Ultimate Rimworld Races Mods Guide ( Which is better? tips and tricks )

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well that was a good power nap wonder where i ended up this time uh are you friendly racist sometimes you want to bring a little more variety to your rimworld experience beyond your normal human bonds what with their squishy bodies and desires for tables to eat on but what races should you add to your playthroughs this list will compose of 10 races and why you should include them and tips on how to utilize them properly also do note there are plenty of races that aren't in this list so post your comments down below of any good races we missed this episode and maybe we can make a follow follow-up of things that can kill me and my pawns uh before we begin maybe listen about our sponsor while we get all this cleaned up monster legends is a free-to-play game for android and ios with our special download link in the description below i've been playing it for a few days and i can say it is definitely addicting one of my favorite parts of the game has been monster breeding you can take two powerful monsters and combine them to get one super powerful monster feeding monsters is pretty entertaining too when you run out of food you can always get more from your farms after you finish feeding your monsters you can prep them for battle this game has pvp and dungeons and an adventure map you can fight your friends too the game has new events each week to keep the game fresh and exciting with new adventures and things to discover download the game to the link in the description to get these free rewards worth 18 50 000 food one thunder nix monster and 300 000 gold wait kill me and my pawns not again if you like this kind of content remember to like and subscribe seriously youtube algorithms are clueless in some of the modded storytellers go away we'll talk about you in a later video shoot right android tears by atlas with a random kiwi adding and maintaining the mod do you like machines do you wish your colonists will shut up about their pathetic existence do you wish you could reenact the terminator do you want to live with the homicidal super powerful android this mod provides you the ability to recruit or even craft with the right technology tears of robotic pawns with the first tiers being soulless machines who just live to serve all the way to fifth years hating everything but themselves of course there is more to this mod than just pawns you can make robotic farm animals who can make supplies for your colony with the android tiers dx expansion mod you can make terminator units or fight them you also have the ability to upload your colonist mines into surrogates or into the cloud now you can use the robots to keep your colonists out of harm's way some of the other benefits is that while lower tiers aren't as good as higher tiers they won't have mood issues the higher the tier the more human they will become as implied earlier the fifth tier android by church juice while not as big as the android tiers mod don't let that fool you this mod can still give you some fun this mod will provide you with three types of pawns first is your basic droid pawn who you can find kits in shops to assemble yourself they can't gain any skills but their base skills are good enough that they will fit into just about any role in your county just make sure you have a power supply for them they can and will die without power next is the battle droid not for labor but combat if you need another hand to deal with the oncoming tribal raid and you don't have a chinchilla horde to swarm then this might be enough to turn the tide finally the actual android they act like normal pawns with a few exceptions they tend to have better endurance of elements and once you have the right technology you can customize your own android and make it yourself though be warned the cost for some of the more game breaking bonus features for androids can be very costly oh and do be careful of the black box edition any droid with one when they die will go out in an anti-matter blaze of glory and did i mention sometimes enemy or ally androids have this yeah have fun next we have logan's and arachne races logan made by zen but continued by millie wait him again yes he really is busy bringing back racists while the arachne races is made by moronic you might be wondering why i'm putting these two together one important trait regeneration both of these races key features is their ability to regenerate wounds the logans are a wolverine race who have different tiers of regeneration not unlike a copyrighted marvel character and each tier will bestow a different rate and power of regeneration with one helping with fixing your wounds to x quite literally having your pawn reenact that scene in dragon ball z with piccolo this makes higher tiered logans much easier to take care of combat wise as they can heal their wounds even without resting and without any medicine saving you time and resources now the arachne races are a bit different while the logan have tears of healing ability their acne have one set level meaning they can and will keep fighting and fighting while healing definitely scary when you made them angry however there is a big weakness to them they hate heat that's right if you have one in the colony you will have to take better care of her otherwise she will always be upset for being in the heat and while they like animals they don't garden very well nor are very good social wise must be the fact they are giant spiders but the jury is out on that one but they are also good at handling the cold and toxic fallout but keep in mind they also are psychically more sensitive and given they also are good at melee fighting let's hope they don't get a berserk mental break though as an added benefit you could have a cyber spider due to having more legs really both races are good especially if you are looking for more candidates to act as melee walls in defenses although thinking about combat that reminds me of another kind of warrior race thrombonians originally by nahari and now taken care of by terrigen taketh rambo make it humanoid now give it a good base stats oh and also give it a berserkers rage that's the thrombonians in a nutshell