Rim War could be the greatest RimWorld mod ever created (RimWar episode 1)

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so i've been keeping my eye on this mod for rimworld called rimwar it got released last month usually when huge mods like this come out they're pretty buggy but it's been a month what i'm hoping here is they've ironed out a lot of the glitches with a mud so the premise with the mod is that it introduced global conquests where factions vie to become the dominant power across room world armies settlers and caravans for all factions can now be seen on the world map and have purposes destinations and events such as raids trader caravans and more as for the scenario we're going to be using i've done a slight modification of the naked brutality start the tech we research is going to be completely random but we're going to research three times quicker as for our storyteller we're using the dynamic storyteller mod which is going to change our storyteller every quadrant and i've installed a bunch of custom ones the storyteller we're going to start off with is marcus from borderlands he's pretty chill as he offers less disease related events as for the difficulty we're going to be playing on i'm going to be doing the hardest playthrough i've ever done before with a modification of the losing his fun difficulty so we're going to be using that as our base and we're also going to adjust it so here's the base effects of the losing his fun difficulty like it gives colonists a negative 10 mood penalty higher food poison chance greater chance for infection disease less harvest yield mining yield all this other stuff but it also increases the threat scale by 220 percent we're gonna crank that up to 500. the only other things we're going to change is colonists instant kill chance we're going to lower that down to zero and this basically just means that our colonists cannot die randomly from like a head shot for example if they get shot in the head yes they will bleed really badly and if we don't bandage them up quickly they will bleed out but they won't get instant killed so we'll have that time to react we're also going to lower the scarier rot chance down to zero percent i'm really not a fan of scaria it just makes it so that when we get the man hunting animal events and we get invaded by a bunch of animals you can't skin their corpses and i'm not a fan of that mechanic with all the difficulties that we're playing at so yeah we're gonna lower that down to zero as far as starting location i'm gonna do something i've never done before which is select a random site we're gonna hope we start in the southeast or the east where there's a lot of friendly factions but the main thing we're gonna hope for is that we don't start in the ice sheet and okay it looks like we got something that's not so bad actually we're starting next to a few of this industrial faction which they're pretty high tier there's a few medieval factions that are pretty close by these are hostile though and so is this viking clan they're not that hostile though so if we do quest for them we could become neutral with them the only issue with our starting spot is we're starting too close to this viking clan and they're going to start disliking us over time so our first goal might just be to move over a few tiles as far as starting character it's going to be a reby and fox girl she's a custom race and i'll get more into what she can do later i'm not giving us any extra skill bonuses i've cleared them all and we're getting all these skill bonuses from our backstory which is a wasteland wanderer it gives us plus three shooting four crafting five medical three social just disables art and then adulthood is a military cook for plus two shooting plus seven cooking we're also getting some skill bonuses from this legendary trait i've added a mod which adds a few legendary traits into the game this one gives us eight shooting some extra hunting stealth a small amount of shooting accuracy lowers aiming time by a hundred percent though so i guess she doesn't need to aim i guess she will only need to reload with minus 100 aiming time i've never played with that much lowered aiming time before she also butchers much quicker cooks quicker and gets a bunch of built-in armor i'm not sure how this is gonna play out as well but i was thinking with the parameters we chose earlier if we want this run to survive we're gonna need someone that's really good at combat because we gave her a legendary trait we're gonna cap her traits out at three i changed the max amount of traits that people can have from three to five so we're only gonna give her three traits the other two we're gonna give her are tough so she takes less damage and bloodlust so she's gonna get a huge mood boost from seeing people die so yeah that legendary trait was giving us an eight bonus to shooting as you guys can see we're not giving ourselves any extra skill points the only thing we're gonna do is add a burning passion for shooting and cooking she's gonna be the cook so i'm thinking we definitely want to move from this area as it doesn't seem too defensible and we're gonna be pissing off the neighbors by living here anyways first thing we got to do though is chop down a couple trees kawaii waifu has really bad planting skills so this is taking quite a while and we're kind of in a hurry here because she starts out with really low food if her food meter gets too low she's going to start getting really negative moodlets and she's already not really in a good mood because she's naked for negative six and she's hungry right now for negative six she's also got pretty low beauty she does not like the