I think these guys might just have mental brain that all hit each other that would be amazing and we're getting raided by a mech I've [ __ ] they're right in our base it's like five raids a day okay folks get ready get ready you're the nearest person think somebody raids you out of the toilet in the bathroom for Christ's sake if I know this I might have just built the ship instead get everybody out of it and it doesn't look like there's too many of them though and they're in one isolated spot you can also beckon them over whatever these things are gonna be I'm a little bit scared again more sighs Jesus okay you hide you charge atom actually beckon this one over and you just stun this one good there we go that thing's gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up you just run away you charge it this one just don't let that one get any near anybody and stun it good Dwayne we run the [ __ ] away shoot it and stun stun stun and run [ __ ] he might get Dwayne stun and shoot and run there we go another one Pylos is coming up stand right there and get ready to shoot Dwayne run that way just run the [ __ ] away folks is right there okay help him help him keep running shoot it shoot in the [ __ ] they got Dwayne okay that's gonna be the end of that one though don't do that it's done it there we go people's get to take this one out it cush bow out of bed he just recovered from the last fight I can't believe this there's so many raids so many Ray's okay Dwayne is alive Kyle Lohse is still alive mailman you just do you now stun it again can't believe how much we're using this stun actually kylus can go in there and just fight that thing yeah we'll be all right it's not again no don't reload don't [ __ ] he got stuck in his reloading animation I think and I don't shoot that shoot that one yeah fire at that [ __ ] Jesus Christ and he's walking so you know just go back to bed there's no way you could even do anything hold your fire it's done it's done it's done it forever I can't believe how much HP this one had oh he made an advanced component we can get another cleaner bot they haven't even begun their seeds they're all just sleeping here they quit they quit at least they're fending off other Raiders that might come three point seven days left all the corpses are rotting this one's still dying here sending out push bow to finish this one off okay they're assaulting the colleague good that's what I expected I wanted that maybe our turrets can actually do something to these guys since they don't have like a wall of mechanoid armor between them and us I hope that this enemy just dies like to our plant defenses that's so many things go south here bring in our Royal Guard here and here they come up the kill box we get Tynan - for support he's got good psychic powers here did you use them and just stand right there use your stun on that guy now I'm this guy looks tough stun everybody he can't afford to stun everybody in place which is awesome we just gotta keep moving him around can't hit him there anymore this guy's got on power armor though look at that okay you to charge him and Tainan you stay there just keep stunning this guy moving he's so fast keep at it keep at it keep shooting him point-blank range point-blank range there we go [ __ ] he's down Christ here we gonna pick up time and he's down and we still just got a couple grenade launcher oh look at that hit this guy I got him undrafted go fix him up let's just melee the rest melee he's been so much more reliable here it's weird like we have all these advanced rifles and all they can do is friendly fire each other just so much friendly fire here get in there get in there good get the last of them ah yeah this what I'm talking about see that you lose your relations whenever your turrets even barely friendly fire your guys it's like there's no winning there okay we're our last hair like Toleration with them [ __ ] no he died from blood loss everything that we started with gone he's like it's like Shakespearean to honor FedEx admit okay so FedEx is now account FedEx is the count he's going to inherit Tynan's bed okay FedEx gets the bed this FedEx still able to do anything yeah he can't do dumb leap ah [ __ ] he's lost all of his capabilities it's a lot quite as bad but oh [ __ ] no no poetry poetry he started out a low-wage worker he survived the apocalypse the meteor apocalypse he had learned all of these overpowered traits then he became a massive snob and couldn't do anything and then he died really I think a lot of this I don't know how he got into it he was behind the turrets but no actually that is the invaders weapons yeah combat extended goes both ways if you don't have armor on you're dead I thought it was just making us overpowered for those first couple rates but damn like look this although this guy Wade was power armor another one recon armor that stuff is strong only three point two days left I'm scared of what's gonna happen without our stun though I don't know if we'll make it through can be like one guy left right madniks just gonna smoke