shrimponians are a tribal race who can be both a blessing and a curse upon your land they are strong tend to have good traits and in combat are easily worth five other counters but that's the problem this is a faction that you should go out of your way to keep happy because otherwise you will have angry furries at your door and you don't want angry furries at your door trust me you don't want angry furries at your door there is also the fact they are worth a lot of money wealth-wise but their stats and combative prowess might be worth randy deciding to send you harder rates it's all up to you in the end moving on to the next race of course today we are focusing on the predator race and why you want them in your colony first off they are stronger and faster than humans sure they do prefer warmer climates but this is easily done for them but something else they want the hunt yes predators want to hunt prey which allows them to blood themselves or lorewise mark their kills on themselves normally in the lore it would only be the acid blood of a xenomorph but mechanically here it can be any living thing there is even a whole mechanic that has certain animals even modded ones to have a level meaning if your blood higher you will get more joy also i should mention that if you have a predator in your colony you can have it mock your non-predator colonist kills it's definitely a good reward for going out of your way to hunt those dangerous beasts really you can't go wrong with this mod and if you want to only play with predators of xenomorphs there is a good mod option to turn on or off any aspects of the mods so you don't have to worry about those hr geiger it can't be a list of good races without talking about one of the more famous ones from jacksell the rim of madness vampire and werewolves both revived by john and karo and mili either one is a great addition to your game if you are looking for overpowered pawns with major cavits they are monsters after all fun fact they are based on the abilities of vampires and werewolves of the world of darkness and the vampire the masquerade with a bit of lore and abilities from some of the other world of darkness spin-offs meaning their abilities can be familiar to you if you are a fan vampires naturally drink blood are resistant to normal weaponry and of course burn in sunlight like bacon they also can drain other vampires to improve their own strength but what about werewolves well they are big furry monsters who are tough to kill and tougher to keep under the control of a full moon they don't like silver so i recommend getting a machining table up and use the silver treatment to make sure your weapons can actually hurt them other than that both of these races use similar leveling up and skill systems on from something monstrous to something more more alien trista lloyd's race by atomic ravioli which as you might guess by the name are a race of crystal beings they are divided into two sub-races the normal crystalloids and the valkyries both characterized by better toxic sensitivity long lights and extremely psionic though for that last one be warned about mental brakes as both of them are far worse mental thresholds using crystals you can make special guns generators that use psionic energies to power your base and even construct creatures now i can save in chinchilla swarms with my own personal crystal zerg rush this mod does a good job being a race mod cool concept very fun research and can fit in plenty of playthroughs i recommend to bend it for sci-fi playthroughs for sure as i've mentioned before there are plenty of games that are like rimmeled one of which being kenchi but what if you want to bring your kenshi play through to the rim now you can with sharpedo dress man's ketchy mod list now you can have any of these lovely pods helping out in your colony uh yes so the shacks is slightly slower than normal humans in laboring or movement but in return for that they have their own natural defenses making them great for holding the line the hivers are an insectoid like race who um it would appear there isn't much info on the steam page about what exactly they can do but what i do know kenshi wise is they aren't the strongest of the species but they can swarm you word to the wise stay out of the fog lands finally the skeletons the mechanized pawns who don't eat much and possibly could use some oil for their joints naturally being robotic they have their bit of natural defenses and their own biology medical wise but they are in essence a normal pawn oh i would be remiss if i didn't mention the kenshi armory mod by gemmy negen which provides plenty of well done catchy arms and armor for your country races you always have to look part for these sort of things you know you have to look the part alrighty one last time i'm going to tell you all about today's sponsors monster legends we wouldn't be able to bring you new videos every week if it weren't for our sponsors so do them a solid and check out the link in the description below monster legends is a really fun game i've been playing it a lot over the last few days and i've really really enjoyed myself it reminds me of the good old days when we played pokemon on the game boy pokemon red anyone who still has it tell me in the description down below who still has pokemon red if you download the game with the link below you'll get a bunch of free stuff including 300 000 gold a fire next 50 000 food what are you waiting for it's free stuff it's worth 18 dollars apparently so many races and the thing is they aren't the only ones there are plenty of different race mods for you to choose so like i said earlier post a comment any good race mods we missed and we might be able to make a follow-up episode to this i want to thank all patreon supporters and any and all comments even you ted now click on another video
Channel: Noobert
Views: 48,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, rimworld, rimworld races, engi, rockman, thrumbonian mod, rimworld race mods, rimworld factions mod, rimworld tips and tricks, rimworld guide, rimworld mod guide, rimworld how to, Rimworld Xbox, Rimworld Ps4
Id: cO6CiON2i1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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