environment so that's also affecting her pretty negatively chopping on the first tree only gave us eight wood so this is gonna actually take quite a while we need to make a bow and it's gonna take 30 wood after chopping down this tree though she's gonna be at one planting which is gonna raise her planting yield and actually she got up to one planting before chopping down the tree so that's gonna give us a bit more wood from that and we got 25 from it holy cow okay i don't know what the first tree we chop down was but that thing was really tiny i guess which was weird it seemed like it took a while for her to chop that down but yeah we now got enough wood to make a bow and since she started with four crafting she is able to make one you need two crafting to make a bow with her four crafting skill there's a pretty good chance the bow is either going to be poor 45 chance for that or 40 chance for it to be normal and turned out to be normal okay that's good the quality of a ranged weapon is really important as it highly affects the accuracy we're now going to have kawai waifu hunt this cassowary and holy cow her aiming time is yeah it's quick because she doesn't have any aiming time she just instantly fires which is gonna be interesting for sure i do think that it's not going to be op because like i said remor is going to be pretty crazy and there we go we took it out and she does have quite a bit extra butchery speed so we were able to do that really fast and now she's just going to eat the meat she's not going to like doing that and there is a chance that she gets food poisoning it's a really low chance though so i'm guessing that's not gonna happen the main thing is we just need to fill up her food bar she did end up getting the eight raw food mood lit which is gonna last for 24 hours but at least her mood is not in mental break threshold or i guess it is now she's at 34 so she could have a minor breakdown we need to get that above 35 and there we go she meditated enough so that her recreation is giving her this recreation satisfied moodlet for plus 5 mood and that's bumping her barely above mental break which is really important if we have a mental breakdown right now that would be really bad she meditated for quite a bit and the recreation is now fully satisfied for 10 mood that's actually going to go away after a little bit because once it dips below 85 i think that'll go back down to five but she's still probably not gonna have a mental breakdown right now to help ensure that she does not have mental breakdown oh that thing actually revenged we're gonna hunt this lockjaw though and this thing is fairly tanky and it's angry but we've hit it a few times and it's not that quick so we shouldn't have any problems taking it out and after butchering the lock jaw we got 52 lizard skin unfortunately we need a little bit more to make some kind of clothing which we're actually going to hold off on for now as there is an exotic goods trader that just entered our territory and this would be a good opportunity to open up one of the ancient tomes that's on this map we could have the exotic goods trader cleared out for us so yeah we're gonna open up this tome and we're gonna hope whatever's inside is hostile and yeah they are hostile it's a bunch of insects which are chasing us now and it's gonna hopefully aggro onto these dudes it's not okay we're gonna have to go down here and remove this wall down to the south or never mind maybe they're actually gonna aggro onto them looks like we don't have to do anything what the heck is going on there there's some weird visual glitch with kai and yeah these guys are going to clear this thing out for us we can also open one of these ancient caskets and wait are the mufflers running i think their trade goods are running actually that's not ideal so i guess we're not gonna be able to trade with these guys let's also open up one of these other walls and let's try to open up these caskets if we just shoot the casket it won't open that that one doesn't work there's no one in that one okay there we go we open up the caskets and there's actually all friendlies in here so it can be all enemies all friendlies or a mix of both but we got all friendlies and there's actually a couple thrombonians in here thrombonians are really good at combat the problem with thornberry though is she's incapable of combat so i don't think we're gonna rescue her kenzo would make for a decent builder slash medic though he's got 16 medical six construction and he's got the builder trait which gives him more construction speed and success chance ross is also decent he's ninja like and that gives him extra melee melee dodge and thrombonians are just naturally really good at melee we're now going to deconstruct this casket get a bunch of steel from it and we're not going to try to wall this place in she did botch the wall and she stopped building the steel door because someone walked over it which was not ideal kenzo is bleeding i think we need to put kenzo and ross back in their crypto sleep caskets just because we don't want to deal with them for now as waifu's mood is really bad putting them in the caskets is going to suspend their injuries so we can deal with them later once waifu's mood is not so terrible and for now we're going to have her eat some of this insect jelly which is going to give her a boost to recreation hopefully yeah her recreation is now fully satisfied and that's going to boost her mood she now wants to sleep but we don't really want her sleeping in this room at least not the way it is right now to give her a bit of a boost to all of her stats we're going to have her take luciferium there's 14 of it in