smoking over to the spot where time and died well fortunately we still get to complete the quest mmm the break risks come in we lost so many of our turrets there too man I do it for you Roomba if one more room but coming up to keep Mitnick happy that was bananas that was amazing he deserves he deserves a grave a grave right out front right here where everyone walks each day dig that time for a proper burial oh dude we're getting raided what the [ __ ] no oh this is the end how am I gonna make it through this fun thanks [ __ ] what the [ __ ] no come on man no if this all they didn't even put them in the grave goddamn it alright you know what just whatever they're all gonna go crazy after this but how the [ __ ] the [ __ ] are we even supposed to fight some of these things okay you just hide buying that met Nick if we survive this will be a miracle you stand there I guess you there's really no building defenses here it's really just about arming people up how the [ __ ] am I gonna fight all this dunno you get out of there mailman how am I supposed to fight these people Pez okay well at least they went down like flies strike vertigo pulse maybe that'll do something we actually have them in one spot right now that was just a cup this is the most kamikaze rate I've ever seen they all just come in they immediately are like time to go okay pick up cush bo is he even gonna make it death in four hours Jesus the throne we don't even have a throne anymore how are we even gonna do they just [ __ ] throw a grenade at my throne Matt Nick we could just pretty much load him up with drugs for the next three days as long as we don't get raided again youdo gaze like nope nope okay tend to cash Bo I how am I even gonna how are you gonna come back from this how are we gonna come back from this Jesus they destroyed the roof Matt Nick's just like it's gonna smoke a blunt and just leave you all to that get coach Bo can we save him three hours they destroyed both of his legs he's dead there's no way there's no way okay no more rates no way no effing way finishing them off I don't even care what am I even gonna do with all this stuff colonists missing sidearm colonists dead colonists missing both legs we can't even bury our own people let's just see if we can ya do this good burn everybody let's burn all these corpses I gotta he's out of here it's a peace of mind don't leave them on Barry just cremate them good and if we put something together here it's gonna be a miracle if you don't have a mental break I'm gonna get you so addicted to smoke I'm just gonna have some pre-emptive smoke leaf joints yep observed three corpses just get that off you oh man at least my room is still alive I love my Roomba cleaning the throne room it's cleaning the throne room I don't have any gold left need to rebuild the throne you just don't even have a throne here we'll just mine out the gold for your no throne room there's no way in hell he's even gonna be able to burn all of the corpses that are in here I think I've probably been raided by like 200 people in the last five days there's no way we're surviving but he's still happy you know what I bet that everyone is gonna die except for medic and medics gonna leave on the ship on his own and then do this to another colony and that's just the story of royalty at least it's clean there's no more dead bodies that's saying something halt all of this stuff urgently ah dizzy [ __ ] everyone has gut worms why okay it's better than a raid it's better than a raid 1.8 more days it's gonna be on the last day right before the shuttle comes we all die we are all gonna die met nick is so high that he doesn't even know that he doesn't have a throne room yeah look he's not even getting he's not even getting anything from not having a throne room anymore he's happy that khushboo died he's loving it here he likes it even more now meanwhile everyone's just in bed with cutworms at least met Nick didn't get it he's fine he's meditating Dwayne is just wandering around looking for food eating all the lavish meals possibly which which may or may not have human meat in them I don't even remember anymore I just tortoise meat good old tortoise meat and oh okay actually the hive isn't that bad only because I think our combat extended guns are brokenly good against them so yeah this is poses little to no threat but I'm still I mean thank God that happened cuz the mechanoids and the raiders were awful I think the mods have made them even harder this just happens to be the one that's really easy to fend off and FedEx is gonna go crazy however as long as I have kylo san you do Kia for this one in the position and it looks like your turrets are gonna take out the first one there we go go flea Roomba flea be safe hey looks like that one was just an advance party okay here we go the mega peds they're in good moods okay folks just run back actually you be our melee defense here I don't think they'll need [ __ ] they got food poisoning would even have smoke leaf tolerance food poisoning oh no sorry gut worms not food poisoning anymore