this tome and once she starts taking it she's gonna need to take it every six days or she will die but it gives her a bunch of nice bonuses and it's gonna help us right now and yeah here's the bonuses it does improve her consciousness which affects everything her movement site which is really important for her ranged ability it lowers the pain she takes and there's a few other things like metabolism that makes it so she has to sleep less but we sealed up this room and cleaned it up a bit there is a little bit of blood on the ground i'm okay there we go let's actually clean that up the room impressiveness is mediocre so i believe she's gonna get a slight mood boost from sleeping in it and one of the prisoners actually woke up thornberry she's gonna die in seven hours but she's bandaging herself up i don't really care if she gets out which yeah it's looking like she's gonna be able to get out that's fine i didn't want a recruiter anyways she has decent stats except for the fact that she's incapable of violent but thrombones have a really high market value and if we recruited her that would increase our wealth by quite a bit so we'd get rated by stronger enemies so if thrombodians are incapable of violent which is their main purpose i don't really think it's worth to pick them up and okay we have our first rim war event so yeah this is pretty nuts because we've only been here for a day and we're already getting a hostile event they're going to be here in point four days i'm not sure what 119 combat power is gonna be but we did increase our wealth by quite a bit after opening this tome we started with 1500 wealth and now we're at 9.5 k so we effectively multiplied our wealth by what six times which is not ideal we should try to get out of here but we gotta try to save those people that are sleeping in the caskets first so kauai waifu woke up and first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna make a table so we get rid of this a without table negative moodlet and we have a lot of steel to work with because we can deconstruct these crypto sleep caskets that no one's using and it looks like she's not going to botch the table very nice we're now going to build a stool which we were successful at she did not botch again which is kind of surprising considering that she only has one construction but yeah after building a stool we're gonna eat one of these meals that i don't know who dropped this i think it was one of the traders that ended up dropping it but yeah her eight without table moodlet and the eight raw food moodlet are going to go away pretty soon two hours for the eight raw food and 12 hours for the a without table next thing we're going to do is an ability that's exclusive to reviews we can sacrifice dead bodies at a sacrifice spot and actually i guess this is considered a butchering job because she has a burning passion for butchering this girl up rebeans do usually have the bloodlust trait too so they don't mind doing that like in general arabians do have a much higher chance to have that trait but yeah each time we sacrifice these guys we're making bloodstones and we can use these bloodstones to make offerings these offerings are going to increase our soul reap level and right now soul reap is only at two which actually lowers movement and manipulation but it does lower incoming damage when we do increase the soul reap level though she does grow stronger and now she lost the native impacts to manipulation and movement and she did lower her incoming damage taken by five percent to make more offerings though we're gonna start to need more bloodstones and okay that one actually was cheap too we only needed two bloodstones for that one which increased her movement and manipulation by 10 percent and lowered incoming damage by another five to make another offering though we're gonna need oh crap four blood stones and actually the blood god was insulted and that caused an explosion and kawaii waifu is now on fire which is not good hopefully she puts herself out promptly or she's just gonna keep yeah that was not ideal she got some burns it didn't hurt her too bad i've done a test run on this i've never seen that happen where the blood god gets angry but maybe that's a new mechanic that they've added each time we do a sacrifice i believe it doubles the amount of blood stones required for the next sacrifice so we need four next one's gonna be eight and also that was kind of annoying that she got hurt because now she's in minor pain for negative five mood she's still not gonna have a mental breakdown which is good though and yeah we're gonna have her start cleaning up all this mess it's gonna take quite a while to do it though and apparently she wants the butcher and okay we're getting raided by the way we need to get some clothes on so we're gonna strip this girl really fast before we even check out the raid we're gonna wear all this stuff oh nice she had a flak vest too that's really good and now the question is what weapon do we want to use we got a revolver on the ground a light smg and a hand cannon they're all normal i think we're gonna use the hand cannon because it's got longer range and it's decent at long range and actually looking at this raid it's not looking like it's anything too terrifying we got devlin over here with some throwing rocks and kauai waifu already tagged okay we killed devlin alexander and freckles both have melee weapons and so yeah it's looking like we're gonna be able to just kite them and we killed alexander let's see if we kill freckles doesn't really matter would be nice to knock him out potentially i don't know if he's any good i don't really like to check until we knock him out just because if he's got really good stats yeah we killed him if he does have really good trades and we ended up killing him then i would have been sad but this way we will never know when actually that raid was huge being bloodless gives kawai waifu a huge mood boost when she kills someone she has a 28 mood boost now so there's pretty much no chance she's gonna have a mental breakdown and having a mental breakdown with a mod like renmore could be gg because if we got raided while kauai waifu was having a mental breakdown she could not defend herself and that would be it all right it's a new day and we're gonna keep sacrificing these people we got enough bloodstones to do another offering so her soul rape is currently at four which i think was 10 manipulation and movement it's now at 15 and her incoming damage is lowered by 25 this combined with tough combined with the fact that she is built in armor might be a little bit op i don't know if she's gonna actually be able to take damage but this mod is gonna start getting a bit nuts like we're actually getting raided again that was not even that much time later we're on day two now and we're getting raided by i guess a force with 74 combat power only the last one was 119 so they're getting weaker i'm not sure the exact reasoning for that i guess it's just a little bit of rng as to the combat power of whatever force is attacking us yeah while we wait for the raiders we're just going to butcher up these insects and this ave and we're butchering quick because that butchering speed we could have also built a butchering table but i don't really care about getting the most amount of stuff out of this because this meat's all going to go bad anyways before we can cook it we still have four meals left i mean i guess we could cook it i don't know our main focus right now though is gonna be getting these prisoners out of this casket and bandaging them up before we do that though we're gonna build a couple of steel beds um yeah we have plenty of steel so it doesn't really matter if we botch which we did not watch the first and we made a poor bed unfortunately and there we go we botched the second and the next one was awful though that's even worse than poor which we'll just have to live with for now we should also make kawaii waifu a bed too let's just get all this stuff out of the way before we have to start managing prisoners to take care of our food needs and then let's just open the first casket even though we're going to get raided very soon we're going to rescue kenzo and we could use glitter world medicine on him i think we will because yeah there was a glitteral medicine in this tome and the thing about glitter world is it's going to really lower the chance that his wounds get infected and if they did get infected then we would have to use even more glitter rolled on them and we don't want that so we're going to use two glitter worlds on his cuts and then as far as this crack i don't think we need to use glue ruled on it we'll just use a regular bandage on his spine and yeah he's tended up with decent 10 qualities 130 on the right arm and 130 on the left foot i thought the max 10 quality was 100 but i guess they changed it recently which i'm a fan of because before i didn't feel like there was enough advantages for using glitter world we're now going to section off this room a bit we're going to make a temporary storage area just so we can gather all this stuff and we're getting raided now they're going to prepare for a while though so yeah we don't have to worry about them just yet we're not going to have kawai waifu haul everything inside this area and the reason we're doing that is because all this stuff is lowering the beauty of the room and we want our prisoners to be in a really beautiful room or they're not prisoners yet but they probably will be soon if they don't decide to join us all right the raiders have now decided to invade us and again they only have melee weapons so we're not going to be too worried about this whole thing we're just going to kite them and take them off very easily it's actually nice that we're getting this many raids because not only is it improving kawai waifu's mood oh and we got a guest by the way it's good they didn't get hit by the raiders that was actually kind of close but every time we kill a raider it's boosting kwa waifu's mood it's now at plus 37 for quite a while she can also sacrifice them for bloodstones we now have a guest and we can try to entertain her and if she has a really good time she might end up joining us unfortunately she is incapable of social so i don't think we can make friends with her so yeah we're just gonna send her away there's really no point of even worrying about that besides we don't really have a guest room made anyways we need this other bed for our thrombonian which we're gonna rescue now ross who actually is awake now he's also bandaging his own wounds too that's not ideal i mean he's gonna survive probably but yeah he's now gonna get up and try to run we can't allow that we're gonna try to take him out but we don't want to kill him is the only thing and kenzo actually ended up joining us very nice this dude with his 16 medical skill is going to join us the only thing though is i really wanted this thrombonia and i didn't really care that much about kenzo we could just try to arrest ross i guess i don't even think about that we can just arrest them and there's a hundred percent chance i guess for doing this so yeah we're just gonna do that and the ancients are all hostile with us ross does have 13 resists which actually isn't that much kenzo only is too social though waifu has three so it's