thank God for this though at least one of the raids is not horrible and all we got left are it's a couple of spell-apedia scarabs and what is this thing again giggle locust those things look cool I like him and I think that's it our colony is it's got a mess if we get raided by we might survive one more rate we might we might everyone will die if we do oh [ __ ] we still got like five left alright just get back in there and get ready to shoot a couple more I don't know what it is but these weapons are really effective against them this is the whole pile left okay repair the wall you do you personally I wouldn't want to do that that right now wild decree on timber wolf hunting screw you well met Nick I hope you've had a good few days pacing back and forth between the refrigerator and the throne room because you cost the lives of two of our colonists and you angered every faction against me and quite frankly it was very exciting probably the best thing I've had in this playthrough so far and we're harvesting the cycloid right before we have to go we have only 18 hours left 18 hours to the shuttle it's probably gonna be something horrible that comes along though let's just equip everybody arm them to the teeth for the last day I think Duane has one arm left he could use that with the plasma sword it's now his Duane the one-armed sword wielder will give Melman a silent neuro former no wait nope if we get one more power five hours left whatever comes we could just run from it when the shuttle gets here medic is still lulled into the idea that everything is fine he really likes the rec room he he loves it in here we have another auto cleaner it's clean as hell in here the shuttle it's here [ __ ] the shuttle has arrived to collect the high stellar call if you can a company behind travel the Imperial flotilla to begin a new life oh [ __ ] I don't know wait stop stop everyone folks can't get [ __ ] folks can't get we can't do this without folks or what can we carry him to the shuttle okay he's going to be carried by Alcatraz alright carry him to the shuttle will you take this guy folks a fine serves that folks lost both of his legs but hope it was worth it to defend that rich guy Alcatraz you get in the shuttle you did nothing male and you look cool now didn't for most of the series you didn't do much but get the hell in there sound Dwayne I have absolutely no attachment to you Dwayne so get in there met Nick you piece of [ __ ] get in the ship Kyle Kyle Oz was actually useful stop mining that goal Kyle Oh see I like you you do Kia also is very useful get in the shadow baby FedEx so many memories together most of them bad - Mantha - Mantha cherie Cher whoever you are getting the shuttle UPS my mysterious wanderer get in the shuttle oh yes but the one who started it all is not here with us and we do this in his memory this has been amazing there's probably even my favorite colony yet that I've done and I've done a lot of them and as our last colonist enters the shuttle only the Roombas will remain here as a distant memory of what once was keeping our colony clean forever right I think we have everyone in that's everyone go baby go off into the great beyond yes yes smashing you've escaped on the imperial shuttle these colonists escaped the heist el Ark will now welcome you into the Imperial flotilla as an honored noble party you might stay in the imperial court and jockey for political power perhaps you'll avoid the drama and focus on enjoying ultratech luxuries or you might even buy a ship and set a course for your own long-lost home I do not remember who this was these must have been the old yeah I remember her she was terrible she oh yeah I forgot that a guy had two wives Taylor Swift oh whoops I I don't know as you can scroll through the credits well this isn't the first time I've done this well thank you for joining me for this series it's been amazing I can guarantee you will be going through more mods in the future big shout out to Azazel for having the original idea for this series couldn't have done it without you man and last but not least my own credits thanks very much to the a a support group without whom none of this would be possible thank you for everything that you give me so I'd like to do this more often in the future and say thanks if only at the end of each of my series a big thanks to all of my patrons and to you and to viewers like you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 294,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld game, rimworld meteors, rimworld meteor, rimworld meteor colony, rimworld twitch toolkit, rimworld 1.1, rimworld 2020, rimworld survival, rimworld game gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld ttk, rimworld meteors only, rimworld let's play, rimworld lets play, rimworld letsplay, rimworld mods 2020, rimworld modded, rimworld mod, rimworld challenge, rimworld challenge run, rimworld drop pods, rimworld centipede, mods
Id: 8EcrNIl0SMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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