going to take a while to get that 13 resist down so we're gonna have to be here for quite a while i guess we're not gonna be able to move anytime soon it's a new day and we got a new quest it's a quest that you always get at the start of the game where you got to protect someone that's being chased by a tiny little animal the tula actually has the ability word of love and we're going to try using this on ross and we're going to make him fall in love with kauai waifu but ross is actually a female never mind we're going to make ross fall in love with kenzo i guess and this gave ross a huge opinion boost towards kenzo which is going to help their relations every time kenzo tries to talk to ross he's going to be able to get through more of ross's resistance so ross will end up joining us easier especially if kenzo start chatting with ross right now well kawaii waifu takes on this tiny little cactupine it's actually kind of tanky we've had shot a few times with this light smg it's not going down i mean it will go down eventually but usually it's just like a beagle or something that attacks you yeah this thing was quite the tank and we ended up knocking it out it's gonna bleed out in five hours we're just gonna let it bleed out i guess and we completed the quest we now have to do a bestowing ceremony they sent a bunch of these heavily armed dudes to us to do the ceremony and that gave waifu the human title and she picked up this ability chunk skip which we can use to send a bunch of rocks to a location we can use these for cover or we can just use this ability to send rocks to a location and we can use them for crafting it's been a few more days and kauai waifu wants to name our faction kwai waifu's winches i guess we're okay with that and she wants to name our settlement craps town which this is kind of a crappy town so okay it's not like we're gonna be here forever anyways we are gonna move as soon as ross is recruited and speaking of which kenzo is actually talking to ross right now let's see how much resist he can get down by talking to her ross does have a 57 opinion of kenzo 58 now that should help yeah he's getting down 0.5 resists each time he talks to her ross's mood is not extremely good i guess she's an undergrounder so she doesn't care about being in the dark she's a transhumanist though so she's gonna have that negative four mood until we give her a artificial body part she also got insulted i don't know who did that and she's also in serious pain because she still does have all these injuries but none of them got infected which is kind of surprising her room is really clean though it's at zero cleanliness which is good that's the best we can do right now i will say our cooking room actually is above zero cleanliness and that's because of these steel tiles they actually improve cleanliness above zero kenzo who recently joined us his mood's not in the best place he is a mass kiss though so when he has injuries it actually gives him a mood boost he's also sweaty apparently i guess it's pretty hot indoors 81 we should probably build a cooler inside he also has recreation unfulfilled so he could just do a little bit of recreation if we build a horseshoe pin outside we could also make him a tribal ware there was another one of those big lizard beasts outside and it had died to something i don't know what but quite wife who just grabbed it butchered it up and she's gonna turn it into a tribal ware which will then give to kenzo and that is boosting's mood he also wants to consume some ambrosia i guess someone dropped this i think it was the traitor that got killed earlier and that's going to boost his chemical meter due to the fact that ambrosia is a drug he does have a chemical interest so we gotta keep that chemical meter up and yeah after doing that the dude's now in a really good mood and that's unfortunate kawaii waifu apparently poisoned the meals because she's an incompetent cook even though she's got seven cooking that's pretty unlucky it is good that ross ended up getting the food poisoning though so now we know that these 10 simple meals are actually food poisoned or at least some of them are when you cook four simple meals at a time it will poison all those meals so it sucks to do but we're gonna have to dump all these meals and we're gonna have to just cook some more oh and okay that's what i was worried about all these elephants ended up revenging when we just attacked one and that's what happens when you attack animals that are in a herd thankfully though kwai waifu is quicker than these things i believe and with running gun yes our gun is slowing us down a little bit when we're firing while moving but since we're using a light smg it's not slowing us down by that much kwai waifu butchered up one of the elephants we got a bunch of meat and we've been making a few meals out of it we already got 13. meanwhile we're gonna have kenzo come over here and learn this skill trainer mining which we found in the tome and this thing has a market value of 750 so it's increasing our wealth and when kenzo does learn this i think it's going to increase his market value but not by much his market value went from 1475 to 1560 because his mining went from level 11 to level 15. his market value only went up by like 80 bucks though versus the market value that skill trainer was 750 so yeah we just lowered our wealth and the dude got a boost to his mining i don't know if we want to do any mining here just yet because we're not going to be here for much longer or maybe that's even more of a reason to have him start mining we're going to mine out all the compacted machinery from the map and he's going to mine this really quickly with his 15 mining skill meanwhile we actually ended up getting raided by some reviews and it would be nice to maybe capture some of these guys if we don't kill them all and there's also some travelers here i think they're throwing yeah they're thrombotians so we're actually just going to try to draw the raiders over to these thrombonians which we were successful at doing two of them are over here now and we're going to try to just hopefully have one of the thrombodiums get knocked out and the crap kenzo is not a good place but he's fine part of me is actually wondering if we should help out the raiders take out these thrombonians here because these things are pretty useless to trade with thrombonians are tribal and so they're not going to have that much good stuff they're from the iridoa union and like they're not that far away so we could do some trading with them but i don't think we want to anyways because yeah they're tribal if we do end up attacking them though i don't think we can do any hospitality events with them like we're not going to get any guests coming from them but if we are able to knock some of them out here with the help of these reviews we could get some really nice thermonium prisoners so yeah we're going to do it i give kauai waifu the light smg she also has a revolver yep they're really pissed off about that relation is lowering by quite a bit and now they're hostile and crap they're all going to attack us now i think or this girl is going to run maybe but yeah we're just going to hope we can take on we need to take out the both ramonion first we're hitting her a bunch but like we're doing no damage to her she is extremely tanky and crap here comes in all pockets this thing gonna shoot at us or i mean try to hit us yeah it's charged us and okay wait who got knocked out here two reviews actually got knocked out here did any thrombonians though no i don't think so and the rest of them are running i think we really would like to just take this girl out and then take on the rest of these thumbnails they're actually kind of injured wait yeah let's get these guys on us too this is good and yeah waifu's getting tagged by the bow but it's doing no damage because we got armor and then we got like that built-in armor which i guess is kind of op we've gotten hit in like four times and it's done nothing and one of the reviews got up and they ended up getting killed this girl is gonna be dead by the way she's got so many wounds she's gonna bleed out in seven hours and that's the problem with thrombonians is that it's really hard to knock these guys out and when you finally do they have so many injuries that you gotta bandage up so yeah this one's pretty hopeless like i don't know how many more rounds we need to pump into it but it's really not wanting to go down let's just hope we can try to aggro these other guys to us oh crap he kim's getting close to waifu she's really quick though now i don't know if this is the best gun too by the way we have a hand cannon maybe we should pull that out and try to start using that because it's going to do more damage i don't know if that's going to help we should also just run away from the bow girl there's no reason to keep getting hit like that you stay outside of our range and just aggro these guys to us and nice we knocked out ekim that's really good is he any good though he's trigger happy and he's a psychopath misandrist does not like men it's a girl i guess so a ranged thrombonian kind of goes against the idea of a thrombonia and they're really tanky melee characters ideally but this could work still i just realized the one we were attacking doom and glow is tough so that's why she was taking basically no damage i think we're just going to capture ecom before she gets back up because thrombonians get back up really easily we could maybe have kenzo come over here and try to capture ikem while waifu tries to finish off doom and glow and knock her out even though if we do knock out doom okay we did knock her out the only problem is that she's got i feel like a hundred injuries so i don't know if we're gonna be able to save her this might have been a mistake i really hope ekim does not get back up here and then ocean's on the ground by the way i forgot about ocean she's apparently frail though which is a horrible trait so i don't even feel like we'd want to save ocean i think we're just gonna let ocean bleed out and let's see if kenzo can make it before ekim gets up nice we made it okay phew we're now gonna have kwai waifu try to start stabilizing up dumen glow and she's really not gonna help much here he's apparently no longer incapable of walking by the way she would have gotten up and she's gonna bleed out in four hours like these thrombonians are just so beastly domingoolow's only got four hours i kim's only got six though so we might have to choose who we want to save here and what i don't want to do is like try to save dumengelo and then we can't bandage her her wounds are just too much and she ends up bleeding out and then say like waifu has been tending up eekim but she's only got five medical what if waifu doesn't save ikem and then kenzo can't save domingo so do go for the greedy play and have kawai waifu try to stabilize up ekim and then we use like the glitter world on dumenglow we could use the glitter world on both we only have six left though we'll see how this first ten goes if it affects anything yeah it's really not affecting much diminglo's got three but we're about to tend her with glottal world that's gonna change it up to five that went down to four really fast actually i will say waifu is tending really quickly because her manipulation's so high she's got 125 manipulation and that's actually allowing her to attend these wounds up very quickly he comes now got seven hours left domenglo's got six still after dumping ford glitter world on domenglo i think that's enough we'll just save the last two because she's got seven hours left ecom's got seven i think we're gonna be able to save them both which is completely awesome yeah 11 hours on ekim domingo still got seven we got a ten nine smg wounds by the way we already tended 16 to the torso and then ross got up ross is confused as to what's going on right now they could all turn on us by the way right now if they wanted to and they could just destroy us and take over our base but i guess they're not that smart ross is also part of a different faction too ross is a part of the ancients all these guys are a part of the iridoa union and it looks like it's going to take 15 resists for ekim de menglo who does have 10 hours left she will survive she has 21 resists that's going to take quite a while we don't really have anyone that's amazing at social either i was thinking about focusing kua waifu on being good at social and by the way kwai waifu is in a horrible mood so is kenzo well that's not good why waifu had some insect jelly in her inventory we're gonna have her eat that really fast someone's gonna boost her food and recreation and yeah that should save her from having a mental breakdown meanwhile kenzo will have him eat the rest of the insect jelly i guess that's going to boost his food by a bit and he should be okay now he's just tending up some of the smaller wounds he tends those really quickly i guess if they're smaller ones and yeah domenglo is in no immediate danger anymore the only danger is two people could have a mental breakdown why waifu i think we're just gonna have you go sleep because yeah eekim actually is not bleeding anymore and very nice her mood is above mental break threshold so she's not going to mental breakdown and then domingo is not bleeding anymore so kenzo is good to just go eat and then sleep she also clean the blood here too so their wounds don't get infected there's a much higher chance that they get infected with all those blood in the room and then this bedpan too let's clean that out but yeah so if these guys who end up joining us they're actually really solid thrombonians like him being trigger happy lowers her aiming time by 50 and thrombone and fury actually lowers aiming time by 10 when they're really angry and this thermodian fury gets higher the more injured they are it also lowers pain too which i guess that's why they get up so easily and the domingo is actually furious because he's got so many wounds his aiming time is reduced by 40 percent so he could potentially get like a 90 reduced saving time when she's really injured which is not something we ever want to happen but it could come in pretty clutch like if we're just getting completely steamrolled over yeah ecom's gonna be a really good fighter it's not gonna happen around base though because she's a psychopath so no one's gonna want to socialize with her everyone's gonna hate her and she really hates men i feel like she's gonna be a liability to have her own camp we can have her do caravan runs though and she can help protect the caravan and thrombones actually can carry a lot so we can just have her be like our pack animal probably and just have her do caravan runs she's also got a little bit of social too so she can do all the negotiating for now and then dumanglo is tough and she has some shooting in melee so she's gonna be a good fighter and she's also good at crafting an intellectual so she can be a researcher and she can also craft she's also too smart as well so she's gonna learn crafting extremely fast and intellectual pretty fast it's basically like she has a burning passion for intellectual plus a little bit more we're going to have kawai waifu now sacrifice some of those revvings that died earlier they're going to give us two bloodstones a piece i guess and we now have 10 i think it was eight right that we needed and yeah eight bloodstones were offered up to the gods we're now at soul reap six and i'm kind of wondering if it was intended for us to start with soul reap two so i tested it out and you can't start at soul reap zero soul reap one and two both cost one bloodstone i was just thinking that it felt like we got to slow rape six really quickly like we're already getting plus 20 movement and manipulation and our incoming damage is already lowered by 30 i feel like it could be nerfed a little bit a wanderer just joined us randomly not sure we need this guy though he does have a lower mental break threshold they can already see and he's apparently a nudist because he's got constrained clothes on it doesn't look like he's got anything on but he does have some jeans and some ballistic goggles those are actually really nice they lowered aiming time not that koi waifu needs any less aiming time this guy overall is pretty useless he could do intellectual though i guess i just don't know if we want to even set up a research bench yet in this area because like i said we're gonna try to leave soon we're gonna make the kid a better role out of some of this lizard skin we got we made a good one very nice and we loaded him up with a bunch of random goods that we had just lying around on a caravan there's actually this option we can have him force march and we can actually have a move at night that's one of the simplest mods that i don't know why that has not been designed until now and actually that's not good there is a hostile scouting party coming in from the north we're gonna have this guy try to evade them and we're gonna hope that he can those guys are heading for our colony and crap looks like we got ambushed by five nords people from the ant clan they want 46 bird skin and 19 gold we'll just give it to them i guess that was the scouting party that actually ambushed them that's so cool actually that the enemy raiders encountered our caravan like yeah it sucks that that happened but that's a really cool mechanic they've added to the game with this rim war mod but yeah the scouting party made it over to our colony and they're actually attacking us over holy crap we actually headshot that guy it said they were attacking with the power of 300 and like this guy actually has some really good armor i kind of wish we were able to take him out but he's running like a little pansy i think the reason why their power was so high is because this guy's a really good chess piece its market value is 555 and yeah it's a bummer that the dragonfly slayer his name is he couldn't be more manly but he's not a dragon slayer he's only a dragonfly slayer so yeah it makes sense that he's not more courageous i guess i'm not sure if this was a mistake we ended up attacking this boulder mid and we pumped i want to say well we got 25 injuries on its shell plus 23 more that's 50 rounds right there we pumped into this thing and this thing is just not wanting to go down we didn't make it to the nearby colony by the way with malowitz the kid who just joined us and we loaded him up with a bunch of insect meats we're gonna sell all that it's gonna go bad soon we're gonna sell this lizard skin this chitin this plant skin all these advanced components we don't need them right now and then we just got a bunch of random weapons and like these elephant tusks and stuff and actually this is quite a bit of cash so we're gonna pick up here 800 silver a little bit even more if those raiders did not steal our gold they didn't really have anything we wanted so we're just gonna take that 800 silver and we're gonna save it for now and finally we knocked out the boulder mid i don't even think we get that much from butchering this thing that was totally not worth i'm pretty sure let's see we get from butchering it a lot yeah it's these chunks you get a bunch of chunks and then you get a little bit of meat 29 boulder mint meat that was a huge waste now we got a bunch of chunks in our stockpile area that we gotta get rid of oh wow and we got some lovers our prisoner ross and kenzo are now lovers which is awesome they have really good relations with each other too i don't know if this was a recent feature they've added but i'm pretty sure now the recruiter and the prisoner get relation with each other when they talk because yeah even though kenzo has a negative three opinion of domingo that's because she's apparently disfigured she's got a permanent gunshot injury in her brain oh no that's something that we did too that's unfortunate it's not a bad injury though thrombonians have really tanky parts and it's only lowering her efficiency by seven percent but that affects everything so if at all possible we would like to cure that one thing we could actually do is give her some luciferium that would cure that injury we then have two people that we have to feed luciferium two every six days though oh and freaking ecam has an injury in her brain too it's lowering her efficiency by 13 it's actually a worse one it's three people now we kind of want to give luciferium to because that's one of those injuries where i don't even know if we can cure it because it's a brain injury we're going to do it and that's going to add a bit of a challenge i guess to see if we can keep everyone alive with the luciferian addictions that they have now it does say that dumingolo will be unhappy if we administer luciferium to her though because she's a body purist body purist just means that she doesn't like artificial body parts but luciferian is not a artificial body part it's a drug i don't know why she would be unhappy if we gave that to her i'm gonna do a little test though so if we force her to take luciferium she gets this negative 20 moodlet for six days she's a body purist she would never be forced to take luciferian by choice she was forced she feels unclean i'm wondering if when she does join us we can make her take it and she won't be negatively impacted and we're gonna find that out in the next episode if you guys saw my recent league video i was talking about how i'm doing kind of a like slash engagement competition and whatever videos are getting more likes and engagement and views and all that stuff i'm gonna be focusing more on those so if you guys do want to see another episode soon then drop a like in a comment i'm also kind of unsure if we're gonna keep the legendary trait if it's looking like it's too op then we'll drop it for a combo of some other traits that are strong but i don't know the armor seems like it might be a little bit broken we will be testing out in the next episode and yeah with that i want to thank you all for watching i will see in the next one
Channel: trmplays
Views: 330,329
Rating: 4.8896971 out of 5
Keywords: Rimworld 1.2, Rimworld New Update, RimWorld Honor Bestowed, rimworld new expansion, Rim War, RimWar, trmplays, RimWorld best mods, RimWorld mod, RimWorld Speedrun, rimworld update, AGDQ, GamesDoneQuick, games done quick, speedrun, Rimworld Gameplay, Rimworld Let's Play, rimworld sseth, rimworld challenge, rimworld review, video game, the spiffing brit, rts, sims 1, sims 2, sims 3, sims 4, the sims, kenshi, mount & blade
Id: ikA28TPlHpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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